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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Pripyat Pony@ @Hypn0ticD


Rainbow Dash sighed in exasperation. "Not right now, Pinkie." She came to a dark, soft menu, and tapped a couple buttons just before twisting over her shoulder for a 'sush' sing. "I wanna' hear the stuff, guys. Try not to shout at me any more." Darkness covered the screen. "Okay, let's see what's in here..."




"Maybe even...love songs?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Soft songs?? Did she even listen to soft music?? Colette wracked her mind for anything that might be more to Fluttershy's taste, but what?? Damn it! "Uhh... I don't know any 'soft' songs, really…" Colette admitted. Shit! SHIT! What to play, what to play??


Without thinking, Colette began to strum her guitar again before singing again:





I've waited here for you/


Tonight I throw myself into/

And out of the red/

Out of her head she sang/


Come down/

And waste away with me/

Down with me/

Slow how You wanted it to be/

I'm over my head/

Out of her head she sang/


And I wonder/

When I sing along with you/

If everything could ever be this real forever/

If anything could ever be this good again/

The only thing I'll ever ask of you/

You gotta promise not to stop when/

I say when she sang/




@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @@00Pony, @, @,


Shawn sighed in resignation as Rainbow began to play. If she wanted to find out the hard way, then so be it! One good look at a Gatherer or Brute is all it'll take!


All the while, Bronies and Pegasisters were tuning in en masse to watch the prismatic maned former Pegasus frighten herself silly

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@Fireblaze, @Pripyat Pony, @00Pony,@@Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon, ((OOC:I am just so fucking... writer's block ftl... seriously... i've tried.))

Dennis did the same thing Shawn did... he let Dash try out what she would. Wasn't any use chaining her... still he hadn't done much with her all day... though the morning would be labeled as "eventfull" to say the least... he just wished at this moment that he had a frigging plan right now. Pinkie Pie seemed to have one, he had heard lots of noise from the other rooms meaning that there was definately something going on. "So Pinkie Pie... what are you up to? Anything i can do to help? Because seriously i... i need to do something right now. Keep my hands busy..."

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Fluttershy scooted away from the volume again--she found that the bulk of noise was coming out of the large black box nearer the corner of the room, so she could sit on the far side of Colette, near the wall-side of the bed, placing Colette between her and the speaker and getting a comfortable volume without having to move away.

It still wasn't music she was very used to, but Fluttershy smiled anyway. Maybe she could get used to it. Because Colette's feelings were more important, she gave Colette a hug, twining her arms around her shoulders, when she was finished, because Fluttershy could see that she wanted her to be impressed. "Thank you, Colette. That was great."




"That's not so bad....

"Hey, what's that little black thingie--


"Why doesn't the shoot button work anymore?

"I'm not looking, I'm not looking, I'm not looking...



The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@, "Planning a Pinkie Party right now!" Pinkie replied. She was feeling a bit miffed that they couldn't play the kareoke game. "Nick's sorting out the music, but I think we ought to have kareoke at the party, seeing as Rainbow won't let us have it now. I love to sing, did you know?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(Going to provide a small skip forward, if it is alright with you)


After several minutes, during which time Logan had purchased their selections, returned to the vehicle and set out on their way once again. It was by this time that they were taking the turn to get into the same parking lot that Logan had occupied the night before when he had previously undertaken this climb.


(Now I feel like there was some sort of awkward silence between them during the car ride there. If you want, feel free to godmod whatever their conversation topics had been, or we can play out the whole sequence, if you so prefer.)



@@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes,@,




Angie decided to stay silent in Dennis and Shawn's bids to keep Rainbow from playing the game. She reasoned that trying to keep the former Pegasus from doing something would only make her feel like she had to do it even more. Especially if she felt she had to prove herself capable of handling video games after her less than, 'Rainbow Dash approved', stellar run in Halo.

She was unable, however, to keep her mirth down at the brash young mare's reactions to the events within the game. Luckily it was just a few hysteric chuckles rather than all out laughter. 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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  On 2013-10-02 at 12:03 AM, 00Pony said:
After several minutes, during which time Logan had purchased their selections, returned to the vehicle and set out on their way once again. It was by this time that they were taking the turn to get into the same parking lot that Logan had occupied the night before when he had previously undertaken this climb. (Now I feel like there was some sort of awkward silence between them during the car ride there. If you want, feel free to godmod whatever their conversation topics had been, or we can play out the whole sequence, if you so prefer.)

There was a somewhat awkward silence on the car ride to the mountain. Applejack resigned herself to petting Ulysses while Logan gathered his thoughts. Eventually they arrived, and Applejack hopped out of the car. "Looks like we're here!" she announced, inhaling the sweet, fresh air.

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Rainbow finished her gaming session as a torch guttered out and a derisive red blink heralded the last signpost on the descent int madness, leaving the human girl in question curled up in a ball that obstinately resisted the impulse to sob in foalish terror.

"Mm,m--heeh,eeh--mm--..." She sweated out her hyperventilation, dialted magentas focused on nothing. "So....so...gah...."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack laughed all the way through during her short lived playthrough, knowing all the scary spots, and chortling loudly at every scare.

"Ohh... hoooo..." Jack tried to catch his breath from laughing so hard, "Ahh... whewh... so... I take it you're done with games for the time being? Because I do have another suggestion..."

A mischievous smile crept across Jack's face.




Catherine's explanation about love made a lot of sense to Twilight. As a matter of fact, human love had a lot in common with pony love.

"I'm afraid a lot of the same happens in Ponyville, too," Twilight responds, "But one thing I've never had happen this close to me is... well... two mares loving each other, or two stallions loving each other. What's your view on such things, as I have a feeling something might be starting with Colette and Fluttershy." Twilight said this taking into account the love songs Colette sang to her.

"At first I didn't really believe it, since it didn't seem... natural... but... is it natural here?"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


((sorry for the wait. Desperately needed to lie down. I feel a little better now)) 


Colette screwed up yet again, and she knew it! Nevertheless, she returned the hug, kissing the former Pegasus on the cheek. "I'm sorry I keep scaring you, Flutters..." She needed to find a good song for Fluttershy. One that was mellow love song... Perhaps an Equestrian melody??


"Well, I'd better go check on Brash and see how she's handling getting her butt kicked by Angie and Shawn..."




@, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


Shawn was doing his best not to outright guffaw each time Rainbow jumped and screamed, his face going red from laughter. "Will ya listen to us now, Dashie?? No more scary games for ye!" 


Shawn went to close the game when Colette entered, eyebrow raised in suspicion before she caught sight of Rainbow curled up into a ball. "No...." She breathed out.


"Yes," Shawn responded, "She got into Amnesia."


Colette's face went through a series of emotions before she face palmed, her hand going down her face slowly. "Oh, fuck me. RAINBOW! Which part of 'don't play anything other than Halo' did you not understand??"


Shawn finished closing the game when he noticed the camera was on, recording everything. "Shit! Dash, you lost your shit live on yer own show..."

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@Ragin' Red Talon
@Pripyat Pony
@Dawn Stripes

Nick came into the house with his Star Wars Guitar, Then hearing them adjuring about scary games and Nick shaking his head. As he walking towards Colette room and smirks. "I See you all talking and playing video games well tell you this I use to compete in Blockbusters World Championship Video Games. I am better at Video Games and I am good at them too."

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Ooc: I suggest Sweet Child O' Mine by GnR. Rock song but it's mellow and sings of love...


@@Dawn Stripes,


Pinkie sighed as she saw Rainbow curling into a ball. This never would have happened if she'd listened to Pinkie when she suggested changing the game. Pinkie knelt down besides Rainbow. "Don't you remember what I said whenever anypony encounters something scary?" she asked her friend. "It's really quite simple..."


*cue song, I think we all know which one*





Clare had been watching the Halo games with Diliges and Cicada. She wasn't really interested in Halo at all; what she liked were beat em ups, world building games and old skool games like old Genesis games. But a kareoke game sounded fun.


"Wish someone would put that kareoke game on," Clare remarked to Diliges. "Back home, I'm the kareoke queen. I think it would lighten the mood a bit."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Hypn0ticD, @Ragin' Red Talon, @nioniosbbbb, @Pripyat Pony, Rainbow Dash had underestimated the scare tactics of the game, and had cruely paid the price... it was however no fun to see her that way. Pinkie Pie was trying to cheer her up by singing and he decided that it would be good to join her. "Hold it there Pinkie!" he says stopping her for a moment. In that moment he connected the little synthesizer and "Ready!"

"Come on Dashie! Cheer up!" Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,

@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Colette's in the living room with the others-- Also, thanks for the suggestion! I'm a total derp right now!))


"I think we're done for now." Colette said as she went over to stop the recording. She looked over to Dennis and Pinkie, who suddenly burst into song. "Okay…?"


Colette then overheard Claire say something about karaoke. "Is that this is? Where's the machine??"

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  On 2013-10-02 at 10:53 AM, Pripyat Pony said:



Ooc: I suggest Sweet Child O' Mine by GnR. Rock song but it's mellow and sings of love...


@@Dawn Stripes,


Pinkie sighed as she saw Rainbow curling into a ball. This never would have happened if she'd listened to Pinkie when she suggested changing the game. Pinkie knelt down besides Rainbow. "Don't you remember what I said whenever anypony encounters something scary?" she asked her friend. "It's really quite simple..."


*cue song, I think we all know which one*





Clare had been watching the Halo games with Diliges and Cicada. She wasn't really interested in Halo at all; what she liked were beat em ups, world building games and old skool games like old Genesis games. But a kareoke game sounded fun.


"Wish someone would put that kareoke game on," Clare remarked to Diliges. "Back home, I'm the kareoke queen. I think it would lighten the mood a bit."


  On 2013-10-02 at 1:17 PM, nioniosbbbb said:

@@Hypn0ticD, @Ragin' Red Talon, @nioniosbbbb, @Pripyat Pony, Rainbow Dash had underestimated the scare tactics of the game, and had cruely paid the price... it was however no fun to see her that way. Pinkie Pie was trying to cheer her up by singing and he decided that it would be good to join her. "Hold it there Pinkie!" he says stopping her for a moment. In that moment he connected the little synthesizer and "Ready!"

"Come on Dashie! Cheer up!"


  On 2013-10-02 at 3:54 PM, Hypn0ticD said:

@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,

@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Colette's in the living room with the others-- Also, thanks for the suggestion! I'm a total derp right now!))


"I think we're done for now." Colette said as she went over to stop the recording. She looked over to Dennis and Pinkie, who suddenly burst into song. "Okay…?"


Colette then overheard Claire say something about karaoke. "Is that this is? Where's the machine??"

@Dawn Stripes

@ Pripyat Pony

@ HypnoticD

@Ragin' Red Talon

@ 00Pony


Nick enter into the living room listing to Pinky Pie sining as he smiling to her while he was still listing since he play stay with Pinky since his uncle and dad let him while he was looking at her then her friends while back to Pinky as he keep listing to her. Then he was thinking that he want to sing too and show them how much he knows about video games too.

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@@Hypn0ticD @Pripyat Pony@nioniosbbbb


Rainbow slowly remastered the feet of sitting upright, still glazed and responded only with the odd, manically abortive cackle to Pinkie and Dennis' electro-powered urgings to cheer up. She remained this way until Fluttershy, who followed Colette into the living room, saw her on the floor, and with a tsk, knelt by Rainbow and murmured gentle musings until the prismatic pegasus was returned to full consciousness.


Rainbow Dash stood, wobbling--losing said balance entirely as she was swept into a Pinkie-Pinkie dance reel, but quickly disentanglign herself from the arms swinging her about by the wrist and collapsed on a couch. "Americans...so messed up. I fucking wanna' go home." She covered her head with a pillow and proceeded to ignore the rest of her company.


Fluttershy sighed and turned to Dennis and Pinkie Pie. "She should have at least thanked you," she whispered apologetically on behalf of her friend.


  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Hypn0ticD @Pripyat Pony,@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis was hopelessly looking for a way to make things better, something to get her up. There had to be something in this world to cheer Dash up... to raise her hopes and stuff. "Fluttershy... is there any way i... or we... can help her? Seriously... i hate seeing her that way, then again i hate seeing anyone that way. Maybe... maybe she just needs time to recover? I seriously don't know what to do..."

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Fluttershy hugged Dennis arm, staring as a perfect portrait at the near-slumbering Rainbow. "Well," she started, "Normally when Rainbow Dash gets scared I..."

Her eyes became a pair of blue ellipsis. For what--Rainbow Dash, scared? That had never happened before. "I don't know," and a new tremor of worry entered her voice. "I g-get scared a lot and R-rarity will always make me tea and tell me it'll be all better, but won't-wo-work on Rainbow Dash." 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Meteorite,


((Don't have much of an idea as to what to do from here, so let's start wrapping things up!))


"Just give 'er some time to recover -- Dash'll be fine…ish!" Colette said. "Maybe she'll think twice before playing a game I tell her not to play!" Colette said as she shot a glare at the foolhardy former Pegasus. "For now, let's call it a night. We can meet up here and plan that party summore in the morning."

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@Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony, @Meteorite, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Ragin' Red Talon, @Fireblaze, @Meteorite, Dennis found himself agreeing with both. He looked at Fluttershy with a questioning look, was she expressing her aproval of his concern this way? He had one last idea... and he was determined to try this out, especially when there wouldn't be any chance for it later at the party. Hmmm... worth a shot... afterall a small dosage in water could do no harm right? He leaned towards Fluttershy's ear lowering his voice so that he wouldn't be heard from the others. "You're right.... tea won't do this time... she needs something stronger. How about i give her a small glass of wine with some water in it? It just so happens that i got some in my backpack... think this would work? I mean... i'm not trying to get her drunk or anything but... the heat of the wine could perhaps shake her fear away?"

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Logan climbed out of the vehicle himself, opening the back door to release the dog. As he shut it, he shouldered the pack carrying the food and water they'd purchased earlier. Stretching slightly, Logan stepped up beside Applejack, nodding to her, "Well, let's head on up the side then. I think you're going to like the view from up there."




@@Hypn0ticD, @,@@Dawn Stripes,  


Things happened very quickly after that point. Rainbow curled into a fetal position, Shawn made a comment about how that entire session had been recorded. That would put a damper on the Pegasus ego, perhaps. Before Angie could really think, Pinkie stepped over, and began to sing. A thought occurred to Angie. Did music really just appear out of nowhere when the pink pony sang? She could almost swear she actually heard music while she sang. Dennis stopped her and hooked up his synthesizer and began to play the song for her as they resumed. Angie caught herself keeping the beat with her fingers against her thigh.


Once Rainbow regained full consciousness, she ended up on the couch, head covered by a pillow, shutting out the rest of the world, stating she wanted to go home. Angie resisted the urge to explain that Amnesia wasn't actually made by Americans, but by a Swedish indie developer. Fluttershy apologized for her friend's behavior, to which Angie just gave a silent shrug.




@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges had remained relatively silent during the course of events since the track. He'd stayed close to Clare and Cicada out of a sense of duty to each of them. Old habits die hard, after all. Especially military habits. Clare made a comment about wishing someone would start up a karaoke session, claiming she believed it would lighten the mood, and that she'd most likely beat the group. The captain chuckled, and had a wry smile on his face while he spoke, "I'd be pretty curious to see how that would go down personally. The mood of at least one seems like it could be lifted especially."






(I really should've expected this question at some point.)



Well, that was an awkward question, wasn't it? Catherine shrugged it off and answered anyway, "Homosexuality - two members of the same sex having an intimate attraction to one another - is a fairly common things around here nowadays. Whether or not it's natural really all depends on who you ask. There are some who will say that it isn't a natural thing, rather something you choose, mainly for religious or political reasons. Others will claim it is natural. Personally, I lean more towards thinking of it as a choice, but not for political or religious reasons."


She gestures slightly with her hands as she speaks, "I've dated men and women in the past, though growing up I always had a bit of a preference towards males. As I grew older it kinda just changed to both as I thought deeper into it. As for my views... Well, I personally don't really care what someone believes on it. It's just another form of attraction, really."



(Well, that was a stretch for my roleplaying abilities.)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Fluttershy brushed briefly at the conspiratorial comment. "I...I-I don't know, exactly," she stammered, stealing another glance at the clearly wakeful Rainbow Dash, still pretending to be asleep. "I've never...had anything to drink before..."

She cleared her throat. "But if you want....you, uh, could try it. It couldn't hurt, right?"


Rainbow Dash looked so vulnerable, afraid for the first time in her life. She had never seen Rainbow Dash afraid before---at least, the cyan pegasus had never let Fluttershy see her afraid. It at once shattered the crystal-mounted image of her life-long idol, and at the same time...added an alluring blush of equinity. Or, perhaps Fluttershy should say, humanity. She was---just a girl. She could be frightened too. Nothing could relate closer to Fluttershy's romance-addled fears than the desire to shut out the world with a pillow. She wanted nothing more than to hug Rainbow Dash and tell her it would be okay, a fantasy she'd always held under flashlight-lit blankets as impossible before...but Rainbow Dash wouldn't want that. Would she?

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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  On 2013-10-02 at 9:23 PM, 00Pony said:
Logan climbed out of the vehicle himself, opening the back door to release the dog. As he shut it, he shouldered the pack carrying the food and water they'd purchased earlier. Stretching slightly, Logan stepped up beside Applejack, nodding to her, "Well, let's head on up the side then. I think you're going to like the view from up there."

Applejack nodded with a smile, walking beside Logan and Ulysses. She was very cheerful, looking around, feeling comfortable in nature. She ran her hand down the dog's back, turning to Logan. "So...Uh...It's nice isn't it? The forest and everything. She took a deep breathe.

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



"Well, if some people think it's alright, and others don't think it's alright," Twilight began, with worry in her voice, "That means that my friends' views on this subject will surely vary. How would we still stay friends if, say, Rarity, is disgusted by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?"

Meanwhile, Jack and the rest of the group were in the living room.

"Alright, never mind about my suggestion," Jack said to Rainbow Dash, "Tell you the truth, you look like you're done with video games for now."

Jack did, whilst knowing she was still a bit hostile towards him, feel some sympathy for Rainbow Dash. After all, Jack remembered being scared shitless the first time he played SPC Containment Breach... in the dark... with the lights out.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @Fireblaze @Pripyat Pony @Ryuuguu Rena @00Pony @Hypn0ticD "Don't worry... i trust my grandfather who made this. It's from the best... and no she won't get drunk." Looking left and right Dennis dissapeared into the house to take a look at his backpack. Sneaking around he managed to get half a glass of wine mixed with some water into one plastic glass. The way it looked right now it seemed like if it was some sort of Red Bull tonic drink, and that was just what he wanted. He aproached Dash and knelt to her height, she placed a hand and shook her shoulder a bit, just enough to get her attention. He just hoped that the others wouldn't stop him at this moment. That would be real jerk-ish...  "Dashie... psst... Dashie... i got something that might make you feel better. It's a tonic... drink it slowly please will ya? Please? Pretty please?" He had made every possible preparation for this, he didn't want to get her drunk, he just hoped that the wine's heat and flavor would warm her up and wake her from the waking nightmare she was having.

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