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Frozen Equestria RP


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Raze nodded at them. "Name's Raze. Now that that's over with, let's get the hell out of here."


As soon as the door opened, he could feel the intense cold of the blizzard blowing straight at him. He sighed.


At least my armor's insulated, otherwise I'd be a Popsicle by now, he thought.

Redstorm looked at his tail.

*No wonder he's called Raze.*

As they got closer to the train station, the colder it got.

"We REALLY need to get out of here."

Finally they reached the train station.

"Lyona?" Acid asked and handed her the medicine.

"We have a new companion by the way... please welcome our special guest: Raze!" Redstorm said in an announcer voice.

"Heh... anyway. Can we go?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Is this everypony then?, if so, lets get moving!"

Swig packed everything below the seats on the cart

"Get comfy, Acid, you gotta sit on somepony's lap there's not enough space" Swig did a head count:

Redstorm, Acid, Raze, Cleo, Jonny, Lyona, Straight Shot and of course... Swig himself.

"That's eight ponies! the cart only holds six! Acid, since your the smallest you get to sit on somepony's lap, that leaves one more pony having to share a seat" Swig stared at all the ponies looking for any volunteers to share a seat... they all stared back at him.

"Wh... Who? Me?"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Jonny looked around then said "well, im just going to go ahead and take my seat" he got in and found himself a seat hmmm, its not perfect, but it will do, its not a train but im sure we will run into one, at least i can power a train with my magic, i should see if i can convince that kid to at least make a cover for this cart with his draw magic

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Lyona?" Acid asked and handed her the medicine.


Lyona smiled and quickly put the medicine in her first aid box. She added it to her saddle bags.

-Great. Now, we have enough to handle more injuries.- The pegasus looked at the new pony, a tiny frown on her face. -He's kinda creepy...- Brushing the thought aside, she quickly climbed onto the cart.




Cleo rolled her eyes. " Yes, you. You're the second youngest, so you're sitting on somepony's lap. Not mine!" She added quickly.


Signature by Azura

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Swig came to the conclusion that he wont share a seat with anypony.

"ehhh... I'll just... get comfy under the seats with the luggage" Swig secured his seat/luggage hold and pulled an old camera out of his bag.

"Everypony huddle up! Family Vacation photo!" Swig levitated everypony into a group and secured them together and forced a smile onto them uisng his magic. 

Swig jumped in and levitated the camera and took a shot, the photo printed and Swig checked it out.

"look at us... we're like a normal dis-functional Equestrian family on a holiday to Phillydelpha!"

Swig levitated everypony back where he picked them up from.

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Raze massaged his cheeks from being forced into a smile. "Sweet Celestia, why?"


He looked at the group, and noticed one of them staring at him, with a frown on her face. He looked away, then decided to hop into the minecart.


"I'll provide cover fire for you guys if something comes up."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"hey kid, you think you could use that magic of yours and draw a cover for the cart, that way we have something to block out the snow" note to self, when we get to phillydelphia, look for books on fire and heat based magic, that seems like it would be a nice skill to have 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"My drawn to life magic is limited to small objects, something not too big so it can be held in one hoof, we can always use the pulse spell to blow away all the snow, UUUNNNLESS! you want to pull the wooden planks off the the station's platform and nail them onto the cart...."

Swig suggested that Jonny should start pulling the floor apart

"EVERYPONY ELSE! IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE MINECART... ummm.... ITS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE! DON'T LIGHT ANY FIRES OR ANYTHING OKAY!?!?!!" Swig shouted at the top of his lungs to grab everypony's attention.

"I used lamp oil to lubricate the cart's mechanics, and lamp oil is flammable"

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Cleo blew her cheeks to get rid of the painful feeling of being forced into a smile. She glared at the teenage pony and was about to open her mouth when she caught his last sentence. She looked at Swig with surprise. " You're coming with Johnny and I to Phillydelphia? I thought you were just gonna drop us off."




Lyona had one last look at Raze before looking away. -He seems trustworthy enough, though.-


Signature by Azura

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Raze lowered his gun. "So, if this cart's gonna blow us all into oblivion with one freakin' spark, then I guess using my gun isn't the smartest thing, huh? Whatever...."


He looked at Swig with a bit of a glare. "Do NOT, I repeat, NOT pull something like that surprise photo thing ever again..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Jonny looked over at the station, he found a good useless section of the station and tore it from the rest, using his magic he separated the boards out and built a cover out of them, he floated it over the cart and nailed it in, instantly it felt  a bit warmer "if we have to stop some where i will remove the cover" the cover was |_| shaped, with the front and the back opened


@, dont worry, the lubricated parts are under us, you can still shoot your fire arm, just be mindful where your shells fall"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"I only plan on staying until I restock on supplies, after that I'll explore the city and salvage what I can, I'll leave after I'm done exploring unless I consider staying"



Swig shoved the photo into StraightShot's face "I think you look pretty in this photo, dont you agree?" Swig said sarcastically.

"I also said the cart was flammable... not explosive, unless some asshole stuffed tnt into the luggage compartment, that I am unfortunate enough to be riding in, considering the fact that this is MY minecart. So basically the cart will catch fire, everypony will panic and jump for their lives, unlike your theory where the minecart just goes BOOM!"

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"I only plan on staying until I restock on supplies, after that I'll explore the city and salvage what I can, I'll leave after I'm done exploring unless I consider staying"


" If you're staying, stay the heck away from me." Cleo scowled. -He better not friggin' stay. I do not want to be anywhere near him longer than I have to.-

Suddenly, Cleo remembered something. " Hey, what date is it?" She asked nopony in particular.




" At least we'll be protected from the snow. Thanks." Lyona told Johnny.


Signature by Azura

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Swig concentrated all his magic and drew a nice warm potato, lettuce and carrot meal.

"I'm getting better with my magic everyday, plus... its good eat'n!" Swig levitated the half eaten carrot that he didn't finish before and placed it with the rest of the food.

"Whatever I don't manage to eat... you guys have it and share" 

Swig ate the half carrot and a small fraction of the potato.

"Okay everypony share this around, I'm stuffed"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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"the date? well...last time i knew the date was when i was in trottingham, it was november 5th i think, i left two days later and....hmmm...maybe the 10th?"


Jonny nodded in gratitude at lyona 



"no thanks, i have some of my own, should last me a few days" he wasnt hungry, so he didnt pull a carrot out of his bag 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Raze shrugged. "I forgot that you need explosives to explode a minecart like that... you know what? Screw it, I'm just going to do my thing."


He took off his saddlebags, and threw them with the rest of the luggage. He thought about whether or not he should put his sword there too, but decided against it. Who knows when he might need it.


He took it out, and started making slow strokes in the air. He could feel the others staring at him.


"Don't mind me, I'm just... prepping."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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" It's the 10th? Huh. Who knew..." Cleo muttered. She started humming a particular song. "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me..."


Lyona waved away the food. " I ate before. Pass it to somepony else. Maybe Acid would like it."



She looked at Raze, her eyebrow raised. (haa...) -How the heck does somepony prepare like that?-


Signature by Azura

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"Fine with me, more for everypony else then"

Swig cast his drawn to life spell again although he was low on mana from his previous spell

"I learnt about these in a book about health" 

Swig kept drawing until the outline was done, Swig was drawing a plant, a leaf, it looks like a maple tree leaf... only thinner and spikier.

The drawing started getting its colour and texture... a foul smell filled the entire station platform.

Swig finally finished drawing it, exhausted from the loss of mana

"HAHAHA! I'm done.... CANNABIS! I never though I'd learn to draw this sort of stuff to life"

"Jonny, I recommend you put on that mask of yours"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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" Isn't that some sort of drug? And not the good one..." Lyona frowned. " You shouldn't use up all your magic to draw this kind of stuff, it's useless."


Cleo dug out of her bags a celebratory small piece of wine chocolate. She unwrapped the gold foil, looking at the little piece. -Haven't eaten chocolate since my last birthday, I should savor this...-


Signature by Azura

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Raze noticed the same pony look at him again, and again he felt a bit embarrassed. "Fuck it, just.... fuck it." He put his sword away, and lowered his head solemnly.


That's twice you've made yourself look like a fool. he thought to himself.


He saw that food was being offered. "I'm good, thanks."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Acid instantly jumped onto Redstorm's lap when he was told to sit on somepony.

"Whoa! Take it easy, there!"

Red noticed Cleo mutter a birthday song.

"Woo... happy birthday.... I'm gonna gift you my promise not to be an asshole to you... for one day... actually that's too much. Nope, no present from me..."

Acid frowned as Lyona mentioned him and the food.

"I'm not a pig, you know? I already ate some.... stale bread.... and... beans... plus, we need to save everything we can."

Redstorm laughed.

"Well if you're gonna eat, then you're not gonna ask for anything else later... so technically if you ate now, we would save more supplies."

"......... ok." Acid said as he took the food and started nibbling on the potato.

"Cannabis?" Redstorm asked Swig. "Isn't that a drug? Why do we need that?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Woo... happy birthday.... I'm gonna gift you my promise not to be an asshole to you... for one day... actually that's too much. Nope, no present from me..."



" I didn't ask for any present from you. Even if you'd given me anything, I'd stuff it back in your face." Cleo scowled at Red. -I think I hate him the most from this whole damned group, asshole. So freaking full of himself.-



Lyona smiled at Acid, then furrowed her brows. " That stuff Swig drew won't even last for long, so eat up. You're still a kid after all, you need food to grow."


Signature by Azura

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"I didn't ask for any present from you. Even if you'd given me anything, I'd stuff it back in your face." Cleo scowled at Red. -I think I hate him the most from this whole damned group, asshole. So freaking full of himself.-


"You're hurting my feelings, stop this." Redstorm said jokingly.

"I don't think you can stuff everything back in my face..."

Acid rolled his eyes.

"Here... a potato." Acid said as he threw one spare potato to Cleo, hoping she would catch it.

Redstorm didn't say anything.

*Great... now he's on her side?* He thought as he watched the potato fly through the air.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Raze looked at Redstorm and the other pony who yelled back at him. 


Well, it looks like they're getting along swimmingly, he thought to himself sarcastically. He still looked at the other one, analyzing her.


She might look tough, but I really don't think she is. He smirked a bit.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Swig climbed into the luggage compartment and watched everypony else.

"Hey Cleo!, here, happy birthday"

Swig levitated a small metal object to Cleo

"Remember that time I took that bullet out of your shoulder and put bandage on you? then I threatened to put the bullet back into you?

well... guess what, I held onto it"  Swig snorted trying to hold back his laughter.

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