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private Wibbly Wobbly Poney Wimey... RP (Doctor Whooves RP)


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This first post is to set the general info of this RP.


The planning thread is at






Dsanders17 - Doctor Whooves

whitewater lighting - Jenny, The Doctor's Daughter

Silent Dawn - Derpy

KitsuneSoul108 - Discorded Whooves

Mikestar - Pinkie Pie

Caramba2654 - Discord

Cherry Bob omb - Richard

00Pony - Courier/Harbinger

Shift - Twilight Sparkle

Pink Mist  - Rainbow Dash


OC DESCRIPTIONS (Links will get posted as we get them)


Jenny, The Doctor's Daugher - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

Discord - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/discord-r3774

Richard - Crazy pony that always tries to get in the TARDIS, no matter what time period the doctor is in

Courier/Harbinger - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/courierharbinger-r3787




This is before Fluttershy reformed Discord. The Crystal Empire is already being ruled by Cadence and Shining Armor. Twilight is not an alicorn princess and the events of Equestria Girls have never happened.




07/01/2013 - Made post, added changelog, fixed title.

07/11/2013 - Added Richard and Courier/Harbinger. Fixed typo (Crystal Empire =/= Crystal Enterprise)

07/16/2013 - Added Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

Edited by caramba2654
  • Brohoof 1



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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It's been at least a few days for the Doctor since his departure from his former travel companions. He knew that such a day would come but it wasn't in the slightest of ease for him to cope with. But he wasn't surprised, after all, this happens to him all the time. Always meeting new companions, new partners in time, but eventually he loses them. They either die, grow old and weary, or simply have to go away for their own safety and protection.


He was in his TARDIS, adrift in the midst of time and space, just flying aimlessly through the different time streams and spacial dimensions. He didn't know where the TARDIS would take him next, but he didn't care. He was always a fan of surprises so the uncertainty of where he may end up excited him. 


"We're almost at our next destination!" The Doctor exclaimed excitedly.


He did really miss his companions, but he tried to brush off the distressing memories and worries as much as possible. He knew such a price came with being a seemingly ageless and nomadic timelord.


It's so hard to deal with human companions. The Doctor thought to himself despondently.




Something had hit the TARDIS with tremendous impact. How was that possible!? The Doctor and his TARDIS were traveling through time and space. What else could have been out there!? The Doctor panicked.


He tried looked at the TARDIS's monitors, and found no signs of any extraterrestrial impact. The TARDIS began to shake vigorously and the Doctor fell on the floor, finding it almost impossible to stand up amongst the tremors. 


The TARDIS was now spiraling out of control and before the Doctor could even decipher what was happening...



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"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Discord asked, looking around the room where he was. "No walls, apparently a floor of dwarf star alloy... I can believe this was so simple!"


Discord was inside a Void chamber, a room in the Void between worlds. A gap in reality. He was nowhere and nowhen. But he wasn't trapped. He was there for his own will. His own research. He wanted to became stronger, and soon noticed that chaos energy could go well with so many other sorts of energy. He settled for the most chaotic, confusing and powerful of those: Time Energy. He hid himself somewhere he knew he would never been found, and started researching Time Energy, how it could work, how it couldn't work and how it would be able to work.


"Ahh, after so long, my research has finally paid off! I'm outside everything! I'm in the fabric of nothing that unites all the different realities!" Exclaimed an excited Discord. "But no, I must control myself... After all, I'm the lord of Chaos and Disharmony. I'm sure something bad will happen if I bring chaos to the void... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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It's been at least a few days for the Doctor since his departure from his former travel companions. He knew that such a day would come but it wasn't in the slightest of ease for him to cope with. But he wasn't surprised, after all, this happens to him all the time. Always meeting new companions, new partners in time, but eventually he loses them. They either die, grow old and weary, or simply have to go away for their own safety and protection.


He was in his TARDIS, adrift in the midst of time and space, just flying aimlessly through the different time streams and spacial dimensions. He didn't know where the TARDIS would take him next, but he didn't care. He was always a fan of surprises so the uncertainty of where he may end up excited him. 


"We're almost at our next destination!" The Doctor exclaimed excitedly.


He did really miss his companions, but he tried to brush off the distressing memories and worries as much as possible. He knew such a price came with being a seemingly ageless and nomadic timelord.


It's so hard to deal with human companions. The Doctor thought to himself despondently.




Something had hit the TARDIS with tremendous impact. How was that possible!? The Doctor and his TARDIS were traveling through time and space. What else could have been out there!? The Doctor panicked.


He tried looked at the TARDIS's monitors, and found no signs of any extraterrestrial impact. The TARDIS began to shake vigorously and the Doctor fell on the floor, finding it almost impossible to stand up amongst the tremors. 


The TARDIS was now spiraling out of control and before the Doctor could even decipher what was happening...





"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Discord asked, looking around the room where he was. "No walls, apparently a floor of dwarf star alloy... I can believe this was so simple!"


Discord was inside a Void chamber, a room in the Void between worlds. A gap in reality. He was nowhere and nowhen. But he wasn't trapped. He was there for his own will. His own research. He wanted to became stronger, and soon noticed that chaos energy could go well with so many other sorts of energy. He settled for the most chaotic, confusing and powerful of those: Time Energy. He hid himself somewhere he knew he would never been found, and started researching Time Energy, how it could work, how it couldn't work and how it would be able to work.


"Ahh, after so long, my research has finally paid off! I'm outside everything! I'm in the fabric of nothing that unites all the different realities!" Exclaimed an excited Discord. "But no, I must control myself... After all, I'm the lord of Chaos and Disharmony. I'm sure something bad will happen if I bring chaos to the void... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What the hell?!"Discord whooves said,as he saw himself(Non Discorded of course) He walks up to the TARDIS and scopes it out,exactly the same as his TARDIS,minus the new pattern.He used his sonic screwdriver on the TARDIS,as The Doctor walks in "Um,hi..."Discorded whooves said in confusio,wondering how he is staring into...Himself.

(OOC:I felt really tempted to do the moments where they both move at the same time lol :P )

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"Oops, my bad!"

Derpy flew to the mess she had just created and picked up a few pieces of wood, smiling apologetically at Rose. She'd been mailing a letter to the Earth Pony, when she had crashed into her flower stand. As per usual. But it didn't even dent the gray Pegasus's mood. She was used to crashes.


"I can fix this, lemme just-" Derpy Hooves picked up a few more pieces, causing more wood to fall on the flowers. Roseluck groaned.

"Don't you think you've done enough?"

"Uh, I-"

"Just go, Derpy."

Derpy's ears dropped and she put the pieces on the ground. She started to leave, but remembered what hse had come for and flew over to Rose. she reached into her saddlebag and took out two things- A letter addresssed to Roseluck, and a blueberry muffin. She held them out to Rose, an apologetic half-grin on her face.

"Here's your letter. Apology muffin?"

Rose sighed and took the letter and the muffin. Derpy smiled and flew away.

After a few more deliveries that were surprisingly uneventful, Derpy returned to the post office, said goodbye to Raindrops, and signed out. She was on her way home when she heard a crash. 

'A crash that wasn't caused by me?

Derpy hovered over Ponyville and looked for the source of the sound. From her aerial view, she could see a blue box-ish shape just on the outskirts of the village. Brow furrowed in confusion and curiosity, she slowly drifted to a nearby field and made her way to the blue object. 

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"Oh, this is more fun than I could imagine! Look at all those realities, all the potential chaos I could do!" Discord said as he flew around in his Void Ship. "Let's do some light experiments first. Can I move realities?"


Discord tried to move a reality around. After much effort, it was starting to move at a relative stable speed. "Yes, I can move realities, even though it is very tiring and drains a lot of my energy... But I'm too excited to rest right now!" Panted Discord, taking deep breaths.


"Well, now that I know I can move realities around, I wonder what will happen if I crash two realities..." And with that, Discord focused every drop of chaos energy he had to keep moving the reality that he chose earlier until it crashed with another reality. Since the crash happened in the nothing, no sound nor light were emitted.


"Note to self: find a less tiring way to bring chaos" Discord though to himself, as he collapsed on the floor of his Void Ship. "I must rest now, and for that I need to see some chaos happening..." Discord started steering his ship to the recently crashed realities. "I have no idea when those realities crashed relative to each other, and I don't know when I'll land in this new reality, but I'm sure some chaos will already be present..." Discord thought as he entered the crashed realities.



[[ Now I'll refrain from posting anything from Discord until some plot has already developed and when I'm think it'll be a good idea to enter. ]]



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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"What's it like to fly?"

"What's it like to fly?" jenny asked rainbow dash again

"i dunno, pretty cool, i guess"


jenny jumped. "what was that?!"

"probably Derpy," Rainbow replied "you really are new here, aren't you?

"that didn't sound like a pony," 

"trust me, she can knock over pretty big things."

"well maybe somebody needs help" said jenny, and walked off.
RainbowDash called after her, "Hey! The crash was that way!" pointing in the opposite direction to which jenny was going in.

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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*Boingie, Boing, boing, boing*


Pinkie Pie bounced along happily and was suddenly startled by a loud crash! img-1619731-1-cringe_zps1facc67d.jpg She dropped her basket of cupcakes in the shock and looked sadly at them all over the ground.


"What in Celestia's name was that????" Pinkie said out loud to anypony with in ear shot, then realized that no one was near her at all. She noticed Rainbow Dash and that new pony... talking a little way off.  Pinkie galloped forward and came to a sliding stop in front of Rainbow Dash,  just as the newcomer was heading off in the opposite direction of the Crash. She shook Rainbow by the shoulders and started talking a mile a minute.


"Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Something-went-BOOM-over-that-way-and-almost-made-me-jump-out-of-my-fur. What do you suppose it was? Do you think Discord has gone back to his evil ways? Or maybe Trixie is playing tricks again or maybe Ditzy Do is cloud bucking again. Why'dyahafta go teach her that anyway! You know she's got bubbles for a cutie mark!!!" Pinkie flailed her hooves around in the air dramatically.


"Maybe we should go investigate? Or or... you have wings, Fly up and take a look. I'll go get my balloons!" She shot Rainbow one of her best smiles. img-1619731-2-grinsmiley_zpsd0907aed.jpg

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"What the hell?!"Discord whooves said,as he saw himself(Non Discorded of course) He walks up to the TARDIS and scopes it out,exactly the same as his TARDIS,minus the new pattern.He used his sonic screwdriver on the TARDIS,as The Doctor walks in "Um,hi..."Discorded whooves said in confusio,wondering how he is staring into...Himself. (OOC:I felt really tempted to do the moments where they both move at the same time lol )


The Doctor had no idea how or where exactly the TARDIS crashed, he was just glad he had survived that. He gave a little mental laugh on that fact. Ha ha!  It's a good thing I have two hearts!  The Doctor thought to himself as he got himself up and away from the wall he had been slammed into at the time of the crash. He looked around to find that nothing appeared to be badly damaged. This TARDIS has seen worse crashes.


He tried to find the exact coordinates at where he has landed but to his shock, the TARDIS couldn't find enough data to determine where he had landed. He looked at the screen sticking out from the console to find the following information.








"Not enough data!? Why, you always know where we land, even when I don't know! Why not enough data!?"


The only information that the TARDIS was able to give him was that the place of residence he had landed on was Equestria, yet according to the rest of the it's data, it's planet was unknown and so was it's galaxy. The Doctor couldn't believe it.


He just about to go and check out the strange new world he and his TARDIS had landed on, when suddenly the door opened. Wait, something else appears to have opened the door to my TARDIS. How is that possible!! Was his first initial thought. 


The doors opens to reveal......a pony!


A pony! This just keeps on get weirder by the minute! And for me to say that this is getting weird is saying something!


The brown coated pony spoke. The Doctor gave another mental laugh, seeing a pony talk was not so much as a surprise to him as what he had just been through with the TARDIS.


"A talking pony! Um...hey pony, do you know where I am?"


He then remembered that this pony actually managed the open the doors of his TARDIS.


"Also, can you tell me how the hell were you able to get in here!?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Derpy had never been very good with directions.

She easily got lost in the tall grass and after a short while of walking, she sighed in exasperation. 

"Why is the grass so tall?! Don't they ever cut it?" She muttered. She gave up trying to find her way out of the field the Earth Pony way, and hovered in the air. Turned out, she was slightly closer than before. At least, she thought so, but she couldn't say for sure. The eye that always looked down was blind, and that gave her depth perception issues. Still, she started flying over to the blue box.

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"ahh. thank you!" jenny called, turning around.  she trotted past rainbow and pinkie, and started to speed up slightly. by the time she was in the long grass, she was at quite a fast gallop. she loved how much faster she could run with four legs instead of two. she paused and lookeed around. she never did have a good sense of direction. dad had seemed to know where he was going somewhat last time she saw him. she wished she had at least that. she saw a little grey dot in the sky, and wondered if whatever pagasus was up there knew were she was going. she decided to follow it.

hi so i have a few OCs because im new and have an OC for each of the three -might soon be four- RP's im in sooo..

OC#1(lightningrunner) : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-runner-r3713

OC#2(jenny): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jenny-r3769

i dont think the lightning runner link is working if you really care that much go on the database and search it.its sad because i like her best...

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The Doctor had no idea how or where exactly the TARDIS crashed, he was just glad he had survived that. He gave a little mental laugh on that fact. Ha ha!  It's a good thing I have two hearts!  The Doctor thought to himself as he got himself up and away from the wall he had been slammed into at the time of the crash. He looked around to find that nothing appeared to be badly damaged. This TARDIS has seen worse crashes.


He tried to find the exact coordinates at where he has landed but to his shock, the TARDIS couldn't find enough data to determine where he had landed. He looked at the screen sticking out from the console to find the following information.








"Not enough data!? Why, you always know where we land, even when I don't know! Why not enough data!?"


The only information that the TARDIS was able to give him was that the place of residence he had landed on was Equestria, yet according to the rest of the it's data, it's planet was unknown and so was it's galaxy. The Doctor couldn't believe it.


He just about to go and check out the strange new world he and his TARDIS had landed on, when suddenly the door opened. Wait, something else appears to have opened the door to my TARDIS. How is that possible!! Was his first initial thought. 


The doors opens to reveal......a pony!


A pony! This just keeps on get weirder by the minute! And for me to say that this is getting weird is saying something!


The brown coated pony spoke. The Doctor gave another mental laugh, seeing a pony talk was not so much as a surprise to him as what he had just been through with the TARDIS.


"A talking pony! Um...hey pony, do you know where I am?"


He then remembered that this pony actually managed the open the doors of his TARDIS.


"Also, can you tell me how the hell were you able to get in here!?"

"Umm,I'm you,Doctor. I used the TARDIS key,and my Sonic Screwdriver to get here.Oh,and We are in Equestria.You think its strange to be a pony? Look,you have changed yourself!"Discorded Whooves had noticed that The Doctor was changing,he eventually became Doctor whooves

"But if you want a name for me..Its Yours."

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"Umm,I'm you,Doctor. I used the TARDIS key,and my Sonic Screwdriver to get here.Oh,and We are in Equestria.You think its strange to be a pony? Look,you have changed yourself!"Discorded Whooves had noticed that The Doctor was changing,he eventually became Doctor whooves "But if you want a name for me..Its Yours."


"Oh not only are you an adorable huge-eyed talking pony but your a crazy one too!" The Doctor exclaimed in disbelief. But then he thought for a moment. 


Okay, let's think about this for a second. He did mention TARDIS key, and Sonic Screwdriver, and he referred to me as Doctor. How would a crazy pony know all this. I must be crazy for even considering this but I feel compelled to believe that he is me. Maybe I landed in some alternate universe and this pony right in front of me is this universe's version of me. I think that's enough thinking for me, I guess I just take this pony's word for it, for it seems to be the only logical choice I can think of....surprisingly.


The Doctor snapped out of his phase of thoughts and turned to the once thought to be insane pony"Okay...Doctor Pony(He tried hard to refrain from laughing at that choice of words) , I'll take your word for it...for now at least. So we're in Equestria? Seems like a nice place, nice weather, WAIT." The Doctor stopped and remembered.


"Did you say I've changed?" The Doctor immediately brought what was once his hands up to his face, only to find hooves. "Oh my goodness! I'm a pony! Just like you! Well isn't that just hilarious!"


His seeming infinite mind was surprisingly perturbed and flooded with enough questions and thoughts that it almost gave him a headache. His thoughts though, were interrupted by the sound of hooves walking, not too far away from here.


More ponies? Ah, they must've heard the loud crash this TARDIS had just been through. By the sound of it, there is about three ponies...all heading directly towards where me and my TARDIS are. Oh dear... They can't find this! This is too soon!


The ponies sounded like they were at least a mile or two away, the Doctor didn't want to take any chances though.


"Look, I have a lot of questions for you...Doctor, but there's no time now. If what you say is true, then I'm sure you too can hear a few curious ponies on their way over here. We need to get ourselves and the Tardis out of here. Quick! Allons-y!"


As the Doctor tried to take his very first steps as a pony, he immediately tripped and fell to the ground.


"On an additional note, it's gonna take a little while till I get used to this pony body. Can you...um, help me first?"

Edited by Dsanders17
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"Oh not only are you an adorable huge-eyed talking pony but your a crazy one too!" The Doctor exclaimed in disbelief. But then he thought for a moment. 


Okay, let's think about this for a second. He did mention TARDIS key, and Sonic Screwdriver, and he referred to me as Doctor. How would a crazy pony know all this. I must be crazy for even considering this but I feel compelled to believe that he is me. Maybe I landed in some alternate universe and this pony right in front of me is this universe's version of me. I think that's enough thinking for me, I guess I just take this pony's word for it, for it seems to be the only logical choice I can think of....surprisingly.


The Doctor snapped out of his phase of thoughts and turned to the once thought to be insane pony"Okay...Doctor Pony(He tried hard to refrain from laughing at that choice of words) , I'll take your word for it...for now at least. So we're in Equestria? Seems like a nice place, nice weather, WAIT." The Doctor stopped and remembered.


"Did you say I've changed?" The Doctor immediately brought what was once his hands up to his face, only to find hooves. "Oh my goodness! I'm a pony! Just like you! Well isn't that just hilarious!"


His seeming infinite mind was surprisingly perturbed and flooded with enough questions and thoughts that it almost gave him a headache. His thoughts though, were interrupted by the sound of hooves walking, not too far away from here.


More ponies? Ah, they must've heard the loud crash this TARDIS had just been through. By the sound of it, there is about three ponies...all heading directly towards where me and my TARDIS are. Oh dear... They can't find this! This is too soon!


The ponies sounded like they were at least a mile or two away, the Doctor didn't want to take any chances though.


"Look, I have a lot of questions for you...Doctor, but there's no time now. If what you say is true, then I'm sure you too can hear a few curious ponies on their way over here. We need to get ourselves and the Tardis out of here. Quick! Allons-y!"


As the Doctor tried to take his very first steps as a pony, he immediately tripped and fell to the ground.


"On an additional note, it's gonna take a little while till I get used to this pony body. Can you...um, help me first?"

Discorded Whooves smiled

"Sure,i know the controls".Discord Whooves started to use the controls,putting the TARDIS back to a place near the Everfree Forest,and then landed it.He then turned to the Doctor,Helped him up and said

"Okay Doctor,you should be stable now.I warn you though,we are on the outskirts of the Everfree forest.Danger is in there.I recommend you stay in the TARDIS,at least until you can move comfortably...Okay?"

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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Pinkie Pie galloped after Jenny yelling over her shoulder "Are you coming Rainbow Dash?" But not waiting to see if her blue friend would follow. She quickly over took Jenny, being far more use to traveling on four legs and skidded to a stop at the crash site. Nothing was there. Just a black mark and some hoof prints. Pinkie glanced up and spotted the faint outline of Derpy in the sky. "I knew it" she thought to herself.


"DITZY!!!" she called out in her loudest Pinkie voice. "What's going on?" Just at that moment her pinkie sense started to go a bit wild.


Sheesh_zps81f399b3.jpg "Something tells me this has more to do with it than Ditzy Do's clumsiness!" She waited to see if the Pegasus would land and watched as Jenny caught up, panting and puffing as if she wasn't use to a long gallop across the grass. Odd!

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Discorded Whooves smiled "Sure,i know the controls".Discord Whooves started to use the controls,putting the TARDIS back to a place near the Everfree Forest,and then landed it.He then turned to the Doctor,Helped him up and said "Okay Doctor,you should be stable now.I warn you though,we are on the outskirts of the Everfree forest.Danger is in there.I recommend you stay in the TARDIS,at least until you can move comfortably...Okay?"


"Ah finally we're safe! Thank you kind pony." The Doctor said to the 'other Doctor' with much gratitude.


"So this is what you...ponies, call the Everfree Forest? Interesting name for such a place as you describe. And say, I was just wondering...an interesting question really, but how exactly did you find me so quickly?"

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"Ah finally we're safe! Thank you kind pony." The Doctor said to the 'other Doctor' with much gratitude.


"So this is what you...ponies, call the Everfree Forest? Interesting name for such a place as you describe. And say, I was just wondering...an interesting question really, but how exactly did you find me so quickly?"

"I'd rather not be reffered to as "Pony" .But i was just walking back to the TARDIS when you walked out,i saw you and thought why were you in the TARDIS.So i went inside and it confirmed that you were The Doctor.Thats why im able to fly the damn thing."

He noticed that the doctor would think that he was crazy,so he decided to say stuff only the doctor would know.He turned to him

"You have faced Daleks,Cybermen,Sontarans,Vashda Nerada,Weeping Angels and the master.You have to believe that im you!"

  • Brohoof 1

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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"I'd rather not be reffered to as "Pony" .But i was just walking back to the TARDIS when you walked out,i saw you and thought why were you in the TARDIS.So i went inside and it confirmed that you were The Doctor.Thats why im able to fly the damn thing."

He noticed that the doctor would think that he was crazy,so he decided to say stuff only the doctor would know.He turned to him

"You have faced Daleks,Cybermen,Sontarans,Vashda Nerada,Weeping Angels and the master.You have to believe that im you!"

"I am very confused as to how I apparently came out of your TARDIS." The Doctor responded, getting more and more confused by the minute. He didn't know how that was possible. After all, he did pretty much crashed that thing into...Equestria. And this....timepony seems to claim it as his. This was the most confused the Doctor had ever been.


"Look I believe you. Your obviously referring to a lot of familiar things that I have seen and faced so logically there can't be any uncertainty that you are not me, even though it doesn't seem to make sense. But I still wonder....how did I come out of your TARDIS?"


"Look, your me! Therefore, being a Timelord, you must be smarter than any human or pony mind that has ever existed. Yet, I can't seem to make a logical explanation to this. So what do you think. I like to hear my other perspective on this matter." The Doctor gave a mental laugh on his last sentence.

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"I am very confused as to how I apparently came out of your TARDIS." The Doctor responded, getting more and more confused by the minute. He didn't know how that was possible. After all, he did pretty much crashed that thing into...Equestria. And this....timepony seems to claim it as his. This was the most confused the Doctor had ever been.


"Look I believe you. Your obviously referring to a lot of familiar things that I have seen and faced so logically there can't be any uncertainty that you are not me, even though it doesn't seem to make sense. But I still wonder....how did I come out of your TARDIS?"


"Look, your me! Therefore, being a Timelord, you must be smarter than any human or pony mind that has ever existed. Yet, I can't seem to make a logical explanation to this. So what do you think. I like to hear my other perspective on this matter." The Doctor gave a mental laugh on his last sentence.

Discord Whooves chuckled

"Well,the two TARDISes must have merged together."He then got a drink from his TARDIS(a Coca-Cola) and proceeded to drink the can in his hooves.he then turned towards the doctor with a smile and then said

"Would you like a Coke Doctor?" Discord Whooves said,with a kind smile on his face

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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Derpy had just been about to land on the path near where the blue box was, but as she looked away from it, it seemed to vanish. 

She looked back quickly to determine where it was but saw that it was... gone? 


Derpy beat her wings harder and flew higher up in the air, trying to look for it. just then, she heard Pinkie calling.


Derpy looked down at where the blue box should've been and saw the pink Earth Pony looking straight up at her, another mare galloping behind her. Pinkie Pie seemed to think it was her. 

"Should've known. I bet everypony in town thinks it was me." she mumbled as she started drifting to the ground. At least she had called the Pegasus by her nickname for her, and while she wasn't all too fond of the name "Ditzy Doo", it at least showed she wasn't angry.

Derpy landed near the black mark on the ground and looked at Pinkie. Something seemed off, and Pinkie looked surprised. It looked like her Pinkie sense was bugging her.

"What is it, Pinkie? Is something wrong? Is it your Pinkie sense?"

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"What is it, Pinkie? Is something wrong? Is it your Pinkie sense?"


Pinkamina Dianie Pie had always liked Derpy Hooves, despite the fact she'd blown up town hall, she was always good for a party and made excellent muffins. She'd also helped Pinkie co-conspire in that whole 'bribe Twilight Sparkle into giving me the ticket' prank. And even though it didn't work.... Pinkie had always felt that she owed Derpy a favor.


Pinkie started talking a mile a minute barely taking a breath between words. "Well Yes.. .something went BOOM and at first I thought it might have been you then my pinkie sense started telling me something else was going on and now I'm wondering if you saw anything from up there?' Then, getting her priorities in perspective Pinkie added "By the way, do you want a cupcake?" Pinkie asked, handing her a pink cup cake with a slight amount of dirt on it from where she dropped it earlier. "Oh that's just cinamon" Pinkie said with an innocent but slightly 'Oops' look on her face. oops_zps8e074d75.jpg 

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Discord Whooves chuckled "Well,the two TARDISes must have merged together."He then got a drink from his TARDIS(a Coca-Cola) and proceeded to drink the can in his hooves.he then turned towards the doctor with a smile and then said "Would you like a Coke Doctor?" Discord Whooves said,with a kind smile on his face


"Well sure, thanks! This is quite fascinating, a Coke, here in Equestria. I know the soda has been around for over 125 years but I didn't think it's universal!" The Doctor laughed.




Surprisingly laughing had been such a tendency of his ever since he first arrived here. He assumed it was because of the oddly upbeat and tranquil atmosphere Equestria seemed to possess. No doubt that all these ponies made it easy for him to find humor.


"I was just wondering.." The Doctor began to question his 'doppelganger.' "Can you tell me your origins? You initial life before residing here in Equestria. Or have you lived here all your life? Tell me the history you have seen and witnessed! Oooo! Tell me about all your pony companions!"


The Doctor was now getting a little excited and eager to know more about his Equestrian self.

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"Well sure, thanks! This is quite fascinating, a Coke, here in Equestria. I know the soda has been around for over 125 years but I didn't think it's universal!" The Doctor laughed.




Surprisingly laughing had been such a tendency of his ever since he first arrived here. He assumed it was because of the oddly upbeat and tranquil atmosphere Equestria seemed to possess. No doubt that all these ponies made it easy for him to find humor.


"I was just wondering.." The Doctor began to question his 'doppelganger.' "Can you tell me your origins? You initial life before residing here in Equestria. Or have you lived here all your life? Tell me the history you have seen and witnessed! Oooo! Tell me about all your pony companions!"


The Doctor was now getting a little excited and eager to know more about his Equestrian self.

Discorded whooves closed his eyes

"Umm....Well,i was flying the TARDIS with Amy and Rory one day,and then...."He looked away,and drank his coke.."And then they died.I regenerated and ended up here,i have had to live here for god knows how long,so yeah.

And ever since that day,I have had no companions..."Discord whooves shed one tear,before regaining his composure.He then chuckled before saying"Yeah,coca-cola is universal alright.However,no more bacon.These Ponies are Herbavores"Discord Whooves said with a sad smile

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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Discorded whooves closed his eyes

"Umm....Well,i was flying the TARDIS with Amy and Rory one day,and then...."He looked away,and drank his coke.."And then they died.I regenerated and ended up here,i have had to live here for god knows how long,so yeah.

And ever since that day,I have had no companions..."Discord whooves shed one tear,before regaining his composure.He then chuckled before saying"Yeah,coca-cola is universal alright.However,no more bacon.These Ponies are Herbavores"Discord Whooves said with a sad smile

"So you weren't always a pony? This is just fascinating! Interesting indeed, you must be me from another alternate universe!" The Doctor excitedly exclaimed. His thoughts of this Doctor being an alternative universe version of him were right, except for the fact that he didn't necessarily belong to this universe.


So no companions, I know that feeling... No bacon, well, that's downright awful.


He knew the feeling of loneliness. He's known it for a while. It has always been unavoidable for him, to be lonely at the very end of his adventures, it has always been inevitable. He was forever doomed to solitary, but at least for the moment he was now in, he was not alone, he had himself..


"Well Doctor, this Doctor knows exactly how you feel. I've been without my companions for quite a whiles too as you can see. I came here alone, apparently even without my own beloved TARDIS since I came out of yours. That still confuses me, and it's gonna leave me wondering and worried for a while."


The Doctor drank his Coke and looked back at the other Doctor giving him a funny smile.


"Well you must know some ponies here right?"

Edited by Dsanders17
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"So you weren't always a pony? This is just fascinating! Interesting indeed, you must be me from another alternate universe!" The Doctor excitedly exclaimed. His thoughts of this Doctor being an alternative universe version of him were right, except for the fact that he didn't necessarily belong to this universe.


So no companions, I know that feeling... No bacon, well, that's downright awful.


He knew the feeling of loneliness. He's known it for a while. It has always been unavoidable for him, to be lonely at the very end of his adventures, it has always been inevitable. He was forever doomed to solitary, but at least for the moment he was now in, he was not alone, he had himself..


"Well Doctor, this Doctor knows exactly how you feel. I've been without my companions for quite a whiles too as you can see. I came here alone, apparently even without my own beloved TARDIS since I came out of yours. That still confuses me, and it's gonna leave me wondering and worried for a while."


The Doctor drank his Coke and looked back at the other Doctor giving him a funny smile.


"Well you must know some ponies here right?"

Discorded whooves thought

"Yeah,i know some ponies.One i thought betrayed me.But i think i might apologize.But for now doctor,would you like to go to a cafe,maybe grab something to eat?"

He thought about what he said,it couldnt hurt

(OOC I wanna have Discorded Whooves apologize to Derpy at some point.Is that ok with you guys?)

  • Brohoof 1

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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