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open Rise of a Lunar Republic

Drago Ryder

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Tempest trotted through the Everfree forest, thinking about the rebellion against Celestia's rule.He had sworn to protect Luna, and that's what he would do. "I better get back to base." He thought. The cyan pegesus then flew through the forest towards a fortress made of stone, which laid in the deepest parts of the Everfree forest.


Sign up thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/63669-rise-of-a-lunar-republic-sign-up-thread/?p=1561373

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Matthew has alway hate Princess Celestia for some reason. That's why he wanted join the rebellion. He was walking through the Everfree Forest just right now.  About 5 minutes after in the forest he though to himself. "There should be a fortress around here".

Matthew was getting tired of looking and decided to quit, but something in distance caught his eye. A bunch of trees were in the path so he had to find another around.

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Tempest landed outside the fortress and entered. The structure itself was quite large, and had the capability to shelter every member of the New Lunar Republic. "I just hope the others find their way here. They should be finishing with their patrol soon.


Dark Opal noticed Matthew as she flew thorough the air. She landed behind him. "Are you with Celestia?" She asked.

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Matthew looked behind him startled. He wondered if he should tell the pegasus. She might be on Celestia's side. He decided to tell the truth. "I'm not a big fan of Princess Celestia" he said. " Are you on her side?" Matthew hoped that she was on Luna's side so that he would have a friend to hang out with.

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Dark Opal smiled and shook her head. "Thankfully, I'm not." She said. "So, you must be one of the new recruits for the New Lunar Republic." Dark was only guessing, but it was a slight possibility. "If you aren't, then I suggest you go back the way you came."


(Dark Opal is a dragon.)

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Disk Operator walked in the depths of the Everfree Forest,looking around until he found what he was looking for. "There it is,the base of the New Lunar Republic." He walked up to the castle and walked in,not knowing what to do. He decided to ask for directions. He asked a guard,"Do you know where I go to join this New Lunar Republic?" The guard pointed towards a door. Disk Operator walked in.

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Above the new lunar repulic's headquarters, sole lounged lazily on a cloud, bored out of his mind. "Damn, this is so boring!" He whined "cuz of this stupid rebellion everypony is too busy to hang out, even dash!" He looked down at the fortress to see tempest enter it "huh, guess I've found somepony to talk to..." he mumbled, as he quietly flew into the castle to follow tempest.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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When Disk Operator walked in he found some guards waiting to escort him to Princess Luna's throne room. When he got in,he bowed down to Luna and asked,"May I join the rebellion known as The New Lunar Republic?" Princess Luna calmly walked up to Disk Operator and said "Show me your skills." He replied with "I need my technology to show you my skills." Luna then teleported to Disk Operator's house and got him his computer and printer. 

      He then started typing lines of code and after he was finished, connected the wires in the computer to a printer. He then set the printer to print out a picture of the moon. He sped up the printer using his magic and it was done. Luna was surprised. She had never seen anything like it. "You may prove useful..." Luna said. "So am I in?" Disk Operator asked. "Yes," Luna replied.

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Matthew smiled back. " Don't worry I'm part of the rebellion". Matthew wanted to see what else was going on. "I'll see you later I guess" said Matthew. "Hopefully we meet again later". He started to walk through some trees to the stone fortress. Matthew felt excited in his body.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Tempest put on his armour and put his swords at his sides. He then noticed Disk and smirked. "It's good to know that a few ponies haven't been blinded by Celestia." He said. "There are several bedrooms spread throughout the castle. Be sure to pick one that isn't taken."


Dark smirked. "That may be sooner than you think." She said. The young dragon then flew into the air and continued to patrol the area.

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Disk smiled back and said "Thanks. See you around." He then started looking for an empty bedroom. He found one,entered,looked around,and said, "I think I'll take this one." He asked a guard what to do now. He said that Disk should move some of his stuff from Ponyville to the bedroom. He went back to Ponyville to get a computer and other technology and went back to the base. He moved his stuff in and wondered what to do next.

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Tempest sighed and looked out a window. "Your sister has put a price on your head, you know." He said, not really looking at Luna. "As far as I know, the people view us as criminals."


Luna nodded as she looked over some important documents. "That is to be expected. The people shall soon see that we are the more capable rulers." She said. "In the meantime Tempest, you should try to relax."


The cyan pegesus nodded. "If you need anything, tell me." He said, before exiting the room. Tempest then started trotting through the halls of the castle.

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stone heart grunted as she put on some new armor. it was a golden chest peice and some golden leg peices, as well as a golden helm. but here was the thing about these peices, see they where crafted by stone heart, through her ability of controling the earth minerals. she mad her armor light weighted, but sturdy. making it easy for her to make quick moves in a battle. once she put the armor on she looked off of the balcony of her private room of the tower. since this war was harsh, and left many casualties, her shyness was stripped from her. she had to change, so now, she doesnt hesitate to kill, she doesnt feel shy around others, and speeks her mind. but most of all she was as hard as nails. she jumped off of the balcony and fell to the ground. and once she landed the ground shook, and her landing left cracks on the ground. she looked at the disaster of what used to be ponyville. a flashback came, where she, thunder, and blue frost, played as a family. lived like a family......but they're gone now.....with all of her memories. she walked toward the everfree, since she had gotten word of a base located somewhere deep in the forest. she wanted to investigate.


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Dark Opal noticed Stone and roared at her. She then landed in front of said unicorn. "Why have you entered the forest?" She asked, obviously annoyed. "I don't tolerate ponies in my territory."


Tempest heard Dark roar and glanced at one of the guards. "Make sure nopony leaves. We don't want the Solar Empire to know we're here." The cyan pegesus then flew through the castle, locking every possible exit as he went.

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stone looked at dark opal, she then scoffed "please. move out of the way. I have no business with you right now, unless you want to become a new pair of dragon skin boots, or a purse of mine, which would be nice, I would conisider you to move out of the way now" she said walking under the dragons legs.


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Dark growled. "I'll let you pass, but only on one condition. You are not to disturb my cave." She said. The young dragon then thought of a possibly dangerous idea. "I assume that you are looking for the NLR, just from looking at your uniform. They actually aren't that far from here." Dark then gave Stone wrong directions to the Lunar base.

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Disk noticed the fact that all the possible entrances and exits to the castle were being locked. He wondered what was happening. Just then a guard walked up to him and said,"Stay in your room unless you receive an order. We have a problem." He followed his orders and stayed in his room. Disk was working on a device that would allow the New Lunar Republic to communicate far away from each other. He imagined this would help the NLR immensely. However, there was one problem. It needed energy to work. "Energy from the moon? The sun? Well, it can't be powered by magic, as not everyone here is a unicorn..."

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stone nodded, "thanks, but your pointing in the wrong direction, its that way. I ccan feel the large amount of metal, and its all over there, thanks though" she said before stomping on the ground and a hole opend. she jumped into it and then the earth closed up the hole.


stone heart then jumped up from the ground at the front gates of the the NLR base. "bingo" she said with a smile.


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Dark mentally cursed. "I should have bloody known." She thought. The black dragon then smirked. "It doesn't matter. Tempest will take care of her."


The cyan pegesus noticed Stone and knew what her armor ment. "Well, since somepony knows where we are, I might as well go say hi." He thought as he drew his swords. Tempest then exited the castle and glared at Stone. "I assume that Celestia told you who I am. If she didn't, then allow me to introduce myself. I am Tempest Sol."

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stone looked at his hoovs then looked up to his head inspecting his body. "not much to be excited about" she said putting a hoof to her chin. "maybe more of a muscle tone, and possibly something to be done with that" she said pointing out his hair. "dont know why celestia said you where a big deal" she said and shrugged "anyways.....i just want to make this quick and not messy, I have to take you in, celestia demands it. so please, if you will come with me" she said.


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Tempest simply laughed. He then turned deadly serious. "Don't you think I already know what Celestia will do?" He asked. The cyan pegesus then closed his eyes and his aura slowly surrounded him. Tempest then opened his eyes, which held a fire of fury. "I have no plans on dying, today." The cyan pegesus then charged at Stone.

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stone eyes widened as he flew at her. she then sighed and shook her head as she made a pillar of stone hit tempest in the chin. Then she stomped on the ground and a boulder came up. she then punch it and it crumbled into tiny rocks, which flew at tempest like bullets.


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Disk heard some ponies fighting outside. One of them sounded like Tempest Sol. Despite being very curious,he didn't dare go out of his room,as per orders from the guard. He finished the device,but he still needs a power source. "Just take some of that,some of this,attach     this to that,aaaaannnnnndddddd...done." He made a solar panel out of some spare parts that he keeps. "I am feeling very tired. I'm just gonna take a...*yawn* nap..."

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The cyan pegesus dodged smaller rocks. He then set his jaw in place. "So, you're an elementalist. Honestly, I'm not surprised." He said. Tempest then shot a medium sized ball of aura at Stone. "Here's a fun fact about my family. We can all control a 'spectral' entity surrounding our body, often called an aura. Did Celestia ever mention that?"

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Sole quietly watched the fight with mild interest "huh, somepony stupid enough to fight tempest." He said quietly "this is pretty interesting, even if they are both hyppocritical idiots..." he grinned and got comftorable on a cloud "I'll just watch, for now at least." He then got an idea, something to mix things up a little "hiya tepest!" He yelled to the cyan pegasus, to see his reaction.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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