Lady Leopardess 393 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 There were death threats over the fact Pluto got demoted from planet status. Honestly people do death threats for the stupidest reasons. Just like with most groups the loud obnoxious ones stand out but it only represents maybe 10% of any fan group usually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Leopardess 393 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 I think that in order for me to form an opinion on what you're saying, it has to make some sense. Seriously, this post is what I'd expect if I called a customer service clinic outsourced to India. On the subject of death threats, I believe they are uncalled for in all situations. The OP said that English wasn't their first language ,so give the OP a bit of a break. People can only get better at a language if they continue to try to us it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 When people with mental disorders/disabilities tried to set her straight she deleted their comments, yet she claimed she was speaking for them. And that ladies and gentleman more than anything else is the main reason why I don't like the Derpy complainers, sure it dosen't justify death threats but as an adult with Autism I really hate it when people claim to speak for me yet don't listen to a single word I say. I have been called names like stupid and retard many many times even though I am not and I don't find Derpy offensive yet when people like myself speak up we are just ignored. And the thing is that Derpy was never confirmed one way or another to be retarded the complainers only assumed that was the case. 3 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 Oh don't despair about some fans overreacting so much ya'll! Now, do I think fans making death threats over disagreements about MLP is OK? Of course not!!! But at the same time, don't look at a couple of knuckleheads doing some stupid crap like that and say, "My gosh, the fandom is dying!!!!" Let me say it loud and clear: EVERY FANDOM IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS SHALL HAVE SOME CHUCKLEHEAD WHO TAKES THINGS WAY TOO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just human nature ya'll; yes, it's stupid and unacceptable behavior, but those extreme few shouldn't be pointed to as reflecting the majority of a fandom. Plus, that Yamino business was over a year ago anyway. As far as I'm concerned, the fandom is still alive and well, if not better than it's ever been before! Stay brony my friends! ? 3 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 770 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 I don't know about any of your experiences; I can only speak to my own. Yet this simple fact is so essential to the differences in all of us, as our experiences shape us...anyhow. I will not say this as a command, but a plea; I will not say this as a statement of my own opinion, but a desperate cry from one lost soul to the mass of souls who surround him: Please do not lose faith. Of course we find corruption; we see horrific things that should not be seen; this is life. No group of humans can achieve perfection, as humans are inherently imperfect. Therefore, it is not how perfect we are that defines us, but how perfect we strive to be. If you say "The fandom USED to strive for love and tolerance", you are already halfway there. Please keep faith in ourselves, for we will not continue to strive for perfection through despair but through hope. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broseph Stalin 103 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 hello so I have not been for long in this fandom so I try to learn about the history of the things that happened before I joined...So I did some researces and found out that Some One named Yamino was send Death Threats!! Only because she did not like Derpy. Okay so really? I am sorry but I think ifanyone that sends death threats to someone who only has a opinion Then the person who sended the threats loses all treats of being a human being, I mean dint we learn That everyone is different? I dont even know what to think right now. How do you feel about that? Yera. Tell that 'everyone is different get used to it' point to my classmates :l Rant aside, it shouldn't have to resort to death threats. I mean, besides applejack, derpy IS best pony, but death threats? Really? Please tell me they were classy threats at least. Please tell me that. Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper. I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) I remember that I had received death threats just because I said that I hated Luna. It's a bit ridiculous, someone can be hated just for saying they don't like a certain character. This is coming from someone who loves Derpy too. Let the person have an opinion. Edited May 10, 2013 by WheatleyCore 1 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broseph Stalin 103 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 We could have seen the so-called threats themselves in the letter Yamino sent to Amy Keating where she claimed all Derpy fans are horribly people. But for some bizarre reason she deleted that blog post when she recieved a huge backlash. Damn. See, we could've seen some possible classy death threats here! I mean, it's like graffiti. If you see someones tag ( or a regular punch-in-face death threat) then you dislike it. If you see an elaborate masterpiece of graffiti or a good death threat then it's worth the post! Graffiti comparison over, is there a picture of the post? Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper. I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir.Flutter Hooves 2,953 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 It's ridiculous what this fandom has turned into. This is what gets me. Just because some stupid bronies make stupid threats, it's the fandom that gets blamed and not the person himself! NOT ALL BRONIES ARE THIS WAY! I hate it when one person does something, and the rest of the ship goes down with it. 1 This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix237 353 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 Really? Death treats? Is that what they are doing these days? You know I wonder why people would come to this. Not because it's over the top and insane. No that's not the reason that's strange. Two things: 1) People overreact over a death threat. Okay I know it's natural to overreact, but sometimes there people are per the top that you can't take them seriously. There have been death threats over stupid things since as ok as I can remember. And people take them seriously?!? 2) Another thing that's strange is the the people who make the death threats do it as of they will make a difference. Oh I'm mad at something I guess I should make a death threat, wait it changed nothing, oh well that's life kids. Makes no sense. Also isn't wierd that when one person in the fandom does something like this then suddenly all members of the fandom now act like this? I don't something I noticed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Cal Stonehoof 596 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 See I'm still relatively new to the fandom. I've been here for over a month. So I really don't see what the big deal is? So somepony doesn't like a pony with the same passion as you do? So what? I mean honestly, was there a meeting I missed where all the factions were going to war? Did I miss that memo? Because I would be completely screwed, because I would have to fight for House Fluttershy, House Pinkie Pie, House Derpy, House Mane 6 and a whole bunch of others. And what is the BronyCode? Is that like the Pirate Code? A bunch of guidelines and what not? Is there like a Brony 10 Commandments out there I wasn't notified of? Seriously people? I'm sorry but Derpy wasn't offensive, and the "Save Derpy" campaign may have been futile, but still the fandom tried. Which by the way I like her new voice (sounds more feminine), and I don't mind the new name either, her eyes need to be derped. But death threats? Seriously? I understand on how this DA artist was going on about how Derpy was offensive to the handicapped, and how she was speaking for these people that found it offensive. I just think the fandom could have handled it another way. We could have ignored her, and simply focused on saving Derpy, or put more energy into other Brony Conventions, or maybe influencing canon even more. We claim that Bronies are misunderstood. However, if we meet a differing opinion with venomous responses how are we going to change the outside world's opinion of us? Also, since when did the actions of one speak for all? Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunnerino 182 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 This is what gets me. Just because some stupid bronies make stupid threats, it's the fandom that gets blamed and not the person himself! NOT ALL BRONIES ARE THIS WAY! I hate it when one person does something, and the rest of the ship goes down with it. I know it is, but it's just.. Basically for me, a lot of the bronies I've met are rabid, and all's they'll talk about is ponies, and nothing else and it annoys me. And then there's a majority of Fluttershy, and Derpy Hooves fans who will death threat you if you simply say, "I don't like this character. They're not one of my favorites". 2 If you see me around, feel free to say hey! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBreech 91 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 hello so I have not been for long in this fandom so I try to learn about the history of the things that happened before I joined...So I did some researces and found out that Some One named Yamino was send Death Threats!! Only because she did not like Derpy. Okay so really? I am sorry but I think ifanyone that sends death threats to someone who only has a opinion Then the person who sended the threats loses all treats of being a human being, I mean dint we learn That everyone is different? I dont even know what to think right now. How do you feel about that? My opinion about that? I agree, fighting over useless opinions is absolutely ridiculous. I see the problems in the world and see a simple solution to fix just about everything, "Everyone mind their own damn business and stay out of other people's lives." And tada, world peace at last. I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaramus 449 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 The Derpy issue itself is over a year old now, I think we're all past that. As for the issue on death threats themselves, well you cannot blame the fandom for them. It's an individual choice to make those threats against somebody else, it's a fallacy to say that the Brony fandom are the cause of those threats. Also are we still going with the whole "this fandom used to be....". You'll always get morons who do stupid things like this, regardless of the fandom and how long that fandom has been in existence. It's a problem with certain individuals, not bronies in general. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunnerino 182 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 The Derpy issue itself is over a year old now, I think we're all past that. Maybe the people on this forum are past that. But trust me there's a lot of bronies who are still upset over the Derpy issue, if you search "Save Derpy" on Youtube, and read the comments.... That's a fun time. If you see me around, feel free to say hey! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dis is not a troll 27 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 i got kicked out of chat by a mod that liked RD and i said "naaaah rarity is best pony" and i got kicked and banned by him and i was all like dafuq ? (in crystal empires) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broseph Stalin 103 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 Let me see if someone saved it. I would have screen captured everything back then if I knew she would start deleting so much. Edit: Sorry, I can only find the later clean version of the post where she didn't show the content of the letter. Well, points for trying. The clean version just has the disliking derpy talk, right? It was probably a classy death threat. All that I've seen are. Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper. I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayEriks 15 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 (edited) *this post has been deleted by the user* Edited October 6, 2014 by RayEriks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broseph Stalin 103 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 I'm talking about the letter slandering Derpy fans. And she didn't include just a single serious death threat, just a lot of trolly comments telling her to eat cyanide and similiar offensive statements. You know, comments written for shock value. Comments that anyone who has spent time on youtube should recognise. Oh-pffffff. Not classy. I knew they weren't classy. Maybe some people at school will know about it;that'd actually be kind of funny. Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper. I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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