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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Logan shut Applejack's door once he was sure she was all the way in, then moved around back and waited until Ulysses had plopped himself on the back seat before moving around to the driver's side of the vehicle and finally climbing in himself, shutting the door and starting the engine to the vehicle, silently running through his mental notes of the directions as he backed out of the space and turned the car to face outward before pulling onto the street.


It took about half a minute of driving before Logan noticed AJ's hand placement. Carefully, and without taking his eyes from the road, he resituated his hand placement on the wheel so he was only using one hand, and rested his now freed hand gently on hers, "Food supplies, mountain-picnic, orchard. Sound good?"


He went over the agenda partially to remind himself, and partially just to start a conversation, of a small one. If silence pervaded for to long, he'd maybe out on some music. Problem was he wasn't really sure what her musical tastes were. Well, that's what questions were for, really. He'd ask if or when it came to that.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@ Pripyat Pony
@ Ragin' Red Talon
@ Ryuuguu Rena
@ 00Pony
@ Hypn0ticD
@ Dawn Stripes
@ nioniosbbb

Charles, Nick hop into the helicopter next to Rarity, Pinky Pie while it began to take off too as they enjoying the ride expect for Charles still having his eyes close since he do have a fear of heights problem. As they land Charles and Nick getting off of the helicopter as they heading to the car. Nick get in the backseat of the car while Charles open the Door for Rarity and then he smiles too. "Here you go Rarity."

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette smiled as she sat next to her date, busying herself with her phone so as to not peek at Flutters' sketch. Checking her email, she noticed she was still getting song requests, although many of them were MLP-related now. Shoula expected that! Oh well! Gotta somehow wrangle the laptop from Rainbow Dash and get to cracking on those recordings?? Hey! Maybe Flutter Butter can sit in on the recording?? She could even continue to sketch! Hee hee! Sounded like a plan!


But what if she didn't like it?? What if Colette scared poor Flutters? Knowing the butter yellow Pegasus, it was bound to happen, but thaw of she really, REALLY scared her?? She still hasn't told her about her insane interest in creepypastas and scary games. Hell, she wasn't even sure Rainbow Dash has been through most of them!


Looking up, she saw Rainbow give her a sort of look... What was that about? Ah well! She need her help! She needed Rainbow Dash's help! What the fuck has the world come to?!


@@00Pony, @


"Go on in and start up your laptops or whatever!" Colette called after Angie and Shawn as soon as the Pony Party arrived back at her home. "I shall be in to pwn you shortly!" Colette then pulled Rainbow aside, taking her by the arm and waving to Dennis, promising to give her back. "Flutters, you head on inside as well. I gotta speak to Dash for a sec!"


Colette then led the cyan Pegasus to the back yard, making sure no one else was listening. "Listen. I need your help. You've known Flutters forever, right?? I need to know everything I can about her, so tell me! What does she like, what does she hate, and what scares her the most! I REALLY need to know!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Hypn0ticD,@, @@Fireblaze, @@00Pony,  @Pripyat Pony @Dawn Stripes He had hoped to spend some time to get Dashie to open up more to him... but it was hard to begin with... Well it wouldn't hurt if she let her go with Colette a bit right? I mean... she was dealing with Fluttershy now as far as the signs showed and probably just wanted to talk about the incident at the race track. He finds himself looking at this Vanguard cards again "Hey guys!" he syas looking around to get some attention "Anyone interested in card games? OR perhaps we could try out some karaoke? I got my synthesizer and laptop with me!" he says taking out roland-juno-di-portable-synthesizer-keybThis bad boy from the backpack. Maybe not the best out there... but still good for being portable.

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RAinbow Dash leaned back on a lawn chair, interlacing her folded finger professorially and cocking her head to give Colette and her words a long, studious, thorough look.

Her eyes narrowed again.


Then they shot wide as she brightened into a rainbow smile. "Okay!" She produced a notepad seemingly from nowhere and began forming jumbled lists. "First thing Fluttershy likes is animals. Ho, boy! Any kind of animal, I'm pretty sure she'll be fine. Wonder why she isn't going crazy without a pet here. Only thing she likes nearly as much as takin' care of animals is takin' care of people, which reminds me, you should make sure you have more veggies in the kitchen so she can make her old salads--she doesn't have her old recipe book BUT! I think she knew most o' those by heart anyway.

"She doesn't like being bossed around, talked down to, or put on the spot. Oh, yeah, and she doesn't take rejection too well. Oh and chocolate, for some reason I still don't understand.

"As for what scares her? Well, gee, let's see. She's scared of dragons, thunderstorms, high winds, updrafts, downdrafts, thin clouds...really thick clouds, sharp teeth, not sharp objects, strangely enough, ghosts, goblins, Nightmare Moon, big fires, frowny faces even if you draw 'em on paper, foalcare services, crazy ponies, broken dolls 'cause they're creepy, some clowns--not sure about that one though--being confined in really small spaces, being exposed in really huge open spaces, heights, drowning--but seriously, what pegasus isn't afraid of drowning?--loud noises, and crowds...." She pursed her lips and shrugged with one arm. "I feel like I'm missing something but I'll let you know when it comes to me."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette frowned more and more as Rainbow spouted off more and more about her date…


"Oh, fuck me." She breathed as she plopped down into the lawn chair across from Dash, banging her head against the headrest. "I'm gonna fucking blow it big time with her! I love chocolate, I'm into wide open spaces, crowds and crowd surfing! I like pissing off goblins and ghosts in my video games!"


Colette groaned loudly as she ran a hand down her face. Was she EVER gonna get lucky and find someone she can date without scaring the shit outta them??


After sitting there like an idiot for a few minutes, she lifted her head and looked at Rainbow Dash again. "I take it she won't like rock music, either??"

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes


Jack pulled into the driveway of Colette's house, and plopped himself down onto one of the couches. Twilight Sparkle followed him in, but made a beeline straight for Dennis.

"So, what were you telling me about this machine language?" She asked, intrigued at the thought of a machine almost taking on a life-like prescense. "Can they talk? Can they sing? Can they do magic? Can they do arithmetic? What else can these computers do?"

She was already quite intrigued by computers ever since she arrived in this world, but never completely understood what they did, or how they did it. However, she didn't want to ask how they worked, since she assumed that they were so commonplace, she'd look like an idiot asking about them. Something she did not want herself to appear as.


Jack still had his briefcase with him, which contained his laptop, and figured he might want to get in on the PvP action. He loved video games, despite being extremely disappointed with the recent Halo and Call of Duty titles. Rather, he preferred more tactical games like Metal Gear Solid and ARMA II* when it came to shooters and action games. Other than that, he really only played racers, and the Ace Combat series. Sadly, his racing career cuts his nerd life quite short, and right here, right now, he was more than happy to finally get back into nerd form. His laptop fired up, the fan emitting a whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound inside of the system. The hard drive squealed to life, and the screen lit up, displaying the login app over a bright, blue background. He swiftly typed in his password, and waited as the WELCOME message appeared, along with the spinning blue orb. It wasn't exactly the greatest computer around, and Jack surely missed using his high-end, customized gaming PC back at his apartment in Charlotte, as well as his heavily modified Logitech G27 wheel and pedal set. Nonetheless, the laptop and his Driving Force GT wheel still worked great on the go. He double clicked the Steam icon, and waited for the updates to download, a painstakingly long process.

"So what kind of games are you guys thinking of?" Jack asked everypony who began to whip their laptops out.


(*if you have not played ARMA II yet, and you're a fan of realistic FPS games, play it. Like now. If you can't get the full version, get the LITE version, and add me on Steam (windyman56). It has to be one of the best FPSes in existence. If you don't like FPS games, add me on Steam anyway. What kind of games do you guys like, anyway?)


(also trying to think of ways to get Cat more involved, too. lol)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Logan shut Applejack's door once he was sure she was all the way in, then moved around back and waited until Ulysses had plopped himself on the back seat before moving around to the driver's side of the vehicle and finally climbing in himself, shutting the door and starting the engine to the vehicle, silently running through his mental notes of the directions as he backed out of the space and turned the car to face outward before pulling onto the street.


It took about half a minute of driving before Logan noticed AJ's hand placement. Carefully, and without taking his eyes from the road, he resituated his hand placement on the wheel so he was only using one hand, and rested his now freed hand gently on hers, "Food supplies, mountain-picnic, orchard. Sound good?"


He went over the agenda partially to remind himself, and partially just to start a conversation, of a small one. If silence pervaded for to long, he'd maybe out on some music. Problem was he wasn't really sure what her musical tastes were. Well, that's what questions were for, really. He'd ask if or when it came to that.

"Eeyup! Sounds perfect. " She smiled as Logan held her hand. He brought a certain part of her out that she normally ignored. It was weird, but it was a good kind of weird. "So where do you think we should stop to get the stuff for our picnic?" she asked, looking around, not noticing any stores along the road.

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"So, what were you telling me about this machine language?" She asked, intrigued at the thought of a machine almost taking on a life-like prescense. "Can they talk? Can they sing? Can they do magic? Can they do arithmetic? What else can these computers do?" She was already quite intrigued by computers ever since she arrived in this world, but never completely understood what they did, or how they did it. However, she didn't want to ask how they worked, since she assumed that they were so commonplace, she'd look like an idiot asking about them. Something she did not want herself to appear as.
Dennis was caught off-guard. "Take it easy... relax... they can do a lot of stuff it all depends on what you tell them to do. You give them instructions in programming "languages"." he googles an image and put it in front of her in the laptop visual-basic-2008-express-edition-03-700
"Each programming language has different things that it can do... but in general all programming languages consist of 2 things 1)Commands:the functions of the language that it can use 2)The variables:These are the stuff you want to calculate, the data you enter e.t.c. Now you combine those two togother with a language that has everything a "normal" language has and you send it to your computer which i will call PC (personal computer) for the rest of our conversation. Now you should know that a computer's understanding can be broken down to one simple thing... the lack or existance of electricity coursing through it. We "translate" the lack of electricity with 0 and the existance of electricity with 1 or in other words "True" or "False". That my dear Twilight... is called Bhoule Algebra or Logical Algebra..." he goes to another site where he can turn text to machine language. http://www.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp "So say you remember when i told you that machines "speak" math? Well you shall ask how do they understand what we say? Well they use their own "translator" to turn what we say into... math... That language dear Twilight is called "Binary" Here... watch this."bitmap.png
He types "I love ponies." and tadaaaaaa.... instantly in binary language. "So... you like it? It's not magic but... it's still awesome."
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Twilight stood there with a rather puzzled look, initially. Of course, no matter the language, Python, Java, or whatever, anyone who knows next to nothing about computers will hear everything Dennis said in a foreign language.

"Uh, variables... main method... wha?" Twilight gasped, trying to take everything in. "That's... quite a hooffull."

Dennis then took her to a website where everyday language was translated into binary language. That part, however, Twilight got an easier grasp on.

"Wow, so each of these 0s and 1s all are how the computer interprets everything?" Twilight asks, "That IS magic! Programming is like putting spells on computers, now that I think of it."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@, "It all depends on how you view it..." Dennis thinks... maybe this is too much for Twilight herself even. He shouldn't get so nerdy. "In the end the way i view it computers are dumb... they just do what they are told. For example... there is no program that teaches the computer how to... solve problems. There is no emotion in the machine's magic. But that's the dream of every programmer in the world... to create machine intelligence... the "AI", that's an acronym for Artificial intelligence. We dream of creating machines capable of feeling hate, friendship... love. But when the definition of love itself eludes us... how can we even do it? When in the end i don't know how to explain this to Rainbow... how... boy i am in a big mess." he sighs but then he realises in panic that he got carried away. "I am studying computer engineering myself... it contains a lot of math, physics, and a little bit of chemistry, and LOTS of electronics." Changing the subject and shuffling his hands he smiles akwardly praying that Twilight doesn't scold him for what he said.

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"Oh no you don't." Rainbow Dash leaned forward in response to Colette slapping her head against a lawn chair. "You're gonna' protect her from all those things and you're gonna' be fine and she's gonna' be happy."
Abruptly ignoring the brief fire in her eyes as though it was of no account, she switched into a hand-waving dissertation. "I don't really know 'bout rock music. I mean, it's so awesome you'd think it's hard to imagine anyone not liking it, right? But Fluttershy's weird like that." She frowned inwards into deep concentration. "Maybe...maybe if it was really quiet rock music."

She glanced back towards the house. "Hey, where'd AJ get off to anyway? You could ask her about some of this stuff."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Angie almost regretted returning the Challenger. She missed the purr of its engine, and just driving the thing. But hey, it was more efficient not to have a whole extra vehicle sitting around. Anyway, she had something to do now that they were back. Logan and AJ had gone off somewhere. She didn't know where, but she fully planned in poking him for every detail when they got back. 


But for now, she fully planned on kicking Colette and Shawn's ass in whatever game they chose. And possibly getting her own ass kicked, but hey, it's all in good fun. Until someone gets competitive, then you might want to run. Oh hey, that rhymed. Anyway, back on track. Entering the house, Angie found the closest possible piece of furniture, plopped herself down on it, crossed her legs beneath her and reached into her laptop bag, drawing the Razer Blade out. She tended not to go on any sort of outing - even a simple trip to Logan's, where all this started for her - or vacation without it. If you could count this as vacation. Opening it, she rested either edge against her knees and waited for it to start up.


Jack seemed to join in, producing his own computer, a bit more low end than Angie's, but it seemed like it would get the job done. He asked what games they were planning on. Angelica shrugged, "Not fully sure, personally. At first I was assuming a Halo title of some kind, but judging by us using computers, and that being an Xbox exclusive, something else. Guess we'll find out when Colette gets in here."


(What games do I play? Oh boy. Here comes a spoiler, as this might be a long list.)



Generally, I play FPS or RPG's of some kind, though Sandbox games are pretty cool.

I usually tend to play offline, going more for story line in the games I play, rather than multiplayer experience.

Some notable titles under my repertoire: 

Bioshock trilogy (only recently picked this up)

Halo series (Obviously. Soundtrack and story especially)

Call of Duty (Yup. Stories, usually.)

Assassin's Creed series (again, storyline.)

Legend of Zelda (though I have only played three or four, and beaten only one of those. I am really bad at the puzzle elements in those games tongue.png But I love the soundtracks and stories)

Fallout 3/NV (just really fun to play, plus Liam Neeson was in 3. Anything with Liam is good in my book. Even Phantom Menace, but that's also because I never really followed the Star Wars 'canon' much. Plus, MLP got me into Fallout after reading Fallout: Equestria for the first time, so it's a little special to me)


Mass Effect Trilogy (Kinda. Only played 2-3, and I only own 2, since it came with my Xbox. I am trying to get a hold of the full trilogy for PC)


All of those are for Xbox. I'm trying to move more into PC gaming, so over time I will probably be picking up most of those titles for PC. So far there are really only four games I play on PC:

Planetside 2

Age of Empires II

LOTRO, though I tend to only do that with my brother, really.

So, there's my list biggrin.png

SPOILERCEPTION!! .... ... I am disappointed in myself now. Anyway, random question: Anyone else here watched RWBY?







Applejack agreed with his layout. Logan nodded, partially to himself, contemplating her question, "At the moment, I haven't the slightest idea. But we're pretty close to a city, so I'm sure that there will be stores before to long."

He gestures briefly to a sign indicating the approaching populous center as he says this, before returning his hand to the wheel.


After another second, he asked, "What exactly should we pick up, would you say?"

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Applejack agreed with his layout. Logan nodded, partially to himself, contemplating her question, "At the moment, I haven't the slightest idea. But we're pretty close to a city, so I'm sure that there will be stores before to long." He gestures briefly to a sign indicating the approaching populous center as he says this, before returning his hand to the wheel. After another second, he asked, "What exactly should we pick up, would you say?"

"I dunno...daffodil sandwiches and maybe some fruit?" she suggested, unaware of how human diets differed from her own. "We'll need a bunch 'a water too, if we're gonna go climbin'." She smiles at Logan and then back at Ulysses before returning her gaze back to the road.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"AJ's gone out with Logan. Dunno when she'll be back." Colette answered. "And besides, you're the one who knows her better." Colette said, sighing. "So, am I supposed to be a knight and protect from alla the shit I'm into?? That's gonna prove to be interesting!" she said with a chuckle. "I'm not a knight kinda gal--unlike your boyfriend! Speaking of which, I'd better get you back before he starts freaking out!"


Colette rose to her feet as rubbed the back of her head. Damn, that hurt! "Well, I'd better go round Flutter Butter up and show her how I own other gamers in Halo!"


@, @@00Pony,


"Uhh…" Shawn began, "Angie, Colette and I were gonna have a Halo match…" Shawn said as he pulled out his laptop, an Asus N56V. He then powered it up and immediately opened his Halo game, getting his Spartan, Cocytus_Drive ready.


He smirked as he looked up again, spotting Dennis and Twilight together, Dennis teaching the Alicorn code-- or rather trying to!




@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Colette entered the living room a short time later, having grabbed her laptop from her room, an Asus G750. "Is everyone ready to get their asses supremely handed to them??" She asked as she hooked her monitor to the TV screen. "For anyone who wants to watch a pro at work!" Colette said as she sat down, motioning for Fluttershy to join her. "I'm gonna have a few rounds with Angie and Shawn, then I'll play ya a few songs, okay??"

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Rainbow Dash sat in her lawn chair for a couple blinks. Then, shaking her head, she kicked back, pulled out  a pair of rainbow-emblazoned MLP sunglasses, and closed her eyes, kicking up on the chair occupied by Colette.

"Not gonna' be as simple as I thought..." she muttered into sleep.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Logan gave a short laugh at the suggestion of the flower sandwiches, "I'm assuming those are fairly commonplace around your home?" He was smiling, and his tone signified his jovial manner of speech, "Around here flowers aren't to commonly eaten by us. It happens, but there's a lot of prep that has to go into it. Tried eating a plain flower when I was a lot younger. Not my greatest idea."


He glances at her briefly before returning his attention to the road ahead, making note of the fact they were nearing a food store, "Fruit is easily doable however. And water's a must have for this sort of thing, so there's that."


Logan fell silent for a few seconds. He could tell by Ulysses' breathing that the dog was asleep. After another second, he decided he may as well ask, just because, "Random question, what exactly are your musical tastes?"





Angie was incredibly focused on her laptop, tacking away at the keys before resituating to a more comfortable position and glancing up at Colette's TV, smirking slightly at her confidence, "We'll see about that!"

Truthfully, she wasn't sure just what Colette's particular 'skill' at this game was. But hey, all in good fun, right? 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Logan gave a short laugh at the suggestion of the flower sandwiches, "I'm assuming those are fairly commonplace around your home?" He was smiling, and his tone signified his jovial manner of speech, "Around here flowers aren't to commonly eaten by us. It happens, but there's a lot of prep that has to go into it. Tried eating a plain flower when I was a lot younger. Not my greatest idea." He glances at her briefly before returning his attention to the road ahead, making note of the fact they were nearing a food store, "Fruit is easily doable however. And water's a must have for this sort of thing, so there's that."

"O-oh..." she responded, blushing, embarrassed at her mistake. "O-okay then."




Logan fell silent for a few seconds. He could tell by Ulysses' breathing that the dog was asleep. After another second, he decided he may as well ask, just because, "Random question, what exactly are your musical tastes?"

"O-oh...uh...Yeah, ah like music. Ah love a nice tune. Especially one ya can dance to," she said, cheerfully, not really familiar with the concept of genres, which largely didn't exist in Equestria.

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



"Wow," Twilight responded, "People are trying to make these machines fall in love?"

She continued to listen to Dennis for a little bit, before he brought up love and Rainbow Dash in the same sentence.

"Rainbow Dash, love, mess?" Twilight said, piecing it all together, "You... you don't love Rainbow Dash, do you?"

She did not say this in a teasing tone, rather, a confused one. Dennis was in love with Rainbow Dash? Perhaps that's what she was trying to keep secret.


"A few rounds against Angie?" Jack asked Colette, chuckling a bit, "Now that's something I would love to watch. Don't exactly have Halo, but what games do you guys have?"

Jack had an interesting taste in games, ranging from X-COM: Enemy Unknown, to VVVVV, and even Kerbal Space Program. He enjoyed single player games, for the most part, but if need be, he wouldn't mind hopping in on some of the Xbox 360 action.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@"Guilty as charged... i wasn't expecting this either. Before you go into all of this "I am exaggerating" or "It's because i am a brony" and stuff... it's not. I am honest in every bit of my feelings towards her. But... i don't know how to show them to her, to make her open up a little bit... How do i do that Twilight? You know her better than anyone here... what do i do? I am not exactly an expert on love, i do however know how to listen to my heart."

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Colette was all too eager to show off her prowess at Halo, quickly starting her game as her favorite Spartan, Juan Hugh Jass. Choosing the Sword Base Level, she invited Shawn and Angie to join. "First to three kills wins the round~!" Colette wasted no time in tracking down Shawn, dispatching him with a headshot, to which he shouted at. "That's one!" She chirped, cackling wickedly.




"I'm an RTS geek, mostly!" Shawn answered as he snuck up on Angie, leaving her with a glowing gift. "I play the hell outta Commamd and Conquer and Starcraft."


Was Fluttershy around?? If she was, it would be a good time to listen up, so she wasn't caught off guard~! "I'm… I'm mostly into horror games. They don't have to have the best graphics or be the newest release, but they gotta offer up the scares! Most of my favorites are on my laptop, so it's an amazing wonder Dash's didn't get into them!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Colette was all too eager to show off her prowess at Halo, quickly starting her game as her favorite Spartan, Juan Hugh Jass. Choosing the Sword Base Level, she invited Shawn and Angie to join. "First to three kills wins the round~!" Colette wasted no time in tracking down Shawn, dispatching him with a headshot, to which he shouted at. "That's one!" She chirped, cackling wickedly. @,

"I'm an RTS geek, mostly!" Shawn answered as he snuck up on Angie, leaving her with a glowing gift. "I play the hell outta Commamd and Conquer and Starcraft."

Was Fluttershy around?? If she was, it would be a good time to listen up, so she wasn't caught off guard~! "I'm… I'm mostly into horror games. They don't have to have the best graphics or be the newest release, but they gotta offer up the scares! Most of my favorites are on my laptop, so it's an amazing wonder Dash's didn't get into them!"

"Command & Conquer, you say?" Jack asked, face lighting up, "I've got Red Alert 3 and Generals. So if you wanna get your ass kicked in some RA3, be my guest! Hahahahaha!"


Twilight Sparkle took in a breath. She wasn't in the slightest bit angry, rather, she sympathized with Dennis.

"Well," Twilight said, "I never saw Rainbow Dash as a colts mare, but she has been acting a bit... strange recently. To tell you the truth, I don't even know much about why she's been acting like that, either. But if she truly sees you as a friend, or even more than a friend, you'd know. She never leaves the side of her friends, and always stands beside them."

Twilight felt awkward giving relationship advice, but she tried to the best of her ability to be as useful as she could.

"How much have you talked to her?" Twilight asked.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Applejack seemed a little embarrassed about her confusion on the conflicting diets of her world, and the humans here. It was an honest mistake really, so she didn't really need to feel embarrassed about it. Logan probably would have made a similar mistake had he been in her position. Still, that little blush she got was incredibly cute.


She had responded to his question about music. Her answer was somewhat vague, really. Still, "Something you can dance to, huh? That's always a nice thing, though I'm not really one you'd catch dancing without reason."

Logan shrugs, activating his turn signal and slowing as they neared a store which he was sure would carry the necessary supplies. He spoke as he turned in, "Any specific genres? Or do you go with just about anything?"





(Judging by the fact it's Sword Base, assuming it's Halo Reach.)


Angie was visibly irked that she had been taken by surprise with the sticky. She didn't say anything about it, but that mixed with her body language sent the message enough. She was still enjoying herself, but she was allowing the competitive side of her to come through. Apparently they were stating the games the played, "So long as the game has a good story line, I'll play it. Halo, AC, Bioshock, Fallout games are all worlds I'll delve into. Mass Effect is one of my top game series, personally."


She fell silent again, swapping out the magnum she had for a sidearm for the much more preferable designated marksman rifle, and backing herself up slightly into a corner, scanning the map for her opponents. She spotted one, not entirely sure which, and trailed them for a few seconds, waiting until her targeting reticule blinked red to fire two quick shots at the opposing Spartan's head. Her own Spartan's armor was a rather familiar dark blue with black accents, her emblem being that of the double crescent moon with a circle background, colored black. The smaller of the twin crescent moons was also colored black, so as to be unseen against the background, while the larger of the moons was colored white, making it stand out. A rather obvious reference to a certain Princess, if one knew what to look for.


(that is actually what one of my friend's Spartans looks like in the game. Given the fact they thought of it first, I just made mine white with the Sol emblem colored to resemble Tia's cutie mark. It actually looks pretty good.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@, Dennis thinks about it for a second. "I don't know... she really appreciates me being around... and she does find me "cool" per say. But it's weird for her at the same time... she doesn't know what love is... i mean it!" he says like if he assumed Twilight did not believe her "She even called it "Friendship with benefits". Now... if i wasn't understanding of her, if i didn't know that she knew little to nothing about love... i'd be insulted. But this is who i am... always attracted to the strong-willed, the fiery, the ones who have the spark of life within them." at this time he thinks he's going overly romantic to a person who hardly is to blame for anything, he is emotionally burdening her and he knows that it has to stop. However he has to be honest with her... "When she approached me earlier this day, when she hugged me i... I wanted her to understand... to understand how the heart beats when you're in love, that love isn't explained in words -and believe me Rainbow is the last person you'd have to explain romance- so i decided to... kiss her."

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@, Dennis thinks about it for a second. "I don't know... she really appreciates me being around... and she does find me "cool" per say. But it's weird for her at the same time... she doesn't know what love is... i mean it!" he says like if he assumed Twilight did not believe her "She even called it "Friendship with benefits". Now... if i wasn't understanding of her, if i didn't know that she knew little to nothing about love... i'd be insulted. But this is who i am... always attracted to the strong-willed, the fiery, the ones who have the spark of life within them." at this time he thinks he's going overly romantic to a person who hardly is to blame for anything, he is emotionally burdening her and he knows that it has to stop. However he has to be honest with her... "When she approached me earlier this day, when she hugged me i... I wanted her to understand... to understand how the heart beats when you're in love, that love isn't explained in words -and believe me Rainbow is the last person you'd have to explain romance- so i decided to... kiss her."

"You kissed her?" Twilight asked, "How... did she respond to that?"

She was at a loss of words, because as much as she understood friendship, anything more than that, she didn't. Twilight sure hoped she was being of at least some help, even though she felt awkward and helpless giving Dennis her advice.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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