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private The Tyranny of Princess Cadence


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((OK, I'm finally back. Miss me?))


The first thing he saw was black. Eye muscles straining to open... Light blurring into vision...


Curse of Shadows rose, stumbling aimlessly while his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. At first it stunned him, but then he started to make out vague colours and shapes around him. There was a high-pitched humming in his ears, which shook his balance, and he stumbled a bit, but he managed to find his balance. Now the landscape finally came into focus. Curse was in the middle of, well, nowhere.


Where the buck am I? He thought.


There was no reply from his demon half.


Wait a minute... he's gone?


Curse focused his magic. There was a wisp of purple smoke from his horn.


Purple? No dark magic any more... He really is gone. Hah, I'm finally free.


Despite this brief moment of joy, he realised he had no idea where he was, or what happened prior to this. Deciding that he shouldn't just stand around, he started walking. Nowhere in particular, he just knew he would end up somewhere.


Curse walked for what felt to him like months, but realistically was much shorter, in no particular direction. Soon a huge mountain came into view in front of him. The closer he walked, the more he could make out.


"Wait... Is that canterlot?"


The closer he got, the more sure he was.


"So, the stories really are true. It's magnificent."


On he walked, then climbing the mountain, until he finally reached the walls of Canterlot. At the gate, he was stopped by royal guards.


@The Equestria Gang


((Who will control the guards?))

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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Swordpoint nodded. "Indeed. We have good reason to be wary of those foul creatures. I shall contact Twilight as soon as I finish giving my orders." Swordpoint patted Phylomon on the back and trotted toward the barracks. He sighed as he opened the door.


Inside, the barracks were full of guards preparing for their training. They all glanced up and saluted as Swordpoint entered. "Please, gentlemen; at ease." They gathered close to him at once, and he couldn't help but chuckle. He was quick to regain his composure, however. "Men... we stand upon the threshold of war. Our enemies possibly outnumber us, and we have little choice."


"War?" one of the guards asked. "I didn't think we were actually going to war!"


Swordpoint nodded. "Yes. It seems that the Crystal Empire has allied itself with the changelings. We absolutely cannot allow them to reach Canterlot. As such, Celestia has given the order to move out. You will all fall directly under my command, and we will show these fools what our training has taught us. Wake Rider and Starshock, are you present?"


A jet blue pegasus made his way to the front of the crowd of soldiers. "Wake Rider present, sir! Starshock is on royal guard detail."


"Very well. I want the both of you with me," Swordpoint told him.


"It would be an honor, sir!" Wake Rider said. "With the training you've given us, we can certainly prove useful."


"Indeed," Swordpoint affirmed. "All of you, be ready to move out in two hours. We shall begin our march under the cover of Luna's moon."


As the soldiers exchanged glances, Swordpoint saluted and exited the barracks. There was much work to do.


(OoC: Well, Harmonic's got his guards (or at least had his guards), so I figured I'd have a couple of soldiers that Swordpoint hoof-trained. They're extra skilled, and they aren't going down easy. Tussle with them at your own risk, peeps.)

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Golden Age smiled gleefully after overhearing Swordpoint. "Bully!" he called out happily, "Get the musicans up, tell 'em 1st call is in 1hr 30 minutes, and that assembly is in 1hr 45"


"Righti-o" he replied, walking out.


The General was quite exciting with the news. Finally, time to fly the colors high and defend the beloved land from the changeling hordes and the traitorous Crystal Empire! It was time to give the foe a proper 3rd & 9th welcoming!


"Time to show Swordpoint what Luna's servants are capable of!"


(OOC: By the way, Bully is the nickname for Ballyhooly, Goldie's 1st Sergeant)

Edited by ~HistoricallyInaccurate~
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"Ah, Arrow, how wonderful to see you too" Harmonic smiled malevolently. "So...you decided to actually show up, did you? ...interesting." He mused to himself, walking over to the stallion and standing by his side, but looking out over the remnants of the rebellion, the last of whom where being dragged away as the crystal guards and the onyx cleared the streets. "I can only assume that you coming here, means you are still loyal to the princess and still willing to follow my commands." he turned to the stallion, standing himself up straight and kicking his hoof at the ground. "...Or perhaps...there is another reason you came? To heed my warning about the mare you have become most...involved with, as of late...?"


Arrow stiffened at Harmonic's words. "You question my loyalty to the Empire, Harmonic?" His eyes narrowed, his words clipped tight with restraint. "It was you yourself who pointed out not more than a few days ago, after all, that it was the Crystal Empire who took me in after I..." Arrow's gaze shifted to one side briefly, "arrived here."


Arrow was loyal, to an extent; he truly wished to help the ponies of the Empire and free them from the tyranny that Celestia's reign had apparently become - no doubt due, Arrow now suspected, to the discovery he had recently made after inquiries in the barracks that the new "Princess Luna" was in fact the legendary Nightmare Moon. Futhermore, if getting home truly meant staying loyal to the Crystal Princess, then Arrow was willing to put up with her Commander and his evident bloodlust.


And, it seemed, his habit of sticking his muzzle where it did not belong.


"In addition," Arrow continued with the same tone. "If by your second statement you are in fact referring to Enid of the Crystal Onyx, I can assure you now, Commander, that we are no more than..." Arrow frowned slightly. What were he and Enid? Colleagues? Friends, even?

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Ano170,  


(Suppose i'd best reply, hadn't I? Lucy, who's controlling the prisoners?)


"I'll cut to the chase" Harmonic snarled "There's a reason I asked you to come here, one that's for your own good, you see? The mare you have been with recently and her sister, Myra, she's nothing of what she appears to be." He lifted his head and gazed off into the distance thoughtfully as he spoke. "Myra is as straight as you could hope for...but she's...interesting. Her loyalty lies not with the Crystal Empire or myself, but to her sister. The one you have been seen with on more than one occasion. Did you know she tore out her own tongue, when she found out her sister was born without one? You should be careful around them you know. Myra will kill you, given a chance and a reason, and she won't think twice about the consequences." Glancing down, he saw the mares he was talking about stalking the streets below, causing him to lower his head and turn to face Arrow with a solid stare, but one that held a reflective gaze as if he was thinking about something from his own past. "Enid is the one to watch however. She's manipulative and devious. Being born without a tongue has it's downsides, and not being able to talk coupled with her sister treating her like a child all the time, it's driven her to recede within her own mind. Even I know not what she's capable of..."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Ooc:You can. XD I hate talking to myself.


@@Justin ZW,


Sanura was ready for the march. Finally, to be doing something was good enough. Of course, she fought best hoof to hoof, but she could fight as a sniper as well if the need arose. There was nothing else they could do, now they knew about the changelings.



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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Avolon,



(OoC: I was waiting for some more people to reply, but I'm moving on with this now.)

Swordpoint stood outside the castle with the army amassed before him. He was arguing with Rainbow Dash and the other element bearers about whether or not they would join the military on their march.


"Rainbow, I just don't think it's a good idea," Swordpoint told Rainbow Dash with a worried look. "I understand that the princess wishes for us to save Cadance from her madness... But we are marching to war. I shall not place you in such danger. You certainly remember what they did to Applejack, yes?"


Rainbow shook her head. "I don't care! We're all going! The elements of harmony can help her, Swordpoint! And they could probably help you, too, if you get stuck in a bad battle!"


Swordpoint immediately stomped his hoof. "No! If you must come, you will stay behind the regiment. You are not to engage in battle. Any of you! Am I clear?"


Twilight held out her hoof. "I don't think that combat is the right place for any of us. We've fought changelings before, but an entire army of highly trained soldiers is probably too much for us."


Swordpoint turned to the army. "Men! Today, we march toward the Crystal Empire! And though we march in the name of war, know that we do not wish for this to end in violence! Princess Cadance is to be taken alive if at all possible! It is critical that we discover the cause of her madness, as it is likely a highly dangerous threat to the rest of Equestria! Now let us move out!" He turned to face the north and began the long trek north to the empire.


(OoC: I read the MLP Comics and found that her name is actually spelled Cadance. Funny, I was spelling it correctly in the first place and then changed it.)

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson walked up beside swordpoint with a serious expression, giving twilight and rainbow dash a curt nod before turning to look at his freind "swordpoint...when we reach the crystal empire...I want you to keep me away from cadance at all costs, my rage towards that mare for everything that she's done will only endanger our mission...so as long as its ok with you, I would like to lead the attack on krysalis's forces and take her down instead...ok?" Asked crimson as he marched.


((Krysalis is at the empire with cadance...right?))

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Golden Age hated night marches. While his men and him could be getting rest, something that was crucial for any engagement, they were wasting moonlight on marching. He made sure the canteens and anything that could make sound was muffled. "Ye can whisper" he said quietly "But no laughing!"


He anxiously awaited the morning's light, because then the silent march would be over, and then he could finally get the musicians to spice things up.

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Swordpoint nodded to Crimson. "Yes. If you can lead the attack on Chrysalis and her changelings, then that should provide an opening for my men and I. We shall end this tyranny here, and we shall save her. I swear this." He continued to walk onward, with the majority of the Equestrian military behind him. 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Pripyat Pony


(Gotta be honest, I don't remember much from the past) 


"Ain't gonna tell you spit!" hissed the scout, leaving the farmer silently standing there with a nervous look on his face. "Y'all been working with Harmonic don't you? Ya gettin' nothing from me!" He lifted his hoof, only to be caught by his chains and almost fall over immediately. 


Cadence walked back out of her room, seeing the group of ponies where still there, she quickly trotted up to Cecy and whispered to her "Cecy, I have a question for your queen. Sending Sanguine off towards Neighagra falls was a necessary step...but what if Celestia is already planning against us? Or...worse..."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Phylomon grabbs his armor and weapons and heads out to the gathering grounds for the army.




"is there any division that you would like me to command?" Phylomon asks hovering behind Swordpoint "and is there any chance that you happen to know a invisibility spell. Because i have an idea that could give us an advantage if we have invisibility spell."



"Do you have any experience with changelings?" Phylomon says landing beside Crimson


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Cicada whispered to Cadance, "It's possible. We know already that Celestia is a dangerous tyrant, so perhaps we ought to send out spies. Not changelings perhaps as she would expect that, but dispensible ponies from the guard. My Queen could put a spell on them which would render them speechless should they be caught so they couldn't betray us."


She turned to face the pony who had replied to her, a deceptively serene smile on her face. "Poor fool," Cicada said, sympathetically. "And after I gave you the chance to avoid such pain, too."


The disguised changeling's horn glowed, and she put a spell on the prisoner which would mean that his feet, inside the hooves, would be so painful, that they would feel as tho they were on fire and swelling inside the immovable hooves. It would be agony.


Ooc: This is based on an actual disease that horses get; it's called laminatis. Link below if you want to know more. Basically, it's incredibly painful and, if left untreated, can actually deform hooves so that an equine is permanently crippled even if they do recover.





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@@Avolon,@@Pripyat Pony

Swordpoint shook his head. "I am sorry. I do not know any such spell. However, I would like you to take command of the fourth regiment. They are known for their exceptional strength, and I have seen you display immense power, especially in the manner in which you wield your blade."


Swordpoint turned to Sanura. "Sanura, I have a task which I would ask of you." He cleared his throat. "I wish for you to scout ahead. If you could give us any information in regards to the enemy's troops and their movement, it would be greatly beneficial. Would you perform this task for me? Nay, for Equestria?" 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,


"Of course I will," Sanura replied. "I would serve Equestria and the Princesses to my very last breath."




Cicada watched, unmoved, as the prisoner cried out in agony as his feet swelled within the hooves. "Now will you talk?" she hissed at him. "All you need to do, to stop the pain, is to tell me what your commander's plans were."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Phylomon grabbs his armor and weapons and heads out to the gathering grounds for the army.




"is there any division that you would like me to command?" Phylomon asks hovering behind Swordpoint "and is there any chance that you happen to know a invisibility spell. Because i have an idea that could give us an advantage if we have invisibility spell."



"Do you have any experience with changelings?" Phylomon says landing beside Crimson

Crimson nodded, "yes, actually I've dealt with changlings many times on my travels, not all of them enemies, yet not all of them allies either...but in all my encounters, never have I been in such a large scale battle with them...I hope chrysilas and her changlings are willing to surrender, because I sure as hell am not going to!" Said crimson in a determined tone.

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"Keep the boys company, Bully." he said cheerfully as he walked up to Swordpoint and the rest of the group, going at a pace that was a bit faster then the rest of the army. "Ah, I can't wait to see Chrissie again!" he added. He said it with a strange mixture of joy yet mischief. 

Edited by ~HistoricallyInaccurate~
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Swordpoint glanced at Golden Age. "Let us not be too eager for combat. It is a bloody thing, and it is far too easy to give up your soul." He believed this to be the truth, and he regretted the situation wholly. He stood with the entire might of Equestria behind him, and they marched to bring death. Even though they intended to save Cadance, there would be death first.


@@Avolon, @

He looked up at the sky, as the morning light began to shine over the land. "We should halt our advance and camp. We have marched through the night." He called one of the messengers over and had him spread word that they would be setting up camp in the woods. It took the better part of an hour, but they managed to set up their tents and place warding spells to avoid being spotted.


Swordpoint sat in his commander's tent reviewing a map of Equestria. "Hm. Thirty miles to go. We traveled ten in one night. We should be there within three days." 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"Sir, Should I set up a watch rotation. and where is the fourth regiment I would like to see the force i will be commanding before we actually are in a fight." Phylomon says wile taking off his saddlebags and his sword and grabbing his tent bag from the rest of his gear.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Pripyat Pony


(Welp, here goes.)


The stallion yelled out in agony, struggling to keep himself standing as he pulled against the chains around his legs in a fruitless attempt to take his attention from the anguish. "I don't - Hnngh...I don't know! He n-never told us anyth-AH!" 


"Spies...how odd that they are such an unnecessary requirement..." Cadence grimaced at the stallion's pain, before shaking her head and walking out of the door silently, leaving the two prisoners with the changeling. She gestured at some of the soldiers on a patrol out in the street, calling them over. "Round up some soldiers and send out some scouts - short patrol around the perimeter, make sure nothing is amiss. I want you back here in 2 days." The guards nodded, the pegasi flew off in separate directions heading straight out of the empire, while the earth ponies and unicorns called more guards from the streets. 


"We waited too long...'Tia's probably on my doorstep..." Cadence mumbled to herself, glaring off into the distance with narrow eyes and twitchy wings. "This is my empire Celestia, do you hear me?! MINE!"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"Tell me what you know, and I will take the pain away as easily as I put it on," Cicada said, caressingly. She turned to the farmer. "Or perhaps, you know. You can end your collegue's agony in a minute. Was there a plot against Queen Chrysalis? What was your leader's personal plans? Tell me!"



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@@Pripyat Pony

(Your status updates scare me...)


The farmer's eyes widened in horror and he took a step back, the colour draining from his face "W-what? I...n-no I d-d-don't..." he glanced over at the soldier, seeing him writhing in agony as he collapsed to the floor, kicking his hooves on the ground in what looked like an attempt to put out imaginary flames. Seeing this, the farmer lowered his stance, cowering back and almost hitting his chin on the floor "P-please...d-don't hurt me...I was only l-looking out for my f-family...I don't even know who the stallion was! He j-just had ideas a-and he was spreading things about how his own r-rule would bring p-peace..." a few tears streamed down his face as he attempted to bury his muzzle with his hooves, like a child covering his eyes to make the bad things go away. "P-please...d-dont..."


"Cadence!" Screamed the guard, now twisting on the ground and wrapping himself up in the chains accidentally "AH! He was...Cadence! Planning...ove-over-overthrowing! AAAHH! Make it STOP! I'm BEGGING you!"

(Did the farmer have a colour?)

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Ooc: LOL. My current update is a quote from Gaara, who's another of my fave anime characters. Hmm, that's kinda disturbing but oh well... XD


Cicada smiled, then with a wave of her horn, took the spell off. "Thank you," she said. "I will inform Cadance immediately of this. You have done well to confide in me." She then summoned a guard to take the prisoners back to the holding cell so that she could go and find Cadance.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


Laying on the floor and panting heavily, recovering his breath and twitching slightly from the pain that was still there in his head, the guard coughed and choked a few more words out "Chrysalis...the Lieutenant's second...I saw him...outside...th-...nigh-..." he passed out, unable to finish his words as one of the palace guard flung him over his shoulders, and a second yanked the farmer to his feet. 

Still with tears dripping from his cheeks he managed to regain some of his composure and passed a glance to the unicorn mare "Th-thank you..." he stammered, before being forced down the path into the dungeon. 



Cadence was outside, pacing up and down in the streets like a commoner nervously awaiting her audience with the princess. 

She was huffing and puffing breath out of her nose in a frustrated manner, occasionally flapping her wings and taking to the air briefly, before teleporting herself to the floor and continuing to pace around.

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(This probably won't be up to par with what I want it to be, but hey)

(I knew I saw that quote from somewhere!)

The trip to Neighara was in itself, uneventful. Simply a lot of walking sore muscles. The most pleasing about the whole trip for Sanguine, was that he did not need to put any one of his followers in their place. Seems that fear had finally taken root in some of the newer ones. It was still a source of irritation. He knew that they could still dissent from his leadership. A fact that would have to be remedied in the near future. But until such time, the old ways would have to serve their purpose.


It took nearly a day or more of hard marching before the roaring pillars of water that made up Neighara came into sight, cascading over the edges of the cliffs. And near it was the town in question that they had been sent to scope out. While Sanguine had wanted to get right on to the task at hand, he had to accept that his followers needed the rest. Even him, though he preferred not to show it. The sight of the large falls and the sheer scope of their size had put him on the edge of his comfort zone, but he stuffed such feelings down a dark hole, and destroyed them with satisfaction. Such things would only get in his way, and he had a job to complete. After a short rest, he would be able to just that. He let the thought of just how to accomplish the tasks set before him comfort him. This was going to be a fun next few days.

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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