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Frozen Equestria RP


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"Where is your gun?"


-That ticks me off, just because they don't trust her they take her weapons away? What if something were to happen? This group is going to get killed sooner or later if they keep on like this.-


"Don't tell me, somepony has it because they can't trust you."

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" Dumb idiot Swig broke my gun when I let him borrow it. That was before he turned into a bastard. Still have my morningstar and my strength  both lethal." 


Cleo gripped her spiked weapon tighter. " I even hid Redstorm in the face with it. Worth it." A tiny smile was on her face.

" Swig did take away all our weapons once, but we got them back after I punched him a couple of times." 


Signature by Azura

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Well first things first then, when we get to Fillydelphia we need to find some new weapons. I'm outgunned here as well.


Suddenly the connection was severed.


"Sorry can't hold it for too long."


(Are we on the cart and moving? We should hurry along if we are just sitting here.)

(P.s. Great interaction, but I'm away for awhile will be back later)

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Cleo shrugged in a 'whatever' way. She continued looking out, the cold wind practically freezing her nose off. -Hopefully I'll be able to find a substitute, melee fighting isn't always the best way to fight.-
(Yeah, we are.)


Lyona looked at Straight Shot curiously. " Can't hold what for too long?"


Signature by Azura

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"The spell. I have some heavy magic too, but I can't keep a spell that telepathically connects two pony's mind to hold a conversation in their heads for two long. I can do it at distances too for when soldiers need to communicate without exposing themselves from noise."

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" Oh. That sounds like a pretty useful spell to have. Who were you having the conversation with?" Lyona asked. She looked around briefly, wondering with who this strange unicorn would talk to.


Cleo listened in onto their conversation, but it didn't look like it.


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"Just straightening things out with Cleo here. But the big thing is that me and Cleo need to find some better weapons. Her gun broke and if we end up fighting bandits or something I wont be very useful. My bow is good for hunting but in a shootout it's not going to cut it.'

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Lyona nodded, tapping her hoof thoughtfully to her face. 

" We might make a short stop, so that everypony could stretch their legs. Maybe we could find a weapon or two where we stop, or in Fillydelphia. You'll definitely find weapons in the big city though."


Signature by Azura

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"Well I did notice a smile on Cleo's face..." Redstorm said.

"And... woot. We're finally moving." He added.

Suddenly, the group heard yelling from outside.

A stallion, who looked quite old was talking to them.

"Younglings! Don't go forward! The track is brooooooken!" The group didn't really hear what the stallion was talking about, because the cart went onward.

"What did the old guy say?"

"Something about the track mayb-"

Acid couldn't finish his sentence, as a large BANG was heard. The turning point of the track was broken, so the cart filled with ponies, at full speed slammed into a large boulder. The cart, being not used for a while and the cold doing damage to it, broke.

Redstorm, thankfully reacted quickly and manage to get out of the cart without Acid. He still managed to somehow hit his leg.

He watched as the cart rode into a boulder and the group flew out of it.

Red smirked. He couldn't help it, but to see ponies slam into a boulder in full speed was hilarious to him. At the same time he realized they could be seriously injured.

*Well... the cart's into pieces...* He thought, while looking at the broken vehicle.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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" HOLY-" Lyona quickly flew out of the cart. She hovered over the tracks, her mouth covered in horror.
" Move you idiot! They might be injured!" She hissed at Redstorm, and quickly flew to the broken cart. She noticed her saddlebags, and quickly took out her med kit. Her eyes searched frantically for anypony who was injured.


Cleo slowly blinked open her eyes. She rubbed her her head.

" What happened?" The earth pony looked around. She was half-buried in the metal scraps. Cleo quickly dragged herself from under it, covered in several gashes.


Signature by Azura

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"HOLY-" Lyona quickly flew out of the cart. She hovered over the tracks, her mouth covered in horror. " Move you idiot! They might be injured!" She hissed at Redstorm, and quickly flew to the broken cart. She noticed her saddlebags, and quickly took out her med kit. Her eyes searched frantically for anypony who was injured.


"Jeez, no need to be so offensive... we got Cleo for that..."

He slowly flew to the pile of scrap that used to be a minecart.

*Are you serious?* He thought as he saw Cleo dragging herself towards freedom.

"Wait. Acid?"

No response.

"Acid? Don't fuck with me now..."

"Help..." Acid squealed. He wasn't greatly injured, mostly because the ponies in the cart made a good meatshield.

Redstorm pulled him out of the pile of ponies.

"C'mon, let's go check the supplies..."

They started gathering together food.

"Well... that was interesting. Awwwww no....." Redstorm said as he spotted his axe... or what was left of it.

"Aw... that was a good axe... atleast I still got my rif.................."

He looked around for his rifle.

"Oh... there it is..."

The gun was pretty much fine, except that it had some minor scratches.

"What did you get?"

"Um... well some bean cans are broken..." He pointed at some cans that were lacking beans now.

"That's your dinner. We're gonna eat everything that is broken but still eatable."

They managed to save more stuff, but more was lost than found.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo stood up slowly, wincing. She looked at the largest scar across her back. -Hurts like hell.- She slowly walked to her bags. Her things were scattered across the frozen ground. Moving as little as possible , Cleo picked up several things which included a picture frame, her morningstar, a small first aid box and a metal box of chocolate. The picture frame's glass was cracked slightly, but otherwise unharmed. The earth pony had a tiny, sad smile on her face as she looked at the picture. Sighing, she put everything back into her one bag that was otherwise fine. The other had been ripped to shreds. -Glad that wasn't me...-

Lyona noticed Cleo standing up, and quickly flew over to her. She winced in sympathy at the rather large wound on her back.
" Sit still. You'll need stitches." She quickly took out a needle and some thread. Before stitching  she wiped some antibiotic cream over the wound. Cleo stood still, not muttering a word of complaint.

After a few minutes, the wound was stitched up and not bleeding as bad. Smiling happily, Lyona applied some more cream to the smaller wounds.

" Thanks." Cleo muttered, and turned away.

Lyona saluted and flew to Red and Acid. " Anypony need any help?"


Signature by Azura

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Johnny stood up from the wreckage "well, it looks like we're walking...is every pony alright?" He asked out, he lifted up all the wreckage and set it in a pile, keeping the wreckage from the luggage cart in a separate pile "I suggest we keep following the tracks, hopefully there is a train abandoned on the rails, I can operate one of those"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Cleo sighed heavily. " Maybe we should rest first. Then we go. Plenty of ponies got injured after all." The earth pony winced as she felt a stinging pain in the large gash on her back.

-Oww. Doesn't anypony have any painkillers? I don't think I can walk, hurts so damn much.-


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"Right...good idea" he levitated wooden planks from the cart cover and made a small pit he placed a few planks in the pit, he shot an electric bolt at them, lighting a fire, he set the other planks in a pile for later use, the fire grew to a good size, he sat beside it and kept it going

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Straight hurt. The impact was to sudden to blink away and the wreak made it worse. He tried to get up but his leg was caught underneath some metal.

"Come on come on" his horn shined as he tried to lift the metal off. The metal rose a bit, enough to wiggle free, and gash his foreleg.


he attempted to put weight on the hoof but more blood gushed out. He looked around for anyone.


"Help..." was all he could Mister before the cold and blood loss made him lose consciousness.

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" Damn it's so cold, I could freeze my hooves off." Cleo remarked to Johnny. She heard a weak cry of help behind her. Looking back, she saw Straight Shot passed out.




Cleo rolled her eyes and quickly walked up to him. She easily lifted the metal up and pushed it away. Hefting the unicorn onto her back she walked back to the fire. She took out her first aid kit and spilled a bit of antiseptic on it then bandaged the wound. 

-Damn, that's all of my bandages.- Sighing, she placed him near the fire. -At this rate, I won't have any medical supplies left.-


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Johnny levitated S.S.  over to next to the fire to keep him warm, he got some bandages out  and wrapped up his leg 

@, he also wrapped up some of Cleos wounds "come over here by the fire" he looked up "any wounded pony get to the fire ive made! ill try to help as best i can!" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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" I'm fine. Lyona already wrapped me up." Cleo muttered. She rubbed her hooves together in front of the fire. -So cold...-


Seeing that Acid and Redstorm were not fatally injured, Lyona flew over to the fire to warm up. " We'll have to walk for a while until we reach Fillydelphia..."


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 Johnny sighed "im hoping there is an abandoned train farther down the rails, i can operate a train using my electrical magic" he said to lyona "well the good news is we have escaped the blizzard, i think by now it has hit ponyville, so we have a long time before it reaches us

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Raze, a bit startled from the sudden turn of events, managed to get up from the wreckage, though when trying to stand, he felt an immense pain in his right hoof.


"Dammit, that hurts..." he said as he tried to limp over to the one with medicine.


"Hey, I need help. I think I twisted my right hoof..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"That looks bad..." Lyona muttered. " Still, it can be fixed. Wait right here." She quickly got a splint, and attached the splint to his hoof with some bandages.

"There. Now rest here, it'll feel better later."




" Great. Freaking great. We'll have to deal with a blizzard on top of everything else. Just great." Cleo muttered. " We should get some sleep, at least for a few hours. We have to gather our strength, and we'll certainly need it."


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"HEY What the furrrrkkk!??!?!?" Swig climbed out of the wreck.

"This boulder wasn't here last time I walked on this track!"

Swig out of anger kicked and punched the boulder.

"good thing no-pony's hurt... right? oh wait never mind, somepony got hurt"

Swig (Who was fucking unfortunate enough to be in the luggage compartment during the crash) dusted himself off and checked himself for any injuries.

"Hey! I'm gonna keep on moving, you ponies stay here and maybe we'll meet up later!"

Swig picked up his saddlebag and check inside of it hoping the Elements weren't broken

"Phew... ok guys, I'll be going then" Swig put his saddle bag on and trotted off into the blizzard and darkness. 

(sorry might not be a pic today coz I was dragged away from home unexpectedly...)

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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" Idiot! Have fun dying out there!" Cleo called. She shook her head in disbelief. " Dumbass."
She felt quite warm now, thanks to the fire. She smiled a little bit. -Been some time since I felt this warm...-


Lyona was checking her medical bag. Not that many supplies left. She bit her bottom lip worriedly. -I don't have enough...-


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"That's a lot better now, thanks... and uh..." Raze paused for a bit. "I apologize for my hasty attitude back at the station. I don't like being threatened, just saying..." 


He walked and found a good place on the ground where there wasn't much snow, and decided to take a rest there, while checking his gun and luggage for any damage to it.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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