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open The Doctor Whooves adventures


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The Doctor hops out of the blue box and looks around at the ponies staring in disbelief. "Ponies? Animation?" He asks looking into a puddle and seeing that he was now a pony. He laughed hysterically. "This is REMARKABLE!!" He runs around the town randomly, looking into each and every shoppe window he could find. Occasionally he would run inside and grab stuff, but the citizens of Ponyville were too amazed to stop him. He walked out of a clothing shop with a collar and bowtie. "What?" He exclaimed as he was being stared at while eating a jelly donut.

Edited by Rein Dun
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Tempest had heard a starnge story about a strange pony had appeared out of a blue box from a few of the other ponies living in Ponyville, and decided to investigate. He soon noticed the Doctor and was surprised to say the least. "Who are you?" He asked, slightly curious about the new pony.

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"Um...who are you...you dont act like anypony here" Shinx asked wondering who this person is since he is acting differently from anypony else that is here. "Are you from around here" Shinx asked very quietly knowing he probably cant her her till another pony came up and ask who he is

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The Doctor pointed to Tempest. "Exactly." He said stepping up to a large fountain in the center of the park. He put his hooves into the water and put some onto his face and wet his mane. He looked back at Shinx. "I don't think so. There's a lot of my life I don't remember though."

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Tempest shrugged and noticed the blue box. "So, how exactly did you even get here in that thing?" He asked, pointing at the TARDIS. "Pardon if I sound a bit skeptic, but it seems a bit impossible to even fit in that thing." The cyan pegesus then trotted around the TARDIS, trying to see how big the blue phone box was.

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"You dont remember most of your life...that's sad" Shinx said as she noticed the blue phone box. "Um...what is that and how did you fit in there" Shinx asked as he stared at the TARDIS wondering. "Did..you arrive in that phone box" Shinx asked as she put her hoof on the handle of the door.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Why yes I did. It's not that small." He says straightening his bowtie in a window as a mirror. "Unfortunately the door is QUITE locked." He says watching Tempest intently. "There's been nothing in the universe that was impossible my friend. I learned that from a pair of purple Knarkles."

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Temoest looked at the Doctor. "Yeah right, the next thing you'll tell me is that you use that box to travel through time." He said. The cyan pegesus then laughed. "Also, what in the name of Luna are Knarkles?" Tempest then waited for the Doctor to answer his question.

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"Umm..Purple what now" Shinx said with a confused look on her face. "if its locked cant you just unlock it then...i dont think its unfortunate if you can unlock it...unless you're locked out yourself" Shinx said as she took her hoof off the handle and saw some weird screwdriver on the ground and picked it up. "What is this"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Quite a difficult question to answer. They're kind of... Purple and Knarkley." He answers. He then smirks at the cyan pegasus. "You never truly know what kind of 'pony' you'll run into during your day." He says quite unfamiliar with using the term pony instead of person. "That would be my sonic." He says holding it in his hoof.

Edited by Rein Dun
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SkyDreamer heard about a strange pony in town so she desided that it won't be such a bad idea to see this new pony knowing that she has nothing to do. "I think that some of the ponies said something about him coming in a blue box maybe if I can fin the blue box I can find this pony" SkyDreamer said then found the blue box as started walking that way.

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Tempest glanced at the sonic screwdriver. "What exactly does that hunk of metal do?" He asked. "Is that supposed to open that blue box?" The cyan pegesus then sighed. "Something tells me that there is something more to this pony than meets the eye." He thought.

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"I believe so" Shinx said as she was messing with the sonic Screwdriver. "How does this thing work Doctor..." Shinx said as she kept messing with it and trying to figure out how it even works. "Maybe this button will do something if I press it" Shinx thought.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey, hey, hey." Whooves said quickly snatching it away. "It's not right to play with other ponies things." He wandered away and began mumbling to himself. "Regeneration WAS how this happened. I've got to wait for my Sonic to recalibrate itself with myself. ANYWAY!! Who knows where to get some food? I suddenly have a craving for fritters."

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"I guess that other ponies wanted to find out about this mysterious pony that came in a blue box" SkyDreamer said as she seen the Doctor and the other ponies there. "Well it won't hurt to say hi to them so I might as well" SkyDreamer said as she walked to the ponies. "Hello my name is SkyDreamer I see that this is where the new pony is" SkyDreamer said.

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"You shouldn't talk about me like I'm not here. Very rude if I do say so. I forgive you though. Still, fritters. Where do I get some?" He said only clapping his hooves together at the end of the statement. He walks around looking in each window. "Is there some sort of embargo around here?"

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Temoest smirked. "Sorry, but we don't usually get ponies like you here, aside from Zecora. I guess we are a bit secluded. He said. "If you want something to eat, I guess that you could come over to my place." The cyan pegesus then shrugged and waited for the doctor to answer.

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"How about we head to Sugar Cube Corner for something to eat if he wants something like fritters" Shinx suggested. "Also you are acting really weird so ponies would act like this since you did some thing that were pretty weird and also you went into other ponies houses"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The Doctor hopped along the road toward a random building. "Let's go then!" He said as he ran along the road. He got to the building and looked at the wall, at the ground, then back at the wall. "Wait a moment. I have no clue where this 'Sugarcube Corner' is located."

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Tempest simply facehoofed. "It's kind of hard to miss." He said. The cyan pegesus then pointed at a building that looked similar to something you would eat for dessert. "Sugercube corner is that way." The cyan pegesus then shrugged and went back to studying the blue phone box.

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The Doctor ran over and sat down at a table. He wasn't quite sure how ponies sat down. So, he moved around and attempted to make himself comfortable, until finally, he awkwardly sat himself up. He looked at the fritter in front of him. He slipped it to a colt sitting nearby. "I hate fritters. I need celery pie."

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Shinx watched him head off. "Um...shouldn't one of us make sure he doesn't get in trouble...or get lost...or anything" Shinx said as she didn't wait for a reply and followed behind him and saw him sitting up awkwardly and pushing away the fritter. "Hey doctor I forgot to ask do you have any bit to even pay for anything" Shinx asked.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The Doctor nodded and pulled out a small pocket bag. He first put his hoof into the bag, but soon reached his whole leg into the bag. "Dollars, euros, dongs, hmm, bits!!" He said pulled some of the bits out and laid them onto the table. "Plus a tip." He said pointing down at the large hill of coins.

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((...bits..but how does he...huh?))


"Okay..." Shinx said wondering what all the other stuff was he pulled out. "Im sorry if I wasn't listening before but where are you from again exactly" Shinx asked. "Also what is that thing you called..." Shinx asked confused about this pony that arrived here.


((Also I thought he also traveled universes and not just ti....never mind.))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest sat in front of the blue phone box. "I might as well see what that other pony is up to." He said. The cyan pegesus then trotted towards Sugercube corner and ordered a drink. He gave the waitress the bits and sat a few chairs away from the doctor. "So, what exactly is that blue box used for?" He asked, referring to the TARDIS

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