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private The Tyranny of Princess Cadence


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Practically rolling away, Enid bounced across to him, jumping into him before yanking up his hoof and attempting to drag him towards the bed where her sister lay. Still though, she was a unicorn mare after all, and he was a stallion, it's unlikely she would have pulled him very far if he didn't let her, but she gave it a good attempt.

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Arrow forced a chuckle as Enid began tugging at his hoof, though it became genuine as he focused on Enid's joy at her sister's recovery and stopped worrying, for the moment, about what may or may not be going on between them in the eyes of other ponies.


"I'll take that as a yes." He laughed, allowing Enid to lead him to the bed. 

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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As they neared the bed where her sister was lay, she turned around to see her sister actually sat up - albeit lazily, but still - she was awake and well. Enid practically exploded, lunging across the remainder of the gap and almost knocking Myra from the bed, she gave her a huge hug, causing Myra to wince slightly, but still hug her back.


Myra smiled, baring her slightly pointed teeth at the stallion with her sister, as well as shooting a somewhat unnerving scowl. Pushing her sister off of her, she looked at her with a questioning expression, and the two seemed to communicate despite the fact they couldn't talk, and telepathy wasn't in their abilities. Enid nodded, then smiled, then shook her head as the smile faded. Looking across at Arrow, she looked genuinely sad for a moment, before nodding solemnly and climbing off of the bed.


Myra simply grinned again, watching her sister as she walked back over to the stallion, pull his head down and place a kiss on his cheek, before turning around and walking back over to the bed. Her every action was the complete polar opposite of how she had just been acting, she was no longer bubbly and excited, but she was sad, solemn, and generally quite morbid. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(Think this'll probably have to be my last post for tonight).


 Arrow smiled to see the two sisters embrace, but frowned slightly at the look Myra gave him. His frown only deepened in confusion as the twins appeared to have a silent conversation. Then Enid came over, kissing him on the cheek, and it was as if a spell had been broken.


What am I doing? Arrow asked himself. What the buck am I doing? 


"I-I should really get going." Arrow murmured, slowly. "I need to go prepare my...troops. We march tonight." He could barely bring himself to glace at Enid. "You'll be fine with your sister, right?" he asked, leaving at a brisk trot before the mare could respond.


Once clear of the medical bay, Arrow picked up the pace, heading out of the palace and towards the barracks.


I'm married. He reminded himself. I am a married pony. I shouldn't be getting so close to a strange mare - not so far from home. 


Grim faced, Arrow entered the barracks, and told the nearest pony he recognised to round up his squadron.

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Spirits were high among Goldie's men



The barracks, at least the section that belonged to the 3rd and 9th Consolidated, was full of joy and eagerness to join the fray. Many of them were shaking hooves rather violently, filled with happiness and pleasure.  Of course, there was no yet confirmation of a war, but the 3rd and 9th could only hope that events would proceed accordingly.


As usual, his boys, Goldie included, did have their regimental ceilidh, which was basically a social gathering filled with music and stories. If one was present at their section of the barracks that night, one would've heard one of several lyrical pieces written by the Sergeant, who did dabble in the art in his free time. However, he would've heard him sing another, newly composed verse in one of his songs to fit the currently assumed circumstances.


Let spears raise high

And colors fly

Let us advance in file


The foe shall peal

Layed under heel

In the hot and vicious trial!



Chorus be sung

Spears shine in sun

Lads march onward to glory!


The knaves of foe

Shall be laid low O'

And our deeds set in story



Arouse to cause

Fight against the claws

Of the crystal heathens yonder!

WIth spike and spade

And sabre blade

We shall lay the rats asunder!

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Harmonic struggled some more to get out of his chains, but no luck once again. Eventually he just gave up and let himself flop there loosely for good, casually growling to himself as he did, at least until Cecy walked in and introduced herself.


"So, you're the unicorn who's been ordered to keep an eye on me. huh?"


"That's right," Cicada replied, smiling serenely. "I have been appointed by Queen Chrysalis herself to watch over you and make sure that you serve her to your best ability. You see, I also serve the queen."


Cicada shifted shape for a moment, taking her normal shape before going back to the grey unicorn shape. She had been instructed to do this by her queen, who had told her of the spell and assured her that since Harmonic had been spelled to obey her and want to protect all changelings, it would be better for their working relationship.


@@Justin ZW,


"I will be happy to join you in this," Sanura replied. Despite what she'd learned, she still felt uneasy but put it down to her natural paranoia.




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Following Myra's recovery and awakening, it was as if Enid had completely changed again. She had gone from being worried, to excited, and now she was just plain creepy, in an indescribable way. The sisters looked at each other momentarily, before Myra jumped out of bed, kicking the covers onto the floor before they both made their way outside of the ward. 

They moved silently down to the armoury, where their armour had been brought by the crystal guards upon being found, and picked up their...more uniquely designed outfit, wearing it with pride to show off their scars agains to outsiders. They looked at each other, smiled and nodded, before making their way out of the palace. 




(Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I guess I read your post and then forgot to respond, my bad)

Cadence nodded, listening to Steeleye's tale as she silently ate her own food. Wiping a smudge of chocolate away from her mouth with a napkin, she pushed the plate to the centre of the table and asked "So, why did you choose down here for breakfast then, Steeleye?" taking the topic of conversation to one less disturbing over a meal. 



@@Pripyat Pony

Harmonic nodded understandingly as the changeling revealed herself to him, and his attitude changed from one of anger, to one of compliance. "So, will you be letting me down from these infernal chains? Or am I to serve you before you deem me fit for duty?"

While his mind had set him on complete obedience and servitude to the queen, the spell was somewhat less effective for the other changelings. He still felt a need to serve and protect them, but he the queen would take priority, and he felt slightly more respect towards her than this changeling. 

Edited by Agent505

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"Because it is a place of much mystery and wonder," Steeleye responded, sipping some tea he had poured for himself. "There are many different locations in the world, but only a few than can truly be called 'awesome'. I thought you'd like to know about this place in particular because of where it is. Being so close to the Crystal Castle in comparison to other magical devices like it. There is much more down here than I would ever have suspected. Entire cities carved into the solid stone. Fortresses and tombs that haven't been seen by living ponies in millenia. Though it may seem a bit crass, this is the place I have made my home." He took another draught of his tea. "I do not like being ignored Lady Cadence. It grates against my nerves like you wouldn't believe. Rather than just complain about it, I'd rather make you realize that I am in my own right valuable as an ally, not just useful as a subordinate. As well... being ignored by you in particular is... distressing."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Cadence nodded again, this time narrowing her eyes subjectively and leaning back in her chair while tapping a hoof on the table. 

"And in what way have I ignored you, lieutenant Sungazer? I have answered your questions and acknowledged your statements, if i've not replied to you, it's because I have little to say of any consequence." She waved over crystal pony, who came and cleaned up her plate just as quickly as it had been laid out. 

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Cicada was aware of this, and figured that their mutual need to serve the queen would stand her in good enough stead, especially if she put forward the point that as the orders given came from Chrysalis.


"Indeed I have," she replied to Harmonic, producing a key. "I am sure that since we both have the same urge to obey and protect the queen, we will get along perfectly alright. Your command is no doubt anxious to see you once again. I will go with you so that the news can be given to them."


Cicada unlocked Harmonic's chains, using her magic to lower him to the floor safely. This was one reason why she'd chosen a grey unicorn as her other shape, it meant she could use magic when she wanted without having to explain. While pegasi could learn some magic, and zebras had a natural ability as seers and so forth, only unicorns could perform magic as a natural talent.



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@@Pripyat Pony


Harmonic nodded before the chains unlocked and he was lowered down steadily - an uneasy feeling at best. 

Immediately he lunged at the bars, striking them with his shoulders with all the force he could muster. They didn't move, dent or even shake, but he struck out again and again. "There's a - *whack* - reason - *thump* - I was put - *thud* - CHAINS!" he shouted, shattering two of the bars and falling on the ground with the follow through force. "Hah. Foal." he looked down at his shoulders, cut from the impact, apparently. "So, miss, after your lead."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@Pripyat Pony, @

The door to the dungeon closed with a loud clang as Swordpoint entered. He walked calmly to the cell which held Dawn Wing, and he spent a moment taking in the sight before him. Dawn Wing was scraggly and dirty. He was covered in wounds from the battle, and he still wore hoofcuffs and a magic suppressor.


"I hope you are prepared to speak, Dawn Wing," Swordpoint said quietly.


Dawn Wing glanced up at him. "Or what? You gonna kill me?" He chuckled confidently. "I'm not afraid of you. You don't have the stones to torture me."


Swordpoint's expression did not change. He simply unlocked the cell and stepped inside. "You will find that I bear no sympathy for traitors, especially for those whose hearts are steeped in evil."


Dawn Wing spat in Swordpoint's face. "Go to hell, you bastard."


Swordpoint wiped his face absentmindedly and sighed. "I suppose that you wish to make this difficult. Very well."


(OoC: Um... this could get a little gory. Swordpoint wasn't kidding when he said he has no sympathy for this guy. He's ready to use all the horrible stuff he learned from Omnia.) 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Cicada unlocked the cell door and motioned for Harmonic to follow her. "Would you like me to heal your shoulders?" she asked as they walked along the corridor. "You hurt yourself quite a lot, there."


When challenged by the guards, Cicada said, "Harmonic has agreed to the terms laid out by Princess Cadance and is now returning to his command. Let us pass, please."


The spears were lowered, and Cicada walked between the guards.


@@Justin ZW,


Sanura watched, unmoved. "Do what you like with him," she said to Swordpoint. "I shan't mind. I don't like turncoats."



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Golden Age walked up to the castle from the barracks. He was dressed as though he was going to a meeting or some formal occasion, frock coat buttoned completely, belt and sword scabbard aligned perfectly with his body. His hat was cocked in an ever-so-slight position that added a sense of style to his uniform. He wouldn't mind partaking in the interrogation. He hated turncoats and traitors, which was a case of irony so extreme even he couldn't dismiss it. He found it in just cause to fight under Luna, yet found no just cause for Dawn Wing to fight against Swordpoint, thus he deemed him an "inexcusable traitor" as he called it.


"Lad, ye know the way to the dungeons?" he asked a guard at the entrance of the large castle. The guard humorously replied by asking him if he would prefer the directions to the ballroom instead. With Goldie saying he would much rather prefer the directions to the former, the guard finally pointed his hoof in the right direction. 


The Sergeant opened the heavy iron door to find Swordpoint and Sanura standing beside a detained Dawn Wing, who seemed rather uncomfortable in his cell.


"I'm hopin' you have room fer one more, sir" he said happily to Swordpoint.

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@@Pripyat Pony@,@@Ano170,@@00Pony,



(I've just been re-reading some of these posts and I notice that the empire has fallen into the trap of endless time passing conversation - my bad. I'll get on that now.)


"Not on your life" Harmonic grinned at the unicorn changeling. "I don't do medical, way I figure it, the body has natural repairs for a reason" He grunted, glaring at the guards on his way out of the dungeon behind Cecy. "So, if it's all the same to you miss, i'd quite like to be able to keep watch on my guards." he tapped his horn, his magic still blocked by the dark crystals. "Anything you would be able to do about this?" 


Just as they exited the dungeon, one of Cadence's own guards confronted Harmonic "Commander Harmony, Empress Cadence has requested you deliver a speech to the army before they march. They are gathered outside and awaiting your word."



As Princess Cadence was eating her breakfast with Steeleye, her guards where following the orders she left before her leave. 

Most of the crystal empire's military force had been gathered before the palace by direct order of Cadence from her guards. 

The force was something to behold, if only in appearance alone. The standard crystal soldier uniform was a single suit of plate that covered the chest and the front legs in a shimmering diamond layer, with chain draped over their hindquarters and their neck, couple with a rank and file helmet of a fairly good quality. The standard weapon of choice being the spear for most, however the occasional sword was in the mix too. 


The rest of the crystal ponies in the military however - the drafted ones from the working families where less well equipped. They had a single metal plate covering their chests with a few straps of material over their shoulders and a fairly flimsy looking helmet. Their weapons ranged from rocks, to bigger rocks, and the occasional stick - one or two of the lucky ones even had a knife. 

Edited by Agent505

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Crystal Empire: Steeleye Sungazer

"The way in which I have been ignored is not related to words," Steeleye remarked, setting his tea down with a sift click of ceramic against crystal. "Rather, it has been shown in your actions, decisions, and general posture. Just from here I can tell you think of me as a mildly useful but annoying commoner who is stepping out of his place. From what I have seen, heard, and read that is all I have ever been and likely all I will ever be to you should the current course persist." He stood and walked over to the edge of the balcony, resting one hoof on the thick stone railing. "One example of this would be the business with Harmonic's replacement. Sanguine, in his own way, is quite efficient and deadly; as are his followers. You chose them for that perceived efficiency, which in of itself is not an unwise choice."


"To explain why I... disagree with this choice is well phrased in a metaphor I heard. 'To crush a rock, you use a sledgehammer. To harvest crops, you use a scythe. To reap a soul, all one needs is a sharp knife.' Sanguine and his are that knife, quick, lethal, and unfeeling. However, that is all they are. As a General, Sanguine will need to deal with those other than his superiors and his own ilk. While, yes, he does have an admirable degree of subtly; it will not suit him well to lead troops. Its rather hard to ignore the looks even the guards, your hardened veterans, give him. Putting him in charge of the regular army would be a wreck. He'd have to kill half of them just so that they would follow his orders out of fear."


"Now, even if you agree with what I'm saying, its rather difficult to convince you of anything, especially changing your mind. I could sit with you here and lecture you all day. Of course you'd leave, or have me executed, or both quite possibly. So I'm just going to cut to the chase. I'm asking you to promote me to General. If you're not already satisfied with my performance, give me something that would be insane, impossible, to accomplish. If I succeed I get a promotion. If I fail, I'm dead and you don't have to listen to me yammer any more."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"Of course I can," Cicada replied with a smile. "However, should you step out of line, the Queen has given me the spell required to replace the crystals."


The changeling tapped Harmonic's horn with her own, and the crystals vanished. When the guard confronted Harmonic, Cicada stepped to Harmonic's side.


"I will come along as well," she said. "By the express orders of Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis, I am to accompany Harmonic whereever he goes."



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@@@Pripyat Pony,



Cadence giggled to herself at Steeleye's outburst before she slide the chair away and stood up before walking to stand next to him, flaring her wings wide. "Steeleye, what are you talking about?" she giggled again "Sanguine isn't leading an army, he's taking his assassins to keep watch on the area and eliminate any potential threats before the army arrives to take the place for our own. I'm not sure if it has even been decided yet who will lead the forces." She folded one of her wings over him reassuringly as she lowered her head to his level "You worry too much. If anyone's being sent on a suicide mission, it's...well it's not important" she smirked. "Besides, I couldn't kill you. Who else would dare brave the paths you have taken without question?"



Harmonic flinched at the spell as it removed the crystals, but quickly teleported down the hall the instant they where gone.

"That's refreshing..." he sighed, giving a reluctant look of understanding to Cadence's guard, who was swiftly disappearing to where he came. "Come, miss. Apparently i'm not entirely beyond hope after all." He grunted as he made his way towards the lower balcony of the palace where he would address the military. 

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Crystal Empire: Steeleye Sungazer

He was rather tall, even by stallion standards, so her head only had to move down a couple of inches to be level with his. That was because he was slouched. "Please do not be offended by my lack of empathy my Lady," he said in response. "But I very much doubt there is any pony or living thing in all of Equestria that you would not kill if their continued life meant that you would fail in your goal. It has long been an accepted reality to me that everypony has a goal. Each goal will eventually conflict with the goals of others, even if it is only minor. You seek to gain the throne of Equestria. I seek to... well... how do I put it?" As her wings settled over his back, he glanced at her, pausing for a moment. "Some ponies look at Equestria and see the locations and biomes that compose the landmass. Others see the ponies and other living beings that inhabit it. I look at Equestria in a way that I sometimes suspect no one else does."


"Most living beings are aware that the world is always changing around them. They know vaguely that it is always night time somewhere. But on a day to day, moment to moment basis, they block all of that out to focus on what they are currently doing. A few take notice of the past and look to change the future. I, on the other hoof, am always watching everything with utmost attention. For instance, the number of feathers that are touching me right this moment. How many different formats of crystals are in the arena below us. When my second may or may not manage to chew off the gag that he's been working on for the past two days." He gestured at the pegasus, who was indeed still chained to him like an excitable but sense deafened puppy on a leash. "In my head I have at least twenty different edits that need to be made to the various operations I'm running. That number is only approximated because the exact total and priority of those edits is constantly shifting."


Steeleye looked over his shoulder, indicating his flank and cutie mark. "That there is probably a good way of looking at it. Its always making minute changes to itself while retaining the same basic shape and is neigh impossible to get rid of, much like the world around us. On at least three different occasions that area of my body has been stretched on a table while someone skinned that mark off my leg. Once by a minotaur, another by a dragon, the last by a filly. I managed to survive and heal each time and the mark always came back. But it lost its details and definition with each time." He briefly looked back to her. "Please don't ask what it is supposed to be, because I'm not going to tell you and it would be a silly thing to be executed over." He looked over to the tunnel entrance, where the other onyx filly had returned. "As well... it wouldn't sit well with me, having to say no to you."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Cadence couldn't do anything but laugh again before she replied, reacting differently to each of his statements. 

"Well of course! If somepony is going to stand in my way, what reason do I have to allow them to live?" she smiled, lifting her head back up as she looked over the balcony again, giving her wings a ripple down his back in a joking way as he mentioned feathers. "You could always try and kill Harmony I suppose, but in a fair fight you wouldn't stand much chance I don't think." She giggled again before thinking about what he had said about his cutie mark. "Don't worry Lieutenant, I wouldn't intrude on personal matters unless they affected me and if they did...well i'd find out if I needed to." 


Pulling her wing from his back in a drawn out fashion, as if stroking him with her feathers before folding her wings back by her side, she stretched out again and let out a small yawn. 

"So tell me, what exactly did you have in mind in way of a challenge?" 

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Cicada smiled serenely as she followed Harmonic to the balcony. As she did so, she sent a Hive Mind message to Chrysalis.


"Your Highness. All went as planned. Now I am going with Harmonic as ordered so he can address his soldiers."


"Good work," Chrysalis sent back.



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@@Pripyat Pony


As they stood out on the balcony, Harmonic took a moment to look over his charges before he addressed them. He glanced back at Cecy with a smirk on his face, before using his magic to amplify his already rib-rattling voice. 

"Listen up, stallions! Today, marks a landmark in Equestrian history. Princess Cadence - our - princess Cadence, has ordered that we take the march against tyranny and oppression to Canterlot itself!" The original call was met with mixed responses, some ponies cheered, the more hardened of the soldiers reared up and smashed their spears into the ground, while the front line fodder simply looked among each other with a mix of disdain and unreliability. "I see there are those of you among us today, who would go against our princess's wishes if you had the chance, and I urge those of you to step forward now, or face the consequences!"

Naturally, the crowd fell silent and nopony moved forward, all looking around in confusion at each other. "Well then..." Harmonic muttered to Cecy, "I see how they want to play this game... Before I leave, there is one very important announcement I have been requested to make. Queen Chrysalis, the Queen and matriarch of the changeling army has come to aid us in our cause!" He raised up on his back legs and stepped onto the balcony with his front two "You are to treat the queen and her army as your own, and as our princess!" 


Again, this was met with mixed reception from the audience. He stopped amplifying his voice and called out to his everpresent guards. "Crystal Onyx, kill the disbelievers." This was met with a uniformed salute and bow, before they immediately dispersed from their places into the crowd, systematically slaughtering most of the conscripts as the military marched out. 


"That should keep them busy for a while, don't you think?" he laughed in a slightly sadistic tone to the changeling mare. 

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@Pripyat Pony,  As they stood out on the balcony, Harmonic took a moment to look over his charges before he addressed them. He glanced back at Cecy with a smirk on his face, before using his magic to amplify his already rib-rattling voice. "Listen up, stallions! Today, marks a landmark in Equestrian history. Princess Cadence - our - princess Cadence, has ordered that we take the march against tyranny and oppression to Canterlot itself!" The original call was met with mixed responses, some ponies cheered, the more hardened of the soldiers reared up and smashed their spears into the ground, while the front line fodder simply looked among each other with a mix of disdain and unreliability. "I see there are those of you among us today, who would go against our princess's wishes if you had the chance, and I urge those of you to step forward now, or face the consequences!"Naturally, the crowd fell silent and nopony moved forward, all looking around in confusion at each other. "Well then..." Harmonic muttered to Cecy, "I see how they want to play this game... Before I leave, there is one very important announcement I have been requested to make. Queen Chrysalis, the Queen and matriarch of the changeling army has come to aid us in our cause!" He raised up on his back legs and stepped onto the balcony with his front two "You are to treat the queen and her army as your own, and as our princess!"  Again, this was met with mixed reception from the audience. He stopped amplifying his voice and called out to his everpresent guards. "Crystal Onyx, kill the disbelievers." This was met with a uniformed salute and bow, before they immediately dispersed from their places into the crowd, systematically slaughtering most of the conscripts as the military marched out.  "That should keep them busy for a while, don't you think?" he laughed in a slightly sadistic tone to the changeling mare.


Arrow had been standing near the bank of the crowd with his squad - who of course had reacted to the news of the coming march with eager anticipation and typical soldier bravado - nearby while Harmonic gave his speech. He certainly seemed to have undergone a rapid reformation - Arrow could see the unicorn mare, Cecy, beside him.


Suddenly, some sort of commotion broke out near the front of the crowd. Arrow could see the Onyx Guard already beginning to move through the crowd, but nevertheless be felt compelled to try and move forward and see what was going on.


"'Scuse me, excuse me. " He muttered first, then reluctantly called out with as much authority as he could muster., "I am a general and you will let me through! "

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Most of the Onyx stopped instantly upon hearing the call of a superior - probably not in the best interest of some of the ponies with blades already cleaved half way into them. The ones who didn't stop however, where the closest to Arrow - of whom Myra just happened to be one of. She tilted her head quizzically at him, before narrowing her eyes and scowling, and then nodding for one of the other guards to come over and talk. 


Obligingly, one of the pegasus guards ripped his halberd from his kill before quickly flying over and landing infront of Arrow, immediately clearing the area of any live ponies. "Sir! What seems to be the problem general?" he saluted obediently. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@Agent505, @@Ano170,

Crystal Empire: Steeleye Sungazer

"If we each used our full abilities," Steeleye commented. "Harmonic would be dead by one of thirty different methods within two and a half seconds, given that he used all of his magic at once just to protect himself. About seventeen of those methods would involve things falling from the sky in a rather inexplicable fashion to those watching the event. While my own magic is decent, my true power lies in planning, contingencies, and alternate solutions. For now he is useful enough to the both of us that I won't smash him into a paste with a passing space boulder." This last statement appeared to be a joke with truth woven into the wording. Just then, one of the crystal fillies brought him a note. After reading it, Steeleye seemed to flare up in anger, a rare show of emotion on his part. "On second thought, I might just have to drop the whole sun on the insolent bastard son of a corpse and a rat! Because, just now I have been informed that he's going about slaughtering most of my-... Ugh. He's culling the bucking conscripts. Buck this. He's going to die. Excuse me your majesty. My desired challenge is about to me ground into a messy paste."


Without further words, Steeleye teleported out of the chamber while taking one of the fillies with him. The other looked at Princess Cadence for a moment before speaking. Her voice was like a multitude of stones grating against each other. "Father has gone to dispose of the trouble makers. Projected casualties are currently estimated to be thirty percent if full out civil conflict ensues, greatly weakening the potential for victory over the Solar Kingdom. As such, Father has taken the short route and intends to eliminate Commander Harmony before further harm is done. Please say 'Transition Now', if you wish to be teleported to his location."


Steeleye appeared on the marshaling fields with a boom of displaced air. His own scouts were arrayed with him in full battle armor, albeit their armor was designed to agility rather than bulky plating. With them were a score of twenty crystalline ponies unlike those that inhabited the Crystal Empire.  Steeleye's scouts would be considerably more subtle than regular soldiers, catching already engaged opponents off guard with daggers, swords, and halberds that crackled with pre-charged magical energy. Steeleye himself wielded two onyx crystal rapiers that flickered with ghostly flames. "Harmonic!" he shouted with a magnified voice over the din. "You must have a death wish to do something such as this after your actions the other night. Don't worry, your wish will be granted!" He said this while slashing out the throat of a soldier that came at him with a knife.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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