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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Logan's stiff solo movements did not last long. Applejack joined him in an actual dance, leading him through it. Traditionally it was the male who led the dances, but frankly, Logan didn't care. He was learning, of course, and this was surprisingly enjoyable. Plus, it seemed to be something that Applejack was enjoying immensely. At one point of the sequence, she transferred her signature hat onto his head instead, and with a little wink, went right back into the swing of things. Logan was a fast learner, and eventually felt comfortable enough to anticipate the movements himself. He got a few wrong, as was to be expected, but did surprisingly well. At some point, the song changed to a much slower paced one. Logan stopped in his movements for a few seconds, trying to place it. He allowed himself a brief second to note that he had actually managed to break a sweat, and in continuing to try and place the music, removed his jacket. The music being played wasn't really his cup of tea, but this one seemed familiar. Then there was the 'glitch' vocals, and that was what caused him to recognize it. Last time the Connery's had been in PA, Bowen, Angie, Sam and Zechariah had teamed up to bombard Logan with the 'songs of their people', as Zed had put it. This one had been among them. Needless to say, Logan laughed to himself at this, balling his jacket up and tossing it as close to an unoccupied corner as he was going to get.

This music wasn't what she was used to, but she was making the best of it. She was happy though as the music changed to something slower. She was truly enjoying herself as she danced, almost laughing as she watched him slowly getting used to how to dance. Logan really was a unique guy and Applejack relished the ability to be with him like this.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @,@00Pony, @Pripyat Pony,@@Hypn0ticD,@, @@00Pony, Without Dash Dennis didn't really know what to do... he wondered if there would be like a Karaoke contest or something. Maybe he could ask? He really did wonder however what Rainbow Dash was gonna pull of... hopefully something that wouldn't result in the whole party dissolving like if it had been hit with a nuke. ((OOC:If anyone wants to interact with Dennis you're welcome...))

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@,@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,


"Is that so??" Maddie asked with a bit of a chuckle. "I go to parties and concerts alla time, so I'm used to it!" Maddie chirped. She noticed the man still hadn't taken a seat, making her frown a little. "Go on.and have a seat. No one's making ya stand!"




"What, horse meat?? No!" Colette answered as she continued to lead the Princess back to her table. "Hot dogs are usually made of cow or pig meat," she admitted as she came in close to her destination, "You're not a cannibal, Princess, but uh... Humans are omnivorous."


Colette reached the table and pulled out a chair for Twilight before reseating herself beside Fluttershy. "Sorry about that! I had ta pull Twilight here away from the food table. Whad I miss?"


Colette then took notice of the man that came with Claire -- Diliges, right??" Colette had barely spoken to him… oops! Had to fix that! "So… you and Claire Bronies or what??"

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(Derpy post. Brain is fried from my tests today!)




@@Pripyat Pony




(feel free to have your guys interact with Jack, too. I definitely want him to sing in the karaoke contest and have that 1v1 with Rainbow Dash)



Twilight shivered at the thought of eating another animal.

"But... how could they have... tasted... so good?" she responded, still trying to rub the taste off of her tongue.

"And why do you humans even eat other animals?"


@@Dawn Stripes

The fan gladly held onto Rainbow Dash's jacket, clutching it tightly.

"I'm... never washing these hands as long as I live!" he declared, watching Rainbow Dash cloudsculpt.

"That's the Rainbow Dash I know!" he cheered.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Hypn0ticD@Ragin' Red Talon


"Oh my." Fluttershy stifled her giggle after the first second, upon realizing that that wasn't actually funny. In fact, it was horrible. As much as she hated to excuse herself from Colette the second she got back, Fluttershy couldn't leave Twilight alone; she wandered the hall with her head ducked until she found the princess nearby. "Twilight, are you okay?"





"I am aren't I? Nice to get the proper appreciation for once." Rainbow Dash squinted as she shoved loose bits of cloud from one place to the next; the first thing to do was get the cloud nice and hard, like the stuff you could make houses out of that wouldn't blow away. It involved, for Dash, biting her tongue and squinting and pounding it like dough that had to be kneaded; she was far from an expert, and her resulting clouds sculpture was a little thick and lacked the aetherial lightness of some of the masterworks, but it held together well enough.


What to make? Rainbow Dash was moving cloud like random clay for a while, uncertain. But she ought to make something that would be awesome for her friends. Her first instinct was to throw something together for Rarity to patch up after that last party they'd had before coming to Earth, but then it occurred to her that, were she to take the time, she could make cloud sculptures for all her pony friends if...err, once...they were back in Equestria. So she might as well make it for someone who she might not see again...


Grabbing her jacket off the fan, she carefully manuevered the floating statue back into the dance hall, careful that it didn't bump against the doors wehre it would break. Now, where was Dennis...surely he would notice a 4-foot high bust of himself wearing a laurel wreath, especially if it was made outta' fog.


...Well, he might not be able to figure out that it was supposed to look like him, but there were clearly eyes and a nose and stuff at least!

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Meteorite,


Agent Abernathy finished adjusting her wig before stepping out of her vehicle. There was a security guard at the gates, but it was abundantly clear that we was overwhelmed with throng after throng of guests. Agent Roberts should've saw that coming a mile off! Oh well. She was here, and that's what mattered. She made her way to the warehouse, her ears already being savagely assaulted by the pounding noise the kids today called 'music'.


She barely made it to the warehouse entrance when the alien known as Rainbow Dash running to and fro like a maniac, one of her crazed fans shouting after her. What the hell was she doing?? Judging by the intel she managed to gather on her, it was most likely going to something brash and attention grabbing. Abernathy wasted no more time and went inside.


Abernathy cringed at the sheer volume of the music as the pulsating beats, but quietly ventured around the warehouse, making observations as she went.


There were a throng of fans that were converged in front of two racecars, wanting to see that rookie driver. Abernathy had no idea this was a racing rally as well! Jack and his girlfriend, Catherine Bellamy she believed, were at the fore of the crowd, Jack happily signing whatever was shoved into his face.


She gazed at the enormous, undulating crowd of dancers, cheering and swaying to the beats of the music. Abernathy made out the dancing figures of Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack, all of whom were dancing with either their Finders or acquaintances. She also spotted a woman with the same hair as Rainbow Dash-- even being mistaken for her! Abernathy shook her head. People need to be more observant. The woman clearly wasn't her. She was wearing almost all black, and displayed no anomolous properties -- unlike the jean-clad teen that had-- What the hell?! -- the Pegasus had brought in the fog se was just moments ago running around in!


Abernathy made her way to an empty table in the far corner, seating herself so that she was facing the masses. Reaching into her purse and pulling out a scratched up, older model phone, and dialed Agent Burton.


>>I'm here in the warehouse, now watching Rainbow Dash push in fog. Are you here as well? If so, where??<<

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(at a slight loss)


After a minute or so, Logan slowed in his motions until he was at a still, stretching slightly, "You getting hungry at all? Or do you want to stick around here for a little while longer?"




@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD, @,  


Diliges gave a simple nod, chuckling quietly, "Well, had been making myself stand, for I had not been invited. Well, until now, that is." And he sat. Not much in the ways of conversation were to be had before the Princess was brought over by the girl named Colette. The Changeling gave them each a nod, responding to Colette's question, "Yes, that would be my name."


He quirked a brow at her next question, about his and Clare being Bronies. The Changeling chuckled, "Well, Clare is most definitely a Brony. I suppose you could say I have extensive knowledge about the show and the world it revolves around. Wouldn't necessarily call myself a Brony, however," He turned his gaze to the Princess, "So what's her deal?"


(agents and otherwise will come later)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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After a minute or so, Logan slowed in his motions until he was at a still, stretching slightly, "You getting hungry at all? Or do you want to stick around here for a little while longer?"


Applejack felt her stomach grumble. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry. I'm plum tuckered out for now anyway. Why don't we mingle a little and then go get a bite to eat?" she suggested, taking him by the hand once more and departing from the dance floor. "I'd like to get away from the music anyway. It's not exactly my favorite apple in the tree, if ya know what ah mean. I'll dance to anything though," she said with a laugh.

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@@Dawn Stripes


Following close to Rainbow Dash, the crazy fan tailed her back into the warehouse with the gigantic statue, still in awe at how the real Rainbow Dash created this massive statue... out of a cloud! It was truly a sight to behold. Jack caught sight of it, smooshing through the garage door. He gave a look of confusion and shock, but quickly shook it away, staying well to his vow of not trying to make sense of the Equestrians.

"Rainbow Dash!" the fan said to her, "You know that there's a racecar driver here, right? His name is Jack Preybird, and you two should TOTALLY do a race against each other in the back parking lot! It's GIGANTIC and PERFECT for a 1 on 1 race!"


Twilight Sparkle was still shuddering when Rainbow Dash approached her.

"How... can I be feeling alright?!" she responded, "I just ate a food made out of... animals..."

Fumbling her hand over the table, trying to find something to fiddle with, she grabbed a yellow container, which she recognized as the mustard on the hot dog. Hoping that the delicious but bitter tasting paste did not contain any animals, she read over the back label while flipping the cap up and down. All seemed well, reading off ingredients she found herself familiar with, right up until she read a certain ingredient. Horseradish.




"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she shouted, throwing the container of mustard, which spewed it contents as it tumbled through the air.

(OOC: in Buffalo, where I happen to reside, a local company sells horseradish based mustard that is spicy as hell but godlike. Figured I'd add that in just for the lulz)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(This is his dream)

David stands outside his home, he looks to the right all he saw was darkness to his left all but darkness. He looks forward front door locks broken, he knows what this is about he could remember this night so clearly even for such a young age. He hesitates for the doorknob pulls his hand back but reaches for it, he opens the door you could hear it creek as he did. Inside a ransack home with furniture toss. He looks to his right to see a broken family photo clutches before putting it down. Suddenly he hears cries from someone, as he walks towards to sound he starts to heavily breath in and out. When reach were the cries came from it was behind, pushes the door as hard as he could. He looks there's a little boy kneeling it front of two lifeless bodies, you can hear the boy say "mommy..daddy..you have wake up...wake up" the boy is pushing them. But they stayed motionless. "There not come backing kid...never again" David said to himself, the boy turns to him, the boys clothes were covered in crimson the boy speaks "don't say that...mommy and daddy are just sleeping" David get frustrated he speaks with anger in his voice " there not coming back you hear me! not ever!" He screams.

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@@Meteorite, ((OOC:If i understand this well David delves within his own memories and angrily tells his younger self to "Deal with it!"?)) Chrysalis finds herself yet another time in the dreamscape. It dark outside and she can only see the home ahead slightly illuminated. A figure proceeded ahead... she focused her eyesight a bit in the dream and realised it was David. He was walking like he knew the place... and in a bit she realised she did as well... it was the home she was sleeping in. She looked a bit up in the sky... the stars were in different positions and the surroundings had changed... they were not in the same time. David opened the door and silently she followed... she didn't want to interrupt and her instincts also said not to. 

Silently following him she saw two other humans and a boy standing above them with it's clothes dyed crimson red like blood... when the boy saw David to her surprise... it looked like him. Noticing the bodies a bit she also saw these looked a lot like him. He had mentioned earlier that his parents were dead... so that's what she was seeing. His parent's deaths... the earlier memories of his childish mind. Poor David... he felt sorry for him, her heart had melted away the pain she felt that she carried with her, she no longer wanted to hate and hurt others... She watched with some tears on her eyes as David tried desperately to tell his little self to be strong, to be brave, to get over it and move on... or at least that's what he wanted to say.

Knowing full well the dream might end from the first moment to the next... he bowed next to David and the small David and leaned upon him... he told the kid.

"Your parents may be dead... but your life is not over. Know that the future always shines brighter. I lost my parents too... and was burdened with the responsibility of a hole nation. But now i have hope... hope that i found in love. Find love little one... it is far too precious to ingore. Find... love."

@Dawn Stripes@00Pony @Pripyat Pony@Ryuuguu Rena@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, Dennis danced a bit trying to interact with the rest but he was too distracted to enjoy it. Finally she noticed Dash coming with an oddly shaped white thingy roughly the size of a human. What did she do? Following closely he saw that the thing was made out of cloud and steam... and it seemed crazily familiar. 

Once he approached close enough to be noticed both by the crazy fan and Rainbow Dash he finally realised what it was... it was him. A rough cloud sculpture of himself stood before him and he in awe. Not because of the precision, or the beauty and his vanity... but because she had chosen him to portray. He looked at her and pointing at the thing stuttering.

"How... you... i... i don't..." he didn't know what to say... what to do. He was definately moved more so by the gesture than the beauty of the thing.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@, @@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,

"Like I said, humans are omnivorous,"Colette said, doing her best to stifle a giggle herself. "Our bodies adapted to being able to being able to digesting both meat and plants, though we don't have to eat meat alla time." Colette answered.

((Trying to account for Fluttershy and Twilight leaving the table…))

Twilight then left the table in disgust, Fluttershy following the princess. "Well, you wanted to know…" Colette grumbled.
Colette turned to the two remaining guests, shrugging a little. “She just found out that she ate meat..” She answered. Maddie raised an eyebrow at this. “So, is she a vegetarian or something??” Maddie asked, still not believing that the strange girls Colette was spending most of her time with were otherworldly Ponies. “Yeah... Something like that.” Colette then turned her attention back to Diliges. “What makes you an expert on the show without being a Brony??”

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Hypn0ticD, Louise was seated in a corner of the warehouse sipping a glass of punch when her phone vibrated. Thanking her lucky stars that she'd remembered to put it on vibrate, she sent a text back to the agent.


>I'm at the far right corner. Right now, I can see the one known as Pinkie Pie dancing with an unknown boy. Perhaps her finder.<


Of course, unique among the ponies, Pinkie Pie had no finder. She had taken herself up to Racine under her own steam, but the agents weren't to know that.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(at a slight loss)


After a minute or so, Logan slowed in his motions until he was at a still, stretching slightly, "You getting hungry at all? Or do you want to stick around here for a little while longer?"




@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD, @,  


Diliges gave a simple nod, chuckling quietly, "Well, had been making myself stand, for I had not been invited. Well, until now, that is." And he sat. Not much in the ways of conversation were to be had before the Princess was brought over by the girl named Colette. The Changeling gave them each a nod, responding to Colette's question, "Yes, that would be my name."


He quirked a brow at her next question, about his and Clare being Bronies. The Changeling chuckled, "Well, Clare is most definitely a Brony. I suppose you could say I have extensive knowledge about the show and the world it revolves around. Wouldn't necessarily call myself a Brony, however," He turned his gaze to the Princess, "So what's her deal?"


(agents and otherwise will come later)


Applejack felt her stomach grumble. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry. I'm plum tuckered out for now anyway. Why don't we mingle a little and then go get a bite to eat?" she suggested, taking him by the hand once more and departing from the dance floor. "I'd like to get away from the music anyway. It's not exactly my favorite apple in the tree, if ya know what ah mean. I'll dance to anything though," she said with a laugh.



@@Dawn Stripes


Following close to Rainbow Dash, the crazy fan tailed her back into the warehouse with the gigantic statue, still in awe at how the real Rainbow Dash created this massive statue... out of a cloud! It was truly a sight to behold. Jack caught sight of it, smooshing through the garage door. He gave a look of confusion and shock, but quickly shook it away, staying well to his vow of not trying to make sense of the Equestrians.

"Rainbow Dash!" the fan said to her, "You know that there's a racecar driver here, right? His name is Jack Preybird, and you two should TOTALLY do a race against each other in the back parking lot! It's GIGANTIC and PERFECT for a 1 on 1 race!"


Twilight Sparkle was still shuddering when Rainbow Dash approached her.

"How... can I be feeling alright?!" she responded, "I just ate a food made out of... animals..."

Fumbling her hand over the table, trying to find something to fiddle with, she grabbed a yellow container, which she recognized as the mustard on the hot dog. Hoping that the delicious but bitter tasting paste did not contain any animals, she read over the back label while flipping the cap up and down. All seemed well, reading off ingredients she found herself familiar with, right up until she read a certain ingredient. Horseradish.




"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she shouted, throwing the container of mustard, which spewed it contents as it tumbled through the air.

(OOC: in Buffalo, where I happen to reside, a local company sells horseradish based mustard that is spicy as hell but godlike. Figured I'd add that in just for the lulz)


(This is his dream)

David stands outside his home, he looks to the right all he saw was darkness to his left all but darkness. He looks forward front door locks broken, he knows what this is about he could remember this night so clearly even for such a young age. He hesitates for the doorknob pulls his hand back but reaches for it, he opens the door you could hear it creek as he did. Inside a ransack home with furniture toss. He looks to his right to see a broken family photo clutches before putting it down. Suddenly he hears cries from someone, as he walks towards to sound he starts to heavily breath in and out. When reach were the cries came from it was behind, pushes the door as hard as he could. He looks there's a little boy kneeling it front of two lifeless bodies, you can hear the boy say "mommy..daddy..you have wake up...wake up" the boy is pushing them. But they stayed motionless. "There not come backing kid...never again" David said to himself, the boy turns to him, the boys clothes were covered in crimson the boy speaks "don't say that...mommy and daddy are just sleeping" David get frustrated he speaks with anger in his voice " there not coming back you hear me! not ever!" He screams.


@, @@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,


"Like I said, humans are omnivorous,"Colette said, doing her best to stifle a giggle herself. "Our bodies adapted to being able to being able to digesting both meat and plants, though we don't have to eat meat alla time." Colette answered.


((Trying to account for Fluttershy and Twilight leaving the table…))


Twilight then left the table in disgust, Fluttershy following the princess. "Well, you wanted to know…" Colette grumbled.

Colette turned to the two remaining guests, shrugging a little. “She just found out that she ate meat..” She answered. Maddie raised an eyebrow at this. “So, is she a vegetarian or something??” Maddie asked, still not believing that the strange girls Colette was spending most of her time with were otherworldly Ponies. “Yeah... Something like that.” Colette then turned her attention back to Diliges. “What makes you an expert on the show without being a Brony??”


@@Hypn0ticD, Louise was seated in a corner of the warehouse sipping a glass of punch when her phone vibrated. Thanking her lucky stars that she'd remembered to put it on vibrate, she sent a text back to the agent.


>I'm at the far right corner. Right now, I can see the one known as Pinkie Pie dancing with an unknown boy. Perhaps her finder.<


Of course, unique among the ponies, Pinkie Pie had no finder. She had taken herself up to Racine under her own steam, but the agents weren't to know that.

@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony, @Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Meteorite, Ryuuguu Rena


Then DJ Wolf turn the screen on as he put a special DVD of Nightmare Night SFM Muisc Video on. Then he began to playing as the Stars of MLP was on there too while Scout was sining.


Then everyone Dancing to the beat. while DJ Wolf howling in the night.


Nick keep dancing with Pinky Pie as he was having a good time, while he was having a blast as he was dancing some more and was enjoying it too.


Charles was dancing with Rarity as he was smiling to her while he was having his god time too while he was hearing the Nightmare Night music video while he keep dancing to that and was having a blast too.



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"…Princess…??" Colette asked inquisitively as both she and Maddie watched her, puzzled expressions etched on both their faces. "What's the matter??" Colette asked. "I take it you've never had mustard before??" Maddie asked incredulously.



(( @@Pripyat Pony, @@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,


There's not much else we can do with this scene, so let's get our characters out there and mingling with the others!))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Diliges shrugged in response to Colette's question, gesturing lazily with his hands as he spoke, "Well, I wouldn't call myself a 'Brony' by the common definition. I suppose you could say that I've seen the show... I will simply suggest that we simply say that I have connections beyond what most would have." The Changeling was being vague, while dropping what he liked to think were subtle, but easy to catch hints. He was mainly curious to see whether they would figure it out.


The Princess had seemed rather unhappy about something that Diliges had not caught. His first assumption was irritation at his actions, considering she knew that he was a Changeling, but there didn't seem to be much of a hostile intent towards him with that action.






Applejack agreed, and off they went, hand in hand. the officer smiled at her last sentence, "'Apple in the tree'," he quoted to himself, "There's a new analogy for the list. But yes, I know exactly what you mean by that. Wonder what else is going to come up on that playlist."


He fell silent for a second, glancing out over the masses of people. His eyes caught sight of his cousin, who had just a second before been speaking to Angie - or at least Logan assumed he had been, considering the brunette was stepping away from the table. Bowen's gaze fell over Logan and AJ, and an unconscious smile broke out over the teen's features. Logan caught the meaning behind that, and gently pulled Applejack's hand in that direction, "Speaking of mingling, there's actually somebody I'd like you to meet."




Artisan groaned. She was never the biggest fan of most music to begin with, and when it was played at such volumes, it greatly irked her. Still, she was here to blend in. And that meant putting up with it, for the time being. And putting up with the other guests here. Of course, this sort of thing was her specialty, but that did not mean that she had to like it at all times. And of course, putting up with the guests meant having to act like you might expect any sort of normal person too. And that meant accepting dances when asked, and other such trivial things.


Eventually, she managed to extricate herself from the latest partner. It was a narrow escape, to be sure. Nearly had photographic evidence that she was here. And that would not have gone over well. She managed to find her way back to Composer, who had somehow managed to avoid half of these silly things, at least as far as she knew. Either way, when she found him the man was seated, arms crossed and one foot resting on the other leg's knee, and he was laughing at her irritation. She gave him a forceful punch to the deltoid as she sat, causing him to wince briefly before he continued to chuckle, "Well, what do you expect to happen when you look like that?" he asked.


"I except people to think of me as out of their league, and therefore leave me alone." She growled, brushing a section of her hair behind one ear in a frustrated manner.


Composer's only response was to give her a cheeky grin, and lean back in his seat a little further, "Onto the point... Find anything useful?" 

"Aside from the fact that they are all here, minus the Queen, no. You?"


"Not as of yet. Though I did catch that at least one of our fellows from the other agencies are here. That, and the rainbow haired one seems to be able to interact with clouds, considering that little statue she brought in."


Artisan huffed, "That's to be expected. She was a Pegasus after all. They can interact with clouds, fog and other such things." Artisan responded, glancing over in the direction that her partner had gestured.


"Interesting. I would consider that useful knowledge." Composer said, raising an eyebrow at her.


"It doesn't effect us. Worst it could do is make us a little damp, that's about the whole of it." 

"I meant the fact that they carried some of their abilities over. Think of the any others did the same?" 


That made the woman fall silent for a second in thought. Eventually, she spoke again, "Perhaps. Then again, that is kind of why we're here watching, isn't it?"


"Good point," Composer responded. The two agents sat in relative silence for the next couple of minutes, thankfully being left alone. At one point, the dog that belonged to one of the Finders, Logan Kieffer - the one that had put Firefly out of commission a little while back - if Composer's memory served him right, came trotting through the door when someone opened it. The big man cursed, "Well, that's going to be frustrating."


"And what might that be?" Artisan asked, taking her attention from the table where the Princess was having a small tantrum.


"The cop's dog is here. Mutt probably still has our scent." Composer said.


"Then we'll just avoid the hound. Shouldn't be too hard. And besides, the dog's probably experiencing some kind of sensory overload with this mishmash of sound and smell. Not to mention he's pretty cute, considering. He'll be getting lots of attention, I'd say." The woman reasoned, before sighing slightly, "I wonder how Orchestrator and the others are doing on their little endeavor..."





(Speaking of them, just give me a shout/mention when you feel might be a good time for them to ruin the moment for David and Chrysalis.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Applejack agreed, and off they went, hand in hand. the officer smiled at her last sentence, "'Apple in the tree'," he quoted to himself, "There's a new analogy for the list. But yes, I know exactly what you mean by that. Wonder what else is going to come up on that playlist." He fell silent for a second, glancing out over the masses of people. His eyes caught sight of his cousin, who had just a second before been speaking to Angie - or at least Logan assumed he had been, considering the brunette was stepping away from the table. Bowen's gaze fell over Logan and AJ, and an unconscious smile broke out over the teen's features. Logan caught the meaning behind that, and gently pulled Applejack's hand in that direction, "Speaking of mingling, there's actually somebody I'd like you to meet."

Applejack walked with him hand-in-hand, a broad smile painted on her face. She nodded as Logan briefly discussed her analogy, and she walked with him when he pulled her in the direction of the table. "Oh that's great! I'd love to meet a friend of yours. Who is it?" she asked as they soon found themselves standing in front of Bowen.

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"Hey!" Rainbow Dash shouted over the crowds. " S'for you, Den!" With a gently heave, she sent the sculpture floating over several heads, intending for it to land in Dennis' raised arms. She did, however, forget that no one but her present could actually touch the sculpture, and would be more likely to go though it than anything.


@Ragin' Red Talon,


The statue continued to float over the crowd, headed for a far wall, where it would certainly splat and dissipate in slow motion, until, appearing almost from nowhere, Fluttershy climbed onto the DJ's stage long enough to extend her arms and squeeze her eyes shut, catching the brace of fog.


Fluttershy allowed Rainbow Dash to retreive her own prize, busily returning to poor Twilight's side. "Twilight," she murmured, picking at her distraught friend's sleeve. "It--it's okay. Horseradish is a plant, can you hear me?..."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes


Twilight slowly rose from her chair, stooping over to pick up the mustard bottle. Picking it up between her index finger and thumb, she carefully set it on the table before motioning to the horseradish ingredient.

"It's... horse... radish..." She explained, quivering, "If... that's really a plant... then... what is it... made... of...?"




The fan continued to follow Rainbow Dash around the warehouse, spilling words out of his mouth like Niagara Falls.

"Like, you two would be totally EPIC in a race!" He rambled, "Like, the BEST PONY versus BEST RACER in the parking lot!!! We can set up a course in the back and we can have the two most AWESOME racers take each other on 1 on 1! Mano e mano! Or, mare e mano in this case. C'mon, Rainbow Dash! You HAVE TO DO IT! You love everything awesome, don't you?? This is the EPITOME OF AWESOME!!!!"

The fan caught his breath, but instead of rambling on, a stupid smile crept across his face.

"Won't you, pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase?"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Rainbow Dash stood tall, throwing out one arm so that her hand slapped over her fan's mouth with a faint pop.

"Silence, my minion," she declared, observing the crowd with the eye of a queen. "I will test my speed against this 'racecar' of yours, in due time. You will have your chance. But in due time! First I must regain my wings. Then the true race race will begin. We will paw around in your cars for now, as a game."

She grinned up at Dennis, interrupting her lofty tone of voice. "So, Dennis, you like it?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@, @@00Pony, @@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory,


Wait a minute... If he wasn't a Brony, yet he stated he had connections to the show...? "Do you work on the show??" Colette asked, cocking her head slightly. She hadn't quite made the connection, despite the black holey jacket...


Before she could make any more dumb assumptions, however, something large and white caught her eye as it entered the warehouse. Rainbow Dash was actually carrying a cloud into the warehouse! It looked to be in the shape of an oversized, lopsided pile of mashed potatoes, but it was indeed a cloud! She and Maddie watched in stunned silence as Rainbow sent it toward someone in the crowd, but it seemed to go off course and head for the stage… Until Fluttershy intercepted it, stopping the cloud and sending it on its merry way. "Wha...But.. HOW?!" Maddie stammered.


Colette was a little too stunned to answer at the moment. She knew that Fluttershy was a Pegasus, and Rainbow did mention once that any Pegasus could touch, walk on, and manipulate any cloud, Colette had as of yet to see her do anything like that until now... She went over to Fluttershy, keeping just enough distance for her to attend to Twilight...


"Hey! Harry!" Colette turned to see Maddie jump up and down a little, waving to the goth. "Harry! Over here! Didja see those two chicks catch that cloud thing??" She took off to meet the other girl, eyes darting back to the cloud structure every now and again. No matter how they tried, no one else could get a grip on the billowy mass quite like either the brash tomboy or the timid pink haired girl could…

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD@Ragin' Red Talon@00Pony@Pripyat Pony@MelancholicMemory 

There were so many emotions at that time Dennis wasn't sure of what to say... he cared more of the symbolic side of this rather than the beauty of it. 

"It... it is... AWESOME!" he said. From that point he did something crazy that he blamed Dashie for... he had lost some of his restraint around her because of the stuff they did... He hugged her out of the blue and spinned her once around himself. 

"How the hell did you do that? You really need to stop keeping such secrets from me..." he said wiggling his finger at her while giving her a toothly smile.


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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory,

@, @@Fireblaze,


((Feel free to have any of the Equestrians come up and greet the boys!))


Connor, Eric, and Nate finally arrived to the party, all three scratching their heads as they entered to the thrumming beat of Pony Music. Just what the hell did this 'Pinkie Pie' chick invite them to?? More importantly, "Did Colette become a Brony without telling us??" Connor shouted so he could be heard.


The boys continued to make their way further into the pastel decorated warehouse, each one nearly bumping into a horde of Jack's Brony fans, all vying for his attention. "Isn't that that one racing dude??" Nate asked, garnering a few glares from fans withing earshot. Seeing this, they quickly moved on in search of Colette…

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@@Hypn0ticD, Harry grinned at Maddie. "That... is... awesome!" she exclaimed, looking at the cloud sculpture. "I've just got to get a picture!" Harry pulled out her phone and began to take photo after photo.




On seeing new guests, Pinkie bounced up to them. "Welcome to my party!" she chirped, seguing neatly into her welcome song.



(Substitute "Ponyville" for "Pinkie Party")



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory,

@, @@Fireblaze,


((Feel free to have any of the Equestrians come up and greet the boys!))


Connor, Eric, and Nate finally arrived to the party, all three scratching their heads as they entered to the thrumming beat of Pony Music. Just what the hell did this 'Pinkie Pie' chick invite them to?? More importantly, "Did Colette become a Brony without telling us??" Connor shouted so he could be heard.


The boys continued to make their way further into the pastel decorated warehouse, each one nearly bumping into a horde of Jack's Brony fans, all vying for his attention. "Isn't that that one racing dude??" Nate asked, garnering a few glares from fans withing earshot. Seeing this, they quickly moved on in search of Colette…


@@Hypn0ticD, Harry grinned at Maddie. "That... is... awesome!" she exclaimed, looking at the cloud sculpture. "I've just got to get a picture!" Harry pulled out her phone and began to take photo after photo.




On seeing new guests, Pinkie bounced up to them. "Welcome to my party!" she chirped, seguing neatly into her welcome song.



(Substitute "Ponyville" for "Pinkie Party")

@Hypn0ticD, Pripyat Pony, Ragin’ Red Talon, Nioniosbbbb, @MelancholicMemory, Dawn Stripes, OOPony.


DJ Plays the next one Want it, Need It (Hold me) as the fans dancing to this music and Nick went over to Pinky pie while he smiles and looking at them. “Hello there and I am Nick welcome to Pinky Party.”



“Hay Rarity my sweet want to show off the crowd some of your magic too and they will like it.” Charles saying as he was dancing with Rarity while looking at the others and then looking at his Nephew Nick making sure he all right while looking at the other people.



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