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open Darkness Arising.


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/63194-searching-mature-darkness-arising/?p=1544308



    Blaze stared into the mirror. He looked at his Red and Blue mane and tail. he looked at the brown... fur he guessed around his body. He looked into his gray, confused eyes. 'Is the show coming real?' He asked himself as he continued to look at his body features.

    'This head shape is usually for feminines. What is with that?' he continued thinking. Blaze turned around. he was in a nice little house, on top of the cloud. It had pictures of The Wonderbolts, and the mane 6. It had a sink, a ton of cabinets, and a huge, greyish-silverish refridgerator. He admired the wooden table and 6 chairs. They were painted pretty.

    'Wait, if I'm on a cloud... Why aren't I falling through?' I wondered.  he heard a yawn, probably from the pony that was taking care of him. He started shivering. He was extremely shy, but he saw no-place to hide. He stood, frozen. He watched as a light-blue pony walked through one of the doors. She had a rainbow mane and tail.

    The first thing he thought. 'Beautiful.' He thought she looked cool on the T.V, but now she looks beautiful. She just stared at him, and yawned.

    "Good morning." she said.

    "Uhm... uh.... Good morning...." Blaze said nervously.

    "Help yourself to anything in the fridge, I gotta go." She said.

    "Uh, ok. Thanks..." Blaze said, as he watched her spread out her wings and fly away.


    Her image shone in Blaze's mind. He just grinned. he slowly walked back to the bed. He look at the clock. It was 6:30 AM. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

    He woke up about two hours later, bored as heck. He opened the door, and looked at the fall down. he gulped. 'I-i-i have to jump?' he said scared to himself. He took one step closer. He looked down over PonyVille with the streets full of ponies. Blue ponies, green ponies, purple ponies.

    He took another step closer. His body ached, and in a matter of seconds, he fell. He fell through the cloud. The spell must of worn-off. He screamed, which seemed to catch the attention of many ponies.

   In a matter of seconds, he would be splattered across the floor of the EverFree forest. His heart raced, and he praed for his life.

   A voice, with a language unknown spoke in his head. "Quid nequam PUPA. Defuncto autem prima die. Quid turpe, quid turpe. Roadkill esse fun, ego vivere..." it said. Only about 400 feet from the ground, he just muttered "Screw it... I'm gonna die..."


(The language is Latin. I took Latin classes. biggrin.png Google translate isn't good for the definition.)

(It says "What a worthless puppet. Dead on the first day. What a shame, what a shame. Have fun being roadkill. I'll just live on.)

    Rainbow Dash quickly came and carried me to PonyVille.

    "Wow, you must've gotten lucky that time." She muttered. I just did a polite smile and thank you.

Edited by ~Blaze~



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Sunyatay Sutra emerged from the Everfree Forest on the road to Ponyville.  She stopped as the forest thinned and the town spread out before her.  Everypony was going about their happy business.  Though it was all only a short trot away, their world seemed impossibly remote.  How could they feel so safe with each other?  Each so sure he or she was wanted and welcome, and each correct to feel that way.


Maybe somepony will need--


Screaming, from the sky above.  Sunyatay looked up, and saw a brown pony plummeting toward the ground, bright red and blue mane and tale whipping in the wind.  She concentrated as hard as she could on making herself real, reaching out with her telekinesis.  She hadn't ever had to try and grab something so distant and fast-moving before.  And now somepony's life depended on her getting it right.  The light of her horn seemed to float in the air like a will-o-wisp as she groaned with effort.  The faintest translucent image of her body began to appear when she finally made contact and started to solidify her grip.


Suddenly, a loud *whooosh!,* a streak of rainbow in the sky, and the pony was snatched from her grasp.  *sigh*  It would have been nice to really help somepony.  Maybe I could even have gotten to talk to them, Sunyatay thought, fading back to invisibility.  Who am I kidding?  The Elements of Harmony live here.  The Heroes of Equestria!  I couldn't compete with my own family!  How am I supposed to measure up to them?!  Why can't I even help somepony without it being a competition I have to lose? 


No, I shouldn't think like that.  The important thing is that the pony is safe.  If Rainbow Dash hadn't been there, I might not have been able to save him...her...whichever.  They could have been hurt, or even killed!  Maybe I could go somewhere else?  Even Rainbow Dash can't be everywhere. 

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    Rainbow Dash drops Blaze off in PonyVille. "So, this is what this place looks like..." and he just stared at everything. It seemed like Deja Vu. Rainbow Dash leaves, and Blaze starts adventuring. He looks around for a minute. All the shops, houses, and all the ponies. But then, he regained his train of thought. He decides to go to the EverFree Forest. That voice in his head. It happened so suddenly, but only when he was plummeting to his death. He starts slowly walking down the road.

   He looks in front of him, to see a shadowy forest. He deemed attracted to it, for some reason. He started feeling weak while walking down the road. The more steps, the more weak he became. He started coughing, and gasping for breath. His head getting light, and his temples bursting. He closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

    The color of his eyes, now purple, he sees this exact area, except it was night. Him, and someone else were talking to eachother. He said goodbye, before seeing a unicorn, with its its horn glowing. He woke up in his bed soonafter, of course. Only in the flashback.

   He slowly opens his eyes, the color a dark red, symbolising pain.



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Sunyatay was pacing back and forth, deep in thought about where she should try to go, when she heard hoofbeats coming her way.  That's the pony!  She--no, he--the pony had gracile facial bone structure almost like a female, but as he got closer Sunyatay could tell from his build that he was a young stallion--was coming toward the forest with a jaunty trot.  His steps became sluggish, then faltered, as if he was dizzy.  He began to cough and gasp, then wobbled on his feet and collapsed.  "Hello?  Are you alright?" she said, her voice a faint echo on the wind.  No response.  His ribcage was still rising and falling, but his breathing seemed weak.  That...doesn't seem normal, she thought.  The way he'd been trotting along, perfectly fine, then started becoming sicker with each step into the Forest...  Should I try to heal him?  She knew some basic healing spells, but she was no physician.  She tried a Detect Illness spell.  The chill she felt as light from her horn played over him confirmed her suspicion: there was dark magic involved.  No.  Whatever was cast on him might cause my healing spells to make things worse.  That's the sort of thing an evil wizard would do, isn't it?  She glanced up, toward Ponyville.  Right there, in the library near the center of town, was the one pony she knew of besides Princess Celestia, who would know how to diagnose and treat a sophisticated curse.


Sunyatay gathered her strength to try to levitate him, when his eyes opened, blood-red orbs!


[flashback, two nights ago]

"Excuse me?  Can I help you?"  Sunyatay asked.  It was very rare for anypony to travel the Everfree Forest at night.  She tensed, waiting for the expected terrified reaction, but she had to at least try.  The pony, a silhouette in waning moonlight, turned to her.  Red eyes, glowing against the shadow of his head.  Without warning, he lunged at her, slashing with sharpened horseshoes.  By reflex, she released the tangibility she had been striving for and tried to dodge.  A glancing cut, then he attacked again.  This time, she teleported out of his path, then used telekinesis to hurl a rock and a fallen log at him.  He was too quick, evading her counter-attacks effortlessly.  Sunyatay felt a powerful dark aura.  She ran into the forest.  With a few teleports and her invisibility, she was able to escape.



Thanks to partial intangibility, her wounds were not serious, but she had kept a wary eye on them, just in case.  The next day, she had tried to warn the ponies in Ponyville.  To her chagrin, her apparitions were misinterpreted as a doom herald, boasting of the attacker's power instead of alerting ponies to the danger.


Is he...  She took a cautious step backward, readying a teleport.  The attacker had seemed much bigger at the time, but it was dark and it all happened so fast that she hadn't seen more of him than a pony-shaped shadow.  Not even enough to tell what kind of pony he was.  The young stallion's expression looked a lot more like pain than malice though.  With an effort of will, Sunyatay pushed herself into reality, enough to become a translucent apparition, faintly pink, with a long, straight white mane that shrouded her face except for her horn and one pale blue eye.


"Please don't be afraid," she said, straining to be heard, but producing only a faint, soft tone.  "I'm going to try to take you to Princess Twilight."  Gritting her teeth with effort, Sunyatay wrapped him in a telekinetic field and lifted him up.

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    Blaze said in a very soft voice, "T-t-thanks..." he seemed to be trembling. He fell into another flashback stage.

    "But, I can't go!" Blaze yelled at Twilight. "You cannot send me back now... It would be unnatural... Everyone knows I was murdered... So what's the point? It's better here than anywhere else in my life. Plus, What about Rainbow?!" Blaze continued.

    "When she wakes up, she will remember nothing about you, like you never existed. No-pony will remember, except you and me. And also, with the murder, its the same as well." Twilight responded, impatiently. "I have to do it. the evil followed you in this world, and now it will follow you out. If you ever come back, so will it."

    "What exactly is that evil, then?!" Blaze yelled back.

    "Hatred. Pure hatred, evil and darkness. It was made because of you. Ever since you've came, there have been countless murders. You are bad luck. Pure evil. you need to leave."

    "I know, I am not the only one with this monster..."

    A blinding light flashed.

    "I'll come back, and when I do.... I'LL KILL YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!" Blaze yelled before disappearing.

    Blaze shivered when he woke up.


(His flashback is based off of a fanficiton i'm writing.)

Edited by ~Blaze~



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(It is currently night at the Griffon Kingdom. This is also when Serenity is in training for Dark Ops)


"I'm getting bored. We've been patrolling for six hours, can we go now?" The newcomer that Serenity had been paired up with on the roof was getting on her nerves. "Look, the security around here has been tightening up around here, so if you wanna be demoted than that's fine with me, but I am not getting involved with this." The Griffon was sick of this annoying Pegasus. "Geez, Calm down"


"Look there" She pointed out a Unicorn sprinting through alleyways between buildings. It was wearing a hood to cover its head. "I'll be back" She dove off the building, leaving the Stallion by himself on the roof. After flying through she caught up to it and dropped down in front of it. "You're not going anywhere." The unicorn ignored her and sidestepped her, rushing again. She caught up it and tripped it over, revealing that it was a male. He slowly got up and his horn glowed red. "I'm sorry, but your the one not going anywhere." The stallion said in a British accent. He summoned a razor sharp knife and flung it at the griffon who dodged it perfectly. He again threw more, and when he ran out he stood his ground. "My turn." Serenity said.


She pounced on him but he teleported next to where she landed and threw a punch, that she once again dodged. After more hitting and dodging he pulled a blade out of his saddlebag and with it, made a large wound across Serenity's chest. She stepped back, but didn't run. She was hurt badly and was losing blood fast. "Just give up." He was casting a spell that was slowly stealing her life away. "No!" She yelled. She wasn't giving up this easily, but her body was. She began to slowly fall to the ground. "Serenity!" She saw a figure in the distance run to her, but the stallion had teleported away. Just as she saw the figure she slowly began to lose sub-consciousness.


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The pony's whispered thanks made Sunyatay feel just a tiny bit more real.  She was doing something good, that mattered.  As soon as she and the pony entered Ponyville, she started hearing gasps and screams, ponies running for cover, doors and window shutters slamming closed.  "A haunted corpse!  AIIIIIIIIIIIII!" somepony cried.  Sunyatay felt herself fading.  She tried to speed up, but each step seemed to take all the strength she could spare as she fought to keep from dropping the pony.  She opened her eyes to check that she was still on course for the Library, then clenched them shut again so she could focus solely on the task at hoof.  Don't drop the pony.  Take another step.  Don't drop the pony.  Take another step.


The sound of a door opening, and hoof beats.  Sunyatay cracked her eyelids open.  Through a blur of squinting and growing dizziness, she saw a purplish pony shape taking a balanced stance, ready for action.  A smaller green shape peered out from behind.  With a final effort, she levitated the pony toward Twilight and set him down in front of her.


"W-what's happening Twilight?  Is he...d-d-d-dead?"  While Sunyatay swayed on her hooves and tried to catch her breath, Twilight scanned the fallen pony.


"No.  But we'd better get him inside!  Quick, clear off the table!" the young wizard said as she easily lifted Blaze and took him into the library.  Sunyatay followed, passing through the door as Spike closed it behind them.  "Hurry Spike!"  Spike rushed about, clearing stacks of books and notes from the table so Twilight could set Blaze down.  Sunyatay gathered herself again, concentrating her strength to emit two words:


"He's cursed!"  They echoed in the Library like a hollow, wispy moan.


"Whatwasthat?!" Spike said, disappearing behind Twilight's right rear leg.  "It's...the....the Deathly Harbinger!  It's sucked the life out of him!"


"Arrrrrgh, not that again!  Spike, whoever...or whatever brought him here wants us to help him!  Quick!  Get me Curses and Cures, The Alphabetical Encyclopaedia of Apotropaics, Banishings, Cures, and Defense, and Starswirl's Asklepionomikon!"  While Spike rushed to get the requested books and Twilight's keen eyes and magical senses started to examine the pony, Sunyatay felt herself relax a little.  He was in good hooves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

    Blaze felt his body get lighter, as if he could move again. He started breathing again. That means he could use anger. He slowly opened his eyes and slowly examined around him. It was a library.

    He looked around to see a dragon, young, and two ponies. His vision was blurry, but not too bad. His vision slowly regains. He sits up (Is that the right term..?) and starts looking. He saw Twilight. He gritted his teeth. He knew  something was up.

    "Why did you do that... I can now remember... The pain... The visions... You blamed me for something... But you yourself... You're a monster."

    His anger started taking over. He took a deep breath.

   'I sword on her death... I don't know what that's about... but I must've had a reason. I just feel scared... Maybe I should stick up for myself... It's  all so... confusing-" and he passed out. His eyes a blood red, his eyes open.

    It grinned. "Twilight Sparkle. You tried getting rid of me. It's amazing how bad you've failed." It said. It's horn glows with a black aura. It seems like emptiness. A shadow version of him appeared. "Well, I believe it will be fun to terrorize some else. You bore me." and the room grows dark, and then bright again. All that remains is his shadow minion.


    It has found it's way to Griffon Kingdom.



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(We should get this roleplay started up again by messaging Pink Unicorn. I really like this one.)


"Serenity" The Griffon awoke in a hospital bed. She looked up not knowing who to expect. Faith, her friend, was next to her. "What happened?" She asked. "I don't know. One of the nurses found you outside. What are you doing here?" She looked out the window to find that she was no longer in the Griffon Kingdom. "How long was I out?" Serenity asked. "Only for the night." Serenity smiled. "Well, lets get to the bottom this"


After checking her out of the hospital Serenity felt a little weird. Not because she just got out of hospital, or she had bandages all over most of her body, but something else. She brushed it off for now though. She needed to catch up and figure out how in the world she got from the Griffon Kingdom, all the way to Canterlot. But she had no idea where to start and who would help her.


"Hey!" Somepony yelled. It was a purple Alicorn, Princess Twilight. She had heard many things about the Princess, but she had never met her, and she thought she never would. "Are you Serenity?" She turned to the Princess, confused. "Yeah." Twilight smiled. "I need your help"


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The shadow minion hissed, whorls of black-and-purple Dark Magic boiling around its horn as it gathered its power to attack.  Twilight's horn lit bright purple as she fired a banishing spell.  The minion fired a ray of slowly-churning darkness, like thick black blood poured into water.  The two powers clashed between them, spreading into a storm of light and dark, shot through with lightning.  Twilight's eyes glowed as she strained against the shadow's power.  Her own power had grown considerably since their last confrontation, but so had that of her foe. 


"T-Twilight?" Spike said, looking around in search of something he could use to help her.  His eyes fell on a sealed crystalline case, holding a crown and five jeweled chest-pieces.


Sunyatay's heart sank.  Instead of helping an injured pony in need, she'd brought a deadly enemy right into Twilight's house!  She let herself fade to invisibility, then sneaked around the barrier of clashing powers, giving herself an angle on the shadow minion to attack from behind its defenses.  Everything I do never seems to help.  What if I just cause more problems?  But I have to try, don't I?  She gathered herself and concentrated with all her might, then fired a thin, feeble beam of light at the shadow-creature's horn.  Her attack was barely enough to sting the creature, but it distracted the shadow enough for Twilight to overwhelm its defenses and banish it in a cloud of sulfurous smoke.


"Twilight, are you OK?  I told you it was the Deathly Harb--mmph!"  *belch*  Spike burped up a burst of green fire that congealed at a point above his head, replaced by a scroll in a splash of magical sparks.


"A message from Princess Celestia!" Twilight said, opening the scroll to read it aloud.  "'Dear Princess Twilight:  A matter of utmost concern has reached our attention.  You must come to Canterlot immediately.  I have already dispatched a chariot for you and your friends.  It should be arriving shortly after you get this message.'"


"But we can't leave now!  What about the Deathly Harbinger?" Spike protested.  Twilight rolled her eyes. 


"Yeah, what about that," she said, then focused her magic.  "Spiral horn of magic light, reveal what is hid from sight!"  A prismatic spray of light shot from her horn in all directions.  Sunyatay felt it wash over her, tingling against her skin.  Suddenly she could see herself, still translucent, but more concrete than she had been in a long time, surrounded by a nimbus of tiny multicolored sparkles.  Spike gasped, and was about to duck behind Twilight's leg again when he thought better of it and gathered his courage instead. 


"OK, Spike, it's just a ghostly messenger of doom," he muttered to himself, but his face took on an angry expression, ready for battle.


Sunyatay cringed.  This time disappearance was not automatic.  "I'm sorry!" she cried, her voice a hollow echo.  "He seemed normal, then he passed out.  I didn't know he was an enemy.  Rainbow Dash saved him earlier...he was falling..."


"Good.  Maybe she knows something about him.  But right now, let's talk about you.  You're not not a ghost, or a 'Deathly Harbinger,' are you?"  Sunyatay shook her head.  "You're Sunyatay Sutra...  And if my hypothesis is correct, you're not dead at all."


"How...do you know...about me?"


"I read about your case when I was researching possible causes for all this 'Deathly Harbinger' stuff that's got everypony so worked up around here," she said, giving Spike a meaningful look.  The little dragon blushed with a chagrined look.  "Spike, go get the others.  We're going to Canterlot!"


"Right away!" he said enthusiastically, then briefly turned to Sunyatay.  "Sorry..." he said, then took off in a blur.


"Do you know what happened to you?" Twilight asked her.  "What caused you to disappear?"  Sunyatay bowed her head.


"...I did.  I wished for it," Sunyatay said, too ashamed to continue and tell the Princess Twilight why she had wanted to vanish from life so badly.


"I think you've already figured out that the way to come back is to ground yourself.  You've been trying to help other ponies, except that nothing's worked out the way you wanted, right?"  Sunyatay nodded.  "Another way would be for you to start building relationships.  Make some friends," Twilight said, noticing the sad look that crossed Sunyatay's face when she said that.  "Well, time is short, so the sooner we get started on that, the better," Twilight said, trotting over to her.  "I'm Twilight Sparkle."  Sunyatay looked down at the Princess' extended hoof with shock all over her face.  Nervously, she extended her own hoof.  When they touched, Sunyatay felt a surge of reality flow into her.


"It's...very nice to meet you...Your Highness."


"Oh, please.  Twilight.  'Highness' doesn't fit me at all, I can barely fly," she said, flicking her new wings.  "Will you come to Canterlot with us?  Anything you can tell us about that pony could be a big help!"


"O-OK," Sunyatay said.  Canterlot!  Sunyatay had a feeling she was going to be surrounded by a lot of Very Important Ponies soon. 




There hadn't been any real opportunity to talk on the chariot ride to Canterlot.  The Guard pegasi who towed it were fast, powerful fliers, especially with Rainbow Dash zipping around and egging them on.  The howling wind drowned out Sunyatay's voice completely.  Now they had reached their destination, and Twilight hurried off to meet with Princess Celestia and find out more about their mission.  That left Sunyatay alone with five of the most famous ponies in all of Equestria.  She willed herself to cling to the reality she'd gained, but it was hard not to just shy away and disappear, especially when Rarity started looking her over with a discerning eye.


"Oh, you poor dear!  I can't imagine how terrible it would be to be invisible all the time!"


"I'm not so sure about that...it would only make you the Best Prankster Ever!"


"Now hold on there Sugarcube, don't go givin' her any fool ideas about pullin' pranks on everypony!  You're enough trouble all by yourself!"


"Come on, Applejack, where's your sense of fun?  So whaddaya say, Sunyatay," Rainbow said, chuckling at her rhyme, "how about you and I bend this place over our knees and give it a pranking it'll never forget!"




"You know how when you tried to appear to me a few days ago and I was like 'hhhhHHHUUUUUUUHHH!' and took off?  Well I was just like that when I first saw Twilight but that was because I'd never seen her before and if I'd never seen her before that meant she was new and she obviously needed to have a surprise welcome party but when I saw you and I was like 'hhhhHHHUUUUUUUHHH!' and took off it was because I thought you were a ghost!  I should have known better because my Pinkie Sense wasn't going off so I guess I was kinda rude to you and I'm sorry but now that I know you're just an invisible pony you know what this calls for?" Pinkie said.  She zipped away, then returned with...a cannon?  "A PARTYYYYYY!" she said, firing it off.

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    "This is boring. Everything here. What's the point?" and it sighed. "I guess it would be fun to blow it up... But... That'll take awhile. Canterlot has horrible guards. I could probably blow it up..." and it sighed again. "But... It will be to hard with Twilight Sparkle. Maybe I could get some hel-" and he fell to the ground.

    Another flashback occurred. 

   It was a rainy day. Ponies running by, giving dirty looks. That day. That dreadful day, it all started. I felt pain. That pain lasted, until I heard the voice.

   Blaze woke up. He felt sick. He felt dizzy, and he was half-asleep. He looked around. He remembers being in Twilight's house, a short glimpse of the Griffon kingdom, but now, Canterlot. He had never been there before, yet he noticed two things.

    Fancy ponies all around him, and that one pony. The pony that brought him to Twilight's house, along with five of the mane six. He wanted to hide, but he wanted to ask something. He walked closer, every step smaller than the last. He was nervous to confront them, even though they could easily spot him because of him walking so dizzily. 



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Pinkie's impromptu celebration was only starting to get into full swing when Sunyatay saw a form approaching.  Him?  She spun to face him.  He seems dizzy and confused, she thought.  But is the 'wounded pony' thing just some kind of trick he does to fool ponies into letting him get in position to attack, or is he a normal pony that got possessed by evil somehow?  Well...as many times as I had ponies think I was evil just because it seemed that way...maybe I should try to give him the benefit of the doubt. 


Pinkie's party music stopped, and the others turned to confront the newcomer.  "Blaze?" Rainbow Dash said.


"Please be careful," Sunyatay said  "He's the one I brought to Twilight," she said, then turned back to Blaze.  "Hello."  What do I say?  If I ask him anything directly about whatever's happening to him, that might trigger the evil force to manifest.  It did when there was a chance for Twilight to help him.  So maybe I'll need to figure out a way to get him to tell us what we need to know without tipping of...whatever's possessing him.  "It's alright.  We're not going to hurt you."

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(Let's just say Princess Celestia sent Twilight to the Griffon Kingdom, for Serenity.)    

    Blaze gulped. He was still dizzy, but managed to stand up straight. When he spoke, he started Studdering. "H-h-h-h-h-hi..." he said in a low voice. He took a couple deep breaths. 

    He looked around. Everything seemed still. He saw many ponies walking by, some giving him strange looks, or dirty looks. Behind the six infront of him, he saw a castle. It was a big castle. He never knew on what to think about Canterlot.

    He gulped. He took another deep breath. Time was regaining.

    He looked Sunyatay in the eyes. "...T-t-t-t-t-that m-me you s-saw... T-that wasn't m-me... P-p-please... help me..."

    Blaze felt a sort of pain. It left him and his emotions in numbness. The pain of disacceptance. The pain of disapproval. The pain of being alone. The pain of his fear.

    The words Blaze spoke had puzzled the five of the mane 6.


    It felt bored. "Why does it have to be amazingly boring in this body?" It asked itself. "I bet, if I had %100 control, Equestria would be in flames. I'll guess i'll have to try."



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