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Aurora Lights

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Sparkshower pullesd away and pressed her forhead against his." We can do this I know we can, " she smiled and stepped back she th#n piunched his shoulder. " Now ctmon we gotta get you prepared to speak to the royal council. I assume youve Never done it befor3 ight?"

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Aurora shook his head "nope...I hope I don't seem stupid out there..."he says,twittling his hooves and looking down at the ground,he was so nervous,he didnt know what to say,what to do...but he knew he had to do it....to save his changeling and all of her friends...he would change the whole of Equestria...

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Thunder Dash woke up and stretched. "Rainbow, it's mornin' time." Thunder Dash whispered in Rainbow's ear. Rainbow Dash slowly woke up. Suddenly he heard hissing. His two changelings had just woke up as well. "Good morning Aurora. Morning Spark." Thunder Dash said. 



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Sparkshower turned "morning Thunder" she then turned to Aurora going through the protocol and ettiquite of presenting eveidence to the council, going intio detail the things that are tabood and what things would get him brownie points. "Now Pretend I'm the council present the evidence."

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Aurora nodded to his friend in bed "morning bro."he says and looks back to Spark "...well..."he starts off with the evidence he gets from his expirence,then he presents his changeling,who was purring and cuddling him softly "as you can see...they arent mean at all...they just have a horrible leader..."he says,his little changeling looking up at him.

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Sparkshower smiled brightly and flung her front arms around aurora "That's brilliant." She immediately pulled pack and blushed slightly "I mean uh that's very good, Hell with both of us arguing the same side we'll be unstoppable."  And she meant every word.

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Aurora smiles and nods,blushing lightly "yeah,unstoppable!"he smiles and looks down at his changeling,she softly purring and rubbing against him,he then picks her up and hugs her tight,the changeling squeaking in suprise at first and bluses lightly,but hugs back tightly.

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"now" Sparkshower saids " What we really need to aim for is getting Cadence to agree to help the changelings, as her special talent is spreading love. An alliance between the changelings and the Crystal empire would be a great thing for equestrian.

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Aurora nodded an smiled "hopefully she can see the love these little creatures."he smiles and softly pets the changeling,it smiling and purring "they truly are kind little creatures,and look,she is changeing in appearance."he smiles,noticing her light grey coat and light eyes.

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Sparkshower marveled at the sight. "Yeah but if nothing else I don't think Princess Cadence is capable of passing up a chance to show somepony the meaning of love, she might be resistant at first but when she sees that they can learn she'll probably jump at the opportunity."

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Aurora nodded and smiled,softly kissing his little changeling on the head,it blushes and squeaks as she flaps her wings,latching on to Aurora tightly,nuzzling and cuddling him tightly "hehe,she is a cuddler."he says with a light blush on his cheeks.

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Sparkshower laughed. "I can see, she really likes you, you're probably the first to ever show her kindness." She smiled briefly and checked the time. "Oh my goodness it's almost time to go." she said. she turned to Aurora "Are you sure you have everything?" she asked.

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Aurora blinked,checking his watch,his under-the-wing holster with his pistol,and his knife on his shoulder,he had his uniform on,so he looked quite...awesome...he nodded and started walking with his friend riding on his back,he blinked and put on his army cap,nodding to everypony he passed by.

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When they eached the doors they 2ere checked 5o prove their identity. The hall was huge full of art and history books. And in the center was a huge round table wich had a section ctut out so one migh5 be able to go in tthe middle. ( 4ound like a wheel not a pie.

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Aurora sighed softly,getting a slight hint of stage fright before he shakes it out of his system and he continues on,he was getting stares and glances from the changeling on his back,some gasps and such,he sighed softly and walked with confidence,his eyes set,he was prepared...he knew his lines...

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As they reached the cnter celestia and Luna stood up. " It has been brough to my attentuion that changelings might b4 abld to feel love i am tprepared tooo believe this if the eviidence is sound." This came from celestia luna then spoke " present your evidence aurora lights."

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Aurora took a deep breath,taking off his cap and letting his changeling down "...first...I would like to present MY changeling...her name is Satty,she is loveable,and quite sweet..."he says as she satnds as close as possible to Aurora without physically touching him. "Second...I have had much expirence with these creatures...I have learned that they are not the ones to hate,their leader is...she corrupted them...I believe,if was show them love,and appreciation,they could be the most loving things Equestria has ever seen!"he says,pacing,his wings fluttered once and his pistol and knife where shown in one instant.

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Sparkshower decided to speak uyp. " perhaps they act this way because thyve never been shown love in their true forms, It would explainy the queens acrtions she only sees it as an tenergy sou3ce." Celes5ia nodded " it is clear that the tchangeling is fond towards you that is mhost reassuring.

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Aurora nodded and softly rolled the changeling over "mmhm,she will let me do anything to her."he says and rubs her belly,her hoof kicking the air as she squeaks in happiness and in a giggling like way,he smiled and started playing with her,smiling wide.

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Celestia nodded " It is clear that the changelings are not inherently vil perhaps we and the crysal empire can reacrh ran agreement, with hysalis and she might be persuaded 5o change her ways " Cadence stood up " Are you kidding she 4uined my weddingcand tried to overthrow you

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Aurora blinked and stopped,looking up at Cadence and he said "...Princess Cadence...Princess Celestia...Princess Luna...If I can,under your permission,find Queen Crysalis herself,then try to change her...please,I can show you they are not bad..."he says in a strong,commanding voice.

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Thunder Dash noticed that Aurora had left. "Come on Dashie, come on you two, let's go and find Aurora and Sparkle." Thunder Dash said as he got up. His picked up his two changelings and headed to where Aurora was. "I think he wants to go talk to Queen Chrysalis...but how? She's all the way on the other side of Equestria, near the wastelands." Thunder Dash thought to himself. He then found Aurora with Cadence and the other princessess. "You mean we can show you." Thunder Dash says walking in with his two changelings on his back happily smiling. @

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Sparkshower turned to Cadence, "You could show them the meaning of love." Cadence's eyes widened "You mean... show a whole new species.. how to love?" She turned to Celestia and nodded. Celestia stood "We believe you are right Aurora of course you may go." she said.

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Aurora smiled and turned to his pegasus friend "come on bro.We have our first mission."he says and bumps hooves with him,he then looked to Spark "stay here...we need to do this mission alone,to prove to Celestia and Luna and Cadence."he says,his changeling hopping on Aurora's back.

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Sparkshower nodded. when They left she turned to Celestia "May I be excused princess?" she asked Celestia nodded, Sparkshower bowed and teleported." afterwards Celestia turned to Luna "It took twilight YEARS to learn that spell, I'm a little envious of the one you've chosen." Luna nodded  "I knew she was special the day she saved that carriage." meanwhile Sparkshower was at Zecora's again. she went inside. "Zecora can you make me a dream catcher it's for my umm .. friend, I have money I can pay for it." Zecora chuckled "I dreamcatcher I will make, But a single bit I will not take." she immediately got to work making the magic dream catcher.

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