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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



(earlier, before Dashie came in)

Jack sat there for awhile, annoyed at how the team owner wouldn't let him back out, but glad to see that he seemed to take a liking into him.

"I like a fiery driver," Trent said to him.

"So... what does this mean?" Jack responded, "Are... you considering me for a ride, even if it's just part time?"

Trent took a bit more of a serious tone here.

"What gave you that idea?" Trent asked. "You've got your hands full with NASCAR."

(For dinner tonight is a freshly baked batch of feels! Dinner's a bit late, but I don't care. Cue music, since it fits rather well here. :P)



"You were always a man Ryan could trust," Jack responded, "A great man that he swore by."

"Now kid, what makes you think I'm any different from the other IndyCar team owners, like Roger Penske, Chip Ganassi, hell, even the Andretti's?"

"Look, it's not just for me," Jack explained, "When Ryan McKane left us at LeMans in 2007, he left nothing but debts and empty promises for my kid brother and my family after my parents split. I'm not doing this for myself; I wouldn't go and bust my ass, scraping the bottom of the barrel taking one-off deals in the motorsport world just for myself! I'm not that kind of person! You say you're just like the other team owners, well, I'm not like most of the drivers. I have a cause, a cause that extends over more than just wealth and personal gain! It's a matter of keeping my family together."

Trent let in a sigh, letting everything Jack said sink in. Trent had never been in a position like Jack's, and with such a promising driver in front of him, how could he turn him away? He felt for him, he liked him, but it just wasn't what Trent was wanting with a driver. He needed someone to race the number 60 car, but such a loose cannon like Jack? He's got a mission, but too much of a mission, according to Trent.

"If I were to take on another racer," Trent said to Jack, putting an arm on his shoulder, "He'd have to... be something..."

Trent had a difficult time formulating his words.

"I've seen many a driver race with broken ribs, brains rattling, and their eyeballs popping out of their goddamn heads (OOC: all exaggerations, of course, although a certain driver (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Rudd#1981.E2.80.931987) did race with his eyes taped open once). I guess what I'm saying is that while lots of drivers race passionately for their own reasons... you're not ready for such an endeavor yet. You need to take a step back, and just think about where you stand in this world. You've got a long way to go before you go and put your life on the line for your family. With the way your mind is going, you'll end up pushing yourself too far for your family."

"Too far?!"

"Yes. Too far. You'll end up in a position where you won't be able to race anymore, and you'll leave them with even more 'broken promises,' something you'd have to put up with for the rest of your life."

Of course, Jack knew that he was still a rookie in the higher leagues of NASCAR. However, with his point lead and high finishes, he felt that he was better than what Trent saw him as.

"What the hell do you know about losing a family?!" Jack said sternly, "I will take whatever actions I see fit!"

"And that's exactly what I'm worried about," Trent responded in a far calmer voice, noticing the anger and frustration built up in the young driver, "People your age don't compete in some of the world's most dangerous sporting events just for their families. It is a noble thing, but I can't let a young driver like you ruin his potential by burning himself out, or putting him in unnecessarily risky positions. That's all I really believe, and I think what I said is enough."

Jack took this information in, and fell back on the bed.

"I feel for you," Trent then added, "I have your back. That's why I don't want you to overwork yourself, kid. IndyCar would just be... too much of a risk... A risk you would not want to take. Godspeed..."

Trent gave Jack a man-hug before walking out the door, leaving a sullen Jack in the room. Just then, however, Rainbow Dash and walked in.

"Oh... Rainbow..." Jack responded, "The car's... too damaged for me to continue..."

He was not telling the truth here, obviously, but he figured since she missed the conversations, it would go over her head. In reality, all the car needed was for the rear toe to be fixed, but Jack wouldn't be climbing back into it regardless.


(If you can correctly guess the videogame I loosely based this scene off of, you win a lifetime supply of cookies!)




The secretary looked up from her computer screen at Dennis, simultaneously flying her hands across the keyboard, fetching the data.

"I don't know about this 'Rainbow' person," she responded, "Can't say I've heard that kind of a name before. But Preybird? He's in room M104."

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes

"It's fine, Flutters." Colette responded as she took her hand, squeezing it lightly. Colette already knew this, but damn, was Fluttershy ever cute when she blushed!

"Yeah, let's go see how Brash's doing. I swear, that mare can't go five minutes without getting into trouble! We gotta do something with 'er!”


@@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


Colette led the butter yellow Pegasus down to the others just as her father and Charles had rejoined the group. “Hey guys, Flutters and I are gonna head on over to check in on Jack and Dummy. Anyone wanna come with??”
((Shitty post, but I wanna get the others active again.))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Fluttershy felt quite safe following Colette through the throng, even though there were people everywhere creating a terrible confusion...much like her first days in the hospital, when she'd been scared to so much as go down the hallway for fear of doing something wrong. But here she had a guide who knew what she was doing. It felt so nice.




"Aww that's stupid!" Rainbow Dash slumped back back on her hips. "You can't just--fix the stupid thing? It wasn't your fault!"


(OOC: I don't seem to know what to do either...let's think about sending these ponies home. At least get those agents in here and start tazing people!)

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes


"It's fine, Flutters." Colette responded as she took her hand, squeezing it lightly. Colette already knew this, but damn, was Fluttershy ever cute when she blushed!


"Yeah, let's go see how Brash's doing. I swear, that mare can't go five minutes without getting into trouble! We gotta do something with 'er!”


@@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


Colette led the butter yellow Pegasus down to the others just as her father and Charles had rejoined the group. “Hey guys, Flutters and I are gonna head on over to check in on Jack and Dummy. Anyone wanna come with??”

((Shitty post, but I wanna get the others active again.))

@HypnoticD, @Dawn Stripes, @Pripyat Pony, @Meteorite, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Regin Red Talon, @Nioniosbbb, @00Pony.


"Sure I will come since Rarity want to see her anyway and find something to eat in that hospital since they do have a restaurant there." Charles saying


(OOC: Most hospitals do have a Restaurant inside too)


"I will go too and since my Uncle is going." Nick saying as he was taking his tablet and then began to draw something too while walking.

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



(There are restaurants in hospitals, but in this, it's not a full-on hospital. It's more or less like a neighborhood clinic)


"There's more to it," Jack groaned, "It's... hard to explain right now."

He noticed a bruise across Rainbow Dash's face, and leaned inward a bit.

"Say... where the hell did you get that bruise?" he asked, "You weren't... fighting anybody, were you?"




Twilight walked along with the group, frustrated at Rainbow Dash for her foolish actions.

"I sure hope she doesn't end up getting in more trouble in the hospital," Twilight said, "Next thing we know, she destroys something, and turns a bunch of innocent people into vegetables."

She shook her head as she walked along with the group.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Artisan barely held back a small chuckle, "While teaming up is beneficial, we hardly have to worry about the NSA. They're not really the intelligence super power they want everybody to believe."


She leans against the nearest support, inspecting her hand lazily as she speaks, "The only reason your agencies know about myself and my colleagues is my employer contacting your employers. The NSA isn't something we need worry about."


Artisan glances up from her hand and locks Jameson in her stare, "Is there anything more you wish to discuss, or may I get going? I do have a job to do, after all," - she glances down at the phone in her other hand, and taps a few commands on it before reading something. A sitrep from Warlord - "The group of Finders and Equestrians are on the move." She adds, partially to herself.



@@@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony


Ulysses pressed his muzzle against Applejack's cheek when she hugged him. He wasn't fully aware why, but he still enjoyed the gesture. His tail began to wag against the back of his seat as Logan came back, scratching the dog's ear before sitting down and crossing his hands in front of his chin and resting his elbows on his knees. The situation had escalated quickly. And just as quickly, been resolved. Jack and Dash had been taken to the track's medical clinic to be looked at for injuries. 


Colette and Fluttershy returned to the group around the same time as Charles, and the man Logan learned was Colette's father returned, stating they were on their way to check on Jack and 'Dummy', asking whether anyone wanted to join them. Logan nodded, standing up and looking back to Applejack and holding out a hand, "What do you say? I'd imagine you'll want to check on your friend."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Artisan barely held back a small chuckle, "While teaming up is beneficial, we hardly have to worry about the NSA. They're not really the intelligence super power they want everybody to believe."


She leans against the nearest support, inspecting her hand lazily as she speaks, "The only reason your agencies know about myself and my colleagues is my employer contacting your employers. The NSA isn't something we need worry about."


Artisan glances up from her hand and locks Jameson in her stare, "Is there anything more you wish to discuss, or may I get going? I do have a job to do, after all," - she glances down at the phone in her other hand, and taps a few commands on it before reading something. A sitrep from Warlord - "The group of Finders and Equestrians are on the move." She adds, partially to herself.



@@@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony


Ulysses pressed his muzzle against Applejack's cheek when she hugged him. He wasn't fully aware why, but he still enjoyed the gesture. His tail began to wag against the back of his seat as Logan came back, scratching the dog's ear before sitting down and crossing his hands in front of his chin and resting his elbows on his knees. The situation had escalated quickly. And just as quickly, been resolved. Jack and Dash had been taken to the track's medical clinic to be looked at for injuries. 


Colette and Fluttershy returned to the group around the same time as Charles, and the man Logan learned was Colette's father returned, stating they were on their way to check on Jack and 'Dummy', asking whether anyone wanted to join them. Logan nodded, standing up and looking back to Applejack and holding out a hand, "What do you say? I'd imagine you'll want to check on your friend."

Applejack nodded, taking his hand. "Yeah...ah wasn't sure what the hay everypony was doin'. It was all topsy turvy. Like with Discord or somethin'...I hope they're all okay..." She walked with him, patting Ulysses head as she got up, knowing that he would follow them. "What are we gonna do about Ulysses?"

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"Yeah. It was all pretty hectic." Logan said as he and Applejack began walking, hand in hand. Ulysses bounded off of the seat, following alongside them at a brisk trot. The officer glanced at his canine upon hearing Applejack's question, "'Lysses? I'll try and see if I can take him into the clinic with us. And if not, I suppose I'll have to leave him outside. The dog's smart and disciplined, he knows not to wander off."


Something she'd said earlier caused him to furrow his brow in thought, before he glanced at her, "So, who exactly is this.. Discord, that you mentioned?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Artisan barely held back a small chuckle, "While teaming up is beneficial, we hardly have to worry about the NSA. They're not really the intelligence super power they want everybody to believe."


She leans against the nearest support, inspecting her hand lazily as she speaks, "The only reason your agencies know about myself and my colleagues is my employer contacting your employers. The NSA isn't something we need worry about."


Artisan glances up from her hand and locks Jameson in her stare, "Is there anything more you wish to discuss, or may I get going? I do have a job to do, after all," - she glances down at the phone in her other hand, and taps a few commands on it before reading something. A sitrep from Warlord - "The group of Finders and Equestrians are on the move." She adds, partially to herself.



@@@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony


Ulysses pressed his muzzle against Applejack's cheek when she hugged him. He wasn't fully aware why, but he still enjoyed the gesture. His tail began to wag against the back of his seat as Logan came back, scratching the dog's ear before sitting down and crossing his hands in front of his chin and resting his elbows on his knees. The situation had escalated quickly. And just as quickly, been resolved. Jack and Dash had been taken to the track's medical clinic to be looked at for injuries. 


Colette and Fluttershy returned to the group around the same time as Charles, and the man Logan learned was Colette's father returned, stating they were on their way to check on Jack and 'Dummy', asking whether anyone wanted to join them. Logan nodded, standing up and looking back to Applejack and holding out a hand, "What do you say? I'd imagine you'll want to check on your friend."

"OK Let go, follow them and I hope you are right." Jameson saying as he was walking with them while thinking about this. Then he was thinking that hope he can work with them and plan make sure CIA get the Pony girls.



Chalres walking with Rarity while he was looking at her and then smiles too.


Nick looking at Pinky and then he smiles. "Want to see my drawings?"

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"Yeah. It was all pretty hectic." Logan said as he and Applejack began walking, hand in hand. Ulysses bounded off of the seat, following alongside them at a brisk trot. The officer glanced at his canine upon hearing Applejack's question, "'Lysses? I'll try and see if I can take him into the clinic with us. And if not, I suppose I'll have to leave him outside. The dog's smart and disciplined, he knows not to wander off."


Something she'd said earlier caused him to furrow his brow in thought, before he glanced at her, "So, who exactly is this.. Discord, that you mentioned?"

"Oh...uh...well...he's a...thingamajig...or somethin'. He broke out once- Princess Celestia trapped him in stone- and he made the whole world crazy. He even made us...stop actin' like friends..." she said, sadly. "He made everythin' go wrong. We beat him though, and eventually ol' Fluttershy taught him to be good."

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Well, that was one optional objective out of the way. Secure a business partner. Or multiple, if you counted Orchestor's tandeming with the FBI or Abernathy's agency. Artisan had no qualms in working with other agencies, though it did leave a lot of loose ends to be tied up. Just so long as the other agencies understood that her own Agency would be taking custody of captured subjects. If they resisted.. Well, there would be problems. That bridge will be crossed when they get there, she decided, and started walking.


It wasn't long before Composer found her and Jameson, falling in step with Artisan. The two agents had developed a sort of sign language, using subtle movements of the body that would normally go unnoticed by others. Composer's question was clear, "Who's this?"


"CIA. He's going to be assisting us for the time being." Was Artisan's 'reply'.







"'Thingamajig'," Logan quotes, chuckling slightly.

He recognized the name Celestia at least. Angie and Samuel had mentioned the 'Princesses' before. Plus Twilight had talked briefly about them herself.


What really surprised him was Applejack's stating that Fluttershy, the timid pink haired girl he'd noticed hanging around Colette, had managed to change the moral standing of what was obviously a creature of immense magical power, if he could shake a friendship like the one Logan had observed between AJ and her friends. He stated as much, "Not to offend or sound harsh, but I'm impressed that Miss Fluttershy managed that. I've not really spoken with her, but she strikes me as the kind who prefers to avoid conflict if she can help it. If the name 'Discord' is any sort of hint, I'd imagine he enjoys creating such things himself."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Well, that was one optional objective out of the way. Secure a business partner. Or multiple, if you counted Orchestor's tandeming with the FBI or Abernathy's agency. Artisan had no qualms in working with other agencies, though it did leave a lot of loose ends to be tied up. Just so long as the other agencies understood that her own Agency would be taking custody of captured subjects. If they resisted.. Well, there would be problems. That bridge will be crossed when they get there, she decided, and started walking.


It wasn't long before Composer found her and Jameson, falling in step with Artisan. The two agents had developed a sort of sign language, using subtle movements of the body that would normally go unnoticed by others. Composer's question was clear, "Who's this?"


"CIA. He's going to be assisting us for the time being." Was Artisan's 'reply'.







"'Thingamajig'," Logan quotes, chuckling slightly.

He recognized the name Celestia at least. Angie and Samuel had mentioned the 'Princesses' before. Plus Twilight had talked briefly about them herself.


What really surprised him was Applejack's stating that Fluttershy, the timid pink haired girl he'd noticed hanging around Colette, had managed to change the moral standing of what was obviously a creature of immense magical power, if he could shake a friendship like the one Logan had observed between AJ and her friends. He stated as much, "Not to offend or sound harsh, but I'm impressed that Miss Fluttershy managed that. I've not really spoken with her, but she strikes me as the kind who prefers to avoid conflict if she can help it. If the name 'Discord' is any sort of hint, I'd imagine he enjoys creating such things himself."

"Oh, Fluttershy has a way with things. She'll surprise ya. She knew just what it took to get to him. Ah regret doubtin' her. She's got a big heart, and she is good at connectin' with other ponies and animals and people...and things. I'm proud of her, as her friend." Applejack smiled, staring off into space in nostalgia.

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Logan watched Applejack's face as she spoke, and the way her smile seemed to just tighten her face. He hummed quietly in acknowledgment, "You've been blessed with an amazing group of friends."


Logan looks back to her, squeezing her hand gently, "Make sure you never lose them, y'hear?"


He continues on in silence for a few more seconds, watching Ulysses trot ahead then bound back a few times. The dog was excited, and energized. With a simple low whistle, or snap of his fingers, Ulysses would transform from an energetic puppy minded, dog shaped slab of muscle into a solid rock of a dog. Logan let the dog remain as he was. It amused him, really.

He decided he'd walked in silence long enough, "So, correct me if I miss something. After we get back to the cars, should we just head out to the mountain from there?"

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@, @, Dennis searches the hospital for a while. He is un-familiar with the area, let alone how the rooms are being organised... he does remember however the M104 number of the room. Everywhere he goes is the familiar smell of "clean-ness" and fresh air calmly blowing from the air-conditioners. It brings back memories... memories of his own time in such places. Past the time he had his father hospitalized in such a place in Greece there were other times he was in a hospital, that were... more pleasant. His aunt was working in a hospital, and it was always a joy to see her. Then there was the time he had optical surgery... he remembers the forced air flowing through his lungs within the tube, his anxiety in trying to wake up, to merely control his breath. Those were some great memories... he was fascinated by the way things worked in human medicine, and wondered what pony medicine could have been, was it like... healing spells and stuff? Potions that *shazam* heal up instantly and stuff? They sure had some crazy diseases... Poison Joke, Cutie Pox e.t.c. While being lost in his thoughts he finally found the room where Jack was... he knocks waiting for an answer.

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"What, this?" Rainbow scoffed. "They cleaned that up, it wasn't nothin'. Just some jerk got in my way while I was trying to make sure you were okay. Don't change the subject! You can't friggin'--"


Knock Knock.


One door squealed open to reveal a few bands of rainbow shades and one magenta. "Who on Earth is--oh, hi Dennis. Come on in."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"That would be correct, yes," Louise replied. "We at the FBI are, rather concerned as I shall put it, about these strange alien beings. Particularly the ones who can change their shape. I'm willing to share information, if you are."






Clare said, firmly, "I'm coming too, and so is Diliges. We shouldn't be separated." Cicada agreed with Clare. There was something about this place that made her hackles rise, and she certainly wasn't about to be left at the stadium.




Rarity and Pinkie were very concerned about Rainbow. Both insisted, Pinkie with an accompaniment of streamers from nowhere, that they wanted to go and see Rainbow at the hospital.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"That would be correct, yes," Louise replied. "We at the FBI are, rather concerned as I shall put it, about these strange alien beings. Particularly the ones who can change their shape. I'm willing to share information, if you are."






Clare said, firmly, "I'm coming too, and so is Diliges. We shouldn't be separated." Cicada agreed with Clare. There was something about this place that made her hackles rise, and she certainly wasn't about to be left at the stadium.




Rarity and Pinkie were very concerned about Rainbow. Both insisted, Pinkie with an accompaniment of streamers from nowhere, that they wanted to go and see Rainbow at the hospital.

@Pripyat Pony, @00Pony, @HypnoticD, @Ragin Red Talon, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Dawn Stripes, @nioniosbbb.


Charles listing to Twilight Raint on Dash while looking at her and smiles. "Let me gust you had some trouble with Rainbow Dash in your world right?"


Nick keep walking as he was drawing Pinky Pie as a pony while looking at her and he want to become a better drawer too while he was keep drawing.

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Logan watched Applejack's face as she spoke, and the way her smile seemed to just tighten her face. He hummed quietly in acknowledgment, "You've been blessed with an amazing group of friends."


Logan looks back to her, squeezing her hand gently, "Make sure you never lose them, y'hear?"

"Yeah, I know," she said with a warm smile.




He continues on in silence for a few more seconds, watching Ulysses trot ahead then bound back a few times. The dog was excited, and energized. With a simple low whistle, or snap of his fingers, Ulysses would transform from an energetic puppy minded, dog shaped slab of muscle into a solid rock of a dog. Logan let the dog remain as he was. It amused him, really. He decided he'd walked in silence long enough, "So, correct me if I miss something. After we get back to the cars, should we just head out to the mountain from there?"

Applejack watched the dog skipping around happily. The cheerful canine almost made her laugh. Then Logan asked a question.

"Yeah. Once we're sure everyone's alright, I'd love to go and...well...go on our date..." she said, blushing slightly as she called it a date.

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"What, this?" Rainbow scoffed. "They cleaned that up, it wasn't nothin'. Just some jerk got in my way while I was trying to make sure you were okay. Don't change the subject! You can't friggin'--"


Knock Knock.


One door squealed open to reveal a few bands of rainbow shades and one magenta. "Who on Earth is--oh, hi Dennis. Come on in."

"Can't be friggin' what?" Jack asked, rather confused. He was trying to change the subject, as he didn't really want to talk out his real world problems with a cartoon character, but still wanted to hear what Dash wanted to say.

"Hey, Dennis," Jack responded as he walked into the room, "What brings you here?"




Twilight sighed as she walked along to the hospital.

"Yes, she's quite a loose cannon back in Equestria," Twilight responded, "Guess things don't change much in this world. Well, aside from the fact that we're humans..."


(Sorry for the shit post)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"You can't...let it stop you!" She waved her hands fruitlessly, trying to convey her frustrated ball of self-righteous emotions. "It's just a pile of metla and whats-it! You're a racer! You're gonna' let one measly bucket of bolts determine whether you do what you were meant to do?"
She leaned in. "If you had a cutie mark, I'm willing to bet it would be a racecar. Unless it was a giant ball of lame, to represent how you give up so easily. It's..." she turned to Dennis, appealing half-desperately. "You're good with the words, man. Help me out?"


The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"You can't...let it stop you!" She waved her hands fruitlessly, trying to convey her frustrated ball of self-righteous emotions. "It's just a pile of metla and whats-it! You're a racer! You're gonna' let one measly bucket of bolts determine whether you do what you were meant to do?"

She leaned in. "If you had a cutie mark, I'm willing to bet it would be a racecar. Unless it was a giant ball of lame, to represent how you give up so easily. It's..." she turned to Dennis, appealing half-desperately. "You're good with the words, man. Help me out?"


"It's... not like that," Jack responded, formulating his words, "If I had my way, I'd be back out on the track. The car is fixable, but... fuck!"

Jack just couldn't get it all across to Rainbow Dash. That, and the fact that she just took a shot straight at his self-confidence and dignity set him off a bit.

"I'm not giving up on anything! I can't!" Jack nearly shouted in an angered tone he rarely used. "Trent just won't give me a chance. Sure he let me test the car, but he thinks that me running Indianapolis next year is going to be 'too stressful' on me. He's helping at me, not with me. And don't even fucking try to label me as a quitter. That's not who I am. A quitter just shrivels up and dies. I'm not that. I see a chance, I take it, but circumstances out of my control prevent me from taking it!"

Jack took some deep breaths, holding back tears from the frustration. He was clearly angry at Rainbow Dash for labeling him as a quitter and a coward. Of course, she's a bit of a loose cannon, but nonetheless, Jack was the farthest thing from a quitter.




Twilight turned to Fluttershy, clearly worried about the safety and well being of her two friends.
"Fluttershy," she asked, "What's the matter? I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be fine."
(Ugh! Must... make... Twilight... more... interesting...)
Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Pripyat Pony,

Abernathy raised an eyebrow at this bit of news. "Oh??" Looking ahead, she saw they were approaching the stand. "Give me a moment, and we'll talk."

Abernathy stepped into the stand, emerging mere moments later, sporting a vendor tray. "Have to look the part. Follow me."

One she was sure Agent Burton was following close behind, she began to divulge what she knew as best she could, as there are a great many civilians.

"As I'm sure you already know, the Ponies have very recently gathered in Racine. This has our organization concerned as well. On top of that, the one called Rainbow Dash is learning about our world and culture at an alarming rate! Add to that, I have the sinking suspicion that a few of these 'Ponies' are forming relationships with the finders, but I need to observe more of this before I can be certain."

They had arrived at the stands just as Abernathy finished speaking. Looking around, she frowned a little, as she did not spot any brightly colored heads. "It looks like we missed them," she sad, before shrugging. "Oh well, it's not like we can't catch up to them!" Abernathy then turned to the other woman, smirking slightly. "Okay, you've heard a bit of my intel. Now let's hear yours. Whaddya got??"

((Just waiting on , so he gets a chance to speak.))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges hummed his agreement, and began to follow after the crowd. Like Cicada, he had a nagging feeling that they were being watched here. Call it paranoia, or call it Changeling instinct. The Captain held out his arms to his Commander, and Finder, giving a slightly amused smile and speaking with a jovial tone, "So lets give this chivalry business a try, shall we?"






Logan couldn't stop himself from chuckling at the way AJ rerouted her speech to call their impending outing a 'date'. He nodded, reaching out with his other hand to tap Ulysses' bushy tail as the dog trotted past to inspect the rest of the group, "Mountain climbing, and I'll see if I can't find a place for you to try your hand at picking an apple. Sounds like a good first date to me."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@,@@Dawn Stripes,  Dennis enters the room and soon realises that Rainbow and Jack are in a heated conversation. From what he hears and what he can guess... Jack is probably not gonna race because of that accident. The accident didn't seem much for him, and Jack wasn't to blame for it, there really seemed to be something more into it. And he was right... this Trent guy sounded like he was concerned about his "mental health"? But what could he truly say to do fix this? Rainbow Dash was asking something he was not sure he could do. Nevertheless he was willing to try, maybe the events weren't set in stone? "Hey buddy... just relax. Nothing is certain yet... just take a deep breath. Maybe you can talk to this Trent guy again,  find some sort of compromise. I won't claim i know you... but it sounds like if you're over-exerting yourself, maybe you need to lay off the steam for a while... relax... take a vacation. For God's sake i am not saying anything about quitting!" he says raising his palms defensively. "My advice is to get in more with your family and friends, you want them supporting you, being there in the races maybe and cheering you on... I bet if Trent saw them there then he'd think you're making some progress fighting your "stress problems". Then you'd have earned his trust once again. Just... don't let the rest of your life fall back in favor of racing okay?" Would what he say even help, or would it be mindless words that hardly mattered from a stranger that barely knew his name? Well... it was better than just standing there watching like an idiot gossiping about it.

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Fluttershy nodded hopefully at Twilight. "Oh, I do hope she will," she said, then, bashfully, "er...I didn't watch what happened. She isn't--hurt--is she?" Fluttershy looked to Colette. "Rainbow Dash is just fine, right? Oh, dear." She sighed at herself. "We'd better just make sure, Twilight. You can never be too safe."


She leaned to Colette's shoulder. "Do you like this racing business?" she half-whispered into her ear. "I didn't hear about anything like this in Scotland, so I don't know if humans do it all the time in this world or not. It's kind of...it's kind of scary." She half-giggled abrasively, looking down again. "I...I took quite a while to get used to cars when I came here. The first ride was so scary! I felt like I was going to fall out." She glanced into Colette's eyes. "You were probably never scared of cars, were you?"



Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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