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open The Hunger Games

Drago Ryder

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Sign up thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65076-the-hunger-games-sign-up-thread/?p=1602998


Tempest sighed as he trotted through District 7. He knew that today was, in his terms, judgement day. Some representative from the captiol would come and drag two of the district's citizens back to their little section of Equestria so that they could participate in the Hunger Games. He noticed Ivy from a distance and smirked. "I guess we get to see who goes today." He said, while trotting next to the silver unicorn.


Ivy rolled her eyes. "I guess it is." She said. The two ponies then entered the town center and waited for the representative to arrive.

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Nocturne trotted through the streets towards the center of town. It was that day again, but this time it was different. Instead of fear Nocturne felt it was a feeling of anger, a feeling of vengeance. Last year his friend had been chosen... a dear friend... A tear ran down is face as he clutched the locket she had given him. 


I will enter the games... I will do it for her...


He entered the town center, content on volunteering for a spot in the games.


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Crimson sighed heavily as he walked through district 4 with his marefreind twinkle, "I can't believe its reaping day already.....how many times do you think my name is in that thing? 4? 5? Damn....if only I didn't have to even go to the damn sick excuse for a holiday....may the odds be ever in your favor my ass!" Said crimson angrily.


Twinkle chuckled, "I don't like it any more than you do, but if it keeps the capitol from throwing a fit then its worth standing around for an hour....the down side is watching the poor bastards who get chosen take a train ride of death..." said twinkle with a sigh.

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Darkshift remained hopeful that volunteers would want to show.Darkshift knew his name was in there on multiple sheets of tiny paper but he hoped it wasn't him as he saw the dread on the population of districts 3's faces he waited worried,anxious and afraid...

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After a few minutes,a representative walked onto the stage in District 7. "Hello, and welcome to the selecting for the 45th hunger games." He said, as a bowl containing names of everypony who was eligible for the hunger games. "Now, for the moment we've all been waiting for. The two very special ponies who shall represent district 7 are Tempest Sol and Ivy."


Cheers erupted from the crowd as the two ponies were brought up to the stage. Ivy waved and smiled, while Tempest just nodded.


A representative for District 4 walked up to the stage and went through the same formalities. She then picked Crimson Grinn and Twinkle. The reps. for the other districts did the same thing. They each called the specific tributes, aside from Nocturne.

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After a few minutes,a representative walked onto the stage in District 7. "Hello, and welcome to the selecting for the 45th hunger games." He said, as a bowl containing names of everypony who was eligible for the hunger games. "Now, for the moment we've all been waiting for. The two very special ponies who shall represent district 7 are Tempest Sol and Ivy."

Cheers erupted from the crowd as the two ponies were brought up to the stage. Ivy waved and smiled, while Tempest just nodded.

A representative for District 4 walked up to the stage and went through the same formalities. She then picked Crimson Grinn and Twinkle. The reps. for the other districts did the same thing. They each called the specific tributes, aside from Nocturne.

Crimson cursed as he heard his name being called, but got REALLY pissed when he heard twinkles name called, but they both still walked up on stage, crimson with a murderous expression, and twinkle with an indifferent expression, "I'm gonna kill all of the other contestants and just let twinkle win.....its the best I can do for her..." thought crimson before tilting his hat lower over his eyes to hide his glare from the audience.

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Tempest and Ivy soon boarded a train that would take them to the Capital. The cyan pegesus glanced at Ivy and smirked. "I know you aren't comfortable with all of this, but we were put into this. We might as well make the best out of it." He said.


Ivy nodded. "As long as you get a weapon you're good with, we might not even need a day." She said, smiling slightly,


Tempest and Ivy spent most of the train ride talking about the strategies that they would use during the hunger games, as well as what was happening at home.

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Crimson and twinkle boarded the train and once they were onboard, crimson turned to twinkle with a frown "while were here, let's talk some strategy...." said crimson, and for the rest of the ride, they discussed their plans on survival depending on the terrain.

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Nocturne boarded the train heading towards the capital. His fellow member from District 5 was someone he hardly knew, which was fine by him. He decided to start up a conversation.


"So... what's your name?"


"Sky Dreamer! And your Nocturne! That was pretty great, going up there and volunteering like that!"


"I guess it was... So? Think we have a shot at pulling this off?"


"We sure do! I mean you and your ability to make explosives out the smallest rocks and me with my trap setting we're sure to have a pretty good shot!"


"Yeah... I guess so.... And how did you know about my explosives?"


"You didn't know? Your pretty famous back home in District 5. Everyone talks about your antics, throwing little firecrackers at the peacekeepers and such!"


"Oh... I didn't know that was such a big deal! Well I guess we should talk strategy!"


"Lets get to it!"


                        The two spent the train ride discussing strategy and going through plans. Nocturne smirked, he was coming to enjoy the company of his companion. Maybe they could pull this off...


(I'll change it if you don't accept Sky Dreamer)


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Renegade walked to the coal mines of District 12, witn a miner's helmet and pickaxe in his hoof. Normally, he would be loathing, but today was a very special day indeed. It was judgement day, and the unicorn hoped to participate in the Hunger Games this year. As he gleefully mined away at rock,he was thinking about all the exciting adventures he would have.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Tempest and Ivy felt their train come to a stop and walked out. "Time to show the other districts why seven is the lucky number." He whispered into Ivy's ear as they were lead to a hotel. The introduction would be that night, and they still had a lot of formalities to go through before the actual games began.


(Renegade, the representative already visited the districts.)

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Renegade was also at the selecting, hopefully waiting to be picked. “I want to win the Hunger Games, I want to win the Hunger Games...” he whispered to himself. He hoped he'd be selected. No, he WANTED to be selected. He didn't want to be remembered as Renegade the coal miner. He wanted to be remembered as Renegade the champion.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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One of the representatives walked onto the stage and selected Renegade and a mare. "You two are to be at the train station in ten minutes. We are very behind schedule, and I want to be in the Capitol by tonight." The representative said, before trotting towards the station.

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Crimson and twinkle both cease their planning as they felt the train slowing down, until eventually stopping completely, crimson and twinkle quickly got off and were lead to their hotel, crimson grinned, "let's hope that none of the other tributes are afraid of fire..." said crimson with a chuckle as they waited at the hotel for the pre-game formalities to begin.

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Darkshift felt like a rock has smashed his face.As he was selected for the horrific and yet so thrilling Hunger Games.The time before he got on the train was short but it felt like forever.On the train he noticed his district's representative along with his fellow tribute.

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Flash Bolt woke up to see his calendar, and realize what day it was today; Judgement Day. He quickly jumped out of bed, and slowly made his way to where all the ponies were gathering. When he got there, he was slightly sweating. He noticed this pretty fast, and realized that he was pretty worried about getting picked. He had his name there about 9 times, as he wasn't the richest of ponies. To try to calm himself down, he trotted over to his friend who also looked somewhat worried (though he tried to hide it).


"Hey Stellar, are you worried?" I questioned once I got to him.

"Pfft, not at all. I have my name there a few times, but compared to some other people, it's nothing!" Stellar exclaimed. "And even if I am picked, I'm going to destroy all the other ponies like slicing through cake, with the skills I have!" He continued.


Through his tone of voice, Flash Bolt could tell he wasn't really telling the truth. "Yea, I don't think I'll get picked either. I heard the stallion at the end of the block on 12th street has his name in there 53 times!" Flash Bolt informed Stellar.


"Yea, compared to how many times I'm in there, th-" A loud "SHH!" erupted through the crowd, and Stellar had to pause in the middle of his sentence.


Flash Bolt didn't really listen to the representative, since it was always the same thing. Instead, he waited for the representative (a green pony) to finish the whole essay, and get to the main part.


"...we've all been waiting for. The two very special ponies who shall represent district 7 are Flash Bolt-"


Flash Bolt didn't believe his ears. He..couldn't have possibly have been picked. There was no way. He felt a gentle nudge from his friend, who informed him to head up to the stage area. Flash Bolt felt himself start to move, but he really didn't feel like he was doing it. It was like his body was possessed by somepony else, caring him to his death.


Once he made it up to the stage, he stood as everypony applauded him, while he stood there. He was dead meat and he knew it. He stared blankly into the crowd, until he heard a whisper from the representative, telling him to get into the train, so we can start our "wonderful" trip to the Capitol.


Flash Bolt hesitated, then started moving slowly to the train, still not believing his ears. He didn't even stop to glance at the other pony that was picked, due to his shock.


He jumped into the train, and then the train started speeding to his certain death.


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Tempest and Ivy spent most of the day with their mentor. She taught them everything they needed to know and helped the designers pick out their costumes for the formalities that night. The next day, the gamemakers would judge them, and then the hunger games would officially begin. The environment would be picked randomly at the events tonight.

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Crimson and twinkle spent all their time before the start of the games, either training with their mentor or having the designers make their clothing to represent their district, crimson was anxious for the games to start and was very close to beating up the designers becouse of their comments about him having no sense of fashion and trying to remove his hat, but he eventually found a way around it and they were finally finished in time for the pregame formalities.

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Flash Bolt finally turns to the other district member chosen with him. He doesn't remember seeing her much, except for a few times at the local market.


"Hey there. You nervous about what's coming?" Flash Bolt said, starting up a conversation.


"Sort of, but I have a good sense of strategy, so I shouldn't be in too deep" said the pony.


"Awesome! Maybe we should work together during the games? I'm pretty fast with my wings, and a bit strong as well." Flash Bolt said, with no hint of modesty.


"Let's hope you are actually telling the truth, or you'll be dead the second you get on the field." Said the pony quite seriously.


Then Flash Bolt and the other district contestant both got together, planning what to do once the games start.


After a bit, Flash Bolt took a quick glance towards the window, and noticed they would be arriving soon.


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The night soon arrived and Tempest was already wearing his outfit for the formalities. He was sitting in the hotel, eating for Ivy.


The silver unicorn walked out of her room and was wearing a green dress with what looked like vines hanging off the side. The two ponies then headed to where the chariots that would take them out to the formalities were.


(If you are behind, then just skip to the part where you head out to the pre hunger games formalities.)

Edited by Dark Opal
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Renegade got off the train and headed out to the formalities. He looked at his fellow tribute and smiled. He was pretty excited, and he couldn't wait for the Games to begin. He looked at the mare beside him. "So...what's your name?" he asked her. (Opal, do you think you could control the mare? She's most likely to be an NPC.)


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Flash Bolt almost fell as the train came to a complete stop. He turned around to see the train door open; he knew what happened next.

Flash Bolt and the other pony from District 2 stepped off the train, and headed to get ready for the formalities.




He stepped out of the room, with what the designer gave him. Of course, he gave him a stone miner outfit. Very original. He ignored the fact that he was wearing something ridiculous, and headed out to the formalities. Flash Bolt checked out the other pony walking with him, to see something similar, but more of a dress type of thing. Oh well.


He allowed his fellow pony to step onto the chariot first, and then allowed himself to get on. He sat there, and waited for the other district ponies to get on their chariots.


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"Well... here we are... in our skin tight suits with lightning decals..." muttered Nocturne


"What? I think they look pretty cool! We look like Wonderbolts!" said Sky Dreamer


"Yeah yeah yeah... whatever this special surprise they put in these terrible costumes better be a good one..." said Nocturne


"Well we better hurry up and get in the carriage. Looks like the other districts are getting into theirs!" said Sky Dreamer


They dashed over to there carriage and jumped in.


This better be good...


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One by one, each of the tributes from the districts rode through the streets on their chariots. Tempest smirked as he watched other tributes leave. "These ponies don't stand a chance." He thought. The cyan pegesus then got in the chariot he was supposed to ride on with Ivy, with the silver unicorn standing by his side.

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Renegade rode through the streets in his chariot. "I am so excited." he thought out loud. And true to his word he was. He wanted to win. He wanted to be famous. He wanted to be...somebody. He didn't want to be a measly coal miner anymore. He wanted to be recognized. Subconciously, however, his mind was focused on one thing: rebellion.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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