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private Fairy Tail Crossover RP

Alex Kennedy

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Earthbound howls in pain as the electricity courses through his body. He tries to wriggle free of your grasp unsuccessfully and is so distracted by the pain that his magic seems to have released you, as your body no longer feels unusually heavy.


sole grinns and quickly rolls out from underneath the stallion "hey, my body feels normal again... sweet!" He says happily, charging his body with lightning and aiming a kick at earthbound's side in an attempt to send him flying.

((I kinda feel like a jerk for hitting him while he's down.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! New avatars startle and frighten me. I like it, though.)) 


Your kick strikes him in the side with such force that he flies back and crashes into the wall, leaving a dent in it where he hit. When he doesn't get up for a while, the host steps forward. "We have a winner-kabo! Sole from Fairy Tail A Team is victorious!"


((Sorry if this battle seemed a bit short and anticlimactic. I don't want to draw the one-on-one fights out too long.))

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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((AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! New avatars startle and frighten me. I like it, though.))


Your kick strikes him in the side with such force that he flies back and crashes into the wall, leaving a dent in it where he hit. When he doesn't get up for a while, the host steps forward. "We have a winner-kabo! Sole from Fairy Tail A Team is victorious!"


((Sorry if this battle seemed a bit short and anticlimactic. I don't want to draw the one-on-one fights out too long.))

sole grinned and put a fist in the air with a grin "yeah, fairy tail! That was great" He yelled happily, firing lightning into the air for show. *wish it would've been more of a challenge though...*" he thought with a sigh, as he flew over to the stallion and helped him up "your pretty good!" He complimented "what kinda magic was that?" Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"yeah way to go" Regal said clapping his hooves with a bored look on his face. Still Regal had something on his mind and wasn't focusing on the fight. Diamond was ignoring him and that worried Regal a little. Still he couldn't blame her He had tried to stop her from winning. Sitting back Regal took in his thoughts and tried to think out how to smooth out things. 

"I wonder if I'll met Scout later" Regal said under his breath. Still Things were only beginning.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Earthbound gratefully accepts your help as he slowly gets up, shaking his head and clutching his wounded side. "Gravity manipulation. If I had kept my focus when you grabbed me charged me with lightning, I could have increased our gravity until my body completely crushed yours, but concentration has always been my biggest weak point. Anyway, you fought well. I don't feel bad at all about losing to someone as strong as you." 

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Thunder watched as the enemy was easily beaten by sole. "Hmmm....I wonder if I can go next" said thunder to himself. He shrugged and looked around as how everyone cheered for sole, and as always, sole boasted. Thunder shook his head and just waited for the next announcement.


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Earthbound gratefully accepts your help as he slowly gets up, shaking his head and clutching his wounded side. "Gravity manipulation. If I had kept my focus when you grabbed me charged me with lightning, I could have increased our gravity until my body completely crushed yours, but concentration has always been my biggest weak point. Anyway, you fought well. I don't feel bad at all about losing to someone as strong as you."


sole smiled challengingly you could've tried, but it'd take a lot more to beat me!" But his smile turned friendly, and he quickly stuck out his talon to shake "you were a great challenge, i'd love to fight you again sometime!" He said happily.

((Yeah, the fight was a little short, but I liked it!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Earthbound smiled and nodded, shaking Sole's talon. "Sure, I'd fight you again. But you won't have it so easy next time, I can tell you that much. I won't stand for losing to the same wizard twice. Anyway, I should go back to my guild. I need to apologize for letting them down." With that, he turned and headed back to his team.

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As earthbound walked away, sole sighed "seey ya!" He says quickly, as he flies up to his group "did you guys see that?" He said happily "I was totally awsome, and now we've got a decent lead!" He quickly turned to rambler "so, got any idea ha guild's are gonna fight next?" He asked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler grinned. "Great job, Sole! Now we're guaranteed first place for day one. Anyway, I think the next match is supposed to be Dragon Heart VS Lamia Scale A Team. It should be a pretty interesting match. I'm looking forward to it."


((Don't worry, I'm just going to glance over the other guild's fights. B team will get their chance soon enough.))

((All right, I'm going to try and power through all the fights none of us are involved in with one post. Which probably means this is going to end up being a huge wall of text. Also, brief cameo by one of my OCs, Raptor.))


Soon the host returned to the field to announce the next battle. "The next battle will be Raptor, of Dragon Heart VS Nightshade, of Lamia Scale A Team!" Naturally, the two competitors quickly arrived on the field, Raptor turning out to be a rather large griffon, and Nightshade a purple unicorn mare. Nightshade struck first, but her poison magic proved ineffective, perhaps not tailored to griffon physiology. Raptor quickly counterattacked. "Rending claws of the Blood Dragon((I just realized that's the second unintentional video game reference I've made in this RP in as many days))!" His glowing claws easily gashed her side, leaving an injury that would likely keep her out for the rest of the games. Just like that, the battle was over. Raptor just stood there for a little while, licking the blood off his talons, before eventually returning to his guild. The audience seemed rather unsure how to react to the whole thing, resulting in a mix of cheers, screams of horror, and booing at how short and anticlimactic the battle was.


((Actually, changed my mind. I'm going to give everyone a little while to react to each battle before I post the next one. So if anyone has something to say, now would be a good time. I'll post the next battle in about 20-30 minutes most likely. Unless I get bored and post it sooner. But that probably won't happen.))

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Sole's interest was quickly peaked as he discovered not only was there annother griffon, but he was also a dragon slayer. "He looks really strong... I need to fight him!" He said excitedly "I don't even care if its not during the games, but I'll fight him eventually. I need to show em who's top slayer!" He said cockily, but was quickly angered by the resultes "that was too far... he almost killed her!" He growled "now I need to kick his ass, teach him a lesson!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler couldn't help but overhear Sole's outburst. "Enthusiasm is all well and good, but don't go picking fights outside of the arena. Not during the games at least. I don't want you doing anything that could get us penalized, or even disqualified. You'll get your chance at the grand melee on day five, if not sooner. Just be patient."



And then came the next battle, as the host came out once again. "Next battle: Quatro Cerberus' Wildheart VS Manticore Fang's Omega!"


The two pegasi squared off against each other, two clashing nature wizards, but vastly different. Omega was considered Manticore Fang's best wizard, and one of the very few remaining wizards who used elemental takeover magic, turning his body into living flame, water, earth, or lightning. Wildheart was a rather obscure wizard, although his teammates seemed to have plenty of confidence in him. As it turned out, Wildheart's beast magic was rather worthless when it came to offense against omega, growing fangs and claws wouldn't do much good against a target you can't bite or scratch. At least, not without hurting yourself, as he quickly found out when he tried to slash Omega in his fire takeover. However, his magic did make him difficult to hit, as he was fast and had incredible reflexes. In the end, the two ended up in a draw, neither one being able to land a good hit on the other. The crowd seemed to enjoy the battle regardless, though.

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Sole watched the fight, happily cheering whenever one of the wizards landed a good blow "haha, this is what i call a magical duel!" He said cheerfully "their magic types are so mismatched, yet this fight is badass. There are so many tough opponents for this year's games!" He said excitedly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((I'm kinda tired of waiting for Minath...sorry))



After getting her cigarette holder back from Minath, Diamond lit another cigarette and turned to watch the battles. She enjoyed watching but she found Sole's..."Commentary" quite annoying.



Fire ignored the other's and cheered along with the crowd, trying her best to show support for the other teams. *Oh sweet Celestia I want to fight...these ponies are full of fun challenges.* She thought, itching to pull out her whips and give the crowd a real show.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

Something something something something


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"Agreed" said Regal as he passed by Diamond. Regal was looking for a seat, so he could see the fights better. Regal was taking close notes on all the ponies fighting, Regal held a black book in front of him writting little things he notice the ponies do. Marking down their movement, what moves they used the most, how their face change when they think they are winning.

Little things like this Regal keep his eyes trained on. There was a Reason to why he is rarely hit in combat, and a Reason to his madness, 

Still a small thought came to his mind, He shook that thought from his mind. anyone could see Regal stopped writing in his black book and had a scowl on his face. He was writing a little slower then normal too.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Thunder was still a little stunned over the fact that the raptor pony just almost killed some pony. And then licked the blood off the blade. "These ponies these days" he said with a slight shiver.


(Hey, can I do the next fight, make it hard if I get to fight)


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@@Snowy Storm,



Diamond gave him a quizzical look. "What exactly are you agreeing with?" She asked. "I never spoke." She snapped, giving Regal a rather annoyed look before looking back out at the battle field...she was still angry at him



Fire still knew pretty much no pony to talk too. The only ponies she knew were either, cocky and rude, love birds who only focused on each other, or a smoker who...is serious...too serious.
Fire sighed and just tried to focus on the fight.

Something something something something


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(Hey, can I do the next fight, make it hard if I get to fight)


((I'd like to let you do the next fight, but your not the first person to ask. Well, technically you are, but ragestar implied it very heavily in a PM. It's random, all the for various reasons, you two are actually the only ones I consider eligible at this point. Also, brief side note: Raptor is a griffon not a pony. And it was his claws, not a blade- griffons don't need blades. Also, he didn't just lick the blood off for kicks; all dragon slayers gain power by consuming their element, and his is blood. Granted, you wouldn't normally think of blood as an "element", but you could say that about most of the dragon slayers in the series. Okay, that side note wasn't actually very brief, but... um... yeah there really is no "but" to that. It wasn't very brief. And now I'm rambling. I'll stop now. Oh right, one more thing: I can only do so much to make the fight difficult, because the effectiveness of each combatants attacks is determined by dice rolling. But I can skew the odds in your opponents favor, I guess. Alright, that's eveything. I'm finally done now.))


Now there was only one battle left, but two of Fairy Tail B's team members- Flint and Iron- were nowhere to be found. Fortunately, neither of them were expected to fight anyway, so for the time being it didn't matter. Still, only a few minutes remained until the fighters were announced, and it would look bad if they weren't there.


((If Minath doesn't show up soon, I'll go ahead and start the fight.))

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(OOC: My bad I thought she said that out-loud. my bad)

"What ever" Regal began to write in his black book again. He pulled out a second book and began to write something in it and put both of them away. Still the she shouldn't hold it against him, he was only playing the game.

he rose his quill once again and began to write in on the blank spaces on his legs and neck. he wrapped sleeves around the ruins on his legs to hid them again. Regal thought what was the point in that, but it was his thing to do so.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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((I'm so sorry for going MIA for so long!))




Minath came back to the present after she realized she had zoned out.


"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry Diamond." Minath said, and reached into her armor to produce the cigarette holder hand gave it back to Diamond. "It's a really interesting color, where did you get it?" Minath asked.


@@Alex Kennedy,


Iron shrugged "Sure, whatever"


((Time skip to avoid very ucky and scarring things...))




Iron ran up to Sole after exiting the locker room.


"Sole! Congrats on winning your fight! I'm really happy for you!" Iron said, and gave Sole a tight hug.

Edited by Minath-chan
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((Well, I was going to suggest the possibility of breaking up with Flint as soon as they were done for maximum potential awkwardness, but I guess it's a bit late for that now. Anyway good to have you back.))


When it was over, Flint just lay there for a while, panting. He could get used to this. But there were more important things to think about right now. He quickly got up and headed back out to join the others.


((I need to get some sleep now. I'll start the next battle later.))

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((I'm so sorry for going MIA for so long!))




Minath came back to the present after she realized she had zoned out.


"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry Diamond." Minath said, and reached into her armor to produce the cigarette holder hand gave it back to Diamond. "It's a really interesting color, where did you get it?" Minath asked.


@@Alex Kennedy,


Iron shrugged "Sure, whatever"


((Time skip to avoid very ucky and scarring things...))




Iron ran up to Sole after exiting the locker room.


"Sole! Congrats on winning your fight! I'm really happy for you!" Iron said, and gave Sole a tight hug.

sole was so distracted by the battles that he failed to notice iron before she ran up and suddnly hugged him. Sole's reaction was a mix of happienes, jealousy, and anger. But while he thoght of all of this, he just stood there, with his face a deep red from blushing "Uhhh..." was all that he managed to say.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Snowy Storm,


Diamond ignored Regal and took her cigarette holder from Minath. "It was my grandmother's...my only family member who was actually nice to me." She said, smiling at the cigarette holder before putting in a cigarette and lighting it. "She had never intended for me to use it...she gave it to me constantly saying "Smoking is bad, it can get ya sick" but then I learnt about smoker magic...plus with today's healing magic, smoking is the least of my worries." She said.



Fire...kept watching, feeling more and more awkward by the moment. All around her there was hugging...and talking, and stories...and she just felt...well, awkward.

She sighed and stretched her wings, yawning as well.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

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Rambler couldn't help but notice Fire seemed to be shrinking away from everything that was going on. He didn't want her to feel left out, and maybe he could make it up to her for when he kept ignoring her earlier. "Is something wrong, Fire? You look rather uncomfortable." 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Fire waved a hoof at Rambler. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Just a little tired." She said, forcing a smile...that looked very convincing. "Quite the fighting huh...that griffon sure seem's like an ass..." She said, smiling and failing to say which griffon she was talking about.

Something something something something


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