RayEriks 15 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fender 1,284 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 you don't have to tolerate intolerance to be tolerant. You can be angry at censorship and people advocating censorship and still be tolerant Yeah, and I agree. It really is quite stupid, what they did, and I'm not much of a fan of Derpy myself, but it's still ridiculous what a bunch of soccer moms did to get their way...but nonetheless, it's nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TasteTheRainboom 82 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 While i dont hate Derpy i dont really like her that much eaither, shes a fun background pony but i think shes a bit overated, as far as background ponies go i prefer Vinyl or Lyra but thats just me . I miss the days in mlp when people actually had an opinion, now 40% of bronies hate on everyone with i diffrent opinion. Love and Tolerate guys 1 Rainbow Dash is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DND 2,355 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 Because it's not condencending at all to be told what YOU personally should find offensive. In this Derpy fans are purely reactionary. They didn't start this. They didn't have a say in the matter if Derpy should be censored or not, and feel completely powerless against TEN people writing angry letters to a huge company. And while some responded with angry insults and yelling, they have every right to be upset. And being told that YOU, a cross-eyed person should find a cross-eyed pony offensive. That is just disgusting. And then we have the people who feel that because they weren't as emotionally invested in Derpy that gives them every right to attack other people's emotional connection to her every time this topic comes up. With reasonings like "becase Derpy is so popular I now find her annoying and hate her and her fans". Look, I just saying that I get flamed... A LOT for not liking Derpy. I was just telling you, again, frankly, because the title is exactly what I go through more than I should. One tends to get condescending, when something condescending is thrown at you. And why bring up the fact that I want to destroy Derpy altogether? I'm not trying to say that you fans should give up liking Derpy. I'm just saying that ones that I encounter who are flamers to non-prefers, and should think about accepting that other fans don't prefer that certain character. And I encounter flamers more than not. Let it be reminded that I accepted the fact less frankly before all of the flamers attacked me. Just before your comparing me to a lady who made assumptions that Derpy was symbolizing a mental disability, and tried to remove her from the show entirely, your approach with me was more than negative when you called me: And being told that YOU, a cross-eyed person should find a cross-eyed pony offensive. That is just disgusting. You support Derpy, am I not right? Then why do YOU sound so much like the people who tried to keep Derpy permanently of the show? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Periwinkle 3,775 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 The problem isn't the fandom, it's the people. Unfortunatly, every group in the history of ever has some people that make the group look bad. I tend to stay away from them. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoonVindicated 71 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) hello so I have not been for long in this fandom so I try to learn about the history of the things that happened before I joined...So I did some researces and found out that Some One named Yamino was send Death Threats!! Only because she did not like Derpy. Okay so really? I am sorry but I think ifanyone that sends death threats to someone who only has a opinion Then the person who sended the threats loses all treats of being a human being, I mean dint we learn That everyone is different? I dont even know what to think right now. How do you feel about that? While I agree with the idea that death threats are excessive even in the worst of scenarios. You have to realize that it was more than just an opinion that sparked the dislike towards Yamino. She had effectively "killed Derpy" (in the minds of many) because of her crusade against the character that most everyone loves. Seriously she even wrote scathing letters to the writers of the show (and made sock puppet accounts) in an effort to get the character retconned because she believed that Derpy Hooves was a symbol of hatred towards the mentally disabled. The stance itself was ignorant of the character, but no one really cared about that around the time. It was when Derpy was removed from canon after it came to light that Yamino may have had a hand in it even though one of the writers said she didn't. That is where the hatred began to take new heights. People seemed to want a target for their emotions, and Yamino fit the bill. I am not condoning this, as many shouldn't. However Yamino herself is not completely innocent in her actions, even though what she had done did not warrant the explosive reaction that she received. She came across as bigoted, and arrogant to those that did read what she had to say about Derpy. In the beginning Yamino deleted comments from her page that did not support her own ideas. She believed her ideas were superior to others, and so she led her one-man crusade against a cherished character. So you see it was a combination of factors that ultimately led to the explosive reaction you are referring to. I must reiterate that I did not support a lot of the comments she received as they were neither constructive nor were they in the spirit of the show. However don't make Yamino out to be an innocent angel, because she was far from that. Doesn't mean people had the right to say what they did, but it does mean that they did have their reasons for not liking Yamino. That being said what did you hope to accomplish by opening up this old wound? Edited May 11, 2013 by Waifles 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flicker Sweet 3,391 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 I try to follow the original Brony policy of Love&Tolerate. But many people will tell you that that's outdated and flawed and what not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bright Honor 2,702 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 Death threats...wow. She is just.A.Background.Character. Has this show not taught us to love and tolerate? Seriously, it's just a contrary subjective opinion, nothing more nothing less. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unikitty 1,212 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 I turn eyes towards the popularity of the fandom.As any group gets larger and involves more people, the amount of those who are not so sane and understandable increases. Pretty much any culture faces this, even if the original few were part of the group for a beneficial purpose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DND 2,355 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 What are you talking about? That statement is about my own experiences with the tumblr activists who wanted Derpy off the show. Being told that people like yourself are offensive is completely disgusting. There is no doubt about that. Wow... it just really seems that you didn't even read half of my post. Now your really pushing it. Though my first post was more of my annoyance, I think I made a really clear, understandable point of why I don't like Derpy. Though, I did not know that you comparing people on tumblr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrHaru 217 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 (edited) I love the Brony community. I have faith in it. But sending death threats....hmmm...a little too far....ok...WAY too far. e_o As much as I love MLP, it's a cartoon. A cartoon with animated ponies learning about friendship. Come on, it's a great show, and I love it, but I really don't get sending death threats to somebody because somebody likes a cartoon horse that I don't like. Sheesh....it's almost pathetic. I mean, keep in mind it's a show. It's not to be taken so, so seriously. It's a fun, cute show based on friendship and how wonderful it is. Now if you start taking it seriously and wanna maul people over it, that's taking things waaayyy outta hand. A darn pony for crying out loud. I really don't think something like that's worth sending death threats and scaring the hell out of people. I haven't lost faith in the Brony community. Just some bronies....take things way more seriously then they should, causing people pain and fear over an innocent show for little girls...and bronies. With a fandom like this growing bigger and bigger, there's always gonna be some crazy ones. But I still have plenty of faith in the community, but it's people like this who make it seem like a hateful and scary community. But instead of complaining about the brony community falling, I think we should show people how cool and caring we can be! They must be really rabid fans I am guessing, because they were sending death threats to people who were not liking Derpy. This actually happens to a lot of fandoms, where if one person doesn't like a certain character, he/she is going to get flammed. *inhales* Okay Haru, take a deep breath...not your fault more and more people aren't getting it....*exhales* This is literally the ONE 'opinion' where someone got offended and shoved their thoughts in everyone's faces whether we wanted it or not because of not only how ridiculous they worded said opinion (because Yamino DID comment about the episode) and is one of the very reasons Derpy is now forever changed PERMANENTLY. Put yourself in the shoes of someone living in the early 90s: have you seen cartoons from that era? They were pretty bold! Watch Animaniacs! There's some jokes in there that I'm surprised got past the censors...but what if a company was like "Oh no man we have to change it because REASONS" and they go back and change the entire punchline? Our childhood would have been a mess if all cartoons back in the day were treated like this...especially even racier ones like the old Warner Bros. animations. In this politically correct WRECK of a country where one person can ruin a character's original meaning and value in the show, yeah I think those of us originally that loved her for what she was before someone came along to literally try and ruin it is ENOUGH reason to be defensive about it. The best part about us, the Bronies, is that we were open to pretty much everything and anything from the start and somehow by Magic (yes I'm using this as a reason) some of us got a bit more open-minded about a lot of things. Then someone comes along TWO SEASONS LATE and complains about one of the most insignificant animated bits of the series that lasts barely a few minutes. Because it's not condencending at all to be told what YOU personally should find offensive. In this Derpy fans are purely reactionary. They didn't start this. They didn't have a say in the matter if Derpy should be censored or not, and feel completely powerless against TEN people writing angry letters to a huge company. And while some responded with angry insults and yelling, they have every right to be upset. And being told that YOU, a cross-eyed person should find a cross-eyed pony offensive. That is just disgusting. And then we have the people who feel that because they weren't as emotionally invested in Derpy that gives them every right to attack other people's emotional connection to her every time this topic comes up. With reasonings like "becase Derpy is so popular I now find her annoying and hate her and her fans". Holy shit...all of this right here? Well worded. *brohoofs and claps* I might screencap this for later for some reason. I dunno. Points to you. Or in this case, muffins. Edited May 12, 2013 by MrHaru 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mzukiller 233 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 (edited) While I agree with the idea that death threats are excessive even in the worst of scenarios. You have to realize that it was more than just an opinion that sparked the dislike towards Yamino. She had effectively "killed Derpy" (in the minds of many) because of her crusade against the character that most everyone loves. Seriously she even wrote scathing letters to the writers of the show (and made sock puppet accounts) in an effort to get the character retconned because she believed that Derpy Hooves was a symbol of hatred towards the mentally disabled. The stance itself was ignorant of the character, but no one really cared about that around the time. It was when Derpy was removed from canon after it came to light that Yamino may have had a hand in it even though one of the writers said she didn't. That is where the hatred began to take new heights. People seemed to want a target for their emotions, and Yamino fit the bill. I am not condoning this, as many shouldn't. However Yamino herself is not completely innocent in her actions, even though what she had done did not warrant the explosive reaction that she received. She came across as bigoted, and arrogant to those that did read what she had to say about Derpy. In the beginning Yamino deleted comments from her page that did not support her own ideas. She believed her ideas were superior to others, and so she led her one-man crusade against a cherished character. So you see it was a combination of factors that ultimately led to the explosive reaction you are referring to. I must reiterate that I did not support a lot of the comments she received as they were neither constructive nor were they in the spirit of the show. However don't make Yamino out to be an innocent angel, because she was far from that. Doesn't mean people had the right to say what they did, but it does mean that they did have their reasons for not liking Yamino. That being said what did you hope to accomplish by opening up this old wound? Okay, shut off the lights, close the doors and give everyone a gift basket. This fine gentleman gets it. Death threats are over the line, no one is implying otherwise. But Yamino crossed the line first by going to such lengths to "kill" a character that really was only there as a joke. A character she KNEW was near and dear to alot of people. I was never a huge fan of Derpy, but let's be honest here; it's not fair to try and get something censored because you think it's offensive. Dude, in the words of that guy from the "Bronies react videos", this isn't Family Guy. No one is going out of there way to insult someone. If that's how you interperet this, then you're just blatantly looking for something to get angry over. But at the same time, the Derpy fans did overreact. I myself blame Hasbro, in that they really should've just told us something. Maybe I'm asking too much, but I feel like there should've been some civilized negotiation, especially since they greenlighted that cameo to start with. Don't just go and censor something that was never intended to be offensive just becuase *el gasp* five peole find it inexplicably. offensive! Edited May 12, 2013 by Mzukiller I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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