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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@Hypn0ticD, @00Pony, @Ragin' Red Talon, Pripyat Pony, Fireblaze Dennis laughed a bit because Rainbow was talking to her enemies before actually killing them, but that caused him to get distracted and he managed to get himself killed by the hands of Sawn. "Touche my friend, Touche..." he says admitting his mistake. Some time passed in the game, Rainbow Dash was trying and her rage fueling her purpose. This was getting scary... Suddenly his eyes glimmered, he had found it... his favorite weapon... the ENERGY MOTHEFRIGGING BLADE!!! "Ooooh YEA!!!" he said as he rushed through the battlefield screwing the sniper rifle at his back. He barely witheld his maniacal laughter, but he couldn't resist licking his teeth deviously. He had already died a couple of times to Sawn, but now... it was payback time!  Slicing up, lunging against him.... ((OOC:Excuse me if i sound like godmodding because i want to spam this next video)) "DECAPITATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!"

He said as the head flied of... "Having fun Dash? Holy..." he turned to see her right at the moment he was smashing another Spartan "That... was... AWESOME!!! You go girl! Show them the power of the Pink!" Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@, @@Dawn Stripes, @, @@00Pony,


Shawn let out a snicker as his Spartan came across the pink one, quickly dispatching her with a blast from his rifle. Shawn had stayed close to the shadows, picking off any Spartans who crossed his path, all the while keeping an eye out for the one who looked like Luna-- She was around here somewhere, and he knew she was after him.


Shawn couldn't help but snicker each time he made  a kill on Jack or Dennis, evading a sticky that suddenly appeared in the corner of his  eye. "Nice try, but you're gonna hafta be better than that to take me down!" Shawn then grimaced and let a hiss through his teeth as he watch Rainbow Dash savagely take out the green Spartan* "Nice one, Dashie!" he said as he moved his Spartan away, so as not to get in her sights. "Ya killed Dennis good and dead!" Completely unaware of her getting visibly frustrated, Shawn quickly picked up a sniper rifle, sending Dash into the bulkhead just behind her via headshot. "So sorry, Dashie!"


"Shit!" He suddenly shouted as his Spartan was decapitated by the teal Spartan, who seemed to appear out of nowhere. "What in the bloody fuck?!" despite the surprise attack, Shawn recomposed himself as he respawned, and resumed stalking the others. "Good job, Denny. Ya got ONE kill on me!"


((*Who'd Dash take out??))




Colette grinned as Fluttershy made her way over to her. She was just so adorable how she tiptoed like that! Once Fluttershy was seated, Colette leaned in and studied the sketch carefully, making a pleased sound as she looked it over...


Was this really supposed her, though?? Her representation looked to be a bit more feminine than she believed herself to be. the sketch Colette also seemed to exude an air of mystery, making her a bit more alluring. Is this how Flutters saw her? Colette never considered herself to be this beautiful, but someone did... "Flutters, this...this..." Colette wiped a tear from her face. "This is a beautiful sketch! You can really draw, you know that?? Am I really this pretty to you??" She looked into Flutters' big blue eyes, wiping another tear from her own. "Sorry! It's just that--" Colette didn't finish, just giggled a little like an idiot..

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Jack, after shooting Rainbow Dash in the back of the head, ran over to the corpse, stood over the head, and rapidly hit the crouch button, laughing manically.

"BWAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAhahahahahahahahaha!" Jack bellowed, "The classic teabag! Never gets old!"

Right then, however, someone else shot Jack in the back of the head as well.

"You fuckin' serious?"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Flutterhsy frowned, eyes widening in worry. She'd made Colette cry! What did she do wrong? "I--I'm so sorry--for whatever I did--what's wrong?" She placed one hand lightly on Colette's upper arm, totally fixed on the emotion bubbling up in her date and driven to repair whatever damage she had caused.


(OOC: So do we have any plan for who's going to win this match and how ppl will perform? ...Cause I'm not sure what to do. Just randomly roleplaying a game of Halo doesn't seem like much fun....let's see...I've one idea to actually move somewhere)


Rainbow Dash--(continued to play Halo in a similar manner?)

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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A few minutes had past, and Logan had selected a decent amount of fruit. He'd found himself incredibly amused by Applejack's curiosity about practically everything. He had begun to lead them towards where he was sure the bottled waters would be found when Applejack spoke, asking what he was thinking about. Logan paused for a second, not fully realizing his own silence, before he answered, "Plenty of things. Life, mainly. The future, to be exact."

Maybe not the fullness of what he was thinking, but if she pried further, he figured he'd tell her sooner or later.









As soon as the match started, Angie had withdrawn to her chair once again, sinking into a zone of immersion. She didn't partake in most of the smack talk, though she couldn't help but snicker - more of a full out laugh - when Jack expressed disgust after being shot while 'teabagging'. In Angie's opinion, he deserved it for that. She had done her best to stay out of Rainbow's path. Seems repeatedly getting mauled had taken its toll on the former Pegasus, and she was out for blood, veritably smashing an opponent against a wall with her hammer.


She allowed her mind to go back into it's goal. She'd been killed a few times, and killed others.  But she hadn't encountered exactly who she wanted to. It was petty to hold a grudge, but you know what? She just wanted to. After a few minutes of searching and surviving, she'd located a sniper rifle, and had kept an MA5B assault rifle just in case things went the other way. She'd spotted her target by chance, sticking to the shadows. With a smile, Angie crouched low on her elevated position and aimed down her sights, waiting until the reticule flared red over the avatar's head before firing as quickly as the game would allow her, shouting in a rather Luna like voice befitting her Spartan avatar's armor, "KNEEL BEFORE ME!!"






Catherine raised an eyebrow at that, and thought about the question for a short while before answering, "It's rather like being in love with almost anyone, though this one feels little more.. real, you know? Well.. OK, anyway," she gets her thoughts together before continuing, "I'd say it's probably his drive. His passion for what he does, and his reasons for doing it. Not to mention, he's rather good looking."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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A few minutes had past, and Logan had selected a decent amount of fruit. He'd found himself incredibly amused by Applejack's curiosity about practically everything. He had begun to lead them towards where he was sure the bottled waters would be found when Applejack spoke, asking what he was thinking about. Logan paused for a second, not fully realizing his own silence, before he answered, "Plenty of things. Life, mainly. The future, to be exact." Maybe not the fullness of what he was thinking, but if she pried further, he figured he'd tell her sooner or later.

She walked up beside him. "What about the future?" she asked, a little concerned, but not too worried. She helped put some bottles of water in the cart as she spoke. "Is it anything to do with me or the gals? I'm sorry if we've caused ya any trouble." After putting the bottles in the cart, she took his hand, smiling.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"It's okay.." Colette said as she composed herself. "You did such a good job, is all! Colette wiped a few more tears from her face before straightening up a little and smiling at the mare again. "Sorry... sorry. You   didn't do anything wrong, Flutters. You did a wonderful job on the sketch." Colette leaned in and gave the former Pegasus a peck on the cheek, setting the sketch down as she pulled her into a hug. "You didn't do anything wrong at all." 


Colette held Fluttershy like this a moment before pulling away. "I wanna show you something before I go to pieces again!" Colette then stood and went to the foot of her bed, bending down and hooking up her Bethani to her amp. "I like to sing and play guitar a lot," she began, "Dash got to see me before she lost her mind and went to search for you.She seemed to like it, but I wanna see if you will... It's--different from what Equestria has, I'm sure." Colette turned on her Ipod player, suddenly feeling VERY nervous. Was she gonna like it?? Colette needed to show Fluttershy what she really was into, but there was a good chance it would scare the life outta the poor Pegasus!


Oh fuck it! There's only one way to find out! Colette found a good song to play, turned on her amp, and began to play:



Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone/
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone/
Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town/
Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down/
He had no money, oooh no good at home/
He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone/
And now it's/

18 and life You got it/
18 and life you know/
Your crime is time and it's/
18 and life to go/


Colette strummed the chords and as she sang the lyrics passionately with a practiced rasp that hurt her voice, but Colette paid it no mind. She immersed herself in the song, getting lost in the tune as she normally did, giving it her all in front of her timid date.




@@00Pony, @, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Fireblaze,


((We can wrap it up from here, Dawn))


"Holy fu...." Shawn said as his Spartan was downed by a headshot, eliminating him from the game with a loud bass. Angie had her revenge, after all! "Ah, shit!" Shawn added, with a laugh. "And there's the match! Angie won!" Looking up to the brunette, he let out a snicker. "Would you like us to kowtow, or just kneel, Princess??"


It was then he heard the distinct sound of rock music coming from just down the hall, the riffs of a guitar being especially clear. A moment later he heard a female voice, raspy and melodic as it sang one of his favorite songs from his childhood. "What the? Who is that??"

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@HypnoticD, nioniosbbb, Dawn Stripes, Pripyat Pony, OOPony, Ragin' Red Talon

Then Nick Realize that he need practuies his Guitar as he bring out his new Guitar his parents let him carry as he went outside of Colette house, then sit on the front porch and then he began to play. This song he learn.




Edited by Fireblaze
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@@Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Pripyat Pony, @Fireblaze, "Well that's what you get when you underestimate you opponent." Adressing Sawn and himself at the same time. "I have to admit though it was fun though! The energy blade is still the best weapon evar..." he lifted his head up a bit to look at Angie and gave her a thumbs up "Congrats! Your highness..."

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack finished last in the match, but nonetheless, enjoyed himself. He turned to Rainbow Dash, feeling as if he still needed to apologize for earlier.

"So... Rainbow Dash," he said, "I'm really sorry about my outburst... I didn't know at all what I was saying... As a way of saying sorry, how about tomorrow, we book a racing class at the local short track? We'll rent late models, you'll learn how to drive them, and maybe you could take me on 1 on 1!"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Fluttershy was blown into leaning back by the volume at first. She quickly moved to a seat on the floor so Colette could shout, hoping the awkward move wouldn't induce Colette to stop singing. This was obviously...important to her. This was the part of Colette Fluttershy wanted to know about.


The song was sad, and fierce, and so loud. Fluttershy's expression was mostly blank as she absorbed its tenor in learning awe. It was too altogether new for her to wonder whether she liked it, at first--at first, in rapt attention, she was mesmerized by the growling instrument in Colette's hands.




Dash spun and poked a finger into Dennis' chest, then Shawn's, then Jack's. "Y--you!" she snarled. "I...I totally would have won if I had a little more experience. These aren't that hard, y'know. So don't get so uppity, and don't apologize to me, buddy. Hrr..." she eyed the stack of games sitting by the computers as if they were a wild animal which needed to be subdued.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@ Pripyat Pony
@ Ryuuguu Rena
@ 00Pony
@ Hypn0ticD
@ Dawn Stripes
@ nioniosbbb

Nick keep playing the song while he was humming to the theme as he was looking at the sky and thinking about his future while he was keep playing his Guitar then he was keep playing. Then he was thinking about Pinky while he plan to think of a song for her then he began to play a song for Pinky Pie and keep playing it too.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Hypn0ticD, Dennis froze a bit, seeing Dash angry was the last thing he expected ever. It seems that the game had a more heavy effect in raising her adrelanine "Chill out Dash... i don't think i did much better. I... it's just a game?" Was winning so scarily important for her? How about honor in losing? Fair-play, and all that shit? He aproached a bit Sawn and said "Remind me never to mess with her when she's angry... i think it was a bad idea for us to make her play Halo. Especially when you guys are all... "pro" n that." Thinking about something to change the circumstances he asked "Guys... how many of us are here now? I think we're around 15 or so right?"

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They had just about everything they'd need, except maybe something to carry it all with. He hoped this place would have backpacks, and began to make his way towards where he thought they would be. Applejack had voiced curiosity over his thoughts, catching his hand and giving a smile, asked if it had something to do with her and 'the gals'. Logan stopped moving and looked at her, meeting her green eyes with his own, hazel eyes, "It... Does have something to do with you, yes."

Honesty, Logan. One of the first and foremost requirements in any relationship, was honesty. Not only that but this woman before him was an exemplar of the virtue back home, so she'd definitely appreciate it, "Mainly, what is going to happen with us. When you and your friends go home, that is. I'm not entirely sure that your world's magic would work on someone like me, from a world with absolutely no magic. Would I be able to go with all of you?"

He gives a dry chuckle at him self, running his free hand through his hair for a second, "Geez, don't I sound pretentious?" He asks, mainly to himself. What on earth would she think of him saying this? It was still pretty darn early in any sort of relationship they had, so was it even right to be thinking about these sorts of things? His thoughts took a turn to their location. Was a store really the best place to have this conversation as well? Or would it be better to let it wait until they were in the car-- No, this was the sort of thing that required eye contact. Can't necessarily do that in a moving vehicle, could they? Maybe the mountain? Deciding he'd just have to be patient and see, Logan awaited her response.







@, @@Dawn Stripes, @@Hypn0ticD,@



Angie raised an eyebrow and blinked, having not fully realizing what the scoreboard had been. Shawn congratulated her, and jokingly asked if they should simply kneel, or kowtow. Dennis then congratulated her as well, referring to her as 'highness' Angie raised her chin imperiously, still vocally impersonating the Princess of the Night, "Thou may simply kneel, subjects."


She broke into a smile shortly after and laughed. It was around here that Rainbow had confronted the men, defending her loss. Angelica's former smile faded, and she raised both eyebrows in both confusion and concern. Sure, she was competitive when she allowed herself - which was more often than she liked - but she didn't get that confrontational in reality over it. But then again, this was Rainbow Dash. She wasn't just a character in a TV show that Angie enjoyed to watch. She was an actual, sentient life form. However the show managed to look into their lives and portray them as well as it did, she was unaware. But there was so much more to all of the six friends. So much more than the show touched on. Rainbow's pride went deeper than how it was portrayed on screen. What other mysteries were there about the other charac--- no, not characters. They weren't a figment of someone's imagination, the six friends and their entire world, were real. So, what other mysteries were there yet to be discovered about the other five?


The EMT held her tongue from saying anything, focusing mainly on her thoughts. Eventually, in an attempt to change the subject, Dennis asked how many were in the group - estimating fifteen. Angelica took a second to do the math in her head before answering, "I'd say maybe eighteen - or nineteen if you count Ulysses. I might be wrong."


The sound of music, a song that Angie had heard before, but couldn't name, wafted down the hall, catching Shawn's attention as well, and the Scotsman asked who was making the music. Angie furrowed her brow. Was it Colette? It was her house after all, and Angie recalled the student stating that she played music while they were still communicating over the internet, "I think it's Cole.."

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette noticed Fluttershy shift her seat from the floor to the bed, her expression unreadable for the most part. Did she hate it? Did Colette scare her?? She sure hoped not!


"Accidents will happen" They all heard Ricky say/

He fired his six-shot to the wind/

That child blew a child away!!


Colette finished the song with a throaty cry. She hung there a moment before returning her attention to Fluttershy. "So, how was it? Too loud??" Colette sat down next to the former Pegasus, looking her in the eye, guaging her reaction. "Tell me what you really thought."




@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @@00Pony, @, @,


((It's Shawn, with a h))


"Yeah, about that many," Shawn concurred. "Everyone should call it a day and head back soon. Give Dash a chance ta cool off."


Shawn had also felt concern for the former cyan Pegasus. "Dash, it's fine. Like Dennis said, it's just a game. No need to get so worked up."


Had playing the game really stirred up Rainbow Dash's competitive side that much?? Maybe it would've been better for her not to play such a game? "Dash, why don't you take a breather?? Get Halo outta your system and whatnot."

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""Psh. I don't need a break," she grumbled, crossing her arms. "You guys could play video games all night, well you're not babying me. I could do that easy." 

She reached towards Colette's stack and pulled off the first thing she saw--it was called Amnesia. Well, that didn't sound hard! Rainbow could forget stuff easy. "Just watch. I got no trouble with this stuff." Just to demonstrate, she expertly removed the Halo CD and replaced it with the new disc.




Fluttershy smiled with an exhale. "It was very--powerful," she whispered. "And...sad." She reapproached, seeing that Colette might have thought she didn't like ti because she'd moved. "I like it." And she took a seat beside her, giving a reassuring smile. "You're really good! I'd say you're better than anyone I've known, but I don't have anyone to compare to with an instrument like that."

As she sat, her notebook fell, pages flipping, and she made sure to kick it under the bed in one smooth motion. "It--was a little startling at first," she admitted. "It's not like the songs I'm used to...heh-heh. I sang a lot of nursery rhymes back home, because of the animals. But I was getting used to it by the end. You have a beautiful voice. Why do you make it sound so scratchy when you sing?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Fireblaze, @Pripyat Pony, @00Pony,@@Dawn Stripes,@Ragin' Red Talon, He came closer to Shawn wanting to ask something... quietly. "Say if offered you guys some wine would be fine with that? I got two bottles, we could mix it up with some water and it could be enough for everyone. Plus i have some plastic glases just in case... I promised Dash you remember right? At the car?"

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They had just about everything they'd need, except maybe something to carry it all with. He hoped this place would have backpacks, and began to make his way towards where he thought they would be. Applejack had voiced curiosity over his thoughts, catching his hand and giving a smile, asked if it had something to do with her and 'the gals'. Logan stopped moving and looked at her, meeting her green eyes with his own, hazel eyes, "It... Does have something to do with you, yes." Honesty, Logan. One of the first and foremost requirements in any relationship, was honesty. Not only that but this woman before him was an exemplar of the virtue back home, so she'd definitely appreciate it, "Mainly, what is going to happen with us. When you and your friends go home, that is. I'm not entirely sure that your world's magic would work on someone like me, from a world with absolutely no magic. Would I be able to go with all of you?" He gives a dry chuckle at him self, running his free hand through his hair for a second, "Geez, don't I sound pretentious?" He asks, mainly to himself. What on earth would she think of him saying this? It was still pretty darn early in any sort of relationship they had, so was it even right to be thinking about these sorts of things? His thoughts took a turn to their location. Was a store really the best place to have this conversation as well? Or would it be better to let it wait until they were in the car-- No, this was the sort of thing that required eye contact. Can't necessarily do that in a moving vehicle, could they? Maybe the mountain? Deciding he'd just have to be patient and see, Logan awaited her response.

Applejack was silent for a minute, staring into his eyes. "Ah...ah dunno...I don't have magic back home..." she said, wishing she had a better answer. "Maybe...Do ya...Do ya want to come back with us?" she asked. "Ah...Ah like ya a lot, Logan. You're an amazing pon- person...But would ya really give up your job and family and friends and life here for me?" she asked, thinking about the prospect of ever leaving her own kin behind.

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack saw Rainbow Dash reach for the Amnesia case, and almost cut in, asking her if she really wanted to play such a scary game, but he figured he'd let it slide, as he really wanted to see her reaction. A guy who played the game a few times, he couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"Good choice," Jack said to her.


"So... his drive... his looks," Twilight said to Catherine, taking it all in, "Do most people here fall for looks over their persona?"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(I still love how two people have now suggested drinking alcohol of some description when in the company of a police officer. It is highly amusing to me.)

@@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes, @,


"Ooooh, this is going to be interesting." Angie thought as she spotted Dash putting the Amnesia disk into the machine. She'd played the game, but she wasn't the type to typically get scared by horror games. Despite her shrieks during the Halo match. It was a silly psychological thing, really. Suspenseful horror elements had next to no effect on her, but seeing a 2 meter tall, half ton super soldier wielding a giant hammer - even virtual - caused her fight or flight reflex to go berserk. Still, this was going to be fun to watch...








"Unfortunately, yes." Catherine responds, with a sigh.


She decides to elaborate, "We live in a society obsessed with appearance and beauty. It may sound strange to hear this coming from one endowed with a pleasing appearance, but my point stands. A person may be pleasing to look at, but if they have a rotten personality, you'll soon find that you're not going to have much happiness in that relationship. Trust me."









Applejack's answer - or rather, her question - gave Logan some pause. Was he really willing? That was something he would have to ask himself, "I'd like to. Heck, I'd love to. You're world seems to be a hang of a lot better than this one. Besides, you're just.. wonderful. But you do raise a valid point..." 

Would he really be willing to give up everything for her? His family, while he loved them immensely, he didn't see, or even talk to them very often. He'd just often gotten lucky in his timing with calling Scott. His friends, Sam, Zed and Angie being the two most prominent in his mind, would probably have mixed reactions. Zed would probably voice an incredible amount of jealousy. Sam.. Logan still had yet to figure out what went on in that giant's mind, so he couldn't gauge his reaction. Angelica would be in full support, he was sure. She was kind of that personality. Unlike the other two, he could actually ask her when he got the chance.


But his life, and job? The job had been Logan's goal for years, and he'd achieved it four years prior to this day. He would be able to live without it. Besides, they probably had positions much like it in 'Equestria' anyway. His life consisted of these three things, and he'd addressed all of them. But even after this, Logan still couldn't answer his own question. Would he be willing to give it all up for Applejack? He voiced the end of his thoughts aloud - having only paused in his speech for a few seconds, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we get there, won't we?"


He placed his hand on AJ's cheek for a second before removing it and starting to move again. They'd have more time to talk once they got where they were going.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@00Pony,

@@Pripyat Pony,


"Dash, no!" Shawn said as he tried to pry the disc from the Pegasus, only to receive a powerful shove. "Dennis, we have more pressing matters! Rainbow's getting herself into something she really shouldn't! Rainbow, that's not a game you shouldn't be playing!" He tried again to separate Dash from the computer, but failed again. "Rainbow, that's a scary game, get offa there!"


((Anyone else gonna try to stop Dash??))




"I'd probably scare the life outta alla them!" Colette said with a laugh before answering Fluttershy's question. "It depends on the song, really! I find the rasp really adds that extra oomph to the song, to make it that much more powerful, though it makes it makes my throat hurt afterward!" Colette then made her way a little closer to the Pegasus. "I know quite a few songs that aren't nearly as sad. I just wanted to show you some of what I can do. If you want, I can play more for you..."


((Sorry for the late reply.... getting up at the asscrack of dawn SUUUUUUUCKS!))

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Applejack's answer - or rather, her question - gave Logan some pause. Was he really willing? That was something he would have to ask himself, "I'd like to. Heck, I'd love to. You're world seems to be a hang of a lot better than this one. Besides, you're just.. wonderful. But you do raise a valid point..." Would he really be willing to give up everything for her? His family, while he loved them immensely, he didn't see, or even talk to them very often. He'd just often gotten lucky in his timing with calling Scott. His friends, Sam, Zed and Angie being the two most prominent in his mind, would probably have mixed reactions. Zed would probably voice an incredible amount of jealousy. Sam.. Logan still had yet to figure out what went on in that giant's mind, so he couldn't gauge his reaction. Angelica would be in full support, he was sure. She was kind of that personality. Unlike the other two, he could actually ask her when he got the chance. But his life, and job? The job had been Logan's goal for years, and he'd achieved it four years prior to this day. He would be able to live without it. Besides, they probably had positions much like it in 'Equestria' anyway. His life consisted of these three things, and he'd addressed all of them. But even after this, Logan still couldn't answer his own question. Would he be willing to give it all up for Applejack? He voiced the end of his thoughts aloud - having only paused in his speech for a few seconds, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we get there, won't we?" He placed his hand on AJ's cheek for a second before removing it and starting to move again. They'd have more time to talk once they got where they were going.

From his small response, Applejack understood everything going on in Logan's head. She felt bad that Logan had to make such a decision and deal with such an inner conflict. Still, she, much like him, decided to push the issue aside for now and focus on the present. She walked with him to the register, trying to be more cheerful for his sake.

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Fluttershy smiled. "Oh, yes, I would! Do you have any...um..." she pressed a couple index fingers together. "Soft songs?"



Rainbow Dash pushed Shawn out of the way when he tried to mess with her. "Geeze, man! What's your problem!" They thought it was scary, so she couldn't deal with it? It was full freaking light out, for Celestia's sake!! She could handle any scary house or scary story. "I can handle scary, get off my back!"

Pushing the disk in, she set her fingers over the keyboard. The record light, of course, was also blinking...

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Hypn0ticD,


Pinkie, having set aside her lists for the moment, came up to see what everypony else was doing. "Rainbow, why do you want to play a scary game anyway?" she asked, as usual knowing somehow just what was going on, despite having only overheard bits. "Why can't we play a more fun game? I'm trying to plan a party here, and a scary game's just gonna put me off planning all the fun!" Pinkie began to look thru the games. "Are there any fun games here? Ooh, there's music ones here! A singing game and one where you play instruments!"


Ooc: I'd like to see the ponies play Rock Star. Colette would love that, too, I bet! XD



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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, @00Pony, What the hell... what's wrong with playing a scary game? On the other hand he though that that another challange might get Dash interested. Something she was maybe more familiar with? Hmmm.... "I am with Pinkie on this one... how about i challange you ALL to a Karaoke contest hmmmm?" maybe if she got it a bit personal to Dash she would respond? "Think you can handle a little bit of singing Dash? Eh?" He had to be carefull though not to pull her strings a lot and make her snap on him, that and he wanted to hear her sing... he was sort of sure she would be awesome to hear, and let's not forget he wanted to show her how skilled he was in the piano.

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