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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


"But you won't be alone, Princesses," Stephen said, "my brother and I will go with you and the Changelings." Stephen then turned to Angie, placing a hand over the phone's mouthpeice. "Are you coming along??"




Colette pulled Fluttershy close as she listened to Dennis. What could they do?? "Half? Try only three of us. And even then…" Colette said, sighing. She then turned to Twilight, frowning a little in thought. "I think it's safe to say everypony here knows about Cicada and Diliges. I told them. I just need to let Pinkie Pie and Rarity know..."


Colette unlocked her phone and selected Charles' number as she said this. "What Doss he want to do??" She asked with her hand over the mouthpiece, referring to Stephen.

@Hypn0ticd, @Pripyat Pony


Charles was sleeping as his cellphone began to rings as he was waking up since he had a bad nightmare, then looking at the phone while picking it up and answer it too. “Hello and this better be good news too.” Charles didn’t like anyone to wake him up this early while he was a heavy sleeper and then thinking about too while listing to the call.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,

"But you won't be alone, Princesses," Stephen said, "my brother and I will go with you and the Changelings." Stephen then turned to Angie, placing a hand over the phone's mouthpeice. "Are you coming along??"


Colette pulled Fluttershy close as she listened to Dennis. What could they do?? "Half? Try only three of us. And even then…" Colette said, sighing. She then turned to Twilight, frowning a little in thought. "I think it's safe to say everypony here knows about Cicada and Diliges. I told them. I just need to let Pinkie Pie and Rarity know..."

Colette unlocked her phone and selected Charles' number as she said this. "What Doss he want to do??" She asked with her hand over the mouthpiece, referring to Stephen.

(So I take it Twilight won't be going to the race?)


Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath before speaking again, carefully contemplating what she would do. Pacing around the kitchen, she finally made up her mind.

"Stephen," she responded, "I think I'll have to go with you. I know I might be leaving my friends behind, but it's to ensure their safety and a return to Equestria, even if I... might die in the process... When do we meet?"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@, @@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony,



((Nope! Rescuing the Queen is more important, anyhow...))


Stephen breathed a sighed a sigh of relief. "Twilight, you're a Princess of Equestria now. I know you're concerned about your friends, but what you're doing is truly important.Your friends will understand. I'm sure of it. Now get ready. I'll be there in a few minutes."


Stephen then ended the call, turning to the rest of his posse. "I'm gonna head over to Colette's to fetch the Princess. Anyone gonna come with me?"


"I'm goin'!" Shawn chimed in before turning back to Claire. "The princess is in. Tell Diliges that we're on we're on our way to Colette's house!" Shawn ended his call, taking the lead and grabbing the car keys. "Alright, enough lollygagging! We got a Queen ta find!"

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(@, I'd like to say I'm up to the challenge, but my brain refuses to function properly.)

(This is mainly a post to show I am still alive, so it may not be up to snuff. I'll think up something for my agents at a later time. Same with Logan)




Angie, who had remained relatively silent throughout the whole conversation, loading her .45's clips, glanced up, nodded and grinned. Standing, she slid one of the magazines into the pistol, and charged the weapon, "You bet! I wouldn't miss this for the world."


With a plan finally set out, the woman slid her firearm into its holster with a satisfying clack, and followed the crew out of the building.




@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges nods, flexing his steadily bleeding hands, "It is a good idea. I believe it's the only logical course of action we could hope to take."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony,


"It's me, Colette," she began, "is Rarity there? I need to speak to her. The queen's been abducted." She was distracted by Twilight suddenly getting up and pacing. "What--what's going on? Where are you going??" She then focused her attention back on her phone call. "Charles, get Rarity. I'll try to conference Nick in to let Pinkie Pie know as well!"

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@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony,


"It's me, Colette," she began, "is Rarity there? I need to speak to her. The queen's been abducted." She was distracted by Twilight suddenly getting up and pacing. "What--what's going on? Where are you going??" She then focused her attention back on her phone call. "Charles, get Rarity. I'll try to conference Nick in to let Pinkie Pie know as well!"



“Well Ok let see if she is up.” Charles saying as he getting up, then walk over to Rarity room as he gently tap her on the shoulders. “Sorry my sweet but Colette need to talk to you on the phone saying something about Twilight need some help.”



Nick was still sleeping in his bed while dreaming about something and was listing some music too.

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@@Dawn Stripes, In the meantime Dennis was looking to pass some time. He was shifting his hands, his fingers... he was kind of stressed. But he didn't have much to do... so he decided to talk to the next best thing/pony that was in the room... Fluttershy. He wanted to ask her so much about Rainbow and stuff... but he had already done so, repeating himself wasn't gonna get him anywhere. So he decided to talk about whatever Fluttershy wanted to talk about, often sneaking a look to see what Rainbow Dash was doing in a kind of worried way.

"So uhm... how's it going Fluttershy? Enjoying your stay at Earth? How are you and Colette doing?"

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"Right," Clare said, as she put her phone away after the conversation ended, "Twilight's agreed to help, and the others are heading to Colette's house right away. We're going too; so get ready!"


Clare was determined not to stay put; she was going to help her new friend whatever happened!




"Right," Cicada said, with determination. "Let's go! I'm ready. I'll send a message to Diliges thru the Hive Mind when we arrive at Colette's house."




Rarity was up, and she was sitting on the end of the bed brushing her hair when Charles entered the room. "Colette's on the phone?" she exclaimed. "What on Equestria's the matter, to call so early?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Right," Clare said, as she put her phone away after the conversation ended, "Twilight's agreed to help, and the others are heading to Colette's house right away. We're going too; so get ready!"


Clare was determined not to stay put; she was going to help her new friend whatever happened!




"Right," Cicada said, with determination. "Let's go! I'm ready. I'll send a message to Diliges thru the Hive Mind when we arrive at Colette's house."




Rarity was up, and she was sitting on the end of the bed brushing her hair when Charles entered the room. "Colette's on the phone?" she exclaimed. "What on Equestria's the matter, to call so early?"

@Pripyat Pony, @Hypn0ticD


“Well she say it urgent and want to talk to you right now.” Charles saying as he hand the cellphone to her while he was looking at her and then waiting see what going on while he was thinking about something else too. "This could be a reason why she wake us up in the early morning."

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"Alright, alright." Dash rolled her eyes with a pleased grin, having gotten just as far under AJ's skin as she had meant to. "I'm just joshin' ya, AJ. I'm sure he must be something if he was good enough to get an Apple out on a date." She patted AJ  on the back, smiling. "You know I believe you. Well. Except for the part about him giving me a run for anything."

Suddenly an even more mischievous sparkle entered her eyes, and something new occurred to her. "Unless...we always thought you were scarin' away Big Mac's suitors. But you know AJ, it's awfully suspicious that two weeks after you get out from under your grandma's eye, you start goin' out with some guy. I wonder..."







"Hmm..." Fluttershy turned to find that boy who had been following Rainbow Dash, striking up a conversation with her.

"We've been doing...well, thanks you," said Fluttershy, with a bit of a warm flush to her cheeks. "Colette's very nice to me." With a frown, she turned back to the pacing Twilight Sparkle. "But I'm worried about other things right now. This could be so horrible, Dennis. I'm such a small and frightened girl....but I almost think we all have to go save Queen Chrysalis. We were so close to peace, and now..."
She sighed tightly. After a couple moments of silence, she looked up to find where Rainbow Dash had followed Dennis in. She was over giving Applejack a hard time about her new relationship. Fluttershy bit her lip and turned to Dennis. "So you and..." she swallowed. "D--dash? How...how are things between you two?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes"I see... things are still fluid i guess?" Dennis understood from that blush that Fluttershy wasn't having an easier time with Colette and somehow this made him relieved a bit. He was glad he wasn't the only one in such a situation, he felt that they both shared a common burden in this case, only they in truth they didn't... at least not in the same way. Of course he was worried about the Queen as well...

"Fluttershy... i won't lie to you... i somehow thank Queen Chrysalis for being the way she was. She got me to knowing all those Bronies, she was the reason i met all of you, the reason i met Dash..."

He paused for a moment letting the sentence hover for a moment thinking of what to do. He wanted to calm Fluttershy down and show her that she was doing the right thing by supporting peace. War... it changes people... it makes them evil. There is no true winner in war... only the stupidity of wasting mortal life.

"I myself support peace between you guys... i'd hate it if someone of you died from this stupid war. My country was devastated by two Worldwide Wars, a 4 century slavery, and many more Barbarian invasions. War is a cruel thing i wish to none... If you guys indeed want peace, if the Queen wants peace... then your determination will make it happen. Just believe in yourself okay? Not in the Fluttershy that others believe in, not in the Fluttershy that believes in others, believe in the Fluttershy that believes in herself."

((OOC:See what i did there :D))

He felt like there was some missing "gesture" here... some sort of movement of his hands that would complete his work. But touching her now... wouldn't it feel awkward if Colette saw them? Bah! She knew he was clearly interested in Dash and besides... Fluttershy didn't "swing" that way as he understood. So she patted her a bit on the top shoulder smiling. Then Fluttershy mentioned Rainbow Dash... he felt he loved her... he truly did. But there was the thing that she was still a bit of a riddle to him. 

"Me and Dash we.... we're a weird bunch alright." he said finally relieving some the stress in the form of a short toothy laughter. He continued scratching his recently cut facial hair sighing a bit as he kept the smile. "She sparked something new in me... maybe a bravery i didn't think i have. I see in her what i value in myself. But she... she's a bit of a mystery to me... from what i understand she's not the one to express her feelings easily... she hasn't known true love as i guess. But i see it in her face... she does feel something and it shows on her when she feels cornered by this feeling. I guess it's gonna take something big for her to... open herself to me. Until then do you think there's something else i can do other than wait and insist on being there for her? Friend or Otherwise? I am open to suggestions really." 

He said the last thing the most natural way he could... like if it wasn't weird to ask for advice... of course it wasn't but then again it didn't feel that way. Opening yourself up to someone is not easy... and he couldn't help but get a bit more blood on his face while saying all those things. Looking at Fluttershy's eyes he somehow couldn't resist the cute pegasus... she was her friend after all. Lying to her would be cruel... and she already seemed like she wanted to help and he was willing to accept that help... whatever it was.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Alright, alright." Dash rolled her eyes with a pleased grin, having gotten just as far under AJ's skin as she had meant to. "I'm just joshin' ya, AJ. I'm sure he must be something if he was good enough to get an Apple out on a date." She patted AJ on the back, smiling. "You know I believe you. Well. Except for the part about him giving me a run for anything." Suddenly an even more mischievous sparkle entered her eyes, and something new occurred to her. "Unless...we always thought you were scarin' away Big Mac's suitors. But you know AJ, it's awfully suspicious that two weeks after you get out from under your grandma's eye, you start goin' out with some guy. I wonder..."


Applejack rolled her eyes. "Get that outta your head, Rainbow. Ain't nopony in Ponyville good enough for Big Mac, and nopony interested me, but Logan and ah get along better then an apple and a tree. He's a good human, and ah like him. That's why we're together. Granny wouldn't ever stop me if I loved somepony."

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@@Fireblaze, @@Hypn0ticD,


"Thank you, Charles," Rarity said to her boyf with a smile as she took the phone from him and held it to her ear. "Colette?" she said. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?" She was a little worried right now; it didn't take much for Rarity to get worried and she was normally very dramatic about things going wrong, as well.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Dawn Stripes,


"Let's go, then!" Stephen said, taking the keys from his brother. "I'm drivin' this time!" He led the group to the car, driving off once everyone was in.




They arrived at Colette's house a short while later. The twins wasted no time and went straight for the door, Shawn ringing the doorbell.




"Chrysalis was abducted. I just got word from one of the twins. Twilight just got off the phone with--" she was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Getting up to answer it, she continued. "I really don't know that much about the queen, but her abduction sounds serious. How soon can you -- oh, hi!"


Colette opened the door to both twins, Cicada, and Angie. She gestured for them to enter whilst she continued with Rarity. "The twins are here. How soon can you and Charles be here??




The twins entered the house, heading straight for the kitchen, but standing just outside the doorway. "Princess, we're here!" Shawn said, giving a slight wave to the group. "We're ready when you are!" Stephen added. "Let's go save your ticket home!"

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Hypn0ticD, @, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Dawn Stripes, @@Fireblaze,


Applejack left Dash to go see the two changelings, knowing it was finally time. They had to go save Chrysalis so they could finally go home. She was her ticket home, and her only chance of bringing Logan. "Alrighty. We should head out lickady split. I'm gonna call Logan though. He and Ulysses'll be a big help, no doubt. I'll have 'em meet us there. Where exactly do we gotta go?"

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Fireblaze, @@00Pony,


Rarity replied, "Soon. I'll just get off the phone, and ask Charles to drive us to your house at once."




Clare soon arrived at Colette's house with Diliges. Cicada had already sent him a Hive Mind message to say that she, Angie and the twins were there. Clare knocked on the door.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(OOC: Oh you seriously just made that reference...)


"Oh..oh my..." Fluttershy blushed and looked down. "That's...awfully s--sure of you to believe in me like that."


She spent most of her time looking at the floor, and not at Dennis' face. When he began talking about Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy moved one step back.

...She feels something...


Dennis must be wondering by this point why Fluttershy was standing in place so long with her mouth clamped shut. She couldn't freeze up in the middle of an ordinary conversation. Get a hold on yourself, Fluttershy! 

"T--that's good to hear," she said to the floor. "I d-don't really know what you should do. That is, I know Rainbow Dash loves sports and having fun and always comes around when her friends really need her and-likes-popsicles-and-clouds-and-racing-and-secretly-green-is-her-favorite-color-but-she-won't-tell-anypony-and-she-almost-wanted-to-learn-baking-once-but-Pinkie-Pie-was-too-confusing-and-she's-really-afraid-that-she's-dumb-because-she-failed-all-the-written-tests-in-flight-school-and-she-wants-honesty-almost-as-much-as-Applejack...." Fluttershy clapped too hands over her mouth and shut her eyes to stymie the flow of words. "But I obviously don't know how to make Rainbow Dash love anyone," she whispered at last, and, unable to bear her conversation, ran away--to Colette's room, since she couldn't think of any other place in the house that might be quiet. There she could get a breather before trying to brave the company of the house again.


She spent a couple minutes burying her face in a pillow, berating herself. How pathetic had that been? Dennis had just been so...intense, and the look in his eyes so serious. But he had just been trying to make simple conversation!

  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, Dennis didn't realize it at first but as he talked about Rainbow Dash and his face was sparking something like a small light... Fluttershy was becoming dimmer in mood. He thought at first it might have been what he said about war, and the atrocities committed but when he considered it with a bit more care it struck him. As he was talking about his love with Rainbow Dash, as Fluttershy was trying to help him... she grew sad by each passing word. Something more than gravity was pulling her face down... and then she rushed away from him. He could always hear her crying, Colette would never forgive him for making her cry... and he wouldn't forgive himself for doing such a thing. Hell anyone who made such a cutie cry when she had done nothing to deserve it would "kill" him for doing so. Now he felt like a big jerk... leaving her wouldn't be wise and abandoning her like this would be something that even Rainbow Dash wouldn't want this. He had to act... so he looked left and right sneaking with shadowy, silent steps, he followed her... closing the door behind him making a click before it closed. 

Dennis gasped a bit... he had really hurt her. He was starting to get why... well this was an awkward situation by all accounts and he had caused it. He HAD to be the one to fix it... 

"Fluttershy? I..." he just couldn't do this standing... or make her stand for that matter. So he knelt with both knees to the height of her face on the side of the bed. It was at least fitting for his plea...

"Fluttershy i... i hurt you didn't i? I am... i am so sorry... i..." he was struggling to find the words to be gentle... to make things better but truly there was no way out of this without mentioning Rainbow Dash once again. *sigh* here goes...

"I never meant to push you this far. I should have noticed last time we talked, i should have known not to mention it again. Yet i acted like a jerk and pushed this matter to you... and in doing so i opened some old wounds it seems. It was never my intention to hurt you, and i know you will start blaming yourself for this... but don't... it's mostly my ignorance that is to blame for this. There... there is... or was... something between you and Rainbow Dash there wasn't it?"

There he was being nosy once again... gosh dammit Dennis! Don't you know curiosity killed the cat? UGH! He just hoped Colette wouldn't walk in on them right now... not before he fixed things, he would fix things... no matter what. 

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


"Wait, where are you going?" Colette asked as she reentered the kitchen, handing Dennis his phone, and taking hers back from the princess.


"We're gonna go find the queen, a' course!" Shawn answered. "You can go to the race if'n ya want. Tell Jack we had ta take a rain check?"


"Will do!" Colette responded, just before spotting Fluttershy fly up the stairs, Dennis in hot pursuit. "Flutters?" She took a few steps toward the stairs, stopping and hesitating when Dennis went after her. After a moment, she turned back to address the group. "Are you all gonna go find the queen?"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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After hanging up the phone, she handed it back to Colette. Twilight paced around the kitchen for a bit more, putting her hand on her chin and stroking it, as if trying to think about how to respond to everybody.

"Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, everypony else..." Twilight began, "I'm... needed to go on a journey to rescue Princess Chrysalis... as a princess myself, Stephen will need me to rescue her... I... I hate separating me from you guys again, but... it's for the best... to ensure a safe passage back to Equestria for everypony..."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, everypony else..." Twilight began, "I'm... needed to go on a journey to rescue Princess Chrysalis... as a princess myself, Stephen will need me to rescue her... I... I hate separating me from you guys again, but... it's for the best... to ensure a safe passage back to Equestria for everypony..."

"What in tarnation are ya'll talkin' 'bout? There ain't no way that we'd let ya try to handle this alone, Twilight. We're your friends, and we're gonna do this together. Friends don't just leave friends to go off on their own. Ah don't give a damn whether you're a princess or not," Applejack announced in a stern tone of voice.

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Cicada rolled her eyes at Applejack. "The whole point of this mission," she said, "It's that it's supposed to be a stealth mission. It's hardly going to be that if you all trot along behind Twilight, now is it? We only want Twilight to come along cuz of her magic; otherwise, Diliges and I would be doing this by ourselves along with the humans who found us. If a large group are with us, we're not going to be undetected. Twilight's magic isn't going to cover everypony. In any case, what do you care about our Queen? That's right, only as your ticket home. Well, I happen to care about my Queen far more than that. She's like my sister."


Cicada was so choked up with rage and sorrow that for a moment, she had to pause to recover herself. Chrysalis was, as well as her Queen, her best friend and sister all rolled into one. There was nopony else that Cicada cared for as much.


Pinkie was with Nick when suddenly, her ears began to twitch. "Pinkie Sense!" she cried out. "Something's happening down at Colette's; let's go, now!"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


"Cicada has a point, guys. The smaller the group, the better." Shawn said calmly. "I think Applejack, Logan and Ulysses should tag along as well. The rest of you should head to the race." Stephen then placed a hand on Cicada's shoulder, patting it a little. "Let's go. The sooner, the better, right?"




"Time to kick some ass! Come along, you two!" Shawn said, addressing Twilight and Applejack. He knew it was inappropriate, but he couldn't help but feel excited. He turned to lead the way with Angie when the doorbell rang. He looked to the brunette, then opened the door, revealing Claire and Diliges.


"Oh! You're both just in time!" He chirped. "We were just heading out to find the queen. Do ya have room in your car for two more passengers? Applejack's coming with!"

  • Brohoof 1
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He walked into the bedroom silently, he approached the cabinet but Suddenly the lights went out . He breathed heavily drawing out the weapon slowly turning to the doorway. He heard large bang in the living room with a flash, he heard chrysalis scream out for his help. He stood there motionless, his thoughts racing like a speedway. He heard in his own mind her cries for help, he looked out through his window to see that she was being carried into the back of a van, he moved quickly but stopped half way. He heard footsteps down the hallway;He quickly put his back against the wall. He lean a little forward to see a women approaching he moved back and looked around looking for something to throw at her for a distraction, he grin for a moment looking at the baseball. He grabs it quickly puts his back against the wall once again, he deep breath and calmed his mind. He counted silently "one...two...three" he turn the Corner and throw the base ball (hopefully and I pray that you let me do this one thing) the women was hit in the face with it. David took the opportunity; he ran towards her and hit her neck with the bud of the pistol. She fell to the ground with a this, David ran out the door but it was to late the van gone so was chrysalis. He ran back to women knowing she would have the answers he wanted, she was out cold, he dragged her quickly to garage. He grabbed duct tape; he wrapped it around her arms and legs, he taped her mouth and put her in the trunk of the car. He open the garage door and drove out quickly knowing that someone must have called the police. As he came to a stop of a red light he punched the the steering wheel.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,

"Cicada has a point, guys. The smaller the group, the better." Shawn said calmly. "I think Applejack, Logan and Ulysses should tag along as well. The rest of you should head to the race." Stephen then placed a hand on Cicada's shoulder, patting it a little. "Let's go. The sooner, the better, right?"


"Time to kick some ass! Come along, you two!" Shawn said, addressing Twilight and Applejack. He knew it was inappropriate, but he couldn't help but feel excited. He turned to lead the way with Angie when the doorbell rang. He looked to the brunette, then opened the door, revealing Claire and Diliges.

"Oh! You're both just in time!" He chirped. "We were just heading out to find the queen. Do ya have room in your car for two more passengers? Applejack's coming with!"

"Fair enough. I'm glad if even just one of us can go with her. Can ah borrow somep-someone's phone? Ah need to call Logan." She stepped forward, standing beside Twilight. "Other than that, I'm ready. We should head out and get there as soon as possible," she said with a nod.

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