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private Wibbly Wobbly Poney Wimey... RP (Doctor Whooves RP)


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"If you just want to study it and know how it works, then I guess that would be fine. Just don't try...and expose this to "all of ponykind." It's not just the time travel Twi, everything about the TARDIS can easily be misused for the wrong and bad purpose. I don't like to take risks like that." The Doctor cautiously explained to Twilight.


"That's Derpy...surprisingly she's still alive and floating adrift in an alternating and consistently shifting time vortex."




"How are we going to find her before that swirly thingie gets her?" Pinkie said sounding worried. "It reminds me of when you flush the toilet... she could get sucked down into some sewer system or something. See I told you this was important! And that other box...kind of looks like the TARDIS doesn't it? Do  you suppose she's been captured? Do you think Discord is messing with the pony space continuum again? "


The Doctor thought carefully for a bit.  "Discord...could be up to his old tricks again, but strangely I haven't heard much of his havoc wreaking lately, so I would probably say no to that then. Well this Tardis is an extraordinarily great navigator and tracker. Do any of you by any chance, happen to have a piece of Derpy's DNA? A hair strand? A bitten muffin? Anything.." The Doctor asked.

Edited by Dsanders17
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"...As a matter of fact, yes." Twiight levitated a basket that was sure to be full of surprises...but in there was crumbs and a bitten-into muffin. "Derpy tried delivering muffins from Sugarcube Corner a couple of days ago, but alas, she ate the entire thing...except for this muffin. Never got around to eating it. I was carrying it because I was hoping I could eat it as a last-minute food resort."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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That's Derpy...surprisingly she's still alive and floating adrift in an alternating and consistently shifting time vortex."



"Yeah that's right!" Pinkie agreed. " A swirly thingie!"




The Doctor thought carefully for a bit.  "Discord...could be up to his old tricks again, but strangely I haven't heard much of his havoc wreaking lately, so I would probably say no to that then. Well this Tardis is an extraordinarily great navigator and tracker. Do any of you by any chance, happen to have a piece of Derpy's DNA? A hair strand? A bitten muffin? Anything.." The Doctor asked.



"Oh suuuuuuuuuuuuuure" Pinkie said sarcastically. "I just happen to keep all half eaten muffins in my back pocket. NOT!"





"...As a matter of fact, yes." Twiight levitated a basket that was sure to be full of surprises...but in there was crumbs and a bitten-into muffin. "Derpy tried delivering muffins from Sugarcube Corner a couple of days ago, but alas, she ate the entire thing...except for this muffin. Never got around to eating it. I was carrying it because I was hoping I could eat it as a last-minute food resort."


Pinkie blinked at Twilight. "You'd eat a muffin over one of my cupcakes? Let me see that!" Pinkie examined the muffin producing magnifying glass out her back pocket. She replaced the fezz with a Sherlock Holmes hat which also came out of her back pocket.




(( http://denver.mylittlefacewhen.com ))


"Hmmmm, this contains flour, baking soda, a very tiny bit of sugar, blue berries, eggs, a hint of lime, some water, and no frosting! An average recipe of you ask me compared to my super de duper triple chocolate cupcakes with fluffy pink frosting and sprinkles on top. You really need to speak to me Twi before ordering things from Sugarcube Corner.


"Ok so lets look for clues.... Yep, there is defo a bite out of this. Teeth marks of a radius of  1/8th of a hoof print, a very suspicious piece of blue grey fur, and one very blonde strand of mane. I'd say the culprit was a pegasus too as there is a feather in the basket... also blue grey. Sounds like Derpy to me! After we save her I need to lecture her about not eating the deliveries. Could be very bad for business." She handed the muffin to the earth pony doctor.


@@KitsuneSoul108"It's ok Dissy" Pinkie said to the pegasus Doctor who was now hiding under a blanket in the corner looking very upset. "We'll save her."


((Ok, since Kitsunesoul108 won't be around til later this afternoon Aussie time, I kind of God modded Dissy a bit ], to explain why he's not reacting to all this when his companion is in trouble, I know kitsunesoul108 well enough to know he'd be ok with that reaction.  I can't really have Derpy respond though until we hear from Jenny. Sooooooooo we can keep stalling .... no pun intended... ok I take that back pun WAS intended :P))

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"Yeah that's right!" Pinkie agreed. " A swirly thingie!"






"Oh suuuuuuuuuuuuuure" Pinkie said sarcastically. "I just happen to keep all half eaten muffins in my back pocket. NOT!"




Pinkie blinked at Twilight. "You'd eat a muffin over one of my cupcakes? Let me see that!" Pinkie examined the muffin producing magnifying glass out her back pocket. She replaced the fezz with a Sherlock Holmes hat which also came out of her back pocket.




(( http://denver.mylittlefacewhen.com ))


"Hmmmm, this contains flour, baking soda, a very tiny bit of sugar, blue berries, eggs, a hint of lime, some water, and no frosting! An average recipe of you ask me compared to my super de duper triple chocolate cupcakes with fluffy pink frosting and sprinkles on top. You really need to speak to me Twi before ordering things from Sugarcube Corner.


"Ok so lets look for clues.... Yep, there is defo a bite out of this. Teeth marks of a radius of  1/8th of a hoof print, a very suspicious piece of blue grey fur, and one very blonde strand of mane. I'd say the culprit was a pegasus too as there is a feather in the basket... also blue grey. Sounds like Derpy to me! After we save her I need to lecture her about not eating the deliveries. Could be very bad for business." She handed the muffin to the earth pony doctor.


@@KitsuneSoul108"It's ok Dissy" Pinkie said to the pegasus Doctor who was now hiding under a blanket in the corner looking very upset. "We'll save her."


((Ok, since Kitsunesoul108 won't be around til later this afternoon Aussie time, I kind of God modded Dissy a bit ], to explain why he's not reacting to all this when his companion is in trouble, I know kitsunesoul108 well enough to know he'd be ok with that reaction.  I can't really have Derpy respond though until we hear from Jenny. Sooooooooo we can keep stalling .... no pun intended... ok I take that back pun WAS intended :P))

Dissy got out from under the covers of the blanket.He turned to Pinkie, The Doctor, Twilight and the others and said

"Thank you. Thank you all, For Everything." Before noticing Ditzy floating in the timeline. He then yelled to her

"Ditzy! im here to save you!!!!"

  • Brohoof 1

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"Oh no...." jenny murmered. "Get back in here ditzy!" jenny couldnt blame the pegasus, even though she had messed up the wires in the first place, it was probably jennys fault that they were here of all places. at least there wasnt any impending doom coming their way in the form of an evil king or a draconequus. however, there did seem to be something hurtling towards them, which made no sense, because nothing else should be there... and it was headed straight for... Jenny pulled derpy inside just in time, the cube identical to hers almost hitting her. the cube opened and jenny stepped out, but not jenny. two jenny's? a blue stallion with a blonde mane appeared behind her. the other jenny turned to the stallion.

"well master, what do we do now?"


(the new jenny is discorded and the blue pony is the master)

  • Brohoof 1

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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((Ok my bad, forgot he said he was going to be here today.))




Dissy got out from under the covers of the blanket.He turned to Pinkie, The Doctor, Twilight and the others and said "Thank you. Thank you all, For Everything." Before noticing Ditzy floating in the timeline. He then yelled to her "Ditzy! im here to save you!!!!"



"Dissy, I don't think she can hear you" Pinkie said. Pinkie pie felt a tingle in her pinkie sense which went right through her.


"I think the reason she's not being pulled into the swirly whirly thingie, has something to do with that strange looking box. It seems to have some kind of force around it that's keeping her near it, but, if she flies too far from it I think she will be in trouble!"


At that moment Pinkie felt an electrical jolt from the TARDIS which she was still hooked to. She stood bolt upright on all four hooves before saying "The blue grey equus ferus caballus with additional optera seems to be being held there by a gravitational force. From a cosmological perspective, gravitation causes dispersed matter to coalesce, and coalesced matter to remain intact, thus accounting for the existence of planets, stars, galaxies and most of the macroscopic objects in the universe. It is responsible for keeping Derpy in their some kind of static orbit around the box; by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density gradient and gravity; thereby counteracting the gravitational pull of the wormhole phenomena. The box appears to be a time and relative dimension in space transport mechanical device."


Pinkie blinked in confusion as she finished talking. "Huh? where did all that come from?" She thought "I have no idea what I just said!"


She gazed around her at the equally confused or shocked faces of her friends and added.


"Of course, it could just be a hunch"






"Oh no...." jenny murmered. "Get back in here ditzy!" jenny couldnt blame the pegasus, even though she had messed up the wires in the first place, it was probably jennys fault that they were here of all places. at least there wasnt any impending doom coming their way in the form of an evil king or a draconequus. however, there did seem to be something hurtling towards them, which made no sense, because nothing else should be there... and it was headed straight for... Jenny pulled derpy inside just in time, the cube identical to hers almost hitting her. the cube opened and jenny stepped out, but not jenny. two jenny's? a blue stallion with a blonde mane appeared behind her. the other jenny turned to the stallion.

"well master, what do we do now?"


(the new jenny is discorded and the blue pony is the master)


"Oh no!" Derpy said recognizing the blue pony immediately.





"Jenny, that's the Master! " She quickly hid behind Jenny "This can't be a good thing I wish the Doctor was here!"

Edited by Mikestar
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(Some EqG style shit just went there!!!)

"Daaayyyuuum! Pinkie + tardis = mindduck x700!"
He said, as his jaw dropped.
"I want to figure out some way i can hug you both at once, Pinkie and tardis."
He said, impressed.
"Dats jus amaaazin! SO AMAZING." He said, with his jaw extended.
  • Brohoof 1

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"the what? he cant possibly be that great, if he cant think of a name better than 'Master' thats just-" she was cut off by the master's sneer. "oh, i wish the doctor was here" he mocked. "dont worry, derpy" he drew out the hurtful nickname. "he's going to come soon. to see the ones he cares about, to see them hurt." he rose his voice "Come onnn, doctor! What are waiting for? not going to save you daughter? what about Your precious ditzy? wouldnt want any harm to come to her?"

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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"I want to figure out some way i can hug you both at once, Pinkie and tardis." He said, impressed. "Dats jus amaaazin! SO AMAZING." He said, with his jaw extended.


Pinkie blushed and she could have swore there was a slightly pinkish hue in the air around them.


"Ur well since we are hooked together I think hugging one would mean hugging us both at once? In actual fact... " Pinkie jolted again.


"If you wish to engage in a steadfast embrace as an adamant show of affection towards both entities simultaneously, the act of enfolding the pink equus ferus caballus with triple inflated polyethylene capsules upon her flanks will be sufficient to engage us uniformly."


Pinkie pie shook her head a moment... "Uh yeah... what Sexy said." She quickly put her hoof over her mouth as her pink cheeks became even pinker. She glanced at both the Doctors.


"YOU NAMED YOUR TARDIS SEXY?" she said with a drop jawed expression. "What did she just call my cutie mark?" she said scratching her head with her hoof.




"I dunt like that blue guy."

He said pointing to the master.

"He has that whole..."

"Thing about him." He said.

"I dunt like it. I dunt. He looks like a snobby mc douchebag." He said whining in a slightly high pitched whine.

"I hate him. I just do. He gives me that unhappy stomach feeling after i eat a crud ton of candy."


((( OOC Ricky wouldn't be able to see the Master as the Master is in Jenny's TARDIS and thus far the view screen hasn't shown them that. Might need to edit post please. I may have the view screen update but waiting for the Doctors to respond first.))

Edited by Mikestar
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((( OOC Ricky wouldn't be able to see the Master as the Master is in Jenny's TARDIS and thus far the view screen hasn't shown them that. Might need to edit post please. I may have the view screen update but waiting for the Doctors to respond first.))


(This is a D'oh i miss moments, Sponsored by jontron. Moderator!!!! I need a deletion!!

Make it a super delete! *Seriously that bad*

Oh boy, This is embarrassing. Pretend that didn't exist.)


"I think i know. She said the scientific way of hugging, so she said, that if i hug you, She will also feel it." He said hugging pinkie pie.

"And the polyethylene Capsuls are balloons.

Trife means Three."

He explained, Sounding like a total nerd.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"The blue grey equus ferus caballus with additional optera seems to be being held there by a gravitational force. From a cosmological perspective, gravitation causes dispersed matter to coalesce, and coalesced matter to remain intact, thus accounting for the existence of planets, stars, galaxies and most of the macroscopic objects in the universe. It is responsible for keeping Derpy in their some kind of static orbit around the box; by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density gradient and gravity; thereby counteracting the gravitational pull of the wormhole phenomena. The box appears to be a time and relative dimension in space transport mechanical device."


The Doctor's jaw dropped for real this time. He was speechless. She actually made Twilight seem dumb(no offense lol) in comparison. The level of intelligence she had explained surprisingly matched the Doctor's. He couldn't believe it. 






"If you wish to engage in an steadfast embrace as an adamant show of affection towards both entities simultaneously, the act of enfolding the pink equus ferus caballus with tripe inflated polyethylene capsules upon her flanks will be sufficient to engage us uniformly."


"What." The Doctor managed to utter. He knew everything she said, but couldn't believe it was all coming from her. Strangely this weird new intelligent side of her made her seem more attractive to the Doctor.




Uh yeah... what Sexy said." She quickly put her hoof over her mouth as her pink cheeks became even pinker. She glanced at both the Doctors.   "YOU NAMED YOUR TARDIS SEXY?" she said with a drop jawed expression. "What did she just call my cutie mark?" she said scratching her head with her hoof.


Now the Doctor was horribly embarrassed. He blushed more than ever before. "Now, now....that's just an...old nickname I gave to her! It's nothing! It means nothing..." The Doctor tried explaining which unfortunately caused the TARDIS to shake violently, almost knocking the Doctor over.


Okay clearly that upset the TARDIS...


You think?


"Okay, I was going through....a lonely awkward time and I decided to give my TARDIS that nickname, because I thought it make things a little more interesting for us during our trips....oh no! Not like that...don't the wrong idea now...it's it's..."


The Doctor couldn't think of any reasonable explanation. He just hope this wouldn't make Pinkie Pie jealous.

  • Brohoof 1
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"I better watch what i think. The tardis probably knows my secret." He muttered.

'Tardis.. Please dont tell pinkie the secret until i tell her...' He thought.

"hooh. I need to sit down." He said exausted, Pulling out a chair with his hooves.

"Oh boy. Whatever your called, I like you."

He said to the tardis.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"the what? he cant possibly be that great, if he cant think of a name better than 'Master' thats just-" she was cut off by the master's sneer. "oh, i wish the doctor was here" he mocked. "dont worry, derpy" he drew out the hurtful nickname. "he's going to come soon. to see the ones he cares about, to see them hurt." he rose his voice "Come onnn, doctor! What are waiting for? not going to save you daughter? what about Your precious ditzy? wouldnt want any harm to come to her?"

Dissy somehow heard the Master's comment before shouting at the top of his lungs


"Ditzy! if you can hear me im Going to help you!"


Edited by KitsuneSoul108

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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the what? he cant possibly be that great, if he cant think of a name better than 'Master' thats just-" she was cut off by the master's sneer. "oh, i wish the doctor was here" he mocked. "dont worry, derpy" he drew out the hurtful nickname. "he's going to come soon. to see the ones he cares about, to see them hurt." he rose his voice "Come onnn, doctor! What are waiting for? not going to save you daughter? what about Your precious ditzy? wouldnt want any harm to come to her?"


 Derpy angrily came out from behind the undiscorded Jenny. "Don't you DARE hurt the Doctor" she said defensively.  'I'll surrender, but leave him alone!"



--------------------------------------Back in the TARDIS ----------------------------------








"Don't look at me!" Pinkie said. "It's the TARDIS!" She placed her fore hooves on the console to make a point causing several sparks to fly and the view screen changed revealing the face of the Master.




he rose his voice "Come onnn, doctor! What are waiting for? not going to save you daughter? what about Your precious ditzy? wouldnt want any harm to come to her?"


Pinkie glanced at the two Doctors. "You have a daughter?" She queried.  "Wonder what else I don't know! Isn't that Jenny? whose that blue pony? Wait... TARDIS don't answer that! I don't think I can handle any more of that kind of talk! I feel like my balloons are about to pop!"




Now the Doctor was horribly embarrassed. He blushed more than ever before. "Now, now....that's just an...old nickname I gave to her! It's nothing! It means nothing..." The Doctor tried explaining which unfortunately caused the TARDIS to shake violently, almost knocking the Doctor over.


Pinkie fell over backwards as the TARDIS jolted, the cords attached to her coming loose as she tumbled into a corner. The view screen went black.


We've got to do something! Pinkie shouted. "We'll talk bout this later" Pinkie said to the earth pony Doctor. "First lets just save Derpy!



Dissy somehow heard the Master's comment before shouting at the top of his lungs


"Ditzy! if you can hear me im Going to help you!"




Pinkie turned to Dissy. "Dissy calm down!" She said, sounding FAR from calm herself. "H-how did you hear him before it came on screen? Oh never mind" She grabbed the feather out of the basket and handed it to the earth pony Doctor. 

"Heres your D&A" she said. "Lets make hoof tracks!"

  • Brohoof 2
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The master chuckled darkly. "But where's the fun in that? all i want is to see him suffer! and your going to help me." the discorded jenny grabbed Ditzy by her wing, pulling her roughly into the Discorded jenny's TARDIS, kicking the real jenny as she did so, knocking her unconcious, and master pulled her into his tardis. as he dragged her to the center console and tied her up. he laughed. "Let the games, BEGIN!" ( not my image)


Edited by whitewater lightning

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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"the what? he cant possibly be that great, if he cant think of a name better than 'Master' thats just-" she was cut off by the master's sneer. "oh, i wish the doctor was here" he mocked. "dont worry, derpy" he drew out the hurtful nickname. "he's going to come soon. to see the ones he cares about, to see them hurt." he rose his voice "Come onnn, doctor! What are waiting for? not going to save you daughter? what about Your precious ditzy? wouldnt want any harm to come to her?"



"The....the.....M-Master?" The Doctor replied, shocked beyond all comprehension. "How did he survive....I thought...he was gone. I thought he was DEAD!!!" The Doctor yelled the loudest he's ever yelled before. His confusion immediately became rage as he finally got a grip of the situation.


"That's impossible! How can that goddamn abomination be still alive! And here, in Equestria!? Out of all the possible places, he had to have come to the very wonderful and beautiful place where I had hope I would finally find my peace!!! Discord is a nuisance enough but now we have this Bastard!?"


The Doctor was almost crying, he was filled with so much inner pain, anger, and distraught. He bowed his head down, and slammed his hooves in a final fit of frustration.


"I-I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry you had to witness that. I-I'm just so so...stressed right now. Too...much, too much going on." The Doctor explained apologetically. He let out another sigh which to add to his problems was another leak of his yellowish energy. This time this breath of energy was clearly visible and more obvious than ever before..


"I can't believe I'm saying this...but my health is also at a serious crisis right now. I-I don't know why...I'm scared."




"You have a daughter?"


Upon this next shocking realization...his mentality and body gave way and he passed out. Seconds before he lost consciousness he muttered, "Too much.....too much going on....please...just stop..."


(OOC, I just love how chaotic this is getting!)

Edited by Dsanders17
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(OOC: really mikestar's choice, but ithink perhaps if im allowed, can we discord derpy and/or pinkie? the master only wants to see the doctors suffer, and the perfect way to do so would be to turn the ones they love the most so that they are the opposite of themselves and hate the doctors.) also not my image


Edited by whitewater lightning
  • Brohoof 1

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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The master chuckled darkly. "But where's the fun in that? all i want is to see him suffer! and your going to help me." the discorded jenny grabbed Ditzy by her wing, pulling her roughly into the Discorded jenny's TARDIS, kicking the real jenny as she did so, knocking her unconcious, and master pulled her into his tardis. as he dragged her to the center console and tied her up. he laughed. "Let the games, BEGIN!" ( not my image)


Ditzy let out a squeal as the discorded Jenny dragged her by the wing. Her tears fell as she was tied up. "No don't hurt him please" She begged. "Why are you doing this?"




"The....the.....M-Master?" The Doctor replied, shocked beyond all comprehension. "How did he survive....I thought...he was gone. I thought he was DEAD!!!" The Doctor yelled the loudest he's ever yelled before. His confusion immediately became rage as he finally got a grip of the situation.   "That's impossible! How can that goddamn abomination be still alive! And here, in Equestria!? Out of all the possible places, he had to have come to the very wonderful and beautiful place where I had hope I would finally find my peace!!! Discord is a nuisance enough but now we have this Bastard!?"  


Pinkie's jaw dropped. "Oh my ears are burning!" she said covering her ears with her hooves. She wasn't use to that kind of talk.




The Doctor was almost crying, he was filled with so much inner pain, anger, and distraught. He bowed his head down, and slammed his hooves in a final fit of frustration.   "I-I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry you had to witness that. I-I'm just so so...stressed right now. Too...much, too much going on." The Doctor explained apologetically. He let out another sigh which to add to his problems was another leak of his yellowish energy. This time this breath of energy was clearly visible and more obvious than ever before..   "I can't believe I'm saying this...but my health is also at a serious crisis right now. I-I don't know why...I'm scared."


Pinkie snapped out of it as she saw her Doctor in pain. She rushed over to him, wanting to comfort him and tell him it was all ok, but before she could embrace him he collapsed at her hoofs.


"What's wrong with him?" Pinkie asked, turning to Dissy. "Is he sick?


She crouched down beside the earth pony Doctor and took him into her forearms. "Please don't be sick, don't die, don't leave meeeeeeeeeee" her tears fell upon him as her mane suddenly went flat.




(OOC, I just love how chaotic this is getting!)


((OOC yeah it's getting cool again!)))




(OOC: really mikestar's choice, but ithink perhaps if im allowed, can we discord derpy and/or pinkie? the master only wants to see the doctors suffer, and the perfect way to do so would be to turn the ones they love the most so that they are the opposite of themselves and hate the doctors.) also not my image


((OOC lets brainstorm the OOC idea's in the OOC thread rather than here, there's some good idea's but we need to make them work realistically. I'll post there)) 

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Ditzy let out a squeal as the discorded Jenny dragged her by the wing. Her tears fell as she was tied up. "No don't hurt him please" She begged. "Why are you doing this?"





Pinkie's jaw dropped. "Oh my ears are burning!" she said covering her ears with her hooves. She wasn't use to that kind of talk.





Pinkie snapped out of it as she saw her Doctor in pain. She rushed over to him, wanting to comfort him and tell him it was all ok, but before she could embrace him he collapsed at her hoofs.


"What's wrong with him?" Pinkie asked, turning to Dissy. "Is he sick?


She crouched down beside the earth pony Doctor and took him into her forearms. "Please don't be sick, don't die, don't leave meeeeeeeeeee" her tears fell upon him as her mane suddenly went flat.





((OOC yeah it's getting cool again!)))





((OOC lets brainstorm the OOC idea's in the OOC thread rather than here, there's some good idea's but we need to make them work realistically. I'll post there)) 


"......I think he is Regenerating Pinkie.....Although i could be wrong....The stuff coming out of his mouth....Its called Huon energy....Time-Lords have it when they are about to regenerate.....As i said though....i could be wrong...."

Dissy's coat started to become a bit greyer as he said in a slightly crazy tone

"And if he even lays a hoof on Ditzy........I will make him suffer more then he ever thought possible! HE WILL BURN!!!!!"

Edited by KitsuneSoul108
  • Brohoof 1

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"......I think he is Regenerating Pinkie.....Although i could be wrong....The stuff coming out of his mouth....Its called Huon energy....Time-Lords have it when they are about to regenerate.....As i said though....i could be wrong...." Dissy's coat started to become a bit greyer as he said in a slightly crazy tone "And if he even lays a hoof on Ditzy........I will make him suffer more then he ever thought possible! HE WILL BURN!!!!!"


"Ooooh this is going from bad to worse" said Pinkamena  "Dissy, you're going grey again, looks like my pink boom didn't completely undiscord you."


@@Shift@, "Ricky, Twilight, what do we do! I can't lose the Doctor now that I've just found him! Why is life so unfair!" Pinkamena wept into the Doctors mane."Don't leave me" She whispered to him nuzzling her head against him. "I love you"


Her final confession hung in the icy air.




((Art by Deviant Artist: Sillycaracal))



As Pinkamena held the Doctor close, she started to recall all the things they had shared together. How the only kind of magic he believed in was the power of love. Her mind wandered back to a particularly special moment that they had shared together







(( OOC - Scene from our RP that I'm working on coloring but seemed appropriate to put  it here so giving you a sneak preview :) ))



"I believe in magic" Pinkamena said before leaning in to give the unconscious Doctor a long heartfelt kiss on his lips she held onto the kiss for several precious moments.

Edited by Mikestar
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Jenny slowly came to. she weakly tried to raise her head.  it was tied to the metal rail around the TARDIS console."d-ditzy?" the grey mare was curled in a corner, equally tied up. images flashed through her head. her father. human form? pony form? she saw his pony form again. "how can i remember him as a pony if i havent seen him as a pony?"she thought, confused then his pony form began turning grey. the in a flash of light, he had wings. "DAD!" she screamed desperately. a voice entered her head. "Quiet! i am the TARDIS of yourself in a discorded form. When my Jenny was replaced with what she is now, i was not. i will help you in any way i can, but it will be difficult. i will steer towards the crystal empire in the correct time, but it can only be done if neither the master or my timelady notice."



(we will not make it all the way there, but we will end up nearby, enabling either pinky/jenny to become discorded and/or be rescued)

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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Jenny slowly came to. she weakly tried to raise her head.  it was tied to the metal rail around the TARDIS console."d-ditzy?" the grey mare was curled in a corner, equally tied up.


"Jenny" Ditzy said. "I don't think there is anything wrong with your TARDIS... We were hijacked. Jenny?" She seemed to be in some kind of daze.


Ditzy felt a slight buzz coming from her back flank around her cutie mark, right where her back pocket was. She noticed the glow of a tiny red light through her fur. A small device was in there that the Doctor had given her some time ago. She slapped her wing against it shutting it off and hoping that the Master hadn't noticed it. 


"Jenny?" she whispered. "Wake up, please."


When she was sure the Master was busily distracted elsewhere,Ditzy attempted to retrieve the device with her hooves but was unable to reach it with them tied. Her wings had surprisingly been left loose so she was able to use the tip of it to flip the device out of her pocket. Using the tip of her feathers she reactivated the tracker and hid it under the time machines console well out of sight.


((Between the DNA and the tracker, pretty sure you guys can find them now if one of the Doctors are able to get the TARDIS moving or she moves herself? Might need a plan of attack though guys. things don't look good for Jenny and Derpy. Dun dun dah............))

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"Pinkie, I got an idea." He said.

"Back up a bit.." He asked the mare.


He yelled at Dissy.. Then he bonked him on the head lightly with his hoof.

"I will not stand for anypony being rediscorded!"

He said.

"I refuse!"

He was angry.

Pisssed off.

"Why did he have to exist! WHY?"

He said, with his teeth barred.

He then calmed down.

"We need to help Ditz. Any ideas?"

He asked.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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The Doctor, while deep in his unconsciousness, was still self aware to an extent. He had such a variety of thoughts wandering around. He did not have any idea what his companions were thinking or feeling but he imagined that they were terrified for him, especially Pinkie Pie.


He felt terrible for her. For most of the time they had spent together, the Doctor didn't understand her, he yelled at her, he criticized on who she was as a person, and even after he finally apologized and got comforted with her, he still caused her much confusion and pain which should only be his own. 


This is why he never wanted companions for a long time; just being with him and attempting to understand him would get both sides of the party hurt. 


I-I'm so sorry Pinkie Pie...


He was scared and immensely worried in his deep dark void of thoughts and confusion. He was not sure why he had been constantly coughing out all that regeneration energy. He should of told them earlier. He thought back to the very close moment of regeneration back home.


Maybe my regeneration was delayed....and now the deadly effects of the radiation are finally catching up to me...


It wasn't fair for him. He had only just met the love of his life....his seemingly endless life. Pinkie Pie was like no other companion he ever met before. She constantly emanated a ethereal aura of happiness, and has gone to the greatest lengths to cheer up the Doctor, no matter how dangerously severe and incurable his depression was. Now he was going to lose her. He felt his body tremble slightly.


In his companions point of view, his entire body was beginning to become enshrouded in the regenerative energy of his.


He thought back....and once again his mind was being overwhelmed by endless images and memories(OOC, and here comes the second flash back. Forgive me. lol)




It really....isn't fair. Where my reward is this....where is it now?  Is this really how it's all going to end? Is everything who I am going to waste now? Everything I'd experienced, everything I am? Now? When there is so much going? When everyone I love needs me so much right now? Now? The Doctor thought despondently to himself.


He was then able to hear a faint sound that was different from the rest of his thoughts. This sound came from the outside.




"I love you"


P-Pinkie Pie?




"I believe in magic" Pinkamena said before leaning in to give the unconscious Doctor a long heartfelt kiss on his lips she held onto the kiss for several precious moments.


It is Pinkie Pie...and she's...kissing me? No! No!! No!!! I can't go now!! Don't do this to me you old Timelord body!! I need to....stay....just...a...little....LONGER!!


It when his body was just about to be completely obscured by his regenerative energy that it suddenly lessened and miraculously vanished. He broke out of his unconsciousness with a gasp, temporarily freeing himself from Pinkie Pie's long and heartfelt kiss.


He looked deep into her eyes before saying, "I-I rather die...of laughter." 


He gave a warm smile as he brushed his hoof through Pinkie Pie's straight mane.


He was also greatly shocked at how he was able to resist the fundamental laws of his Timelord biology, and slowly got himself up to face everypony.




"Now...where was I? Oh yes! The Master...and Discord...they are going to be stopped once and for all." The Doctor said in a serious but deeply determined tone. "Now let's go save Ditzy!"

Edited by Dsanders17
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((@, Dammit.... your post made me cry! I'll have to get even later :P You do realize this means war?))




He looked deep into her eyes before saying, "I-I rather die...of laughter."    He gave a warm smile as he brushed his hoof through Pinkie Pie's straight mane.   He was also greatly shocked at how he was able to resist the fundamental laws of his Timelord biology, and slowly got himself up to face everypony.


Pinkamena smiled down at the Doctor, tears still glistening in her eyes. "See," she said her voice wavering with emotion. "Magic really does exist." PInkamena's hair sprang back into a mass of curls and suddenly she was Pinkie Pie again. However, her curls did not have quite the bounce in them as they had previously had. She felt as if she was somewhere in between the two states.


She watched with concern as the Doctor rose to his hooves and addressed the others.




"Now...where was I? Oh yes! The Master...and Discord...they are going to be stopped once and for all." The Doctor said in a serious but deeply determined tone. "Now let's go save Ditzy!"


Pinkie trotted up beside her Doctor and quietly said "I have a feeling she's not the only who needs saving." Her big eyes gazed at the earth pony Doctor. She knew so little about Time Lords and had no idea who they went to when they were ill. How can I help him? she wondered. then something occurred to her, she didn't know... but the TARDIS did. "First opportunity I get, I'll hook myself back to her and ask..." She decided. She also decided to make a point of asking Princess Cadence more about love magic as she was sure this was the only way to heal him. For now, they needed to focus on saving Derpy.





"Pinkie, I got an idea." He said. "Back up a bit.." He asked the mare. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF MAN!" He yelled at Dissy.. Then he bonked him on the head lightly with his hoof. "I will not stand for anypony being rediscorded!" He said. "I refuse!" He was angry. Pisssed off. "Why did he have to exist! WHY?" He said, with his teeth barred.


Pinkie's attention snapped around at the sound of Ricky's voice.


"NO stop it!" She yelled at him cantering over and restraining Ricky's hooves.  "You'll discord him quicker" 


She glanced over at Dissy with a very worried expression, and deliberately placed herself between the two ponies.


"Nopony move!" she ordered. "or I'll... I'll... sing a silly song for the next hour!" she threatened.


The silence was so intense that you could have heard a pin drop in the room.

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