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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/62434-fairy-tail-crossover-rp-ooc/


((I'm going to be splitting my posts into two parts. One for my character, and one for general DMing stuff.))


After a long year of battling dark guilds and performing all kinds of jobs for the ponies of Fiore, it was once again time for the Fairy Tail guild to travel to the blooming capital for the Grand Magic Games. There were high expectations for the guild, as they had been victorious the previous year. However, many members had since left the guild or were otherwise unable to compete, and this years team consisted entirely of young wizards who hadn't participated in the games before.



Rambler smiled as he walked the streets of Crocus. He had seen the city before, but had never really had a chance to explore it. He intended to make the most of his time outside of the competition to see the sights around the city. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't taking the competition seriously. There was no way he would let his guild lose.


He looked up as he heard the bells of a clocktower ringing the hour. It was getting late, and he ought to head back to the hotel. He hoped they at least had good booze.


((Everyone should start out with arriving in the city and heading to the hotel. After that, things should pick up.))

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


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Sole grinned happily as he walked down the streets of crocus toward the hotel him and his nakama were to be staying at during the games. He had just gotten over his motion sickness after getting off the train "why didn't I just fly?" He mumbled to himself, as he facepalmed. "Oh well" he said to himself with a grin "tomorrow the fun starts, I'm all fired up!" He said cockily, as he spread his wings and flew to the hotel.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan was quitely walking the streets of crocus, contemplating strategies for he start of the games tomorrow, "dammit! Every strategy I think of ends up having too many flaws....maybe when I get back to the hotel, me, sole, and rambler, can think of somthing..." thought lycan, before stealthily maknig his way back towards the hotel.

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Minath landed outside Crocus, and stretched her wings. She walked into the city and saw the inn her guild was to be staying in. She stealthily slipped inside, hoping not to attract too much attention to herself. An alicorn was rare to see anywhere, after all.


'I better find everyone soon' She thought to herself. She went into the corner of the inn and eyed the crowd, looking for somepony from her guild.



She bumped into Lycan, and glad to see a familiar face, hugged him.

Edited by Minath Watcher
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Minath landed outside Crocus, and stretched her wings. She walked into the city and saw the inn her guild was to be staying in. She stealthily slipped inside, hoping not to attract too much attention to herself. An alicorn was rare to see anywhere, after all.


'I better find everyone soon' She thought to herself. She went into the corner of the inn and eyed the crowd, looking for somepony from her guild.



She bumped into Lycan, and glad to see a familiar face, hugged him.

Sole smiled happily as he entered the hotel and spotted minath and lycan in the corner, hugging. "Hey minath, lycan!" He said happily, as he flew up to the pair "have you seen rambler and thunder?" He asked happily "I wanna get some training in before we sleep!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan smiled happily as he saw minath, but jumped when she suddenly hugged him, as he was not prepared for this. Lycan then smiled warmly, and blushed before hesitantly, hugging her back, "nice to see you too minath....have you seen rambler, or thunder around? We need to discuss strategy" said lycan before removing his beloved headphones and grinning happliy, while still blushing slightly, before turning to sole and scoffing, your late you glorified adrenalin junky!" Said crimson jokingly as he grinned at sole.

Edited by ragestar
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@, @,

"No idea where Thunder is, but I bet you Rambler's drinking already" Minath said, then gave a small chuckle. "But I'm sure they'll all get here. Heck, with this many ponies around they might be here already." Minath's eyes glanced over the crowd, but there was just too many ponies to tell them apart.



I just realized something... am I the only mare?

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@, @,"No idea where Thunder is, but I bet you Rambler's drinking already" Minath said, then gave a small chuckle. "But I'm sure they'll all get here. Heck, with this many ponies around they might be here already." Minath's eyes glanced over the crowd, but there was just too many ponies to tell them apart. ~~~OOC~~~I just realized something... am I the only mare?

sole smiled "rambler? of course he is" he said happily "he's celebrating our victory early, with booz!" He said jokingly "but if there in this crowd, then we'll have to find them somehow... I've got an idea!" He said mischeviously, as he inhaled deeply "hey, drunky, wannabe, get your asses over here if you can hear us!" He yelled happily.

((Drunky is rambler, and wannabe is thunder. Its his nicknames for them!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan grinned happily and chuckled, "probably, but if rambler IS drinking, then we have a better chance of finding him at the bar, so let's try looking there first, ok?" Said lycan, before glaring at sole and sweatdropping, "is that really nessarry? You could've just called their names you know..." said lycan.

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@, @,


Minath laughed "But that would be too easy! Where's the fun in that?" But stupid logic meant that Lycan was right.


"Okay... so to the bar we go!" Minath couldn't help but smile. She had no idea where Thunder could be... but if there's a bar, that's where Rambler is. Minath chuckled as she headed for the direction of the bar.

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Thunder got off the train and slowly walked out into the city of crocus. He looked around, trying to find a familiar face. But he found nothing. So he just started to walk his way toward the hotel, he wasn't to thrilled about the competition, it actually made him a little nervous. "What happens if I mess up, am I strong enough" these thoughts rambled his head as he walked.


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@, @,


Minath laughed "But that would be too easy! Where's the fun in that?" But stupid logic meant that Lycan was right.


"Okay... so to the bar we go!" Minath couldn't help but smile. She had no idea where Thunder could be... but if there's a bar, that's where Rambler is. Minath chuckled as she headed for the direction of the bar.

sole smiled and scatched his head "yeah, I guess your right" he said, sighing "but I'll wait here in case they come back, I'll go check out the rooms too!" He said happily, as he flew to the front desk and got the keys. "I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna chill here till the rest arrive... then its nothing but training!" He said, as he flew upstairs.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lycan rolled his eyes playfully at minaths exitment, "and to think.....she might be able to kick my flank in a fight....requip really is a dangerous form of magic..." thought lycan before running to catch up to minath, "if he is drinking then I might just join him, sole's right, I have confidence in fairytale!" Said lycan grinning.

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Minath smiled. "When we train I'll be your sparring partner, if you want." Minath wanted to train too, she just didn't want to say it. She tried to sound laid back as she scanned the bar for Rambler. She mumbled under her breath.

"No good drunkie...where could he be....damn him..." and other things of the likes as she looked for him.

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@, Minath smiled. "When we train I'll be your sparring partner, if you want." Minath wanted to train too, she just didn't want to say it. She tried to sound laid back as she scanned the bar for Rambler. She mumbled under her breath."No good drunkie...where could he be....damn him..." and other things of the likes as she looked for him.

Lycan grinned in amusement, "sure, but I must warn you, I'm stronger than I look, so don't let your gaurd down!" Said lycan, scanning the room and sighing in annoyence, "we'll discuss training later, right now we need to find rambler and thunder as soon as possible, got it?" Asked lycan.


((Sorry, but I'm going to bed now, goodnight everypony!))

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"Right. I'm sure they'll show up sometime" Minath said, scanning the bar again. She sat down at the bar and ordered a beer, payed, and sat down. The best way to find Rambler was a drink in the hoof. Not bothering to look at Lycan she said "What? They'll show up. We play the waiting game and everything will turn out fine."

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Thunder walked into the hotel, he got his keys to his room, and walk around looking for his number. "214,214, ah there it is" said the Pegasus as he unlocked his door and walked into his room. The room looked nice, at least that's what thunder thought. He looked around the room before setting down his stuff on the bed.


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Thunder walked into the hotel, he got his keys to his room, and walk around looking for his number. "214,214, ah there it is" said the Pegasus as he unlocked his door and walked into his room. The room looked nice, at least that's what thunder thought. He looked around the room before setting down his stuff on the bed.

Sole entered room 215 and smiled "huh, this place doesn't seem half bad" he said, as he looked around "I wonder if it has gym..." sighing he jumped onto a nearby bed and proped his hind legs up "this is boring!" He said after a moment "I guess I could start without them..." he said, as he stood up to start training. After doing several hundred push ups and wing ups, he decided to take a snack break. Being extemly hungry, he lazily grabbed a power cord that was attatched to the wall. He hungrily bit into it, and got a mouthful of electricity. As he was snacking, there was a sudden jolt and the power flickered out... in room 214. He sighed "I'm gonna have to go apologize now, right?" He mumbled to himself, as he walked to 214 and knocked on the door.

((I know, I don't think they've got electricity, but its funny. And its how he's gonna run into thunder!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder noticed that everything went dark, "GOD DAMN IT" he said going for the door. There was a loud crash. The a huge bang. And then a "ow....my head" he got up and slowly felt for the door. Then he opened it up slowly. And to his surprise it was sole, another electric user.


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Sole looked at thunder in suprise, before smiling widely "hey wannabe!" He said happily "sorry about the lights, I was kinda hungry..." he said, scratching the back of his head and smiling sheepishly "well, now that your here, we only need to find drunkie!" He said jokingly "and then we can train for tomorrows games!"

((Just so ya know syn, unless your a dragon slayer you can't eat magic... even if its your own type. It'd be funny to see thunder try though!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((Damn, you guys really left me in the dust. Now I feel bad for not being able to respond sooner.))


Rambler finally arrived at the inn, and immediately made his way towards the bar. As he was about to sit down, he saw a familiar face sitting a few seats over.




Rambler walked over and sat down next to her, smiling. "Hey, Minath. You haven't been drinking without me, have you?" 

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Lycan smiled at rambler, "hey drunkard, I didn't know I was invisible. And here I thought you would like to have a drinking contest.....but if your gonna be a flank hole about it..." said lycan jokingly, before chuckling lightly and ordering a whole kegg from the bartender, lycan then grinned widely, "drinks are on me!" Said crimson before downing a whole mug of beer.

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Thunder looked up to see sole, "wannabe?" He said in confusion. He then shook his head "try not to eat it all thank you, I'd like to see where I'm going" said thunder.


(But I can still use lightning as magic right? Or am I missing something, new to this type of RP lol)


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(But I can still use lightning as magic right? Or am I missing something, new to this type of RP lol)

((You can still use lightning as magic, it's just a dragonslayer-specific thing to gain power by eating their element.)) 




Lycan smiled at rambler, "hey drunkard, I didn't know I was invisible. And here I thought you would like to have a drinking contest.....but if your gonna be a flank hole about it..." said lycan jokingly, before chuckling lightly and ordering a whole kegg from the bartender, lycan then grinned widely, "drinks are on me!" Said crimson before downing a whole mug of beer.


Rambler grinned. "Sorry, but a beautiful mare always takes priority. It's good to see you too, Lycan. And about that drinking contest... you do realize it's, like, impossible for you to win, right? Because, you know, that's sort of the whole point of my magic."

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Sole grinned "sure, a lightning dragon slayer wannabe!" He said jokinly "but its cool, just don't try eating lightning, you'd just end up hurting yourself... and waste good lightning!" Sole smile widened as he turned to walk away "the others should be at the bar, let's go!"

((Of course you can, but you can't eat it or be unharmed when being hit by it... but that's not the case for me, because screw logic! I'm a dragon slayer!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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