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searching You know them ain't them changelings real voices

Rainbow    Dash

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Type of roleplay:Adventure/Action/Romance 


Setting: 10 years ago the mane 6 helped defeat Queen Chrysalis and her army of Changelings. Ponies thought they heard the last of the Queen until 5 years later. Queen Chrysalis had more of a strategy this time around. She got to Pinky Pie first with a surprise attack. The next target of hers was Fluttershy. She had enough power to get to Cadance. From there she took over the Crystal Empire and soon all of Equestria followed. Skipping to present times Changelings make up the Majority of the population. The Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies all live in oppression forced to live with the Queens new Changeling friendly rules. A small resistance exists in Ponyville and you are on you way to see for yourself.


Rules: No making NPCs just to make your character look good. 

           Any and all NPCs will have to be okayed by me.

           No godmodding

           Alicorns and half-changelings are allowed with some restrictions on the Alicorns






R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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