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Frozen Equestria RP


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Swig was at the train station with his saddle bags stuffed. He lifted the minecart and put it back on the rails

"the wheels still spin, but the lever mechanism is broke" Swig climbed under the cart and checked the mechanisms 

"oh... just some piece of bent metal" Swig used his magic to bend the piece of metal back into place

"time to give it a try" Swig crawled out and onto the minecart and gave the lever a push, the minecart moved smoothly as ever.

"now... where are the rest of em?" Swig loaded the supplies that he hoarded onto the minecart and waited for everypony else

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Redstorm or Acid din't say anything about the newcomer.

"Hm... let's go I guess."

Acid nodded. They headed to the marketplace where Acid and Red got their saddlebags full of food.

"Right... we're full. The rest will take what's left. Let's head over to the train station."


They saw Swig waiting for them.

"There's one of us!"  Acid said to Redstorm. Red only nodded. As they arrived at the train station they put the supplies onto the minecart.

"The others met up with another pony... I guess we're gonna have to play the waiting game."

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" Whatever. I don't even care." Cleo took her bags and went out into the cold. She shivered slightly. -Damn, we really do need to find a better place. This is ridiculous.- 


Cleo saw ponies in the distance. Gritting her teeth, she fought against the wind to get to them. She looked like a snowpony by now, her pink and green hair was white as her coat. The earth pony blinked to get the snow out of her eyes.



Lyona started collecting the leftovers, quickly placing them into her bag.

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Jonny Followed Cleo, his coat blocking the cold, he had to wipe the visor of his gasmask a few times, his saddle bags were full and his AR-15 PDW floated at his side, once he got to the group, he shook some snow off his mask and coat, it was at times like these that he was happy that he had boots on

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(So, I think I'll start posting now; if there's nothing else I need to do.)


"Ugh... open, damn you!" Raze said as he was trying to ram at the locked door in front of him with his L96 sniper rifle. He didn't know where he was. All that running made him lose track of his location, and now he was just trying to find a place to take shelter before he froze out here in this wasteland.


Finally, he managed to break in, quickly closing the door as soon as stepped foot inside. Taking a short time to catch his breath, he found himself in a small house. He couldn't really see what it was on the outside with all the snow, plus the face that he never really stopped to check. All he knew was, he was lucky enough to find this place. The small corridor that stretched from the front door opened up into a small living room, with a fireplace to the left; a sofa and a couple lounge chairs were facing it. Ahead, he found an opening to a small kitchen, and another opening to a dining room to the right. There was also a set of stairs that led to the next floor of the house. Using a bookshelf he found inside the living room, Raze barricaded the front door. Feeling he was safe, he decided to head upstairs, where the bedroom was. Judging by the size of the house, he concluded that it was a house only fit for one pony to live in; which of course was okay with him. 


Sighing a bit, he put his gun and the rest of his things near a wardrobe. He found a large bed in the middle of the bedroom, and decided to sit there for a while.


Crap, Raze thought. Is this really what my life has become?


Looking around, he found an acoustic guitar lying next to a nightstand near the bed. 


Maybe a bit of music'll help me calm down a bit... He took the acoustic guitar, sat down on the bed, and began to play, while watching the blizzard outside rage on from a nearby window.

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Acid suddenly remembered the medicine.

"Um... Red? I think we have enough time to get the medicine." The small colt said.

Redsorm nodded.

"Alright, Swiggy. We'll be back, hopefully with the stuff."

He started following Acid. After some time travelling, they found a house in somewhat excellent condition.

"Wow. This place ain't destroyed at all."

Acid walked in, but stopped.



"I can hear a guitar somewhere..."

"What? Don't be ridiculous." Redstorm said as he stepped into the house.

".............. Okay... well this is... creepy. It's a nice song, though."

Acid started shivering.

"Should we just get the stuff and leave?" He whispered to Redstorm.

"Ok... lead the way, I gotcha covered."

They made their way near the bedrooms and the music became louder.

*I got a bad feeling about this...* Redstorm said and held his sniper rifle tighter.

"Here it i-" Acid saw a pony playing a guitar.

"There's somepony here..."

Redstorm stepped in to see a black-coated pony with armor and a scarf playing a guitar.

"Well this is nice... hello?" Redstorm saw the sword that the stallion owned. He then looked at his axe.

*Ok... well, now what? The axe ain't no match for THAT thing...*

"Hello? Pal? You there?"

Acid hid behind Redstorm and silently took out his pistol.

Edited by RedStorm
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Raze quickly stopped playing when he heard the group of ponies entering his temporary shelter. Then they entered his room, to which he didn't react to at first.


How in the hell did they... he thought to himself, but that was beside the point. He quickly threw the guitar on the bed, grabbed his rifle and drew it, pointing the barrel at the red pony.


"Who are you and what the hell do you think you're doing inside my shelter?" he said while loading a bullet into the chamber.

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Raze quickly stopped playing when he heard the group of ponies entering his temporary shelter. Then they entered his room, to which he didn't react to at first.


How in the hell did they... he thought to himself, but that was beside the point. He quickly threw the guitar on the bed, grabbed his rifle and drew it, pointing the barrel at the red pony.


"Who are you and what the hell do you think you're doing inside my shelter?" he said while loading a bullet into the chamber.

"The little guy lead me here, because he saw some supplies. Nothing wrong with that, eh? This place is running outta supplies, so we're leaving." Redstorm said while loading his rifle.

"Anyway... we came here with no bad thoughts. You are just threatening us."

Meanwhile Acid loaded his pistol as well.

*Oh.... sweet Celestia, look at that sword...* He gulped and stepped besides Red, his gun still lowered.

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Cleo looked at S.S. " Sounds like you're stalking her. Are you? I don't want a stalker here, they're creepy." She narrowed her eyes.


Before S.S. could respond, Cleo left. He turned to Lyona and started helping her pack the stuff.

"No, it's not like that. Well it might seem like that. She doesn't even know my name, and she probably wants me dead. But I'm not like them. I just need to talk to her. We had a misunderstanding."


S.S. realized that this was going nowhere. He clammed up and kept putting leftovers into the bag

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" Everypony has misunderstandings. That gunfight you heard? It was literally all a misunderstanding. We thought that Cleo, Johnny and Swigg were all bandits, when in fact they weren't. Now we're all injured and sore. Good luck finding her, and clearing up whatever happened." Lyona smiled. She quickly packed the last of the things in her bag. 

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"It was a good thing that I caught you ponies before you all left. You from around here? Originally that is. I am. born and raised. Got a cutie mark for my bow-work and hunted the evergreen back in the day. I never killed anything, but it was a good day when I ran off a manticore or a timberwolf."

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" Nah, came from another village. It would have been nice to live here, though. I got my cutie mark from taking care of wild animals. Specifically, wild cats. Lions, tigers and such. Found out about it when a rampaging lion decided to attack my village. Calmed it down, boom! Cutie mark. I haven't seen one since the war, so my special talent is useless. Oh well. Are you coming with us?" She asked the unicorn.

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S.S. looked out towards the town.
"I got a lot of history here. I was just a colt when Nightmare Moon took over. I was a bit older when that Chaos thing Discord showed up. My family even went to the coronation of Princess Twilight. When I got older I basically had the same job as you. I made sure things didn't get out of the forest. I'm still doing that now.
(Damn phone hit enter)
"I don't want to leave. But this town is nothing now." S.S. pointed towards a building shaped like a cupcake. "I had a birthday there. Pinkie pie threw the best parties. She disappeared one day during the war. I( guess I will have to relieve myself from this duty of mine."


"Yes I'll go with you all."



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Lyona shook her head sadly, thinking of what S.S said. -It must have hurt, to see it all freeze...-

" Maybe you'll find that pony along the way as well. But anyways, we'll be glad to have you. Did you pack all the things you need? It's gonna get pretty cold up there, especially for non-pegasai." Lyona quickly changed the topic, not liking the somber tone.

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"I got everything I need, and if I need something new I'll find it"

S.S. opened the door back outside.

"Shall we?"

S.S. adjusted his wrappings and put the goggles over his face.

(Question: How many years has it been since the war ended, and when did it begin? My character is 20 and I don't know if that's too young or not to remember life before the war)

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" We shall." Lyona smiled. She placed her rather heavy saddlebags on and walked out into the cold wind. She shaded her eyes from the blinding white snow. -It's hard to see in the day because of this dumb snow...-


(I honestly have no idea. I wanted to ask Redstorm, but I keep forgetting...)

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"The little guy lead me here, because he saw some supplies. Nothing wrong with that, eh? This place is running outta supplies, so we're leaving." Redstorm said while loading his rifle.

"Anyway... we came here with no bad thoughts. You are just threatening us."

Meanwhile Acid loaded his pistol as well.

*Oh.... sweet Celestia, look at that sword...* He gulped and stepped besides Red, his gun still lowered.

Raze thought about it for a while, then decided to lower his gun. "Whatever.... as long as it doesn't affect me in any way."


He threw his gun on the bed, picked up his sword and twirled it around his hooves. He noticed one of them eyeing it with fear and wonder.

Raze laughed a bit.


"I was a mercenary before this all this happened, which is why I'm carrying a sword as lavish as this around with me."

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Raze thought about it for a while, then decided to lower his gun. "Whatever.... as long as it doesn't affect me in any way."


He threw his gun on the bed, picked up his sword and twirled it around his hooves. He noticed one of them eyeing it with fear and wonder.

Raze laughed a bit.


"I was a mercenary before this all this happened, which is why I'm carrying a sword as lavish as this around with me."

Red lovered his gun aswell.

"Might affect you... if you need a bunch of pills and bandages..." He laughed.

"Anyway... Acid?"

"Oh? Yes, right..." Acid said, finally getting his eyes of of the sword.

He went over to a cupboard and took out 2 bottle of pills and a bandage roll.

"Ok then..." Redstorm put the medicine into the bag.

"We're gonna go then. Someplace warmer that is. Just grabbing the last what we can... this place is getting colder and running out of supplies. We won't survive for long... and I don't think you will too."

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Swig heated up his horn and used it as a welder to fix anything wrong with the minecart

"I do tend to overdo things" Swig blew off his glowing red horn

Swig looked around to check if nopony is around, he dug into his saddlebag and checked on the Elements of Harmony

"If only things didn't turn out like this" Swig took in a moment to think about what happened a few days back


(this is the part i skipped back at canterlot)

Swig wore all of the elements and tried to make a spark, the elements of harmony rejected Swig because he is an invalid wielder. A pulse blew Swig back and tore the elements off his neck. "What the Fu-" Swig jumped back in and tried to grab the elements again, but everything stopped. In that split second, the world around Swig stopped, a flashback was played right in front of Swig, the flashback contained information about the war... Equestria was not the good guys during the war, corruption and politics led Equestria to invade other nations.

"the history books said that we, Equestrians were the good guys... those were just lies and propaganda"

Swig found all this hard to swallow, he refused to believe what the elements had shown him.

----------(Annnnnnd WE'RE BACK)----------

Swig woke up from a short nap, the minecart was starting to collect snow,

"shit!, better brush it off" Swig cleaned the minecart from the snow and put some wooden planks over it to cover it from the snow

Swig sat climbed onto the station platform and took a seat, Swig stared into emptiness and thought about what he saw

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Raze looked around, then sighed.


"You're right. Even if this is a sturdy shelter, who knows how longs this'll hold up in this hell of a blizzard."


Raze then thought about a few things, then decided something.


"If it's not too much to ask... may I tag along with your group? I'm a hell of a marksman, and even greater with swords." He twirled the sword faster in his left hoof.

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Cleo was almost at the train station now. The only thing with color was her purple eyes. -Damn snow! I'm gonna freeze to death soon enough. I hope Johnny's okay. Don't want the only pony nice to me to die. Everypony else are bastards.- She adjusted her saddle bags, they were close to being blown off.

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Jonny shook some snow off his coat and wiped off his visor "the winds certainly have picked up, if we dont move it in the next couple of hours a blizzards likely to set in" he tucked his AR into his saddle bags as best he could to avoid any damage the cold might inflict

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Cleo was almost at the train station now. The only thing with color was her purple eyes. -Damn snow! I'm gonna freeze to death soon enough. I hope Johnny's okay. Don't want the only pony nice to me to die. Everypony else are bastards.- She adjusted her saddle bags, they were close to being blown off.

Swig saw a silhouette in the distance, he used his clarity spell to see into the blizzard and saw Cleo

"HEY! You Better Get Outta There Unless You Want To End Up Like Me!!!" Cleo didn't hear Swig's voice through the storm, nor did she even notice him.

"Sigh*  Shes really slow... and deaf" Swig levitated Cleo by surprise and levitated her quickly towards the station and put her down on a seat.

"Man, you walk real slow" Swig opened Cleo's bag and dug through it looking at what she managed to loot.

"you got a good amount of supplies for the trip" 

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" I've got one of the strongest blizzards since I came here blowing in my face, of course I'm slow." She shook herself to get rid of the snow. Cleo saw him looking through her bag.

"Hey, don't touch my stuff!" A wooden frame peeked through the supplies in her bag.

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"sooo... everypony else seem to be taking their time, you might as well be useful and help me, I oiled up the minecart's mechanism with lamp oil, go on the other side and crank that lever, I'll crank the other lever and lets test this thing out" Swig climbed onto the cart and lowered his lever and the other lever raised.

Swig raised his eyebrows and stared at Cleo indicating her to help 

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