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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Rarity had not expected such a response from the changeling Queen. She had expected excuses, even a promise not to hurt them which Rarity would not have accepted anyway, but this? Rarity was the most dramatic pony of the six, but she was also the most easily moved by tragedy and the picture which Chrysalis painted of dozens of changelings hurt and killed moved her to tears.


"I am sorry, but we didn't know," Rarity said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Nopony told us that changelings could feel the way we can."


Cicada stepped forward. She wore a necklace containing a single black jewel which had two uses. First, it represented her role as the Queen's right hand mare. Second, it acted as a conduit to enable her to tap into the Hive Mind and communicate with the changelings below her, and keep a channel of communication open between her and Chrysalis. Cicada had been Chrysalis' best friend ever since the two were hatched, and she trusted the Queen completely. It was difficult for her to keep a calm face when faced with the cause of so many of her fellow changeling's deaths, but Cicada knew that shouting and threatening was completely out of the question. Besides, the dressmaker had made quite a good point. Cicada had wondered if the ponies had acted out of malice; but if it was merely ignorance, then perhaps there was a chance for them all.


"Well," she said, replying to Rarity, "We can feel. We have emotions just like you ponies, but we are crippled by our need for love. Without love, we would be unable to breed and would die out. You can't blame Chrysalis for wanting to save the Hive from such a fate, can you?"


Pinkie butted in. She wasn't as easily moved as Rarity, and in any case, she wasn't entirely sure that she trusted the changelings to tell the truth.


"Why didn't you come and ask us, hey?" she said, stepping in front of Cicada and Chrysalis. "You attacked us! And you imprisoned Cadance in the caves! She could have died there."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@nioniosbbbb,@Dawn Stripes@Ragin' Red Talon@Ryuuguu Rena@Pripyat Pony,  @Hypn0ticD,


Rainbow Dash's wings flared in flight. "Sweet Celestia, she's botpony crazy!" She made sure not to be far from her friend's side--the vortices off her wings ruffled the hair on Twilight and Rarity's coats. "Pinkie Pie shot featherin' lasers at you, lady, and she'll do it again if she has to."

"Rainbow Dash?--" A golden voice came from deeper in the darkness, practically freezing Rainbow's wings in place. Slowly, she gyrated in flight, until she saw the butterscotch shadow of Fluttershy approaching at a timid clip-clop, out of the shadows and closer to the rest of the Mane 6. How long had she been back there? Nopony could say.

"Fluttershy, are you okay--"

"Rainbow Dash." The accusation in her tone made Rainbow shoot up two feet. "I don't think yelling will made anything better right now."
With a snort, Rainbow moved to the back of the Mane 6, abandoning some of her fiercely protective strategic position.

But it was hard for her to hold that sacrifice when Fluttershy didn't stop, but continued without even slowing--though slowing would have entailed stopping at her pace--until she could have nosed-kissed the Changeling Queen. Birdsong and ice simultaneously echoed in blue eyes.

"I know that you've been hurt," she said, flat like the bottom of a bone-dry bird feeder, "but you hurt my friends too. For years you took ponies away from their homes and stole parts of their lives without even asking--didn't you?"
Her eyelashes narrowed. "You're right. I don't know how changelings work. But you hurt--just about killed--ponies that I love very much." A splash of tears broke. "I think you know what that feels like. So before you get mad at them for defending themselves, make sure you know that they're doing just what you are, Chrysalis."
She pronounced her name as none of the ponies had ever pronounced it before.


Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Dawn Stripes@Ragin' Red Talon@Ryuuguu Rena@Pripyat Pony,  @Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes, Rainbow Dash... just the sight of that pony made her tremble with frustration and anger. But still some of their words were logical. Still though... they were clouded by their ignorace... and this would be a problem. Explanations were in order... and she wasn't afraid to show them how cruel the truth indeed was.

"Oh believe me i understand perfectly. I am not fooling myself... i do not accuse YOU personally... i a simply blaming your ignorance for this. You seem to think i have a choice..."

Destiny, prophecies, fate. Three words that she hated the most yet was haunted her and told her what she would become... monster.

"You have friends right Fluttershy? Parents and all that stuff... what would happen if you were forced to kill one of them? Not willingly... If i let them starve, it is then that you are truly doomed. A hungry changeling loses it's mind, it loses it's sanity it becomes... a devourer. A devourer is nothing sort of a husk of the former changeling, it's an evil abomination that feed on anything, and everything... even it's own. There is only one word filling it's mind... "FEED". I'm about to show you the terror i'm talking about... and i only pray that you will understand what i'd be willing to sacrifice for it not to happen."

The music, that she started through a spell, was like crackling thunder and drums beating in the rythm of wicked heart that knew the definition of evil. All the while she was backing away from them demonstrating the monstrous transformation to the true monster...



I can feel the animal inside
My resolve is weakening
Pounding on the doors of my mind
It's nearly overpowering

I cannot begin to describe
The hunger that I feel again
Run if you intend to survive
For the beast is coming to life

Taking form in the glimmer
Of this tainted moonlight
Death approaches on this night


For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight


I can feel the calling again
The primal need is filling me
Changes are about to begin
And now my blood is boiling

I can see the fear in your eyes
But you can't bring yourself to scream
Time to shed the mortal disguise
For the beast is coming to life

Taking form in the glimmer
Of this tainted moonlight
Death approaches on this night


For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight


We begin the hunt tonight
'Til the power courses, the creatures take flight
When the kill is close and I will be satisfied

For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied
You're mine


For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight

For the animal's soul is mine
And the world around will never hear your cries
An unholy crime
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight"

((OOC:The Animal-Disturbed))

Slowly and steadily she reverted the transformation and showed once again her true self, but this time she was hiding herself walking away showing her back to the ponies. She didn't want to see their reactions their terror, it was all hopeless after this. But still she spoke.

"This is what we're destined to become before we die... before we vanish into thin air we become the greatest abomination ponykind has ever seen. There is nothing to save from the changelings then... nothing to redeem from there. The only mercy i can offer them is death..."

She slammed her hoof down and it echoed far more than she'd expected.

"I will never forgive myself for those i have killed, but i will also never forgive myself if allow any more of them to become this way..." She looked at Diliges and Cicada teary in the eyes, another reason she didn't want them to see her face. She didn't want to be the one to kill them to deprive them the chance of being alive and well... to have their own families. She wiped her own face and turned back with eyes red from some of the veins.

"So let me be called evil, let me be called a tyrant, a murderer, a monster! Nothing is more important to me than my changelings, nothing is more important to me than to no longer hear their screams of hunger plagueing my mind and my nightmares. NOTHING!" she yelled the last word with all her strength back at the ponies. She somehow felt at peace... like if she had completed a task... tasting the sweet revenge the bitter truth gave her. No more... she wanted no more of it... no more.



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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



The arguing and bickering between the two sides continued. Twilight was frustrated and rather offended at the Changeling's words.

Harming your Changelings, she thought to herself, After what you did to us?!

Twilight elected not to verbally express her feelings. It took great amounts of will power and self-control to not lash out on the Queen, for her hypocrisy, her irrationality, and her myopic view of the situation. Not being able to promise injury Twilight's friends, but imposing death if any of her beloved Changeling cronies are inured?

What a selfish, double standardizing chump! Twilight thought angrily to herself. Oh, how she wished she could lash out without facing repercussions! However, the princess knew that if they wanted to get back to Equestria, they would need full cooperation from both sides. Rather, instead of berating the Queen for her irrational thoughts, she tried to do what any good princess would do: mediate the situation. See it from both sides.

"Look, Queen Chrysalis," Twilight said in a calm voice, hiding her anger towards the Queen, "If returning to Equestria is what you want, you are going to need our full cooperation, and so will we."

She stepped laterally, so that she could face both the girls and the Changelings.

"This bickering and fighting will not get us back to Equestria," Twilight said to the two groups. "As difficult and crazy as this sounds, we need to work together and cooperate with each other. I know we've had out quarrels in the past, but we have to put these differences aside if we can actually have a chance at returning to Equestria."


(I'm going to make an attempt to have all, or at least most, of my future posts as good as this one)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@,@@Dawn Stripes@@@@Pripyat Pony,  

Diliges remained very silent as the Queen and ponies went back and forth. He had to stop himself from lunging at the timid Pegasus and knocking her away from his Queen. Doing so would be considered attack, and he had been ordered not to initiate hostility.
The ponies did make decent enough arguments. But they were looking at things from only their side. Typical, really. When in an argument one side will usually only look at their own troubles and not take into account the hardships and trials the other side has endured. That's why it helped to understand your opponent, be it a debate or an actual military operation. Luckily, Diliges understood both side perfectly. He had been raised by ponies for a good chunk of his life, after all. He had seen just how much they feared the Changelings. So many of them painted his race as nothing more than animals, no better than a cockatrice or manticore. They thought of them as a malevolent force, only wishing to consume. That made it all the easier for them to hate and despise the Changelings. Diliges knew full well the lengths a pony could go through to downplay any qualities a Changeling might have. 
The Captain had not realized it at first, but he had subconsciously shifted himself to appear as Craft once again. At least some forms of magic worked in the dream world. The Princess spoke, trying to reason with her friends, stating that, if they wanted to return to Equestria, they would have to work together. The Changeling, in the form of the teal unicorn, nodded, and spoke using his voice, "The Princess makes a point. If we are to ever return home," he shifts back to his true form, "Then we will have to cooperate. As much as you bigots may not want to."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@Pripyat Pony
@Ryuuguu Rena
@Dawn Stripes

"Aye aye... this is true... but simply returning to Equestria won't do. This is what you don't understand... so long as the problem of the changelings still remains this will never end as much as i wish it to. I am not alone in ruling my kingdom... there are many who don't believe in peace. So what if i stop the war with the ponies? Will it do any good if we starve to death? And what if we feed our hunger for now... what will happen tomorrow? Shall we hung ourselves when your charity stops? No... that is why i wanted to take Equestria by force... i wasn't willing to gamble my chances with you finding a solution for this problem. We need to solve this problem for good if any efficient amount of change is gonna have to take place."

She had been pondering the possibility of peace for a while since David touched her heart. She had promised him that she would do whatever it takes to rise up to the challange... knowing true love was the first thing to actually motivate her towards this.

"I promised someone... someone i truly came to care about... that i would try to find a way out of this. The presence of this person, the counsel he gave me are imperative to why i am even considering co-operation at this moment... and the reason i might be considered a traitor for this."

She closed her eyes and the imaginary moment rushed her head like an angry river.


The sea of voices was turning back, adressing her offensively, accussing her, blaming her for the destruction she wrecked to her kind.

"A human King?"

"Peace with the ponies?"

"Is our Queen surrendering?"

"Does this mean we will become slaves to the ponies?"

"Are we gonna starve now?"

"The ponies won't feed us."

It was one of her generals leading a coup against her... she was standing in front of David (in his human form?). The doors to her throne room shattered as the general charged in... his face was covered in full armor and the helmet covered his face. But through the slots of the helmet she saw his red eyes looking back at her.

"Chrysalis of Proteus and Metis... you are accussed of high-treason! Betraying our nation to the Equestrians, offering the spot of a King to a non-changeling human abomination, and genocide of thousands through your "peace treaty"!"

"Insolent whelp! I am doing this for you! I am doing this to find a solution in this endless hunger! And this "Human King" is a much better person than all of you combined!"

The scene that followed her showed the death of the ones she loved... one by one... her Captain Diliges was there, David, Cicada... and the traitor general who could have been anyone of them... took the crown and wore it arrogantly. It was the end of her life, and the beggining of another era of war and suffering for her race. All which she worked for gone...


"There is no way i can make a believable promise to you that i will not harm you. Not after what i've done to you... There is no way i can predict the future and the duration of this peace... If the changelings have to choose between peace and war with you, taking their own lives or yours... they will choose the latter. Blood is thicker than water afterall... and i am merely their voice."

Either or else there wasn't much to say anymore... the ponies would have to think about it themselves a bit.

"I am no hero... i do what i must to ensure that they live another day. Their hapiness is my hapiness... I admit i made mistakes, i walked down a path that i no longer see as apropriate... i got blinded by power in the way. But i am tired... tired of fighting, tired of hearing their voices saying they are hungry, tired of having to kill them with my own hooves, tired of their senseless power-hungry bickering to take the place beside my throne. But most of all... i am tired of being tired. I no longer wish to have these holes grow on me... if you can help me no longer have them... then i gladly accept to stop fighting. Do you think you have the courage to do that? Do you think you have the ability to see this from MY perspective?"

She paused for a moment.

"Ask your Questions... i will do my best to answer them. So will Cicada and Diliges."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@,@@Dawn Stripes, @, @, @@Pripyat Pony,



Diliges had enough. His thoughts had been wandering to the many conversations he'd had with various ponies undercover, or had just eavesdropped upon. Each about how Changelings were just monsters from the dark corners of the world. He had something to say, and he heavily planned on saying it,


"Something that never ceases to amaze me is just how hypocritical so many of you ponies can be," Diliges began before any of the Element Bearers had a chance to ask questions, taking a few steps towards the Ponies as he did, "There are so many of your kind that jump to labeling us Changelings as nothing more than savage beasts, hellbent on your destruction! You forget that we are a sentient race ourselves, just looking to survive!"


He looked each one of the six mares directly in their eyes, ending on Rainbow, and advancing slightly on her, "Do not try denying it! I grew up around you ponies. Hell, I was raised by your kind! I know exactly how your kind thinks," Diliges' gaze had shifted from Rainbow, and he turned his attention to Fluttershy, looking her directly in the eye as he spoke, "Have any of you, who preach so much about 'love and tolerance' and all that gubbins, really tried to take the time to think and wonder why we do this?!"


He steps back to stand by Chrysalis, "It is exactly as my Queen showed you. We are a cursed race. Without feeding upon love, we turn into little more than a hellish demon bent on the destruction of all, including our own. We essentially enter a living hell, where we are powerless to control our hunger, before we shrivel into dust. Never once have I witnessed a pony try asking any of us these things."


The Captain shifts into multiple different forms of Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus ponies as he speaks, causing his voice to fluctuate with each different form, "I have given all of these ponies ample opportunities to ask, to try and understand, but all they ever did was scream, and try to eradicate the proverbial 'wasp in the room'."


He reverts to his natural form and stands directly beside his Queen and Commander. His tangent may not have made the most sense in this particular context, but frankly he didn't give a damn. It was something that he wanted to get out for the longest time, and finally it was said.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Rainbow Dash shot forward, leaving a primsatic trail, and getting in front of the yellow mare, pushing her back towards perceived safety. "You leave Fluttershy alone!" she growled, if it was possible for a pony to growl, which it wasn't. "She's right! You never asked anyone! You never tried to explain yourselves to us! You just started kidnapping our princesses!"

She took all four hooves, flaring her wings threateningly and keeping her head low. "Don't blame me, and especially don't you dare blame her because you have to hurt ponies or some rubbish like that. You think we're just going to let you trample all over our friend and family just 'cause you have to? What exactly do you expect us to do?"


(OOC: Wait for it... [that doesn't mean don't post] I think I have a way to actually resolve the fight, but wait for it...)

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


That actually gave Diliges some pause. It made sense, really, why the ponies would fear the Changelings. But he would be damned if he was going to submit to the Pegasus. He advanced until he as standing only a few inches from her, the solid turquoise orbs of his eyes locked directly with her own, "Is she not the 'Element of Kindness'? Is charity, not an act of kindness? Acceptance?"

He scoffed, "Tell me, Miss Dash, what would you do were you in our position? What would you do if you ponies were the cursed ones, if it was necessary for you to feed off the emotion of others for survival? How about if just the sight of you was enough to send so many running in fear, and not even listen to a word you say? What if you were viewed as nothing more than a monster?"

The Changeling Captain's normally raspy voice had reached a lower octave, and only sounded more menacing as he spoke, "Would you not react the same way? When one is treated and viewed in such a way by others, they tend to take on that behavior themselves. It's simple psychology, really. I've known a fair share of my troops who have attempted a peaceable confrontation. And what did it gain them? Death."


Diliges bared his teeth for a second in disgust before continuing, "I've heard the cries of my brothers and sisters as they were struck down, so many times over. While I would prefer not to kidnap your kind myself, it is a necessary evil. And I will continue if it means keeping those I care about alive. Would you not do the same for your friends there? Or perhaps that little filly, Scootaloo?" He shifts his gaze to the other five Elements, "Would you not do the same?!"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Pinkie Pie leapt forward and stood besides Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash is right!" she cried out. "You might have asked us! We would have tried to help you if you had only asked! But you never did! You attacked us! So why should we feel sorry for you, when you would have taken over Equestria and trampled the ponies underhoof!"


Rarity spoke, but not to Chrysalis. "Twilight," she said. "Isn't there anything in your books about changelings? Is there a reason as to why they're like they are? Maybe there is a way to help them, and we just don't know it."


Rarity didn't know what to think. She sided with her friends, but on the other hand, she knew that Chrysalis held the key to getting them all back home, so there was no point in antagonising her. She stared at the jewel around Cicada's neck.


"What kind of jewel is that?" Rarity asked Cicada, really wanting to know. The jewel was beautiful, shedding light as it turned. Cicada replied, "It is a black diamond. We mine them from rocks around the Hive. As far as I know, it only comes from there."


"It's beautiful," Rarity said, politely.


"Many things are," Cicada replied, "When you look at them the right way. Not all changelings are raised outside the Hive; as a higher ranked changeling, I was hatched inside the nursery. As a filly, I played with Chrysalis, and grew to love her like a sister. To me, Chrysalis is my family, just as all the changelings are. And that's why it hurts me, like a knife to the heart, whenever any of the Hive suffer."


She turned to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Applejack, all three of whom were standing there in a threatening manner.


"Do you have any idea as to just how it feels to hear the screams and death throes of those you care about, and not be able to lift a hoof to save them, no matter how much you want to?" Cicada grated out, speaking the words thru her teeth.


"When your precious Cadance and Shining Armour's spell ejected us from Canterlot, not everypony survived, you know. And since my mind is connected to the Hive Mind, I was forced to listen to many of my changelings dying. And the silence that appeared after their deaths, tho there were many other voices of course, but those who had died spoke no more. I had lived my entire life with those voices in my mind and now they were gone forever. Those were changelings I cared about, and did my best to look after. Just as I protect my Queen and friend, and will continue to do so, no matter what.


"Rainbow Dash, you are the Element of Loyalty, right? Can you understand what I'm saying here? I bet you would give the very breath under your ribs for your friends if they were in danger. Just as I would for my friend, Chrysalis; for my captain, Diliges... and for every single changeling in the entire Hive!"


Cicada spoke with passion, trying to make these ponies see what she was trying to put across.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony

@Ryuuguu Rena,
@Ragin' Red Talon,


Rainbow Dash whinnied and flapped her wings. But she saw. She got her face out of the Changeling Guard's. "Well--" she stammered and stormed in circles. "Damn right I would!" Her head throbbed with trying to put it all together, and put her in an even fouler mood. "It's not like I can just-- pfft!" She stormed back up to him. "Well that's it then. You fight for yours, and I fight for mine. That's the only way it can be. You said it yourself."


(OOC: Wait for it...)

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Applejack interjected. "Now listen here! Ah'm sorry 'bout what happened with the other changelings, but ya'll attacked Canterlot! We were defendin' ourselves. Ah wish ya didn't have to get hurt, and ah'm sorry if ya lost yer friends. I know ah couldn't live without mine. But this wouldn't happen if ya didn't hurt anypony. Why can't ya be friendly to us ponies? We never wanted to fight. Ya'll invaded...Please...We just wanna get home, and we don't need ya messin' with any of us. Can't we just get together and get home soon?" she asked.

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@Pripyat Pony

@Ryuuguu Rena,
@Ragin' Red Talon,


"I--I'll do it."

Fluttershy nuzzled her way forward, giving a touch to each of her friends in turn--Aplejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, and finally to the flank of Rainbow Dash, who took time to notice and retired with a blush. She stood alone in the dream-darkness, backlit by a rainbow of five coats.

"Take the love I have."

Rainbow Dash shot up, but Fluttershy ignored her. They couldn't go on fighting. "That's what you want, right? You--y-you can come around to saying it. If you don't want to take love by force, then someone has to g-give it. B-but they won't, because nopony wants to give it up."
She swallowed, took one deep breath. "Y-you can have mine. I...I don't know what I have to do, or if I can make a difference...but please, if it will stop all this...take what you need."
She squeezed her eyes shut. "It must be able to help. I have friends...who love me very much. And there's even someone here on Earth that has strong feelings for me. But be kind to them all, and don't hurt them...if..."

She froze then, suspended in her offering, posed as if a foal before an oncoming hurricane.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@,@@Dawn Stripes@@@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges managed a slow nod to Rainbow. At least she understood where he was coming from, if only a little. But things seemed to be at a stalemate here. Both were willing to fight for their respective reasons. Cicada began to speak to the other Elements, and they in turn spoke, but Diliges paid them little mind. 


What really surprised the Changeling Captain, was when the timid one, Fluttershy, stepped up. Haltingly - obviously afraid, but determined in her own way - She offered up her love for the Changelings. Diliges' ears perked slightly at that and he raised an eyebrow. She... She was serious about this? The Captain gave his Queen and Commander a look, before turning his attention back to Fluttershy and the other Elements, "You are entirely serious about this? It is not just a ploy?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@00Pony@nioniosbbbb, @Ragin' Red Talon@Ryuuguu Rena@Pripyat Pony,


She nodded without opening her eyes. "Nopony should...have to starve." She pawed the groundless ground in a typical nervous gesture, wings clamped to her sides in a gesture that made sense only for Fluttershy, where the wings of a normal Pegasi--like slack-jawed Rainbow Dash's--were a-flutter. "My bear friends need to eat meat to live...so I feed them meat."
One tremble only. "It does hurt someone else. But without it, they'll die...and it's the way they are. And humans are the same way. I--don't like it. I don't like it at all. At first, I worried they were monsters. I thought I was turning into a monster." Her voice grew soft, as yet hoarse. "I didn't want to turn into a monster.

"And so...it's not fair if I were to ask other little critters to...die...to feed others. I don't have to do any..." She crossed her front legs, "of that...sort of thing myself, but there are...griffons who supply it for me. It's--it's part of the way the world is." She bit and. "And...it's not a bad thing. Bears are beautiful creatures. It's just the way they are."


Rainbow Dash took one clop forward, eyes entirely on Fluttershy--yet she remained in line with the others, far behind the little pegasus.


(OOC: Unexpectedly pleased with this post. Also going to bed now. Chao)

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Applejack was shocked at first at how brave Fluttershy had been, volunteering to give her love to the changeling, but after a moment, it sunk in and Applejack completely understood. This was completely in the shy little pony's nature, and AJ knew she couldn't stop her. This is what Fluttershy had to do, and she would do it. The element of kindness would see this through. She stepped forward, standing ready to support her friend in any way she could.

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@,@@Dawn Stripes@@@@Pripyat Pony,  

This... This was legitimate. This timid little Pegasus really meant all of this. What she said made sense, and.. she actually understood better than Diliges had expected any pony to really be able to. The Changeling Captain slowly raised one foreleg and reached out towards her, gently placing his hoof on her shoulder. This was the first time he'd ever touched a pony, in his natural form, in a completely non hostile way. Something had shifted, and broken, within the Changeling's mind. With some effort, he spoke, "You ponies really are capable of understanding, aren't you?"
He laughs dryly. Applejack, the Element of Honesty, stepped up to her friend. Diliges tensed, expecting to be berated for making contact, but... there was no hostility in the orange Earth pony's eyes. Only understanding, if not for the Changelings but for her friend's actions. Taking his hoof from the yellow Pegasus' shoulder, Diliges nods to each, taking a step back, "There's not really much more I can think to say except... Thank you. Simply.. thank you.
"It doesn't really hurt, you know - the process of our consuming emotion - not unless we're forced to make it so. Most of the time you won't barely feel a thing," he scoffs shortly and blinks the faint moisture from his eyes, "OK, maybe I lied about there not being more to say, but... I think I've figured out why we came here. This... private space of reality, within a shared dream. We may have actually just come to a resolution."
He turns his eyes to his Queen and Commander. Really, it was their say on the Changeling's part, "Wouldn't you agree, Majesty? Cicada?"
(it's moments like this where I really want to hug Fluttershy, y'know?)
Edited by 00Pony
  • Brohoof 2

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Dawn Stripes@Ragin' Red Talon@Ryuuguu Rena@Pripyat Pony@@00Pony, Resolution, release, redemption. Three words so far away yet she longed for them so much... was it really possible? But then there was the spell to return them home... she hadn't told them and didn't dare say so. Despite the fact that resolution seemed possible the avalanche of problems had yet to end. She smiles at Diliges and Cicada wanting to express her love for their words now more than ever... but she had to keep her composure at this moment and act like the true Queen she was.

"I'd like to believe so my dear Captain. I'd like to believe that is the beginning of a new era during which our problem will be forever solved..." 

She turns towards the ponies and takes a deep breath before she talks.

"We aren't supposed to look like this... we're not supposed to have holes within our bodies. No changeling is born with holes... they grow with their need to feed. A common cause of death due to this is multiple organic failure... I know you want to help in ending this, but you must look beyond just simply the feeding. Taking care of that need will be the first step, solving this forever will be the final step. Otherwise our population will be entirely dependent on you."

Perhaps she was overly dramatic? But in the end there were some last things to be said, the way to home was through her and she had to make that clear.

"I am the only one that can take you all home. I am the caster of the spell, and the only one who decides whether we do return or not. Even if the case wasn't this way, even if you could help in this i would still insist in doing it myself. It is my responsibility and my attempt to make amends for what I've done. The only true way i can speak... without being called a liar. Due to the nature of this world the spell requires a lower gravitational pull in order to work. That and the fact that there's not much magic in this world are considerable factors which hamper my efforts of casting it." 

She paused for a moment trying to retain her composure and hide whatever worries or fears she had. She did her best to hide the trembling and the stress she felt taking a toll upon her since the time she arrived upon this world.

"I shall be in Miami with the human that found me... Colette must have his number i suppose. When you are ready and arrive come and speak to me in person. I need to speak to you all individually... that includes you too Cicada, Diliges. Now are there any questions about the process to return home? Any questions about what we shall do after we arrive back to Equestria?"

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Twilight was relieved that the Queen's change in demeanor brought about a possible compromise. Queen Chrysalis seemed to be coming to her senses, and possibly realizing just how badly the ponies were needed! Could Diliges finally be coming through to her?

"But Queen Chrysalis," Twilight said, "What would we do that could help your race?"

It was, after all, a race that fed off the love of others. Surely they would have to find a new source of nourishment, but what could it be, if it was just the love of other beings they fed off of.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@Pripyat Pony
@Ryuuguu Rena
@Dawn Stripes

This was the Twilight Sparkle that was supposed to be able to invent new spells? She didn't look like it... right now she just looked to be handed a task like if Queen Chrysalis was now Princess Celestia. Could she not put her own mind to work? Chrysalis however was calm... old habits die hard she guessed.

"There is something you might find very intriguing about the changelings Miss Twilight. There is a tricky gene in our genetical structure... it is called "The Protean" gene... out of my father who discovered it. It makes every changeling special by adapting according to the situation the changeling is put in. It gives us excpetional speed, strength, greater affinity with certain types of magic, exceptional flight... The possibilities are endless."

She sighed and pulled back her hair taking another deep breath as the memory of her father was brough again to mind. She would make him proud no matter what... him and her mother that were watching from above the stars.

"What i want to end up is that your little mind is restricted by your imagination. This may sound offensive to you... but it is how it is... You created new magic, you were able to make a new path..."

She took another breath and looked up in the completely blank-white surroundings. She imagined that this place was special, that probably her parents were watching from somewhere. No chance... she wouldn't see them again...

"My father told me this when i was born... i didn't understand it then young as i was. But now i think i do... he said "

She pulled her hair back and spoke once again.

"If you let your imagination restrict you, allow your mind to set a limit for your power, then you will have just let yourself trapped in the limits you made for yourself... You have the potential... use it!"


"There must be a way... a person who runs away and thinks of safe choices... that isn't me! I learned that if you can do the impossible, logic goes by the wayside! If you can get past pride the limit backs off! THAT'S how Queen Chrysalis lives!"

This was HER declaration of the way she was living... the way of her life, and work. At that moment the myriad of ideas flooded her mind like a cataclysm erupting.

"Maybe Princess Cadence can help... she is the Princess of Love afterall. Maybe you the elements of harmony can help... As i said we're not suppossed to look like this. A lot of our archives were lost during the "Big Freeze", that's what we call the wedigo rampage on Equestria all those years ago. We know that whatever turned us like this happenned long before that... maybe Princess Celestia or Princess Luna remember our ancestors. I saw our "show" through this "internet"... i know you are also aware of Starswirl the Bearded and his spell of travelling through time... perhaps we could alter it and have a look at our past, in order to figure out what made us this way... the possibilities are truly endless and all i need... is your co-operation in this. If you think you can handle it miss Twilight Sparkle."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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(OOC: Just posting...because no one seems to want to make the next post. Twilight? Perhaps you could get things moving? One 'hokey day' that can shut this dream sequence down? You know, the humans should really take part in the next dream sequence...)


The Changeling's hoof felt smooth, and hard, and just vaguely cold. Kind of like a large fingernail, where it brushed through her coat hair to make contact with her skin. Fluttershy shivered. She couldn't feel the holes from here. With her eyes closed, she might imagine the changeling had been wearing slipper or plastic hoof-guards.


She stayed until she felt a whirl of prismatic wind. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to be interposed between the two of them. "Oh no!" she cried. "You hurt Fluttershy over my cold, dead body!"

Fluttershy's eyes snapped open then. The sight of the changeling's face directly in front of her startled her badly...she'd never SEEN one up so close...but she forced herself to turn to the familiar visage of her pegasus companion. "Rainbow Dash."

Dash backtrotted as if from an open fire as Fluttershy fixed her in an open stare.

"That is not your decision to make. I know you have to be loyal, but that isn't going to help you right now."
She took up to flight over the mane six. "Oh, you did not just diss my Element of Harmony!"

Fluttershy did her level best to ignore her, trying to meet the Changeling's eyes with a smile. But her friend wouldn't give up.


"Fluttershy! You...you can't! Don't make me a failure again!" Gusts of wind hit her flanks as Rainbow hovered closer "It's my job, you know! I gotta' take care of you. And...I suck at it." Her voice was laced with cracks like a pond in false spring. "You can't get hurt, Fluttershy. You just can't."


"Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy's calm command silenced her over and over. "You might be able to go home."

  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Pripyat Pony
@Ryuuguu Rena
@Dawn Stripes
@Ragin' Red Talon

Queen Chrysalis saw crystal clear the worries of the two pegasi, she recognized inside their eyes the fear of the unknown  the danger which they didn't have to fear... Calmly and steadily she approached them seeking not to startle them in any way. She decided to show them something, something which only the changelings could see.

"I understand your fear Miss Fluttershy, yours too Miss Rainbow Dash. You do not known what we will do... you do not know how we feed. I want you two to imagine this for a moment... imagine an invisible link to the naked eye, emotions linking each other crossing miles away to reach their target. The positive emotions glow like the sun around you... they give energy and affect positively those who stand at your presence. The negative emotions act like whirlpools sucking everything around and dimming the light and life of those who stay close to you. We seek the positive emotions that consist of life..." 

A smooth green aura of magic expands around her slowly passing through each and every one of them revealing a palette of colors that made the most beautiful painting you could ever see. Tendrils of green, blue, yellow, red, and white connecting each of the ponies with their respective color shining the most. They were each connected with one-another and the invisible link that they always felt was now apparent. 

"Feelings ARE magic... they flow in the sky like rivers of magic crossing the air. What we do when we feed is simple really... we tap into the source... This might cause you to feel tired, nausea, and other minor side-effects but... it never kills you. After a good sleep it will go away... and we wouldn't want it any other way. If we killed the ones that fed us... how could we even survive? You won't get into a pod or anything like that. No... we are just thirsty... and this is the way we quench our thirst."


Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@Ryuuguu Rena@00Pony@Hypn0ticD@Dawn Stripes@Ragin' Red Talon, Queen Chrysalis saw crystal clear the worries of the two pegasi, she recognized inside their eyes the fear of the unknown the danger which they didn't have to fear... Calmly and steadily she approached them seeking not to startle them in any way. She decided to show them something, something which only the changelings could see."I understand your fear Miss Fluttershy, yours too Miss Rainbow Dash. You do not known what we will do... you do not know how we feed. I want you two to imagine this for a moment... imagine an invisible link to the naked eye, emotions linking each other crossing miles away to reach their target. The positive emotions glow like the sun around you... they give energy and affect positively those who stand at your presence. The negative emotions act like whirlpools sucking everything around and dimming the light and life of those who stay close to you. We seek the positive emotions that consist of life..." A smooth green aura of magic expands around her slowly passing through each and every one of them revealing a palette of colors that made the most beautiful painting you could ever see. Tendrils of green, blue, yellow, red, and white connecting each of the ponies with their respective color shining the most. They were each connected with one-another and the invisible link that they always felt was now apparent. "Feelings ARE magic... they flow in the sky like rivers of magic crossing the air. What we do when we feed is simple really... we tap into the source... This might cause you to feel tired, nausea, and other minor side-effects but... it never kills you. After a good sleep it will go away... and we wouldn't want it any other way. If we killed the ones that fed us... how could we even survive? You won't get into a pod or anything like that. No... we are just thirsty... and this is the way we quench our thirst."


The aura surrounded Twilight Sparkle, which worried her to an extent, but listened closer to the Queen's explanation. She was not sure whether or not she could trust the Queen, but if the Changelings couldn't have it any which way, and provided they don't attempt to drain them completely of their energy. Nevertheless, if cooperation was what she wanted, Twilight knew she couldn't start yet another quarrel with her.

(not sure if I should have her say anything if we're gonna wrap it up soon)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@Ryuuguu Rena@00Pony@Hypn0ticD@Dawn Stripes@Ragin' Red Talon,

Chrysalis sensed that the time to finish this encounter was soon. There was nothing more to really be said... she aproached Twilight and saw a thin link barely visible between them. It was a promise... a promise of a much greater connection between their races which she hoped could come true. One by one she looked at the Elements of Harmony and her changelings saying nothing simply looking them in the eyes promising what she could not with words.

"I promise... little as i know it means right now... that the cycle WILL be broken. There is none else that wishes it more than me."

She turns towards her friends, her changelings, her loyal companions. A small tear treks down her cheeck... she admires their devotion and thanks them silently for it.

"What hapenned here Miss Twilight Sparkle is true... it is no simple dream and i hope you will not deny it when you wake up. Protect my changelings... my champions... my boon friends. They are unique to me... more than you know. We share a connection something you call "Hive Mind" but it i like to call "Soul Resonance". I am able to hear and talk to them from miles away... anything you need to ask of the changelings they will answer, anything to ask me they will relay... They are my messengers and my envoys... my ambassadors you could say..."

She hoped that this way Twilight would realise just how precious each and everyone of her changelings is... she looked her, the elements and her own changelings in the eyes wanting to "show" this way the truth that could not be shown in words.

"Celestia appointed you as a Princess for a reason... you were meant to encounter situations like this... you were meant to face such difficulties. Act like one... as i do. Now..."

She backed away motioning her changelings to fall behind her as turned once again to face the elements.

"It is time for the true sleep... we need to wake up. I will be heading towards Miami with David... one of the humans must have his number... the one that Miss Rainbow Dash used. Speak to him... And Rainbow Dash..."

She looked at the pegasus and gave her a smile.

"Do not be afraid to "feel" what is real."

She closed her eyes and as if the dream heard her wish it slowly pulled each and everyone back from the dreamscape with everything fading away by each passing moment. Strangest thing though... she heard a pair of voices speaking to her just before everything was lost.

"We're proud of you..."

"... our child."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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