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open Rise of a Lunar Republic

Drago Ryder

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When Tempest woke up, he was in a cell with a certain white alicorn observing hm from outside the cell. The cyan pegesus stood up and glared at Celestia. "I should've known." He said.


Celestia smiled. "It's good to see you to, Tempest." She said, with a disturbing amount of sarcasm."Now then, where is my sister. I can't wait to see her."


Tempest spit on the ground at Celestia's feet. "I would rather die than tell you anything." He said.


Celestia shook her head and sighed. "So be it." She said. She then sent for the mane six.


A door opened and the bearers of the elements of harmony trotted in. They then used the elements of harmony on Tempest, turning him to stone.


Celestia glanced at one of her guards "Put this near the Everfree forest." she said, pointing at the statue.


The guard nodded, secured the statue onto a cart, and headed towards the Everfree forest.

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stone raised a eyebrow, "sorry hun, but i dont need those" she just simply punched the bars and it snapped. she then walked out of the cage and stretched "sorry, but, i'd rather do it my way without any help from anyone" she then simply walked down the hall of the cell room.


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Sole smirked and looked at the broken bars "or you could do that." He said jokingly "so, I guess this is where you try and beat me up cuz I know too much right?" He asked "cuz id rather not have to beat you up." He grinned and walked toward the door "I think I'm gonna go anny celly now, don't mind me." He said jokingly.

((Celly is celestia.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest was placed in a clearing that wasn't to far from the NLR base.


Dark was flying over the forest when she noticed the statue. She landed in front of it, and simply stared. "He's gone." She thought. "She killed him." The young dragon felt her anger build up and let it all out in one massive roar.

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stone looked at sole, "no.........i dont need to..." she said as she walked out. she then noticed the statue, of tempest "well it looks as if celestia has done her job, good ridance" she said. she then started to walk toward the celestial base, she walked slowly knowing there wouldnt be anymore harm.


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Inside of his own mind, Tempest mediated, slowly gaining power. "They think I'm dead." He thought, laughing slightly. "They don't even know what I'm capable of."


Dark glared at Stone and shot a fireball at her. "You didn't know him like I did." She said. "He and his family raised me when I hatched. He was like a father to me."

Edited by Dark Opal
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Sole's smile disappeared as he walked out of the castle to find tempest turned to stone. Without saying a word he spread his wings and flew toward canterlot "ceeeleestiiaaa you biiitch!!" He growled angrily "your not getting away with abusing the elements like this, I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" He roared, losing his senses in rage, as he flew to the castle a blistering speeds.

((He's not joining the nlr or anything, he's just got a vendetta. You can try to get someone to stop him though, but he'll probably attack them.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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stone made a wall of earth that stopped the fire ball. "could you please save me the sob story, i need to get going if youd please" she said. she then poked her head out of the side of the wall "can i go please?" she asked nicely. she didnt really care if dark attacked or not, but she didnt want to fight.


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Crimsons head shot up as he heard darks angry roar, "what's wrong with dark?" Asked crimson to himself, before teleporting to where her aura was located. Crimson then looked at dark with concern, "what's wrong dark? Did somthing happe-" crimsons words died in his throat as he noticed tempest as a statue, crimson gasped and shook his head slightly before bowing it low, "no....that can't be real.....wait.....aqua's aura remnents are floating around his......that means....." crimson punched a large tree, instantly breaking it in half, "THAT MEANS HIS OWN DAMN SISTER HELPED KILL HIM!!" Roared crimson in rage, before turning to dark, "I'm gonna kill her......" said crimson in a demonic voice as he ignited his body in flames, before locking on to aqua's aura and teleporting to her.



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Dark sighed. "Get out of here, before I change my mind." She said. "I'm not in the mood to fight, anyway."


Aqua noticed Sole and shot a burst of magic at him. "Sole, you have to calm down." She said. Te blue unicorn didn't even know what the griffion was mad about, but she wouldn't let him kill Celestia.

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not even stopping long enough to register the pain, he flitted up to her and grabbed her by the horn, throwing her high into the air. When she came back down he kicked her in the stomach with great force, knocking her away. "Shut up sellout." He said darkly, as he continued to fly toward celestia, his anger building.

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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stone started to panick "shit shit shit, um....teleporting spell teleporting spell....OH COME ON STONE REMEMBER" she closed her eyes and focused.............and then she appeared in front of aqua. she opened her eyes and was literaly face to face with aqua, even her nose touched hers. she then blushed in embarasment and took a step back. "sorry about that hun" she turned around to see crimson and he looked pissed. "oh......wonderfull....aqua you need to get out of here...i think he wants you dead" she said


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Aqua stood up and looked at Stone. She then noticed Crimson. "Why are you here?" She asked."I thought you weren't in the New Lunar Republic." The blue unicorn wasn't scared. She could hold her own against any pyromaniac, even Crimson.


Celestia's guards came out palace and charged at Sole. They were like a swarm of angry bees, to be honest.

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Sole didn't stop, or even slow down, he merely bursed through them with a wave of energy "out of my way cannon fodder!" He roared angrily, as he bursed through the doors of the throneroom. "You petty bitch!" He said to her angrily "its bad enough that you did that to tempest, but you used the elements of HARMONY to use in a civil war... you hyppocritical bitch!" He covered himself in energy and summoned a spear "you don't even deserve to look at those elements, and I'm sickened that you'd even go this far to win!" He growled, as he threw the spear at her head, before flitting behind her and kicking her into it.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Aqua stood up and looked at Stone. She then noticed Crimson. "Why are you here?" She asked."I thought you weren't in the New Lunar Republic." The blue unicorn wasn't scared. She could hold her own against any pyromaniac, even Crimson.

Celestia's guards came out palace and charged at Sole. They were like a swarm of angry bees, to be honest.

Crimson glared at aqua with a look of pure hate, "why am I here?..... that's a funny question considering......YOU HELPED KILL YOUR OWN BROTHER YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Yelled crimson in rage, before flitting beside aqua and leaning next to her ear, "tell me aqua.....do you know why they call me crimson grinn?" Asked crimson before superheating his teeth until they were glowing red hot, he then grinned with red glowing teeth at aqua, "even you.....will get burned..." said crimson in a demonic voice.

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stone appeared in the room with sole and pushed celestia out of the way, the spear hit her shoulder. she then hit the ground and held onto the said spear and grunted "you know.....it aint nice to treat a lady like that" she said as she was covered in sweat due to her pain.


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Celestia flew into the air and glared at Sole. "He committed treason when he joined this petty rebellion." She said, before firing two beams of magic. One would heal Stone, while the other would harm Sole. "He got what he deserved."


Aqua screamed in pain, both from the fact that she killed her brother and Crimson. She threw said pony off of her and tears fell from her eyes. "I... I didn't know Celestia would kill him."


A crack formed on the statue of Tempest. It slowly spread and branched off.

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Sole merely roared with anger and stuck his talons out in front of him, catching the blast. "And now your getting what you desrve, you dirty hyppocrite!" He growled, as he chucked the blast back at her like a baseball, making it explode with his energy. He turned to stone and forced her out of the room and put a barrier around the room "stay out of this!" He growled threateningly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson chuckled darkly, his teeth still glowing red, but although he was smiling cruelly, tears were streaming from his eyes, "you may not have known.....but THEY did....and now I'll show them just how it feels to be turned to stone..." said darkly, his teeth stopped glowing and he stopped smiling, he then turned around and began to walk towards the castle doors, but paused and looked back at aqua with a look of regret, "I'm sorry..." said crimson softly before exiting the castle and teleporting to ponyville to punish the mane six.


((Sorry, I forgot to mention that crimson still has his basalisk eye in this rp too, so don't worry, he won't kill the mane six, just turn them to stone...))

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Celestia rolled her eyes. "This should be fun." She said, as she fired multiple blasts of magic at Sole.


The statue of Tempest, or at least the stone surrounding Tempest, crumbled. His aura flared and his eyes glowed red. "Hello Equestria, I'm back." The cyan pegesus then flew into the air, and towards Canterlot, leaving a contrail of darkness.

Edited by Dark Opal
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Sole growled with frustration and bursed through the attacks, ignoring any damage. "Eat this!" He roared, as he kneed her in the jaw, before grabbing her horn and swinging her into the ground with great force, creating a large crater in the process. "I'm done bucking around, your getting what you deserve!" He said angrily, as he threw an energy blast at her, it exploded on contact.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone charged into the barrier, she was then bounced back from the force field. She then took her knife and jammed it into the force field, and it pierced it and the barrier went down, but the door wouldn't budge, as it was made of condensed metal "SON OF A BITCH, IF YOU KILL CELESTIA I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND PUT YOUR HEAD ON A STICK" she shouted.


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Celestia hint the wall,but stood back up. She then simply laughed. "Tempest isn't the only one that has a special ability." She said. Celestia's eyes then glowed blocking off Sole's energy. The white alicorn then fired a large burst of magic at Sole.


The cyan pegesus broke through a window and stood in front of Sole. His aura then expanded and absorbed the magic. "I really should thank you, Tia." He said, as his aura swirled around him like a violent storm. "Because of you and those meddlesome elements of harmony, I have gained more power than I could have ever dreamed of, and I have a very... vivid imagination."

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Sole merely grinned "tempest, I didn't think you'd be able to escape on your own" he said happily "I kinda flipped a little when I saw you stoned." He said jokingly "glad your back, now get out of my way, I still need to teach celly here a lesson on what the elements are meant for." He said threateningly "I don't care if your as powerful as discord, this is my battle!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone then facehoofed "IT'S MADE OF METAL....how stupid am I..." She then focused on the door, and it bent and twisted and soon, it was turned into a ball of hard iron that was shot out of the door way. "HAHA, it worked, and colts say they do all the hard work" she laughed. Her focused turned on tempest, "damn it...your still alive..." And then sole, "and....your still standing..." She said.


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