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open The war debt RP


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Grand noticed the steel feather and quickly stopped it with her telekenesis " enough is enough, all of you!" she screamed, completely exhausted by the amount of violence she has dealt with today. "please, not today. not in my shop." she walked over the barely concious pegasus and bandaged up his wounds with some old sheets she had found.

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Stone threw the blade down "JUST STOP, ok" she grabbed her head and paced around "look, ok I left you because I fell in love with her" the mare pointed at grand. "Now you got your reason, SO BUCKING LEAVE" she said pointing to the exit of canterlot. She was pissed.

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Grand flushed even more red than she already was " oh dear..." she trailed off, still working on bandaging up the wounded pony. she hoped the griffon wouldnt lose his temper, as she reflected on her last little outburst. she watched the two carefully out of the corner of her eye

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Sole sighed "I don't care about why, the fact is it happened. And that m finished... with all of this." He said darkly, as he turned to leave "if you need me, I'll be fighting the royal gaurd, bye everypony!" He said sarcastically, as he flew out of the store, and directly at canterlot castle.

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Stone stood, unphased. She knew he wouldn't stop. She walked over to grand working on flare who looked as if he was in pretty violent shape. She sighed.


Thunder sat in the base waiting for sole to be back, he started to worry that sole went on a outrage, and destroyed everyone.

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Grand Finale watched the Griffin fly off to the castle " that big oaf is going to get all of Canterlot sent into the warzone!" she ranted, going into her own little world. " I have many other things I would rather do than fight other ponies, not to mention this damn shop to upkeep!" her ranting trailed off as she went to search for more medical supplies

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Sole roared as he sent a large blast of energy blast at the castle "knock knock princesses, I've come to say hello!" He said sarcastically, as he bursed through the front door of the castle "so, who want to try and kill me first? Cuz I don't hink any of you have the brass!"

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Stone stood, unphased. She knew he wouldn't stop. She walked over to grand working on flare who looked as if he was in pretty violent shape. She sighed.

Thunder sat in the base waiting for sole to be back, he started to worry that sole went on a outrage, and destroyed everyone.

Crimson cursed as he felt soles energy spiking all the way from ponyville, "DAMN! Sompony really must have pissed sole the fuck off! Hey thunder, that reminds me, do you have any missions for me?" Asked crimson calmly as he got up from his chair and stretched.


Twinkle scoffed, "don't listen to the drunken idiot thunder, I deserve to go on a mission, I'm bored anyway..." said twinkle with a smile.

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Thunder looked at twinkle. He sighed "um give me a little bit." He said.


Stone heart watched as grand started to search for supplies. She shook her head, and started to work on the wounded pegusi, "so....nice shop you got here" she said trying to start a conversation, and still lingering over what she said about grand earlier.

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"Nice? HA, theres nothing nice about equestria now. I suppose it works for its situation. Damn war. oh my. I completely forgot! you said you had gotten the.. um, letter? have you served before?" she asked quietly " I havent gotten sent out yet, so I know that my letter is not very far away." she muttered, digging through the back of the shop " ah HA" she exclaimed, running over to the pegasus" these herbs should numb the pain, and i might have some smelling salts in the back..."

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"Yeah I got a letter....sucks though" she said sadly. The room started to become awkward, heck it could be felt in the air of the room.


Thunder searched the map. "Ok twinkle, since your gorgeous, and I hate denying mares like you, I want you to find sole. And crimson, your mission....is to sweep the floor, I know it's hard, and I know you can do it" he said.

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A few young ponies walked into the shop and dropped a few bits on the table, asking for some bread " why yes! of course you adorable little things!" she galloped across the store to the bread and put it down on the table " first customer all day" she whispered to Stone " please come again soon!" the young ponies walked out. suddenly several gaurds ran past the store on their way to the castle " now what do you suppose is going on now?" Grand wondered. ahe looked up at the castle and noticed the giant hole blown into the castle throne room. " oh dear.." Grand muttered for the umpteenth time that day

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Stone looked up. "When does he ever quit" she said to herself. "I don't really care for that.....let him get himself killed. I'm tired if him acting like this, he needs to get over me and learn to face reality" she said. She watched as the young ponies walked off. "I think someone else should rule....then we wouldn't have to worry about hunger...."

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"Who in Equestria would overpower Celestia?" I hear she often controls her own sister. not to mention Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence. There are so many rumors circulating around, I simply can't keep up with it. What we need is a damn miracle. Ugh, I just want to be able to live a normal life! this war is ridiculous" She grinded up the herbs and rubbed them into the pegasus's wings " that should ease the pain" she muttered

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"Yeah I got a letter....sucks though" she said sadly. The room started to become awkward, heck it could be felt in the air of the room.

Thunder searched the map. "Ok twinkle, since your gorgeous, and I hate denying mares like you, I want you to find sole. And crimson, your mission....is to sweep the floor, I know it's hard, and I know you can do it" he said.

Twinkle giggled and smiled, "thanks thunder, I'll get him back here as soon as I can, I won't let you down!" Said twinkle happily.


Crimson growled angrily at thunder, "so let me get this straight......your making the worlds most dangerous pirate captain,, who has killed a dragon with his bare hoovs, saved entire countries from tyrants, and has slain freaking demigods.....sweep the floor!?" Asked crimson in rage.

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After defeating hundreds of soldiers, Sole growled in pain as he felt a spear stab him in the back, but quickly flipped around and knocked the assailent out. "S-shit..." he mumbled, as he lost more blood "well, its as good a way to die as any..." he said quietly, as he flew a short distance away from the castle and landed in a nearby alley. He could feel himself slipping away.

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Stone looked at grand "I don't know, anyone, if you try hard enough, you can do it" she said sincerely. "Anything's possible, I bet if I wanted to become the new ruler, I'd easily take then out. Just not with killing and stuff, I'm not found of death" she said with a slight giggle.

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As sole laid in the alley, he started to lose conciousness. He quickly realized he was surrounded by soldiers "great... come to finish the job?" He said quietly, coughing out some blood. Two of the gaurds suddenly put him in chains and bought him to the castle "you are under arrest for assulting a royal gaurd. You've done no higher crime, you aren't punishable by death... yet." One of the gaurds explained.

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Flare opened his eyes feeling the pain in his wings disappear but still feels pain in the rest of his body. "I have never felt any pain worse then what the griffon just did to me" Flare mumbled as he over heard the two mares talking about but only heard the last bit of it.

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"Oh,your awake! Thank goodness! But shame on you for picking fights! There will be plenty of time for that when you get called out!" She nagged. She gave flare the rest of the herbs " put these where you have the most pain" Grand looked at stone" taking down a deity would be a lot more work than just that"

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Stone shrugged "I don't know love, how would you know if you never tried it" she said seriously.


Thunder nodded "yes, I know, someone like you, being a pirate and all can't handle it. But if you try hard enough, I bet you could do it with ease" he said with a sarcastic smile.

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"Yeah well he kinda deserves it" Flare said as he can bare through the pain in his body and left the store without another word leaving his saddlebags. "I'm head to the castle to confront the princess...and I dont care if I get sent to the moon or anything" Flare said to him self as he arrived at the front gate of the castle.



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Sole sighed as he sat in his magically fortified cell. He had attempted to rip off his bandages and let himself bleed out several times, but they soon posted a gaurd outside his cell to make sure he healed. With no way to escape, and no way to die, sole just sat there and thought. "Man... I'm an idiot..." he eventually said, but the gaurd ignored him.

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"I dont care what people say I'm gonna speak to Celestia even if it kills me" Flare said as he passed the guards by knocking them out and came up to the door of the main chambers then kicked them open. "HEY CELESTIA I NEED A BUCKING WORD WITH YOU" Flare yelled.


((Is anyone controlling Celestia???))

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~
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"I suppose your right, it's just been so long since we had a REAL ruler" grand said sadly. She watched flare leave, and hoped he wouldn't cause too much trouble. "Sorry to bring it up again, but how long do you have until you depart? I hope not soon" she said concerned

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