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Aurora Lights

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Sparkshower slowly drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were filled with laughter and happiness she couldn't quite remember what she had dreamed about.. that is except for the image of a little filly, with a mane like aurora's and a coat like hers. Sparks smiled in her sleep

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Aurora slowly woke and yawned softly and looked at the still snoozing Pie,he smiled and softly kissed the little changeling,she growled softly before rolling over and snuggling her face into his chest so he couldn't do that anymore while she slept,he smiled and softly woke Sparkshower he says softly "hey...can I get a kiss?"he asked quietly,he didn't know why,he just...wanted to get another kiss from her.

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Thunder Dash fell asleep and his pets were all cuddled beside him. Thunder Dash dreamt of him and his sister Rainbow Dash flying high in the starry night again. They were in eternal bliss just soaring above the land and enjoying each others company.  

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Sparkshower opened her eyes and giggled "You didn't even have to ask."  She smiled brightly , and tousled his mane. She closed her eyes and leaned foreward softly pressing her lips to his. Once again the sweet bliss swept over her and any negative thought she might have had faded away.

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Aurora smiled and closed his eyes and softly kissed her for a time before he softly separated his lips from hers and he softly nuzzled her chest warmly,he did love this mare! Finally,somepony he would have relations with! He would never EVER let this mare go,ever.

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((Hallo? anyone playing in this RP anymore or are we gunna stop it or what? I would like to know what we could do next my fine feathered,and cleanly polished horned pony friends,I was just trying to fill the character amount guys so yeah,please tell me.))

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(OOC: Was just waiting for you and Sparkleshower to interact.)


Thunder Dash was cuddling with Rainbow Dash who appearently was having another case of the giggles. "Ugh, stop giggling so much Rainbow, you're gonna make have another..." Before Thunder Dash could say "wingboner", his two wings shot out. "Wingboner..." He said blushing. Rainbow Dash laughed harder at this.  

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Aurora blinked and looked over to Thunder,he smiled and laughed softly,he felt it coming...he couldnt stop it,Wingboner!!! his wings shot out hard as rock and he sighed,planting his face in his pillow,he smiled though as he blushed,he thought it was pretty funny.

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Thunder Dash turned to Aurora and saw him blushing. Thunder tried his best to hold in a laugh, but he couldn't and burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes. Dashie was laughing hard as well. Meanwhile his changelings and griffon and all asleep cuddled together. 



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Aurora sighed and started laughing harder too,then something struck him from the inside that chilled his heart 'They Laugh at you Aurora...your nothing but a joke to them...'the voice whispers,Aurora brushed him off though and kept laughing hard,the Darkness growing aggitated.

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"Oh my gosh Aurora, did you see the look on my face when that wingboner popped out. I was like "What the hay!"" Thunder Dash said laughing hard. "Oh, this is just too rich!" Rainbow Dash said still laughing extremely hard. Before you knew it, tears were falling out of her eyes.  

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Aurora smiled and laughed harder,he couldnt talk and he too started to cry out of laughter,he slowly stopped and gulped,wiping his eyes off and looking at his friends,his wingboner going away slowly,he smiled and slowly stood,looking to Sparkshower,waiting for the training.

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(LOL thunder I was waiting for you to post XD) Sparkshower sighed "Both of you head on down to the weapons station 256 that's where I've been assigned, I'll catch up with you guys in a minute."  She went over to her bookshelf and scoured the volumes there, looking for something that could help aurora.

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Thunder Dash calmed down and headed over to the weapons station. He saw various weapons including one of his favorite weapons he got to fire while he was a major: The Dragunov SVD.  "Oh my goodness! Is that a Dragunov SVD? I love those things. You don't have to cock'em after every single shot. I remember when I was given an AWM, ugh, those things were a pain. I seriously do not like single shot guns where you have to reload after a single shot." Thunder Dash said. 



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Aurora blinks and walks beside him,rolling his eyes "you know,semi-automatic snipers suck right? I HATE them,bolt action rifles have less moving parts and less chance of failure."he says,looking at a .50 cal BMG Barrett M99 sniper rifle with a very long scope,he picked it up and loaded a shell into it.

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Thunder Dash then spotted a Desert Eagle. "Are you kidding me, Desert Eagles are one of the most powerful pistols ever made! You can even attach scopes to the newer ones. By the looks of this one, you can put a scope on it." Thunder Dash said as he searched for a scope. He then put it on the Desert Eagle.  

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Aurora looks over at him and shakes his head,picking up a Smith&Wesson 500 revolver,"you know,this one right here is the most powerful hoof gun in the world?"he asked,spinning  the chambers slowly,he smiled and loaded his revolver and looks down the sights "and yes...you can mount a scope on this one too..."he says with a smile.

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"I prefer the Desert Eagle. Even though it's not as powerful as that, it has a good grip, for the recoil is very hard on it. That Smith&Wesson 500 might fly out of your hooves if it doesn't have a good grip." Thunder Dash said looking for other weapons he recognized. 

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Aurora looked at an array of special purpose weapons,the "Chainsaw" 870 shotgun,the glock series,the AR-15 styled rifles,bushmasters,AK's...all kinds of guns,he smiled and picked up an XM-8 Advanced Assault rifle and loaded a magzine in it,he smiled as his eyes turned green,he sighed softly.

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Thunder Dash then looked over to the left. "Oh shoot! Do I see what I see? Is that a gold plated AC-130? I...I don't...there are no words!" Thunder Dash said picking up the assault rifle. "Do you know how rare these things are? Only times when they used it was when that massive attack occurred in Saddle Arabia.  

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Sparkshower had found a good tactic for suppressing the darkness and she planned to put it in place later. She walked up behind the two pegasi. She crouched down and pounced knocking the two over "tsk tsk  forgetting rule number one already I'm disappointed in you."

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Thunder Dash looked up and saw Sparkleshower. "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry." He said quickly putting the AC-130 down. "Gah, but it was just sooo tempting...being a major in the army..." Thunder Dash said rubbing the back of his head slightly blushing.




(OOC: Anime reference) 

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Aurora fell over with a puff of air escaping his lips and he shook his head as he stood,looking at his rifle "dangit."he murmurs and looks at Sparkshower with a smile "I know I know...first rule,always be aware."he smiled and softly patted her head and looked back to his guns.

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"Ugh, it's training all over again!!" Thunder Dash said holding his head. He had been through this training 10 times in order to become a major in the army. He had not retired from the army yet but admitted that training was a huge pain in the flank, especially when he had to go through all of those tutorials.  

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Aurora blinked and looked around a moment before he softly pushed Thunder,he smiled and looked around before poking him softly in the flank,trying to get him to play with him,he was tired of being so serious and such,he needed some relaxation and some peace.

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