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ooc Unlikely Guardians Discussion


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Indeed Agent, its much like RL in that respect.  Though we're unlikely to have a professor of Mythology kicking around the party, it is perfectly logical for everyone to know something of such a commonly known legend.  Some might know more then others, but even if we get some incorrect assumptions, that's all part of socially pervaded 'common ignorance' that Stephen Fry so loves pointing out :)



I'm gradually sending out PM's detailing some... interesting points that characters may start to notice.  Some are to do with the environment, other's are personal, and a few are slightly freaky :umad:

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Well, Emily own's a bookstore and constantly reads so the second you said three headed dog I just kinda thought it made sense for her to know allot about it.

That's not to say she know's everything about everything...

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Just to make sure I'm reading this right, it looks like the anomaly in the forest (plume of smoke + strangely "arranged" trees), represented by the circled tree, is closer to us than the walled settlement (the purple circled house)?  And I'm guessing the cloud with the wing icon is the Pegasus city, correct?

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You are corect sir! I would have incuded the full ordinance servey and the location of some good icecream bars, but, eh, effort.

Items within wreckage can be split into three catagories.

Common items like clothing and basic holliday suplies are easy to find. This incudes basic medkits. Some packaaged food has also survived, but as this was an incomming flight there isn't much surplus.

Uncommon items incude things like specialist cargo, advanced medkits and tools. Items you could see an aircraft carrying but not in any quantity.

Finally there are those preasious gems, the oneoff find of something distinctly out of place. This includes specific gear, posted items from the cargo hold, weapons and anything else you wouldn't expect to find in the wreckage.


Players can have as much as they want from the first catagory but are limited to four uncommon finds. Rare finds are mosly plot items (like hemtically sealled violin cases) but everyone can have one rare find in addition to any nessery items :)


On my way to catch a ferry now. Replies will become more speradic and spelling even worse.

Edited by Shanashie
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Sorry about the quality of that last post, I literally woke up, rolled over, grabbed my laptop and replied. 

I'll edit it later when i'm more awake and add something into it that makes it worth reading. 

Also gotta try and interact with some others at some point, so if someone feels like making an introduction...

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Sorry for the lack of posting. I've broken down and am using our internet (despite going over our monthly cap) just so I could make a reply.

On a side note: we get 5GB's of data a month to use for three computers. For every megabyte we go over that limit, Verizon charges us a quarter. That adds up fast.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Sensible explanation or no, for him to find actual military equipment so quickly seemed...like the sort of thing she'd never believe, in a story. 

I don't know what everyone else got in their little PM's, but mine was the option to find a certain number of "unique" items. Gotta chalk it up to luck, eh?  ;)


On a (sorta) side note, are we allowed to disclose what our PM's tell us? In character or, if the situation permits, OOC?

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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shanashie's bro here just letting peeps know that they currently dont have electric due to a tornado knocking it out. iv been told you should just carry on without for now :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, I figured that much, Scoutaloo.  I'm the one that suggested he find a gun. ;)  But Katarzhyna doesn't know about his talent for Luck just yet, so it's kindof a WTF moment for her.

I was considering finding a magnum or something similar, but that seemed WAY over-the-top to be found on a standard commercial airline. And a sky marshal's gun would be full of beanbag rounds. Anyway, a brass knuckles/knife is so much cooler in my opinion. Stabby stabby stabby!

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I guess the time I tried to post my resignation from this RP failed, so from this point on, I guess I can try to keep up. My life is just so busy. Sorry, guys.


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@: no prob! It is good to see you around again, Ms. Traveler. 

Baaaasically everyone is moving away from the plane crash. Also we're like destined to save the world or somethin' I dunno nothing important I guess.

Edited by Scoutaloo

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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  • 2 weeks later...

I. Live. AGAIN!


Well that was an adventure and a half I can tell you. Bad enough that the last family down there lived like gipsy with no respect for the property, but a freak double tornado the night before our arrival practically scraped the paint off the walls. Trees right along the river are shredded to ribbons, a straight path of cleared foliage runns to the horizon not thirty yards from the watermill. No power for half the time, one working toilet and generally akin to camping with a roof. After two weeks though, the place is finally liveable again, though goodness knows what we're going to do about the trees in the river (not to mention the giant one that's only held up by the other tree it fell into).


Looks as though you've been doing brilliantly without me though! Just look at those posts! My brain practically salivates with the feast of literary presentation. I'll post up something fairly soon, but it looks as though there might be some responces still to clock in first. Let me know when you're all good to proceed :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I. Live. AGAIN!

Yay H66x8.png

Oh dear, I hope you're doing okay there :c


For the RP itself, I'm all good over here. Can't wait to see what kind of beast would shriek its way out of the forest


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Thanks Starshine :)


I've had another read through of the posts made since my departure and come to a couple of conclusions. Though I could push the story forwards with plot stick, I really don't think its at all needed.  What we're really waiting for is a decision from the group as to what to do, broadly at least.


Lets summarise;


Among the wreckage the characters have salvaged enough provisions for at least the next twenty four hours, without rationing.  Most of it is unhealthy, but packed with energy and can keep all six alive and kicking for two days at a stretch.  Water could be an issue, but there seems to be streams coming from the nearby hills, so if they can find some travel gear with water purification tabs, that shouldn't a hard problem to get around.


Kat has retrieved the shard into which the spectre of Tiffany was apparently drawn.  She is keeping it close to hand, though her attempts to commune with it have met with results expected of a fossilized relic.  It does, however, feel warm to the touch.  Should the rest of the party deliberately take notice, they will get a nagging sense of dejavu, as though they know Kat is in possession of the shard, even if they didn't see her pick it up in the first place,


The party has discussed aspects of Greek mythology that seem to roughly match what little information they have, which so far fit disturbingly well, though doesn't give them much of a lead on how to get home.  One thing is for certain;  They are defiantly not in Kansas any more.


Morgan has located some... interesting articles that under normal circumstances would never be found the way they were.  Yet find them he has.  The crew now have one pair of low-light goggles and a rather vicious combat knife.  On a side note @ ; the bright midday sun is starting to sting your eyes for some reason, you should probably grab some shades.  Gratz on your first TF point btw :)  (gods I love being evil)


There has been the suggestion from Chandra  that there may be a path towards the distant sentiment not so far away, though it will require crossing into the forest.  The forest appears quite thin this far up the valley, though the canopy looks thicker where the gulch narrows.  Disappointingly though, going to the path would take you away from the river that emerges from the thick canopy about half way down the valley.


Kat has also located her camera phone which, though damaged, is still in working condition.  A zoomed view of the mountain revealed a few more details, perhaps structures in among the clouds.  Similarly an examination of the distant settlement shows a number of small buildings surrounded by a rather ornate wall.  Even at this distance it doesn't look much of a defence, unless they have a real issue with gnomes around here.  There seems to be a tower of some kind at its centre made of white stone, though its still too short to much more then a watch post. 


Rather more disturbingly though is the inclination from Myra that someone is watching the group besides Aramok.  Maybe she's just paranoid, but perhaps someone should ask her about that?  



Shanashie, signing out!



Well thats all she wrote.

  • Brohoof 2
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Starshine, I've been meaning to ask: Did you mean to have her say "Medusa" there (typo)?


Well, no...? :o


Medusa, as far as I can remember without looking at the wiki page, was a poor girl who was cursed with cobra hairs by Hera after she caught Zeus' leering eyes. Prometheus is one of the female titans that were not locked in the Tartarus, along with Epimethrus and Metis, but later she was chained to a rock after stealing the fire or something, that part I don't know much XD


There are a lot of variations in the mythology as a whole, so I might be wrong here


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Prometheus was a dude Titan that gave fire to the freezing humans on Earth. As punishment, he was chained to a rock in the ocean where a bird (eagle?) would come every day and eat his liver. At the end of the day, his liver would grow back.




Also, I've been meaning to make a post. I've had the thread open for a week, but I keep getting distracted by Borderlands 2 by important things.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Also, I've been meaning to make a post. I've had the thread open for a week, but I keep getting distracted by Borderlands 2 by important things.


> Tiny Tina isn't important.




Heh, well all I know about Prometheus is what Oracle turret told me.


"Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man.   He was cast into the bowls of the earth and pecked by birds...  Don't make lemonade."


But really, it doesn't matter.  I don't know jack about the deeper facts of Greek mythology, only that its making for great character conflict :)


I can see this being a recurring theme; whenever the party sits down together, someone brings up mythology again and the debate rages on :D

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Well, no...? :o


Medusa, as far as I can remember without looking at the wiki page, was a poor girl who was cursed with cobra hairs by Hera after she caught Zeus' leering eyes. Prometheus is one of the female titans that were not locked in the Tartarus, along with Epimethrus and Metis, but later she was chained to a rock after stealing the fire or something, that part I don't know much XD


There are a lot of variations in the mythology as a whole, so I might be wrong here


I hadn't heard of a version where Prometheus was female.  I wouldn't be too surprised if some ancient fanfic myth writer genderflipped her because she was too powerful a symbol to be left as a girl.  Not unlike the way ancient Hebrew writers substituted the masculine noun "asherim" (sacred pillars) for Asherah, the goddess the pillars were erected to honor.  Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you'd intended to write it that way before I had Katarzhyna react to it. :)

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Shall post a short 'spot check' later on tonight if there has been no movement.  Now that things have calmed down the local fauna will gradually returning, including a flight of what looks like very colourful birds from the cloud tipped mountain. 

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I'm going to make an attempt to get back into this, but no one knows my character, so it's going to be difficult. However, thanks to the kindness of Shanashie, I have an idea of what is going on, and I can try. :x

  • Brohoof 3


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