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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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((Lead the way))


Diamond nodded and finished her salad before standing up. She used her magic to drop a small pile of bits on the table. "I am rather tired...and I would like to get some sleep before the fight tomorrow...so yes, lets get going." She said, stretching her wings and walking towards the exit.

Lycan grinned and popped his neck loudly as he got up from his seat at the table, "great, let's get going then..." said lycan tiredly before following diamond out the door, they walked in silence for a few minutes, crimson sighed and was about to speak, before stopping as he noticed regal lying unconciess, and wounded on the ground. Lycans eyes widened and he cursed quitely under his breath, before running over and kneeling next to him, "isn't he a member of fairytale like us? Whatever, help me carry him..." said lycan quitely.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Lycan grinned and popped his neck loudly as he got up from his seat at the table, "great, let's get going then..." said lycan tiredly before following diamond out the door, they walked in silence for a few minutes, crimson sighed and was about to speak, before stopping as he noticed regal lying unconciess, and wounded on the ground. Lycans eyes widened and he cursed quitely under his breath, before running over and kneeling next to him, "isn't he a member of fairytale like us? Whatever, help me carry him..." said lycan quitely.


Diamond followed Lycan, lighting a cigarette the minute they got outside.
She watched him run to the unconscious pony and quickly followed. "We gotta wake him up." She said, taking the pony's arm, and, with surprising strength, she pulled the colt onto her back. "Come on." She said, making her way back to the hotel.

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Lycan sighed and shrugged before following diamond, "you know.....finding somone you know passed out on the street has happened to me more than you think.....maybe I should stop meeting people to save them the pain and emberressment of being dragged off the street by a his freinds..." said lycan jokingly.

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Lycan sighed and shrugged before following diamond, "you know.....finding somone you know passed out on the street has happened to me more than you think.....maybe I should stop meeting people to save them the pain and emberressment of being dragged off the street by a his freinds..." said lycan jokingly.


Diamond chuckled. "I have also found quite a few unconscious friends on the streets...not just friends. A while back I was on a mission...I was being payed to hunt down some stupid magician who was using magic to steal money from banks...just a small job I took when I was bored. I found him about four hours after arriving in the town. The idiot got drunk and passed out on the street." She laughed as the inn came into sight.

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Diamond chuckled. "I have also found quite a few unconscious friends on the streets...not just friends. A while back I was on a mission...I was being payed to hunt down some stupid magician who was using magic to steal money from banks...just a small job I took when I was bored. I found him about four hours after arriving in the town. The idiot got drunk and passed out on the street." She laughed as the inn came into sight.

Lycan smirked, "interesting story, but why would he rob a bank and drink so much he passed out? Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of going on the lamb? Also, why in the name of fairytale did he rob banks in the first place? It sounds like too much trouble to go through for a handfull of somthing you could dig up..." said lycan curiously.


((Sorry, this is my last post tonight, so see ya tomorrow everypony!))

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Lycan smirked, "interesting story, but why would he rob a bank and drink so much he passed out? Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of going on the lamb? Also, why in the name of fairytale did he rob banks in the first place? It sounds like too much trouble to go through for a handfull of somthing you could dig up..." said lycan curiously.


((Sorry, this is my last post tonight, so see ya tomorrow everypony!))


Diamond nodded. "That's what I'm saying. This colt had no bucking idea what he was doing." She chuckled and walked into the inn. "Now we just gotta figure out where to put him..." She said, glancing at the pony on her back before looking back at Lycan, holding the door open for him to enter.


((Same here. Night.))

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Thunder got up and watched the two pick up regal. He sat there and watched, 'why are they carring for him.....he akmost killed me....but once he gets hurt, he gets all the attention' he thought to himself. blood still dripped from his forehead. to the point where it covered his whole face as it poured down. He sat there looking at the ground, 'maybe its me....maybe im just not important....yeah thats probably it' he thought to himself.


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Diamond nodded. "That's what I'm saying. This colt had no bucking idea what he was doing." She chuckled and walked into the inn. "Now we just gotta figure out where to put him..." She said, glancing at the pony on her back before looking back at Lycan, holding the door open for him to enter.

((Same here. Night.))


Thunder got up and watched the two pick up regal. He sat there and watched, 'why are they carring for him.....he akmost killed me....but once he gets hurt, he gets all the attention' he thought to himself. blood still dripped from his forehead. to the point where it covered his whole face as it poured down. He sat there looking at the ground, 'maybe its me....maybe im just not important....yeah thats probably it' he thought to himself.

Lycan smirked as diamond held the door open for him, "thanks, but isn't the boy spposed to do that for the girl?" Asked lycan as he stepped into the threshold of the door, but stopped himself as he heard a strange noise, lycan merely sighed and shook his head, "take him to rambler, I'll catch up with you in a minute..." said lycan calmly before turning around and walking towards the sound of dripping blood.

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Thunder sat there his face was now covered in it. 'maybe I should quit the game, id be better off anyways' thought thunder. so he just sat there.



(so i guess lycan is going to save the emo in distress, lol, maybe i should have him leave or something like that)


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@@Snowy Storm,


Lycan smirked as diamond held the door open for him, "thanks, but isn't the boy spposed to do that for the girl?" Asked lycan as he stepped into the threshold of the door, but stopped himself as he heard a strange noise, lycan merely sighed and shook his head, "take him to rambler, I'll catch up with you in a minute..." said lycan calmly before turning around and walking towards the sound of dripping blood.


"But I have no idea where Ramb-" She stopped speaking as Lycan walked off. She sighed and walked into the Inn.
Not knowing what else to do, she brought the pony up to her room and lay him on the bed. Before walking back downstairs to fine somepony who can help.

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Thunder sat there his face was now covered in it. 'maybe I should quit the game, id be better off anyways' thought thunder. so he just sat there.



(so i guess lycan is going to save the emo in distress, lol, maybe i should have him leave or something like that)

Lycans eyes widened as he saw thunder badly wounded and covered in blood, "well.....at least now I know what happened to that guy.....but why did you guys fight one anoather? Were supposed to be a team.....ramblers gonna blow a fuse when he finds out....wait a minute, why are you even sitting here outside? We've gotta get you in the hotel and patch you up! Come on!" Said lycan.

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thunder shook his head "you know...that guy, almost killed me, he used two rituals, one of pain.....then suffering....i almost died, if it wasnt for me playing dead....and then it back fired on him, the spell wared off of him... hes fine now, just unconcious" thunder got up.


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thunder shook his head "you know...that guy, almost killed me, he used two rituals, one of pain.....then suffering....i almost died, if it wasnt for me playing dead....and then it back fired on him, the spell wared off of him... hes fine now, just unconcious" thunder got up.

Lycan sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "well that's good to hear I guess.......at least you didn't try to kill him.....but whatever, let's get you back to the hotel and get you patched up, mr. Possom..." said lycan before chuckling and patting thunder on the back, "but seriously, you've lost a lot of blood, we need to hurry up and cleanse the wounds before they become infected..." said lycan seriously.

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Thunder could now taste iron in his mouth. "ok yeah lets get this cleaned up" he said as he walked in with lycan "who was that guy anyway....i mean, i almost died fightning him, and no matter how fast i was, and you know im pretty fast, he still casted spells on me......and man it hurt....."he said walking in.


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Thunder could now taste iron in his mouth. "ok yeah lets get this cleaned up" he said as he walked in with lycan "who was that guy anyway....i mean, i almost died fightning him, and no matter how fast i was, and you know im pretty fast, he still casted spells on me......and man it hurt....."he said walking in.

Lycan raised an eyebrow, "damn....that is pretty weird.....its no small feat to keep up with you.....but about who he is.....sorry thunder, I can't help you there....I don't know him either...." said lycan with a look of concern as he was in deep thought, "too much shit has happened between our freinds to have them work as a team.....how will we survive the gamesif we can't even stand eachother!?" Thought lycan in annoyance.

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Thunder walked into the hotel, and he grabbed a towel, it was white....till he wiped the blood off of his face, and then it was completly red. "H-help....please" said thunder putting the towel over his head to at least stop the bleeding. "I think stitches would help....as well as cigarette ash" said thunder.


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Thunder walked into the hotel, and he grabbed a towel, it was white....till he wiped the blood off of his face, and then it was completly red. "H-help....please" said thunder putting the towel over his head to at least stop the bleeding. "I think stitches would help....as well as cigarette ash" said thunder.

Lycan winced when he saw the towel, "damn! That's a lot of red....but whatever, let's just hurry up and find sompony to help you....but I'll see what I can do about finding stitching thread and.....wait a second....what the heck do you need ashes for?" Asked lycan curiously.

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"I don't know...but it works on sanitizing wounds, and leaves your skin smooth and clean, so it's a added plus" he said holding the towel to his head, he winced as his head started to hurt "let's hurry I'm starting to get a head-ache" he said ".......and I'm getting woozy..." He said.


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Regal slowly opened his eyes. Pain shot through him causing his to arch in pain. Regal took in his surrounds and could tell he was in some pony's room.

"Looks like I over did it" Another shock racked him again. Breathing shallow he knew that he was in a long night.

Struggling to get up Regal took short and heavy steps. He fell and his breathing was ragged. he could see a cigarette on the floor next to him. 

"I wonder if they would care if I smoke one" reaching for it. He lite it and smoked it.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Alex Kennedy,@,


((Sorry for not posting, I'm at my dad's))


Iron and Minath looked at Sole incredulously, wondering where that outburst came from. Iron practically stamped her hoof when Rambler went off on her.


"Puh-lease. Can't you see the little harlot started it? And you guildies think I'm the queen of all b****es. Might as well get Ms. Burns over here a crown." Iron said, snickering.


Minath was so filled with rage, she accidentally requipped into an unfamiliar piece of armor. But exploring it's properties, she discovered this armor had the power to magnify every single speck of pain she chose to inflict upon her unlucky prey. 


Pain armor is just what this b**** deserves. We'll see if I can make her mewl like a pathetic animal.

Edited by Minath Watcher
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"Well it was Thunder's fault. He wanted to fight, I just want to explore"  Regal was still smoking the cigar, still the wounds that thunder had inflicted on him hurt a lot and thanks to his own runes he would spend the night in pain. His runes that he placed on the field were meant to increase the pain the rule breaker already had and cause great pain for a whole night. Another wave of pain hit Regal. 

"Looks like i'm not able to go to the games tomorrow" Regal a little sad, but he had to recover before doing anything else.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"I don't care who started it. All you ever do is cause trouble for the guild, and I'm not going to let you ruin our chances at winning the games. There's a room prepared for you upstairs. Why don't you just go up there to cool off for a while?" Rambler turned and looked over at Minath, who had just changed into armor that he didn't recognize, but it certainly didn't look too friendly. "Minath, don't fight her. Please, she's not worth it." 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Iron seethed, but she still obeyed Rambler's orders. He was, after all, the one in charge.


"If your little carbon copy ever gets bored, feel free to send him my way." And with a swish of her tail and a sultry wink, Iron was up the stairs and into her room. Boy, did her record book have a new entry....


((Did I just seriously type 'with a swish of her tail and a sultry wink'?! Someone shoot me... now...))


Minath, usually pent up and reserved, was shaking with rage and dying to try out her new, pain soaked weapon on the little slut. But Rambler's words calmed her down, and while every section of her mind was screaming 'CUT THE B**** ALREADY!' Rambler said don't, so she didn't. She unequiped her new Pain Armor and whispered to it in her mind's eye, you and I will be seeing each other very, very soon.'


Minath let loose a torrent of obscenities from her usually well-mannered mouth. She gave Rambler a look that said, 'let me cut open the slut?'

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Rambler put a hoof on her shoulder. "Minath, please don't do this. We can't afford to have even more fighting within the guild than we already have. I won't do anything to stop you, but is it really worth it? If she can take the high road and just let it go, can't you do it too?"



Flint watched as Iron walked away. He enjoyed the view. "Um... I guess you guys wouldn't be too happy with me if I took her up on that offer, would you?" Rambler glared at him. "Okay, I'll, um... I'll just shut up now."

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@@Snowy Storm,



Diamond didn't find anypony in the lobby...so, she made her way back up to her room.
She pushed open the door to see the colt...awake...and smoking one of her cigarettes. Usually she would beat him black and blue...but that had already been done so she just walked in and sat down. "You're awake...Lycan and I found you unconscious outside. I recognize you but I am afraid I have forgotten your name..." She said.

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