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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis knew the whole romantic side of it wouldn't appeal to her so he laughed a bit when she asked if it was her birthday. He smiled back at her not making a sound just watching her enjoy her meal. He decided to dodge the question, but not really, and asked

"Do you like it? That's all that matters to me."


@@00Pony, Queen Chrysalis smiled on the inside. Those petty fools had no idea of her magic... perfect, in time this would be an un-pleasant surprise for them and she would show them the true terror of transformations. They were sub-ordinates as it seems only given what they need to know. Idiots... knowing your enemy is the first step towards defeating them... for that matter she was glad that the show did not reveal her full potential. She was a deadly enemy not to be trifled either... and she enjoyed making her opponents angry, angry opponents make mistakes, they act rashly and their attention is brief. The surging feelings of the inner manipulator she had were filling her with determination. So she decided to toy with her pray first talking to the man who adressed her

"You know your bindings aren't exactly comfortable. Have i annoyed you this easily? Oooh... i am so sorry... wait... i'm not."

She giggled sarcastically in response. Oh this was amusing for her to say the least. He thought she was a threat however and he was half-right at that. She was dangerous... and he would in time get a taste of that danger, this mindless buffoon thought she wanted this world? BAH!

"You are so self-centered you know that? What makes you think i would even be interested in your magic-less world? I already have a kingdom of my own."

Her eyes glimmered with anger. "Other than to sleep with one of our own number..." did she just call her a slut? Her face changed from one of cold determination to one frowning with a bit of anger and disgust. None would insult her love with David... she would not allow it.

"Listen to me woman... whatever your name is. If you are refering to my personal life with David this is none of your business, and would do well not to comment upon it."

Tck! She would have none this... she sat down quietly at her seat thinking of a way she could ditch those prongs, surely her captors would refuse to do such a thing but then again they would have to eventually. She had however to meet this leader of theirs and learn his intentions, doing so would allow her to find him, track him... and if need be kill him... slowly. Thoughts of torture came to her mind as she once again took a devious expression of self-confidence. The fools had not accounted for her changelings, they didn't know she was contacting them and as soon as that happened she would teach them a good lesson about messing with the Queen. Right now she transferred every bit of information to Diliges and Cicada.

"I take it back what i said before... You are not prepared."

@@Pripyat Pony, ((OOC:I don't know but for some reason i would suggest reading all of this post not just the below part))

Chrysalis greatly appreciated the fact that her changelings shared her feelings and their loyalty to her. Of course Cicada was natural but to hear this from Diliges... and his words of not assuring their lives will last. "My, my, my... you really are something special Diliges. I guess that is fine... though i would caution you my dear. I want you all alive both you and Cicada. The humans seem to not comprehend fully what i am, or magic for that matter. Ha!" she send a small chuckle through their link. "They are currently taking me to their leader... i suppose he will know more than they do about me. Helps us however... keep yourself disguised if need be. Share a keyphrase with your allies so they can understand you are who you say even when shapeshifted. Make some disguises for your humans too... changing clothes, shaving, e.t.c. Until we meet i shall exercise my favorite tactic... Divide and Conquer."

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Rainbow Dash finished off the meal with a smack. "Yeah, it tastes great. This is way better than having to get outta' bed to eat breakfast. I could get used to this."

After sliding the tray a little ways away from herself, she slid it back and lay back for a moment with her arms behind her head. She had almost entirely forgotten the discomfort of last night. "So....it was nice having a bed for a change, sorta', but we should probably see what everypony else is doing. Unless you had an idea or something. I'm scheduled for bored again today otherwise."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Firefly hums, "I know they aren't. They're not meant to be," he gives another mirthless chuckle, "And your sarcasm could use some work."


He remained silent, allowing the Queen her rant. At which time that she was finished, he once again dignified her with a response, "If one of us is the self centered one, I would say it is you. I can hear it in your voice that you are far more confident than you should be. I am doing this for the betterment of the entire planet, not myself. But I would like to know. If you already have a kingdom of your own, why did you come here? If we are so inferior, why even bother with us?"


He gives a broad grin, his teeth flashing in the darkness, "First off, I am a man. I would imagine that was obvious, unless that was a poor attempt at an insult. If you are to be so defensive about your relationship with David, I feel no obligation to divulge my name to you. That's my personal life, and is none of your business. You would do well not to comment on it."


Firefly gives a sigh after she accuses them of not being prepared. He holds up his rag, placing a hand roughly on her shoulder, "Perhaps we are not. Now, I think it is time for you to take a nap." With that, he clamps the rag over her nose and mouth, the chemical he dosed it with near instantly dulling the senses and inducing slumber.


(Forgive that god modding. Just going to move them along a bit. The god modding was necessary to do so. And yes, he did make her sleep. You really think that they would leave her awake on their way home? Illogical.)


Not much longer after he had done so, Orchestrator showed up. The dark haired man seemed somewhat irritated, and he quickly brushed by Firefly and started the truck. The Haitian carried their prize and deposited her in the back of the cab and removed the prongs, before climbing in the passenger seat. As he spoke to Orchestrator, he readied a fresh taser and kept it pointed at the Queen, though he did not fire it, "Where is Siren?" He asked.


"Compromised," Was the simple answer that he received, "We don't have the time to wait around. The law enforcement of this area will be here before to long, and we have what we came for. She can handle herself, and if any information is taken from her, it will be insufficient." As the Scotsman spoke, he had pulled out and made his way out of the community. They had transport set up to take them to their headquarters upon their arrival. Within minutes, they had transferred to the helicopter, and scrapped the truck.


(@@Meteorite, Just have David do his thing to Siren and all that. Orchestrator will have gotten out of there by the time the woman was downed.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@00Pony, ((OOC:You could very well have her blind-folded and muffled... you already tied her so i guess you understand what i am talking about. Also the "woman" thing is actually a mis-reading of mine of your post so i am going to retcon it)) Bah! So that's how afraid they are? What would they know of her? She led an army, a kingdom, thousand no... millions of changelings heard her voice. It wasn't bragging that made her feel important, she was... no IS important. She singe hoofedly compromised the defense of a whole city and defeated a goddess. Fools didn't know scare tactics? Weren't they supposed to be experts in this? They needed practice and she would make sure every single one of them paid for this. So before she was drugged she said one last thing "You are all going to suffer for this."

@@Pripyat Pony, She did manage get one last message through the mind link "I think it's lights out of for me my dears. Fight on... i will contact you again once i get the chance." After that the link went completely silent like desolation.  

@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis agreed with and actually wanted to meet the rest, and after all he could not actually hold her back. He was running out of ideas too. He nodded in agreement and stood up steadily whilst keeping his smile up. He might not have been drooling but he seemed to have a fragment of trance on him because every time he looked at her this day it made him smile. He opened the windows to get a little air and took a deep chest-full breath. "Alright Princess i am not gonna hold you... you might actually want to get back to your friends. I can't be holding you back from that... that would be too selfish of me. So... get up, get dressed... clean your teeth and stuff and after that we're gonna call Colette and see what we can do for the rest of the day." 

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Clare nodded. "Yes," she replied. "I think it would be best if we contacted Stephen and Shawn, who are with your commander. We ought to go there at once." At that moment, her phone rang and she answered it straight away. As it happened, it was Stephen calling her. "I can guess what this is about," she said.




Cicada said, "I will not take no for an answer as regards Twilight. I'm sure that she will co-operate with us when I tell her what the stakes are. Diliges and I can disguise ourselves naturally, but Twilight should be able to use her magic to disguise you, Clare and anypony who comes with us on our rescue mission. We will appeal to her sense of right, and of course the fact that without the Queen, she and her friends are stuck here forever."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @,


((Catch up time again!.))


"Colette, is the princess there?? Cicada says her queen was just abducted!"


"What??" Colette wasn't sure what this meant, but couldnt've been anything good… She turned to face the three mares now seated at the table. "Did she say by who??"


"No, but she says the queeen knows where they've took her… look, I'd rather speak to Twilight," Stephen said, more sternly than he intended to. "Is she there??"


Colette giggled sheepishly, then turned back to the mares. "Twilight. It's one a' the twins. He wants to speak with you…" Colette said as she handed the princess the phone. "It's urgent."






"I'm taking it Diliges saw the same thing??" Shawn asked rhetorically. "Me brother's on the phone with the princess now." He then turned to face Cicada, then spoke again. "It sounds like Cicada wants to recruit the Princess. What say Diliges??"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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"Hmm...okay." Grinning broadly at Dennis, she scrounged around for her clothes and stepped out to change into her blazer real quick, brushing her teeth and generally getting ready, which, since she was Rainbow Dash and skipped combing, only took her a couple minutes. It had been a surprisingly nice morning here, for whatever reason she couldn't quite pin down.

"Hey, Dennis!" She poked her head back inside. "I can come back some other time to keep practicing the drums, right?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Dawn Stripes, "Only if you pay me a kiss in the cheeck every time you choose to!" he said with a devious smile while rising his eyebrows playfuly. But he couldn't hold this joke for long so he put his palm on his mouth and laughed a bit before shrugging with his palms up in surrendering gesture. "Sorry... was meant to be a joke... not that i'd say no if you wanted to." He took a deep breath and after a shiver back to reality "I'm gonna call Colette now. Imma put this on speakers so you can speak to her if you want to." he searched for his phone to call Colette.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @,


Colette felt her phone vibrate in her hand once again as she still held it out for Twilight. Looking to see who it was, she groaned a bit. She'll have to call him on the landline. "Please, Twilight... He really wants to talk to you..."


After Twilight took the phone, Colette went to the old phone on the far wall and dialed Dennis. "Hey, Dennis, it sounds like something's come up. How soon can you get Dash over here??"


((Want the others to respond before I do anything else...))

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes,  "By the tone of your voice i guess it's serious. I'll be there as soon as possible. Don't worry i'll get Dash with me. See you soon." Dennis closed the phone, something had happened... what could it be? Was someone injured? He couldn't guess by the tone of her voice, but he understood they were still working it out and maybe needed more opinions to do that. They needed Dashie... and he would bring her there... but she needn't worry her so he kept his cool smiling happily. "Hey Dash... Colette wants us to go by her place. I am ready... so if you are... let's do this!"  

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@00Pony,


Clare turned to Diliges. "Stephen says that your commander Cicada wishes to recruit Twilight to help the two of you on your rescue mission," she said. "He wants to know what you think. Personally, I think it's a good idea; Twilight could use her magic to help you get to your Queen to rescue her."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"Aaahh...." Rainbow froze just out of bed, face red, features stretched into an awkward half-smile. She almost stumbled back over the mattress as she simultaneously tried to figure out what to say, and calculate, if he was serious, whether that deal was worth it or not.

When Cole called, Rainbow Dash practically sighed in relief. She'd have to owe her one. By the time Dennis got off the phone she was more than ready, turning into a rainbow blur that deposited his coat, keys and wallet in his hands in about five seconds. "OkayI'mOutByTheDrivewayLetsHitTheReoad!"





(Fluttershy...just sorta' stands there. It saves on animation budget)

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis gave her a smile showing his upper teeth a bit, with a deviousness gleaming a bit in his eyes. He expected this reaction of hers and loved every second of it. It seemed however that in the meantime this got her fired up, so he rushed behind her running as fast as he could. He knew he wouldn't match up her speed but he would give it his all to at least be a worthy opponent. ((OOC:Feel free to make us reach Colette's house whenever you want))

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@@Hypn0ticD,  @@00Pony@Pripyat Pony, @MelancholicMemory@Ragin' Red Talon,


The front door to Colette's house blew open if not halfway down, admitting a gust and a rainbow blur which caused the tablecloth to wave and everyone's respective manes to wave back into their eyes. Dash appeared from the center of her own maelstrom, arms spread and trailing Dennis behind her. "Wassup everypony the Fuuuuun Haaaas Arrriiiiiiiiived!"


She winked as she trotted inside, grabbing a few snacks from the fridge. "Watched Tarzan on Dennis' phone on the way here. Awesome!"

  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Pripyat Pony





@@Dawn Stripes


Twilight took the phone from Colette and placed it next to her ear.

"Hello?" Twilight said into the mouthpiece.

(can't do much without godmodding)




(If you want, 00pony, do you want someone else to do Catherine instead if it is too difficult for you?)


"Yeah," Jack responded to Catherine, "I just want to connect better with them, and I already failed with Rainbow Dash. But how... how would I do that?"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Hypn0ticD,  @@00Pony@Pripyat Pony, @MelancholicMemory@Ragin' Red Talon,


The front door to Colette's house blew open if not halfway down, admitting a gust and a rainbow blur which caused the tablecloth to wave and everyone's respective manes to wave back into their eyes. Dash appeared from the center of her own maelstrom, arms spread and trailing Dennis behind her. "Wassup everypony the Fuuuuun Haaaas Arrriiiiiiiiived!"


She winked as she trotted inside, grabbing a few snacks from the fridge. "Watched Tarzan on Dennis' phone on the way here. Awesome!"

"Oh, hey, Rainbow," greeted AJ with a small chuckle. "Seems like ya'll have been enjoyin' yourselves. Tarzan one of them funny little shows on the TV? Ah didn't know ya'll could play those on the little phones humans got. It's pretty crazy. Anyway, whatcha doin', girl?"

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


"I think it's a good idea as well," Shawn said as he looked over to Cicada. "I'll go with the Changelings whether not the Princess agrees to or not. He then looked to Angie, gaging her reaction. "What're you gonna do?"




"Twilight, this is Stephen," he began, "Cicada, and I'm presuming Diliges had a vision about their queen's capture--and she says she knows where her captors took her." He then looked over to Cicada before speaking again. "She wants you to come with her and Diliges to rescue Chrysalis. I'm going with them. What will you do, Twilight??





Colette, who had since sat herself between Fluttershy and Applejack, jumped up as Hurricane Rainbow Dash entered the kitchen, admitting a wind that ripped through her hair and set any manner of lightweight object flying about.


"You're just in time, Dash..." she said flatly. "Twilight's on the phone with one a' the twins now..." Colette then turned to Dennis, who has just now arrived. " We gotta let Pinkie and Rarity know something's goin' on. You got your phone??"

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@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@MelancholicMemory@00Pony @@MelancholicMemory,@@Hypn0ticD, @@Dawn Stripes, @

He chuckled a bit to hide his embarrassment to Applejack and cleared his throat "I guess we had some fun... but the "that" kind of fun." He was happy to be interrupted by Colette for more info. "Sure! You want me to call them? Just give me the number and i will! But... Colette... it sounded serious what happened?"

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Rainbow Dash sauntered over to Applejack, letting them handle whatever weirdness they felt obligated to handle today. "Been gettin' in trouble, learnin' to play the drums," she said. Casting a sly look around the room, she smirked back at AJ. "How have you--" she nudged AJ in the ribs, "--been havin' fun--' nudge, nudge "with your pet monkey there? I understand Logan's supposed to be quite the looker by human standards."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Dawn Stripes, @,


((I need to stop derping out on my posts!))


Colette sighed as she straightened in her chair. She looked over to the Alicorn, then back to Dennis. "One of the twins just told me that a Queen has just been abducted, but Cicada and possibly some dude named Diliges might know where she'd been taken. That's all told me..." she furrowed her brow as paused a moment in thought before turning to Fluttershy. "Wasn't she that one chic that was like vampire or something and sapped alla that dude's energy?"

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@@Hypn0ticD@Ragin' Red Talon


Fluttershy's eyes turned into wide blue pools of sky---The Dream!

She instantly grabbed onto the nearest girls for comfort, they being Twilight and Colette. "No... " she groaned into her girlfriend's wrist. It was real! The Changelings...


The dream had been about a chance to do it right--not to take, not to steal love, which was so horrendously wrong to Fluttershy, but a chance to live together. She saw it all now, flooding back. And so the fact that Queen Chrysalis had been kidnapped--and could have only been kidnapped by humans--was too much for her to bear in total silence. It brought their dreams crashing down. After this, would she even consider trusting others again? Fluttershy wasn't sure she'd be able to if that happened.

"But what could we possibly do to help?" she mumbled in despair.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Pripyat Pony,

Dennis was silent a bit... it was somewhat unbelievable for her... the Queen of the Changelings, one who could transform and hide from anyone to be caught by agents. Of course he admitted technology and magic were different and ignorance of technology was quite a bit the disadvantage. But that also meant another thing...

"Cicada? I knew about her from the moment she told me about it in Scotland... she's a nice one, i mean she ain't rude or stuff. Anyways... What can we really do? Half of us don't even have guns, let alone know how to use them... And then what would we do? We would be going against the law... there must be some way we appeal for your stay in here, in fact i think we should have already done so. I think it's a universal policy when someone meets a stranger they immediately "Assume Hostile Intentions". But there are places and organisations that can house victims of prosecution due to beliefs, political opinions, or such things... i seriously don't know what to do Colette, Fluttershy. But we need more opinions on this. You can have my phone and talk to them if you wish. We need to think real hard about this... real hard."

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Rainbow Dash sauntered over to Applejack, letting them handle whatever weirdness they felt obligated to handle today. "Been gettin' in trouble, learnin' to play the drums," she said. Casting a sly look around the room, she smirked back at AJ. "How have you--" she nudged AJ in the ribs, "--been havin' fun--' nudge, nudge "with your pet monkey there? I understand Logan's supposed to be quite the looker by human standards."

Applejack gave Rainbow a less than patient expression, folding her arms. She didn't like Dash's attitude, and she understood exactly what she was getting at. "Don't call him a monkey, Dash. Ah bet he could give even you a run for your money. And we've just been enjoyin' our time together, is all. We went on a little hike, and we danced at the party. That's all. Don't go gettin' any a' ya'll dirty thoughts about it."

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,

"I think it's a good idea as well," Shawn said as he looked over to Cicada. "I'll go with the Changelings whether not the Princess agrees to or not. He then looked to Angie, gaging her reaction. "What're you gonna do?"


"Twilight, this is Stephen," he began, "Cicada, and I'm presuming Diliges had a vision about their queen's capture--and she says she knows where her captors took her." He then looked over to Cicada before speaking again. "She wants you to come with her and Diliges to rescue Chrysalis. I'm going with them. What will you do, Twilight??


Colette, who had since sat herself between Fluttershy and Applejack, jumped up as Hurricane Rainbow Dash entered the kitchen, admitting a wind that ripped through her hair and set any manner of lightweight object flying about.

"You're just in time, Dash..." she said flatly. "Twilight's on the phone with one a' the twins now..." Colette then turned to Dennis, who has just now arrived. " We gotta let Pinkie and Rarity know something's goin' on. You got your phone??"

Twilight stood silently as Stephen explained the circumstances, nodding her head as he spoke.

"The Changeling Queen..." Twilight responded, "Captured... But she's our only way back to Equestria! But everypony else... how would they react knowing that there are Changelings among us after all the evils they brought about to us?! I know they're our only way back but... I just... can't tell them now... I want to go, but I'd have to go alone. And I don't want to abandon my friends..."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


"But you won't be alone, Princesses," Stephen said, "my brother and I will go with you and the Changelings." Stephen then turned to Angie, placing a hand over the phone's mouthpeice. "Are you coming along??"




Colette pulled Fluttershy close as she listened to Dennis. What could they do?? "Half? Try only three of us. And even then…" Colette said, sighing. She then turned to Twilight, frowning a little in thought. "I think it's safe to say everypony here knows about Cicada and Diliges. I told them. I just need to let Pinkie Pie and Rarity know..."


Colette unlocked her phone and selected Charles' number as she said this. "What Doss he want to do??" She asked with her hand over the mouthpiece, referring to Stephen.

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