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Frozen Equestria RP


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Jonny shook his head at reds comment, will he just let the past go already? its as if he wants a fight  he took the time to check his weapon, he floated out his AR-15 PDW and field stripped it, examining each part and making sure it was in good order, he took out a cloth and wiped away anything that could potentially damage it, once he was done he reassembled the weapon and put it up 




Johnny raised his voice "would you ponies leave her alone? jeez she cant do anything with out one of you ponies making a remark or comment, its unbelievably rude and theres no reason for it"

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"You're hurting my feelings, stop this." Redstorm said jokingly. "I don't think you can stuff everything back in my face..."



" Fuck you." Cleo responded, almost growling it.




"Here... a potato." Acid said as he threw one spare potato to Cleo, hoping she would catch it.


Cleo turned just in time to catch it. She looked at Acid, raising an eyebrow. " Uh, thanks, I guess?" She put it into her backpack.



The earth pony grabbed the bullet, and threw it back in his face. " Haha. Hilarious. Excuse me while I die of laughter." It seemed like a permanent scowl was affixed to Cleo's face now. 



" The fuck you looking at?" She growled, still scowling. " Look away before I tear those eyes out." She gripped her morningstar tighter.

Not waiting for an answer, Cleo placed the chocolate piece in her mouth, waiting for it to melt. -At least my brother gave me a proper gift, even if he's dead.-  




Johnny raised his voice "would you ponies leave her alone? jeez she cant do anything with out one of you ponies making a remark or comment, its unbelievably rude and theres no reason for it"


Cleo looked at him in surprise. Nopony had ever defended her before.

Edited by Lynette


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Johnny raised his voice "would you ponies leave her alone? jeez she cant do anything with out one of you ponies making a remark or comment, its unbelievably rude and theres no reason for it"

"Whats wrong with giving somepony a present?, I didn't intend to cause trouble by giving her a souvenir, plus, if I got shot, I'd keep the bullet for memories, the gift was meant to have good intentions"  Swig levitated a bullet to Jonny's shoulder

"say what? I'll shoot you, then I'll take the bullet out of you so you can be less jealous of Cleo"

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"Whats wrong with giving somepony a present?, I didn't intend to cause trouble by giving her a souvenir, plus, if I got shot, I'd keep the bullet for memories, the gift was meant to have good intentions"  Swig levitated a bullet to Jonny's shoulder

"say what? I'll shoot you, then I'll take the bullet out of you so you can be less jealous of Cleo"

" Don't touch my friend you little fuck." Cleo snarled, her morningstar in her hooves. Her purple eyes looked as if they were flaming, and her teeth were gritted. She was poised like a snake, about to pounce.

" I'll make you really fucking regret it, prick." She threatened. 


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" Don't touch my friend you little fuck." Cleo snarled, her morningstar in her hooves. Her purple eyes looked as if they were flaming, and her teeth were gritted. She was poised like a snake, about to pounce.

" I'll make you really fucking regret it, prick." She threatened. 

"well... if you want to be a grown up brat... you might as well find your own minecart" Swig generated a magic bubble around the cart

"besides, all this time you've been a bitch to everypony" Swig pointed out the obvious

"I've been annoying and cocky, but I have never physically hurt anypony so far, you have problems lady"

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"Fuck you." Cleo responded, almost growling it.


"You too, ma'am." Redstorm said.

"Oh... Red?"

"What? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Redstorm said as he saw Acid.

Acid had a pistol in his hoof, and Red's sniper in the other. The sniper rifle had it's handle gone."

"What? One of my groupmates had one of these. The handle can be turned into a pistol!"

"That's nice... can you put it back?"

After a while, Red's gun was all in one piece.

"You're a weapons expert?"

"No... your gun just seemed familiar, so I checked it."

"That's awesome... now I have one more thing to shoot Cleo with." Redstorm said jokingly and looked at Cleo who held her morningstar.

"Calm down... geez. You know, if you would act nicely, maybe we wouldn't be such pricks to you. And the time you hit me with the morningstar..." Redstorm pointed to the wounds in his face. "I'm sorry, but you REALLY need to do some push-ups. I bet Acid can hit harder than you."

"Are you saying I'm weak?"

"No... well... you kind of are.. bu-" Redstorm got punched in the face.

"I deserve it... you actually hit harder than I thought."

"Thanks..." Acid said, still a bit mad at Red.

"Aw come on, bro. Don't be mad... I suck at alot of things as well. Like maths. Geez, don't remind me of math classes..."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"I'm not doing anything, just observing." He laughed a bit when he heard her threaten him. "Really? Gouge my eyes out huh? Well, feel free to try anytime you like.... actually, I've got an even better idea.." He took his sword out, and planted it on the ground in front of him.

"You can try it NOW. But first, try getting this through your thick, fat, skull..."

He quickly took the sword out from the ground and pointed it at the pony's face. "Underestimating me will be your last mistake."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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(She's actually pretty strong, about half-way to Applejack level. She's an earth pony after all.)



" I was nice to you, I saved your life two times. Then you became an absolute ass, so that's why I'm behaving like this to you. You get what you deserve. " She told Swig.


Cleo turned to Red. She was about to explain why exactly she'd been a so called 'bitch' to him when a sword was pointed at her face.


Her eyes narrowed. " Oh, you really wanna do this, huh? Don't underestimate me either. I'm not a prissy bitch. I can kick your ass if I want to. Now put it the fuck away, you'll hurt yourself."


Signature by Azura

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"I'm more than happy to not let you onto my cart and leave you behind"


(this is all i needed to say, im just filling the 200 character requirement, about 100 more characters until the requirement is filled... okay forty more characters, twenty more characters, done)

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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Jonnys horn started cackling with electricity "would every pony just calm down?!? i would like to get to my destination in one piece" he was irritated "just leave her alone, mind your own bussness so we can get to philly in peace!"  @, "and you with the sword, put that away, we dont need any more conflict"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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" I'd gladly leave. But-" Cleo quietened. 

" You know what? Fuck you, fuck everyone, I'm done with this. I'm sick of all the bullshit and hate at me. I'll just fucking sit in a corner and not talk. Happy?" 


She turned to Johnny. " Thanks for trying." 


Cleo folded her arms and sat, glaring at anypony who looked at her. She looked into the rolling snow fields. A tiny sigh escaped her mouth.


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"Oh dear me, I'm so scared, I'm trembling!" Raze said sarcastically. "Do you honestly think that your words are gonna affect me? I'm not some street rat brawler; I'll kick your ass ten ways to New Year's Day if you even so much as try and fuck me over."


He turned to the pony in the gas mask. "My quarrel isn't with you, it's with your hotheaded friend over here, and I'd like to keep it that way, thank you."


He turned back to his original target. "So yeah... we're gonna do this."


((Hey Swig, you probably shouldn't complain about the character limit like that, it might get you a warning.))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Johnny sighed as she walked over and sat in the corner, electricty stopped cackling as he calmed down, "now, for the safety of everyone, just leave her alone for now ok? i dont want to lose my temper again" there better be a train up ahead, with more than one car attached to it...

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Cleo didn't even look at Raze. She was gazing at the passing landscape, lost in thought.


" Calm down! Do you really want to give her what she wants? Don't feed the parasprites, remember that saying? I do. That basically means don't do what she wants!" Lyona said to Raze. 

-At least Johnny has the right idea.- She frowned a little bit.


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Johnny  was taking deep breaths, he was still calming him self down, he knew that phillydelphia was at least a day by train away, he didnt know if he could spent that many hours in a cramped cart for that long, he floated out a pair of binoculars and looked forward, hoping to spot a train, he saw nothing yet, he sighed 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Aw come on, Cleo, you're not that useless... Acid could use you as a target, when he's gonna learn to shoot." Redstorm smirked.

"Seriously, come back. You gas-mask boyfriend might miss you if you leave. Or ya know. Go out there and freeze..."

Redstorm sat down.

"Well I guess it's her desicion.... I prefer her gone." He muttered the last part.

"And we can't kick you out on your birthday... well being far away from me might be the most perfect gift there is."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo sat there in the cart. She did not respond to any of Red's comments. 
-Maybe it would be better if I just shut up until we get to Fillydelphia. Hopefully they'll just ignore me, and Swig won't follow us when we arrive.-


Lyona rolled her eyes. " She's clearly not going to answer. I thought you were going to be cheering and clapping." 


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(You guys must all be EST cause I show up three hours after all the action.)


Straight was surprised by the random hug, but he finally learned the unicorn's forte, magic. The other unicorn has electricity, but it looks more like an area effect than a projectile. Straight knew about electricity spells, but never payed any mind to them. -if what swig says is true, then Johnny better keep the sparks down- Lamp oil doesn't explode, but a fire in a moving vehicle would be bad.

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Johnny shook his head, /I guess all the decent pony folk died off, that one lyona seems ok, the small kid is impressionable he's ok right now, but I fear/ he thought to himself, he wanted to nap, but he felt if he looked away the other ponies would attack Cleo, he was surprised at how vicious the other ponies were to her


( the / / is thoughts, I'm on mobile)

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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-This guy is more of a kid than the one sitting next to me- as he sat in the minecart -Cleo needs to chill though, this isn't swigs mine cart anymore, he's let a bunch of ponies with guns and weapons and I don't even see any kind of weapon to take that kind of firepower on him-


Straight kept his bow strung, at this close proximity, it could double as a bludgeon, the wood was hard enough to not be broken.


-if that kid gives me a reason, he'll be dealing with a couple of bruises by the time we hit Fillydelphia-




Straight managed to get to Cleo in the corner, before she could talk to him he shushed her. With a small flash of magic he activated one of his more complex spells. One that served him very well in the war. Mind magic was usually hard but this one just projected thoughts towards one other pony so they can have a private conversation without anyone hearing


"This channel is secured, you just need to project your thoughts towards me. If you haven't guessed, I'm Straight Shot. Don't let them get to you, just keep a cool head and all this will be over. I already don't like Swig, he's hiding something. Let's just get through this trip without killing each other. Like I said, if you want to talk, just project the thoughts you want me to hear. The reason I used this spell was because I still don't trust some of the other ponies. You and Johnny are alright, and so is Lyona over there. But the rest I haven't seen much out of, so I can't trust them just yet. But Swig or whatever his name is, is trouble."

Edited by Throttlesky
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" You should sleep. You look dead tired." Lyona said. " You don't want to go to Fillydelphia exhausted, do you?"



" Why the hell would I want to talk to you? I don't even know you. You might be just some bastard who kills us all and makes off with out loot." Cleo was scowling slightly. " What can he be hiding? The freakin' Elements of Harmony or something?" Somehow, Cleo snorted in disbelief in her thoughts. " I can't keep a cool head, everypony here with a few exceptions are bastards." 



(Italics are the thoughts she projects out to S.S)


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"The reason I'm talking to you is because out of all of us, you look like a soldier. I was in the war too, even though I was just defending this town. I fought and bled with other soldiers. I can't help but trust you. Also, how am I a threat? I have a bow and a couple of knives. I couldn't kill this many ponies and steal their stuff. Besides what would I do with more food? I'd have to carry it all. I'm not a threat. The thing I'm afraid of right now is that somepony will piss off another pony and we will have a fight on this cramped minecart. Judging from how Swig picked us all up, all seven of us, he's got some powerful magic of his own. And to top it off, he's a flake. I've seen flakes and you've seen flakes. If he gets mad, he might just take the whole cart off the rails and kill us all. One second he's happy, taking pictures, the next minute he is threatening to kick ponies off. Has he made threats against you or your group? I bet he has. So if he decides to show more of his darkside to us, we might have to knock him out or kill him.


Long story short. I'd be in the same boat you're in if he was messing with me. I trust you. Now trust me and let's be on our hooves in case Swig starts going nuts."


Straight grabbed some of his wolf jerky and chewed on a piece. He made a move towards his pouch, but decided against it.

"All this stress is only making us on edge, and isn't helping me to kick smoking."


(Italics are the thoughts he projects out as well)

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Cleo hesitated. -Should I trust this pony? I've got little to no friends... Aw fuck this. I'll risk it.- Cleo hated to admit it, but she was desperate. She had only one ally in the whole group, mostly everypony else hated her. She needed some new friends, fast.

 "You do bring up good points. And yes, I was a soldier. I joined in the last year of the fighting, but I had to sign up in disguise, since I was underage. I don't trust Swig much either. I wonder what's his reason for allowing everypony to get on the mine-cart  He could've left us to die. Nopony would've blamed him. It's survival of the fittest after all. If he does decide to kill somepony, I'll help you. He's about as psycho as I am." Cleo let out a humourless laugh in her thoughts. 

" Maybe I'll trust you too. Maybe. We'll see. I'm on your side, though."



Cleo took out the potato that Acid had given her and quickly ate it. She was practically starving, and the potato helped quench the rumbling. 


" You smoke?" Cleo's thoughts sounded surprised. " I didn't think tobacco still existed. "




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"Had a stash during the war, it was a company policy that when a comrade fell in battle, we raided his footlocker for anything that would make him look bad at home when they shipped it back. Playpony magazines, pictures of the mares we met while traveling, I grabbed the smokes because most of us took up the habit while fighting. Didn't want the families back home to think we were a bunch of junkies. Still got some but I'm trying to quit.


S.S. looked over at Johnny, he was another good guy in this mix.


"What's the story on Johnny over there?"

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" Never did that before. Hah, some of the things you must've found..."


Cleo looked at Johnny from the corner of her eye. " Met him before this whole mess started. At gunpoint. Well, he managed to talk me out of shooting him and offered me to accompany him to Fillydelphia. I accepted, so here we are. We're more or less looking out for each other now. He didn't say too much about himself, just that before coming to Ponyville he was in Trottingham, and that he went to university in Fillydelphia. If he said anything else, I forgot. "


The earth pony sighed a little bit. " I miss my gun..." 


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