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Hearing soles comment he paused his rant once again, but decided to ignore him and focus on luna, "forget about how were doing, I wanna know if your okay, you look like you were hit by a cart!" He said worridly, still looking at her concerned. Crimson turned to his freinds, now more calm, "how in the name of celestia did you do all this!" He asked, glaring accusingly at equinox.

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"Why should I help her exactly" Equinox whispered to himself as Twilight healed Rainbow. "Oh im doing fine Luna" Equinox said as he saw something within the distance. "I wonder what that is" Equinox said as he saw Crimson glare at him. "Dont look at me I didnt cause this to her but I did open the portal to this place....cause it looked peaceful...till we fought a Naga" Equinox said as he slowly stepped backwards. "Dont hurt my student Crimson its not his fault this dimesion can only be opened by Alicorns and im not sure how you opened it Equinox.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Crimson seemed to calm down at luna's words, he sighed and raised an eyebrow, "only alicorns huh?" Crimson then unexpectedly broke out laughing, "even when you piss me off, you still manage to impress me, be it a lowly pirate captain, or the lovely princess of the night herself!" Said crimson still chuckling, but stopped, once he realised what he said about luna, he blushed, "I mean...ugh..." he stammered, and smiled sheepishly.

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Sole smiled as his friend stumble over himself in embarrasment "calm down crimson, at least we know your not a colt cuddler." He turned to equinox and calmly walked up to him. He smiled before slapping him in the face, hard. "Oh no, I though he was going crazy again. My bad!" He said innocently "that's for needing a reason to help nakama." He whisperd to him "I've got pretty good hearing yaknow!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna giggled a bit as she looked at Equinox. "You find something Equinox" Luna asked as Equinox turned around. "Yeah it looks like ruins but im not sure" Equinox said as he walked towards the ruins. "We should probably get moving" Luna said as she stood up


"OW" Equinox said after being slapped by Sole

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Crimsons composure returned after seeing equinox get back-hoofed by sole, he then laughed, "if you two are done arguing, then maybe we can go check out those ruines and find sommore monster flank to kick!" He said with renewed vigor, he then smiled devilishly, "I call dibbs on the next monster we see!" He said, before funning at full speed towards the ruines.

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Seeing his friend running toward the ruins he took to the skies "yeah right, that next beastie is mine!" He shouted happily "c'mon guys, let's race!" Dash happily followed him. Flying away so fast as to leave a huge cloud of dust and a rainbow trail in her wake. "See ya at the ruins!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"That a labyrinth...it might have something....maybe" Luna said as she followed behind Crimson. "I guess so" Equinox said as he teleported to the ruins only to see a hole leading into the labryinth. "Glad I didn't teleport over the hole" Equinox said as he saw...minotuars in there.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Sweet!" Sole said happily "minotaur! They seem different from the ones back home." He paused for a moment and shrugged "oh well, I'm gonna go say hello." With that he jumped into the hole and started flying at blinding speeds around them and hitting them. Dash watched hi' go in and growled angrily "hey, wait up psycho!" She said "I wanna help." She then dove into the pit and mimicked his movements.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"HEY YAH JACK-FLANK, I CALLED DIBBS REMEMBER!?" Yelled crimson, ig-niting his body on fire, before following sole into the large hole, "I'll kill one of the freaks, and break off one of his horns and give it to princess luna as a gift!" He yelled, enjoying himself a bit too much.

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"Equinox jumped down and stabbed one of then with a rapier then proceeded to cut it in half. "Well I want to fight also" Equinox said as he ran through that labyrinth seeing mor minotaurs. "Alright let's see" Equinox summoned blades to impale the minotuars. "Too easy the Naga was more challenging then this.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Crimson was laughing and enjoying himself, "Ive missed these kinds of fights, even if they are too damn easy!" He said grinning happily as he easily ducked a minataurs punch, and retaliated with a flaming uppercut, knocking his head off his shoulders, but crimson wasn't finished yet, as he jumped up to the head in mid-air and punched it with anoather flaming hoof, sending it crashing like a meteor into an unaware group of minataur, tossing them in all directions, like bowling pinns, "HELL YEAH!! STRIKE BABY!!! Yelled crimson, who the did a flaming round-house kick on anoather minutaur, sending its head flying out the hole, "AND ITS OUTA THERE!!!" He yelled, while laughing crazily, enjoying the warm-up immensly.

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Sole was easily flying through the labyrinth, defeating minotaurs while he flew. Dash was right next to him, easily keeping pace and defeating any enemies he missed. "This is awsome!" Sole said happily "just avoid killing okay dash. You know I hate that!" Dash scoffed "yeah right, do you really think id kill these guys? I'm just giving them a good beating, rainbow dash style!" Sole rolled his eyes while he punched a minotaur hard enough to give it a concussion. "Just keep up if you guys can!" He yelled back.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Equinox slashed the minotaurs in acstar shse then sent it flying through a wall. "Easy" Equinox said as he came to a gate. "Time yo kill" Equinox said opening the door to be faced with a centaur. "Finally a challenge" Equinox said as both him and the centaur traded blows.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole and dash flew until they came upon equinox fighting a centaur. "Yeah, kick his flank!" Dash said supportively "yeah, as long as you can handle it then we won't interfere with your fight!" At that monent a minotaur tried to attack him from behind. Without looking, sole raised his right wing to block and used his left to slash the minotaur down. "And stay down."He said, without looking. "That was awsome!" Dash said happily. "Just finish it quickly equinox!" Sole shouted.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Quickly you say okay" Equinox focused his energy and three black blade appear. "This is your end...OBLIVION" The three blades appear and impale the centaur then a big blade appeared above it and smashed the centaur killing. "And that's a rap" Equinox said as he picked up a necklace the centuar dropped.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Teki had stumbled onto the portal by accident trying to escape some of his former hive members. He'd jumped in before if fell apart, Teki had been exploring the new realm. Teki managed to find his way to a strange labyrinth and had started making his way through it killing Minotaurs left and right with his magic. Teki managed to make it to the center but there was something there that not even he would tangle with.


Teki managed to get away and head further away from the center. It was then that he could hear other voices coming, Teki took one of his many forms that of a dark blue pegasus with golden eyes, and a yellow spiky mane and tail with grey tips. He watched as the ponies dispatched the Centaur. The only thing worse than what he'd encountered just a bit ago was the fact that Princess Luna was with them. Taking a deep breath Teki stepped out from around the corner "Wow you guys sure know how to beat down monsters. Names Spark guess we're all stuck in this maze together huh." Teki chuckled. He didn't move any closer, he wasn't sure how friendly they'd be towards him. Especially with the princess and now two of the harmony users.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Crimson smiled, as he punched a hole in a minataurs chest and looked at the newcomer pony with a grin, "peekaboo newbie!" Said crimson in a cheerie voice, welcome to our little band of misfits, he stuck out his hoof for a hoofshake, "my names captain crimson grinn, but you can just call me crimson if you want, said crimson with a devious grin.

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"Come around me I'll teleport us out of here" Equinox said as his horn glowed. "Telepotrin more then two ponies and and a griffion might be difficult but who wants to walk all the way back" Equinox said as he teleported them all to the hole they entered and then he fainted from too much magic use. "I told him not to do that or he might faint" Luna said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole sighed "what was the point in that?" He asked "me and dash could've just flown out. You just wasted energy!" He said, suprized by his friends stupidity. "Besides, the stupidly dangerous stunts are my thing!" He said smiling.he turned to teki "hey, where'd you come from? I thought the portal was closed?" He looked at the newcomer carefully, there was something off about him. But he couldn't place it. "Oh well, you can stick with us." Dash said. Sole glared suspiciously at teki, he didn't trust him. "Yeah... the more the merreier I geuss."


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson rolled his eyes, "why do you always seem to be the one to get yourself into trouble in the fastest way possible?" Asked crimson in an annoyed voice as he walked up to the now unconsious equinox, "you owe me one for this, ya cheeky bastard" he said as he drained some of his own magic supply into his fallen friend.

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"Don't be mad at my student he was nice enough to do that for you guys anyway" Luna said as Equinox got up. "Hey Equinox" Twilight said going up to him. "I found a really huge castle in a flat land area and also a hedge maze" Twilight said as she bowed when she saw Luna. "No need for that Twilight" Luna said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sole sighed, he didn't trust teki. He was hiding something, but threre wasn't time to accuse anyone right now, he had to help his friends. "Let's keep going guys, I can't stand to stay still for so long. Dash, me and you are gonna scout ahead. See what's in store for us." Dash looked at him curiously "why? Wouldn't it be safer to stay in a group?" She looked at his expression and stopped arguing "sure... whatever." With that they flew ahead to look out for enemies.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Teki looked at the group he could tell that there was distrust for him already. But Teki being what he was, he was used to it and didn't bother him to much anymore. "I was well let's just say being hunted when I saw the portal open. So I figured anywhere is better than here, so I jumped in. After exploring I found that labyrinth, I had to have gone in one of the other ways. But man we dodged a stack of trouble, what was in the center wasn't friendly." Spark(Teki) took flight staying close to the group.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Come on Equinox let's go and check the castle out" Twilight said as she walked with Equino to the castle that had towers protruding out into the side of the building but by looking at it there's no way to eneter it. "I wonder" Equinox made hammer appear that was well a mallet.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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