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Frozen Equestria RP


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Swig heard Cleo... his heart sank

"so you have to achieve the impossible... or..." Swig's thoughts were interrupted as he remembered something important.

Swig ran to the conductor's carriage "Jonny Stop!, the train runs on steam!"  Swig levitated the coal out of the engine

"this train runs on steam!, that means it has to cook up water in its engine..... and the engine is frozen, we gotta thaw the ice in the engine to get water... if the engine is obstructed with ice... well... BOOM!"

Swig climbed onto the Carriages main body and opened a hatch under the valve

"Jonny you climb up here and find the water chamber and thaw the ice... I cant find the water chamber because... I have no idea where it is"

"Crisis averted" Swig thought to himself.

"don't shovel the coal until your sure the ice is thawed" Swig kept an eye on the passenger carriage.


(was afk coz I had a hell of a night -.-)

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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" One day... When we're all dead. It's getting colder and colder, we won't have that much time left." She said gruffly.

"so you have to achieve the impossible... or..."

"... or we all die." Cleo finished the thought for him as he rushed off. She sighed and rubbed her temples. " We're all going to die, I'm sure of that."


" A community would be nice... It would be like the old days..." Lyona smiled sadly, daydreaming and not aware of the other ponies talking.


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@@SwigglySwiggly, Johnny was suprised as swig busted into the car "woah kid, settle down, the boiler and water tank are located right above the furnace, the ice is thawing, right now the train is running off of left over electricity i gave it, we should be slowing down in a few minutes, but we will pick right back up as the ice melts"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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" A community would be nice... It would be like the old days..." Lyona smiled sadly, daydreaming and not aware of the other ponies talking.


Raze looked at Lyona, seeing that she was daydreaming.


"Uh, yo, uh, I don't mean to be rude or interrupt anything but, we kinda gotta situation on our hands: either we find new people to replace the old Elements of Harmony, or this frozen hell is gonna be permanent. Hey, you there?" he said while gently nudging her.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Ice melts huh?"

Swig climbed down and cast his arcane pulse spell... the ice quickly thawed into tiny icicles and pretty much anything close enough to Swig hot thawed. 

"Johnny you should learn this spell one day, keep everypony warm... its easy to learn too..."

Swig left the spell book on the conductor's seat and went into the passenger carriage.

Swig scanned around looking at everypony suspiciously and opened the luggage hold and took his bag out.

Swig checked the contents of the bag and saw that everything was there and climbed onto the carriage's roof

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"Uh, yo, uh, I don't mean to be rude or interrupt anything but, we kinda gotta situation on our hands: either we find new people to replace the old Elements of Harmony, or this frozen hell is gonna be permanent. Hey, you there?" he said while gently nudging her.


Lyona blinked. " What? I wasn't here when you guys were talking. I was looking for supplies... Can you tell me what happened?"



As the other ponies talked, she looked suspiciously at Swig. -What's he up to? I don't like this...I'm going after him.- She followed him, wanting to find out what that pony was up to.


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Swig sat there on the roof and opened his bags, Swig pulled out a lengthy amount of rope and tied a dozen of nooses.

Swig levitated his bow and arrow and tightened the strings and sharpened the arrowhead.

"Cleo... you can come out now..." Swig said suggestively 

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Cleo heard the screeching of metal against metal, and decided against going up. -Crazy bucking psycho probably sharpening a knife. Probably not to use it on anypony, but my guesses have been wrong before.-


" No. I still don't trust you. I'm just going to hang here." 


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"well as long as you can hear me then its fine, climbing up was optional"

Swig turned around and spilled the contents of his bag in front of him

"do you like what you see?, that plan of yours... in that red document... it might be a bit easier than you thought"

Swig levitated the elements of harmony "I'm not going to give it to you..... yet"

Swig put on a grin "The elements of harmony will turn six of us into heroes..."

Swig's eye twitched "Heroes are good, but whenever there is good, bad will follow"

Cleo felt a chill down her spine "I know I wont be one of the new heroes..... I have already sealed my fate, I will be the bad that follows the good"

Swig giggled a bit "once the new 6 are chosen, a new evil will be chosen too... that would be me..."

It started getting dark "well, you have no reason to kill me...or turn me to stone..... yet"

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" You want to be the new Sombra, huh? Well, kid, you don't meet the age requirements. I wasn't formulating any plan with those elements, since I know that none of us are and that nobody else is. Nopony's a hero in this place, they're only survivors. 


Cleo gestured around her.


"Equestria's going to be like this forever, a frozen wasteland. Now quit talking crazy, I'm starting to think that you were hospitalized in a mental asylum before this."


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"No, I was quite sane thank you, and I don't intend to be the new Sombra... more Discord"

Swig stuffed the elements into his bag and sat down again.

Swig climbed to the very end of the train and jumped into the balcony on the end of the passenger carriage

"Cleo... if these aren't the elements you're after... I can lend you my periodic table"

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Cleo was already inside, walking to the main car. She looked back.


" Why the heck do you carry around a periodic table anyways? Oh, almost forgot, why do you even have the freakin' Elements of Harmony with you anyways? They won't be saving anypony in this wasteland."


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Johnny put away the book swig gave him, he then looked at S.S. "so, what magic do you know? did you specialize any anything, or did youe even go to a college or univeristy?" he asked him curiously, he figured he should get to know his fellow unicorn, though he planned on talking to cleo about what happened when she got back 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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(Correction: it was Lyona who was hit with the magic.)


"Mostly it's scouting spells I know. My scan spells, and some maneuvering spells. I can teleport and even fly if the sky is clear. (He hates the fact the wings are like butterfly wings). I also have some communication spells. I can use telepathy to communicate and I can even send messages with magic. That about covers it unless you count the mundane levitation or fire spell."

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he planned on talking to cleo about what happened when she got back


Cleo walked into the main carriage without waiting for Swig's response. -Friggin' kids.- 

She rolled her eyes to see the two unicorns chatting away. -Probably gossiping about what spells to use in case of a fashion emergency.- 



Lyona finished re-organizing her bag. She sat back in her sat with a sigh, rubbing her hooves. -I could really use some warmth right about now...-



(Whaaat? Lyona was hit by magic? I'm confused xD)



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( Remember when lyona jumped into straight's mind when he casted a mind spell when he was sleeping? I thought that's what Johnny meant although I could be wrong he in Cleo are close. Now I'm confused at least I'm not making train puns anymore. Random sentence to meet the character limit)

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Johnny noticed cleo come back "so whats swig up to now? what crazy nonsensical thing is he going on about now?" he asked her knowing she went after swig when he left that kid is always up to something no good, i wonder what hes done this time he thought to himself

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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(Oh yeah... Horrible memory is horrible xD. Yeah, your trains puns were funny, but you were starting to go a bit off track there.
...Sorry xD)

" He went and got himself the bucking Elements of Harmony, that's what. And he thinks that we're going to be the new bearers and he's going to be the villan. Kid's been reading way too many comic books." She snorted.


Lyona yawned. She slumped slightly in her seat, her eyelids drooping.


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"HE WHAT??? how in the? what? how does he have those? ju-just, whatever, they are useless in his hooves"  he didnt know how to respond  to hearing that swig had the elements of harmony "besides, only certain ponies can use them, you cant slap them on just anypony and they work, that kid is out there"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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She sighed. " Whatever. I'm tired, the little rest we all had before didn't help. I'll go snooze until we get to Fillydelphia, and then somepony better wake me up. See you later."


Cleo collected her saddlebags and found a comfortable place to sleep. She closed her eyes with another sigh.


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Straight's mind went blank

-the elements? Here? of all places? with him?

His mind flashed back to the army wide bulletin when the winter hit

"Remain calm, the element bearers are inbound and will fix this. Please stand by"

That never happened. That was when the forward army lost contact with Canterlot. That meant...

-He looted the elements off of the bodies of the bearers. My friends.-

Straight was mad.

"He gives me a reason. He's dead."

Straight kept watch as the snow kept piling on.

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Swig climbed off and went to the rear of the train and bucked it trying to get it to move, after a few bucks the train budged and gave of a could screeching noise

"Jonny! its moving, lets gtfo outta here!" 

Swig climbed onto the roof and looked at the rails "seems clear... hope we wont have to bump into another boulder"

Swig levitated all his knives cut holes on the sleeves of his jacket and used the holes as hostlers for his knives.

"I have a feeling I'll have to use these soon" 

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the train kept moving along untill it slowed down running out of coal, Johnny stepped into the engine car and used his electrical magic to power the train the rest of the way there, they pulled into central station near the middle of town, johnny stopped the train and got off "ah the city of philly, just as i remember it, execpt covered in snow and ice, and desolate" he turned to the others "well, this is my final stop, me and cleo are going to the university, which mean if you want to leave, youll need to find a way to power the train"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Swig jumped off the train and dashed into the distance without a word towards the industrial part of the city


(just gonna get away for a bit, and the 200 character requirement needs to be filled out so yea just ignore this... ok a few more characters)


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Raze stepped off the train, his rifle slung across his shoulder. He looked around a bit, then heard that Johnny was heading to the university with Cleo.


"That pony who owes me isn't very far from there, so, y'know, if you want to take a small detour to resupply, then you're more than welcome."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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