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((How in the hell am I supposed to reply to something that damn cute?))


@@Sterling Crimson


Evening tried not to die inside. He. was. adorable. The cute voice, his mistake with North, she just couldn't bear this. She was tingling from the cuteness and his love, it was like an aura, it was so lovely and soothing, she just hoped it could be the same from her to him.

"You are killing me with your adorableness" she giggled, quite giddily. She tried to change her voice to bejust as adorable, or even more adorable than Sterlings "I wuv you so much! Will you wuv me forever and forever?" she giggled, the softness in her voice seemed to help. She looked up at him with wide eyes, smiling and trying to be as cute as possible


(Damn dog chewed the internet cable! Sorry this post is a bit late)

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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Sun shone through the window, waking Kismet from her slumber. She sat up and shook out her mane, then hopped out of the bed. She grabbed her saddle bag quickly and rushed out the door. 


"I need to get the wedding gift before this afternoon," she thought as she galloped through the city, "Yet I haven't the slightest idea of what they would want..."


She continued down the street, weaving through the crowd. Finally she came up to Manehatten Mall and stepped inside. She wandered through the mall until she came up to a huge store. Not bothering to think, she rushed inside.

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Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note noticed that Sterling seemed more confident. "Oh, that would fantastic." She was excited to hear what he composed. It was rare to find other ponies that liked composing. Though she had to wonder why she hadn't met any other composition majors yet. There was no way she was the only one.  


"Well, composing is my special talent, so it's really not that out of the ordinary." She did slightly blush at the word "amazing". Composing was her passion, but everypony had a passion marked clear as day on their flank. It had been awhile since anypony had spoken favorably of her special talent. 

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@Budding Night


Sterling was clearly enjoying this lovie moment with Evening. He couldn't help but act this childish and giddy over Evening. Today was such a special day for them! He replied happily, "Of course I wuv you! Fowever and eva!" Nonetheless, Sterling had to let himself off Evening's grasp. He had to shower and clean himself up for the wedding! After he did so, albeit very quickly, he brought his tuxedo out as he then motioned Evening to clean up and shower up for the wedding.



Just as Sterling was about to speak back to Blue Note about his excitement to hear her pieces, Professor Adagio walked in. He had quizzes for everypony based on their last class of music theory. Needless to say, it was an easy quiz for Sterling. All review as he zoomed through the quiz and then became the first student to hand his paper, even after twice checking his answers over meticulously.

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note inwardly groaned. Professor Adagio was crazy. At least she had studied for the quiz, and the material wasn't too hard. She felt fairly confident going through the answers, checking them over several times, just to be safe. She certainly didn't want a quiz grade to be her undoing. Professor Adagio wasn't going to stop her from being a music major. He gave her a dirty look when she handed in her quiz. She was one of the last ponies to turn the quiz in. "No need to be rude because I wanted to take my time..." Every second she spent in class with him, she liked him less and less. 

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The more Sterling saw Professor Adagio, the more hostility he felt towards him. He noticed that Blue was one of the last students to complete her quiz, to which much ire was given in reply from the professor. He really wanted to speak against his attitude towards Blue, but he was no pony who rebelled against a professor, even if he did act like a complete jerk at times. Once the quizzes were handed in, the professor continued at his rocket pace through the material, possibly going even faster than what the syllabus intended. This speed began to overwhelm Sterling, even if he knew all this material already. It wasn't the difficulty of the material, but the speed that stunned him. Good thing he had his music textbook to rely on for his notes. It helped him understand everything perfectly despite the pace.

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note found herself wondering if she would need a second music theory notebook to get through the semester. At the rate she was filling up her current one, there was no way it would last until finals week. At least she was becoming rather proficient at taking notes. It was a relief when the professor finally said, "Okay, class dismissed. The quizzes will be graded when my TA gets to them. I can only hope for mild disappointment." He looked around the room as he said this, and Blue Note couldn't help but feel he was staring directly at certain ponies, including her. Did she unwittingly do something wrong?

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Sterling's music theory class was finally over. He was so glad it was all done. The note taking he had to do literally left a large cramp on his hoof. When he dismissed the class, he waved a quick goodbye to Blue before saying afterwards, "I'll see you at lunch ok?" As Sterling walked off, he couldn't help but smile wide as he had finally found a mare... a mare who respected him at the very least as a stallion... 

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@@Sterling Crimson


Evening loved that Sterling seemed to be loving the childish moment they were having, she was loving it too. But alas, he did get up and have clean himself up, afterwards motioning her to do the same and she obeyed. She walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower, thinking about the day ahead as she let the cool, warm water slither down her mane and back..


She let herself go into semi-deep thought mode about something that had been on her mind since yesterday. How had she remembered Kismets name? She had never remembered it before, while she was walking there she even remembered the first two letters of her name. That was a huge achievement for her, she remembered something. But it was practically impossible to get past the drug, it was impossible to get past it, so.. how did she remember?


She finished her shower and turned back off her deep thought mode. She got out and quickly dried her body and progressed into drying her curly mane, it always took forever for it to really dry properly, the thickness of the curls in her hair just keep the water in, it was highly annoying. She stopping trying to dry her hair and moved on to her face, she put her face down into the towel and rubbed it. Suddenly, she stopped and looked up into the mirror


"Am I really remembering?" she whispered to herself

"No" nearly the same voice whispered back, it was absolutely absurd that she was remembering, she was probably just having another day dream.

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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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((OOC: Sorry Blue Note! :P))


As they all talked together, DJ noticed a light blue unicorn in the gathering crowd. She was looking a little nervous, and didn't seem to know that many other ponies. DJ decided it would be a good idea to introduce himself, as any friend of Sterling's or Evening's was surely a friend of his! As he trotted over, he smiled and held out a hoof. "Hey there! I'm DJ BRONI3, a friend of the happy couple! Are you here on the bride's side or the groom's?" DJ was hoping he could help her feel a little less uneasy.

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Kismet sauntered in and out of the aisles, desperately hoping to find something inspiring to purchase as a gift for the happy couple. As she inspected every promising-looking item, she felt more and more discouraged. 


"Great. Showing up late AND not bothering to bring a gift... What a fantastic start to introduce myself..." she thought sarcastically. Eventually she came up to the luxury keepsake aisle where lots of cutsie little fru-fru wedding gifts and baby shower items filled the shelves.


"This may be my only chance to get something halfway decent," Kismet thought, "Might as well give it a try.." She looked at as many items as she could, but to no avail. Nothing.... seemed right. 


She came up to the end of the section, feeling a bit hopeless. Yet she looked through the shelves nonetheless. 


And there she found it. Tucked neatly in the back of the shelf, covered in a slight layer of dust (as if it had been there a while) was an antique, decorated memory box. 


"My grandmother used to tell me stories about her memory box as a filly," Kismet thought as she reached back to pick it up, ​"Newly weds or ponies who have had a child would receive a memory box, a beautifully decorated and embellished parcel passed down from generation to generation. The box had secret compartments hidden inside and out of it, places to write down your secrets and memories, or to hide a special keepsake. Then, if you ever were to forget a loving memory or a happy incident, you would simply look through your memory box to remind yourself of a happy time."


Kismet gently picked up the memory box, it had to be at least 150 years old, and examined the embellishments inside and outside of the magnificent piece. It truly was beautiful, and who knows what kind of secrets it could hold? This was it. The gift Kismet was looking for - it was perfect. Kismet tucked the antique gently under her wing and trotted carefully over to the cashier counter.




((OOC: Bum-bum-BUUUMMMMMM! What kind of things will come from this simple, elegant memory box, hmm? Tune in to find out!  ;) ))

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Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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(OOC: Blue Note can deal; I'm just happy I can write interactions with the present day cast. =P)


Blue Note was a little surprised to see that a pony was talking to her. She wasn't in the mood for small talk, but she couldn't let her feelings get in the way of professionalism. "Lovely to meet you, DJ BRONI3. I'm Blue Note." She shook his extended hoof. "I'm... an old friend of Sterling's. We went to university together." The explanation of her attendance was plausible enough, even to Blue Note. "I'm here to play one of his favorite piano pieces." She wondered where Sterling was, and when it would be best to talk to him. He couldn't ignore her the whole time, could he?




@Sterling Crimson


"Okay, main dining hall it is." Blue Note waved back at him. She was relieved to be out of music theory; it seemed professor Adagio was not happy with her. She couldn't worry about that, though. There were plenty of other things to worry about, like her next class. The class was biology, which she found dull at best and confusing at worst. After attending the lecture and rereading, she realized that she had extra studying to do. But she would worry about that later. It was already lunchtime. 

Edited by lincolnshirepony
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(OOC: Blue Note can deal; I'm just happy I can write interactions with the present day cast. =P)


Blue Note was a little surprised to see that a pony was talking to her. She wasn't in the mood for small talk, but she couldn't let her feelings get in the way of professionalism. "Lovely to meet you, DJ BRONI3. I'm Blue Note." She shook his extended hoof. "I'm... an old friend of Sterling's. We went to university together." The explanation of her attendance was plausible enough, even to Blue Note. "I'm here to play one of his favorite piano pieces." She wondered where Sterling was, and when it would be best to talk to him. He couldn't ignore her the whole time, could he?


"Oh! Cool!" DJ replied. "Sterling never really told me much about his Manehattan University friends. You must know him quite well if you're playing at his wedding!" Now that he thought about it, Sterling had never mentioned ANYTHING about his Manehattan. DJ hadn't even been sure if Sterling had had many friends there, as it had always seemed to be a touchy subject.


((OOC: Sometimes DJ can be a little too talkative! :P

Oh! And the Queen's now got a great grandson! :D))

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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"Oh! Cool!" DJ replied. "Sterling never really told me much about his Manehattan University friends. You must know him quite well if you're playing at his wedding!" Now that he thought about it, Sterling had never mentioned ANYTHING about his Manehattan. DJ hadn't even been sure if Sterling had had many friends there, as it had always seemed to be a touchy subject.


((OOC: Sometimes DJ can be a little too talkative! :P

Oh! And the Queen's now got a great grandson! :D))


Blue Note realized that Sterling had never mentioned her. Could she be erased from his history so easily? It took her a second to regain composure. "Yes, we do know each other quite well." Sterling knew just about everything about her: hopes, dreams, fears, insecurities, history. As their friendship had developed, it felt natural to tell him those things, but she was starting to regret it. She wasn't sure how he felt about her now. "I suppose the University of Manehatten isn't the most fascinating thing to bring up, not when there are islands to escape and a tyrant to defeat." 


(OOC: Perfect. :P)

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Sterling had just finished all his classes for the morning. He heard the taunts once again about his clumsiness, but he didn't care. He was looking forward to meeting Blue Note at the dining hall today. He walked in with stride and gave a rather clumsy wave to her. He spoke with a smile, "Hey Blue Note!" Just as he was about to finish his greeting however, he slipped over a banana peel and then slammed his face onto the desk where Blue Note was sitting. He could feel a huge blush entering his face as soon as he lifted his face as he gave a very sheepish smile and laugh...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note realized that Sterling had never mentioned her. Could she be erased from his history so easily? It took her a second to regain composure. "Yes, we do know each other quite well." Sterling knew just about everything about her: hopes, dreams, fears, insecurities, history. As their friendship had developed, it felt natural to tell him those things, but she was starting to regret it. She wasn't sure how he felt about her now. "I suppose the University of Manehatten isn't the most fascinating thing to bring up, not when there are islands to escape and a tyrant to defeat." 


(OOC: Perfect. :P)


((OOC: Ouch! Didn't realise DJ'd done that! :P))


DJ felt a bit of a sarcastic tone to Blue Note's reply. "Oops! Did I say something wrong?" He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little awkward. "Yeah, it certainly was a bit of a crazy adventure! It did get really odd at some points, particularly when this changeling called Va..." He then realised it maybe wasn't the best topic to be discussing when his marefriend was behind them, so decided to change the subject. Something! Anything! "So, it looks like it'll be good weather for the wedding, doesn't it?" DJ mentally kicked himself for bringing up such a clichéd topic.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note couldn't help giggling. "Are you all right, Sterling?" She got up and offered him her hoof. He must have been really excited to see her, something she reciprocated. "Who leaves a banana peel on the floor when there are so many waste baskets around?" Could a pony really be so lazy? 


"Anyway, how are you doing?" She wondered if his day had been eventful. So far university wasn't the dream escape she had hoped for.




Blue Note wondered if she had let too much bitterness ooze into her words. DJ BRONI3 had certainly changed the subject quickly. The situation was getting rather awkward, in her opinion. "Yes, the weather is quite lovely. I suppose it was scheduled that way, since the ceremony is so large." Sterling had certainly grown in popularity, which was quite understandable, all things considered. Still, how many of these University of Manehatten ponies were the same ponies that tormented him? Blue Note couldn't quite believe their support was entirely the result of a genuine change in heart. 

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Sterling rubbed his head on his table as he could hear giggling from the other ponies... or was that Blue Note? He looked up and saw her covering her mouth in a failed attempt to cover her giggles. Sterling smiled towards Blue as she extended her hoof to help him up. Sterling then rubbed his head to alleviate the pain he felt on his head. Afterwards, he replied with a smile, 


"Yeah... I'll be fine. That's true! Who does leave a banana peel like that? You'd expect this university to be cleaner! Other than the slip up though, I'm fine. I finished my music theory homework and practiced on the piano last night, but that was all. How was the quiz by the way?"


@Budding Night


Sterling was all dressed up for the wedding. He had his full tuxedo ready, knowing that he had very little time to change before the wedding started. Nonetheless, Sterling had to make sure his tuxedo didn't get dirty during lunch, a sizable task for him. He walked out of his changing room and spoke to Evening, "Hey Evie. You ready to go? Let's head out towards the chapel now!" Sterling then approached towards the apartment door slowly hoping that Evening would be ready to go as well.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson 


Evening had brought her stuff into the bathroom with her when she had gone to shower. After taking a few minutes to dry her mane, she put on her dress and did her hair. She had left the front curls the same as usual but had put the back of her hair into a nice bun with a deep lilac curl hanging down and the rose placed just underneath her ear. The little golden shoes she had gotten looked perfect with her dress, everything looked perfect as she looked into the mirror.


As she walked out of the bathroom and approached Sterling, she blushed and had a shy look on her face with her ears slightly slanting forward. As she saw Sterling in his tuxedo she blushed a little harder, he looked so handsome in his tuxedo, it went quite well with his hair colour..


"I'm ready" she said "H-How do I look?" she gave a bit of a sheepish smile after her question, she hoped she looked perfect for her groom.

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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


Sterling's eyes opened wide as he saw Evening walk out with her bridal dress. Her sheepish smile just added to her cuteness. He walked back into the apartment slowly towards Evening. He stretched his head towards her ears and then whispered, "You look heavenly Evie. I think we're both ready for our wedding now." Sterling then licked into her ears slowly and then walked out of the door with her.


Their carriage was now waiting in front of their apartment. All the residents of Sterling's apartment clamoured outside to congratulate the couple as they crept through them to the elevator. He went down the elevator and then walked out of the door towards the carriage, glistening white with two dashing royal guards ready to carry them to Lehigh Chapel for their wedding...

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As they all stood talking, DJ suddenly noticed a carriage coming down the path. "Wait... is that...?" Suddenly, he exclaimed. "Look everypony! Here they come!" He was also quite glad to divert away from what had become a rather awkward conversation between himself and Blue Note. It was truly an amazing sight as it came towards them, and it almost took DJ's breath away. "Certainly perfect for wedding transport..."

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@@Sterling Crimson, @, @EveryoneElseAtTheChapel
(Well, okay, I guess we're skipping a bit :P)
As they came down the path towards the chapel, Evening couldn't help but feel queasy and excited at the same time. A mares wedding day was the most exciting day of their life, but Evening had other things to worry about; News reporters would be there, they say its the biggest wedding since the one of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Evening was impressively shy, she didn't know how she'd pull it off. Another thing being the message that.. she would bring to her at the after party, the thought of it was eating away at her brain, making her worry to the River Styx. Plus, it was such a long way into the day, after parties usually went to one-three in the morning, it might be an ages wait.
((You're in the Chapel, right? If not, I apologize if I get this wrong))
They soon pulled up next to the chapel, Evening opened the door in the carriage and cheerily motioned to Sterling to come with her, she turned towards the royal guards
"Th-Thank you kindly, s-sirs" she said, giving a friendly smile, they grinned back and said good luck for their wedding, the mare thanked them and walked into the chapel doors slowly. The first thing she did was gasp and put a hoof over her mouth to stop her jaw from dropping to the center of the earth; The chapel looked absolutely gorgeous. There was plant life and green everywhere, she couldn't express her happiness as she looked around the chapel. She put her hoof down and whispered a "Wow" to herself, then  stopped her a'wwing and put her gaze down to the pony that was right in front of her; DJ-BRONI3.
"H-Hello" she said with small grin, she was lost for words at the beauty of the chapel decor, she didn't really know what to say at all.
( :P)

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Applejack continued her work at Sweet Apple Acres, but she had Red on her mind for the whole day.

Why have ah all of a sudden felt so strongly for him now? she wondered. She always had a bit of a crush on him, but perhaps, it was when Red saved her family from Raven that was her realization moment. Applejack reminisced on the days when it was just a mere crush, how she always sat next to Red at the schoolhouse in grade school, just to share crayons with him. The days spent together on the orchard, school memories, their senior prom. All of this was flooding her mind. Big Mac, however, noticed Applejack was not exactly herself.

"What's the problem?" he asked her.

"Ah, Big Mac," she responded, "It's nothin' you'd understand."

Big Mac nodded, and walked away. After the day's work was done, she headed upstairs to her bedroom, where she sat and thought.

"Ah wish ah had somepony to talk to about this," she said to herself. Granny Smith, while having a close relationship, didn't seem to AJ as the best person to ask for relationship advice.

"And Apple Bloom would be too young to understand," she said aloud to herself again. She sat, alone in her bedroom, frustrated at how she had no one to turn to for advice or help.

(OOC: Who should she ask? I don't have any idea who. Possibly Twilight?)

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Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(OOC: Who should she ask? I don't have any idea who. Possibly Twilight?)


((OOC: Twilight may be a good choice, but I feel like unless she read a book about relationships she might not understand. Unless you are talking about her and the new guy from EqG, perhaps she could say something about him? (Not that they really had a relationship...) Anyways Rarity would love to gossip about colts but I'm sure it would be a bit too fur-fru for your liking  :P ))



Kismet walked up to the cashier table and set the box gently on the counter. She peeked behind it and there, asleep, was an old stallion with an age comparable to Granny Smith. 


"He's been around here for a while," thought Kismet with a smirk. She reached over with a hoof and shook him slightly.


"Hello, sir? I'd like to make a purchase if you don't mind," she said politely. The old stallion woke with a start:




And proceeded to fall back asleep.


Needless to say Kismet was quite taken aback from this little outburst. Once she regained composure, she cautiously reached a hoof out and tapped on the cash register. It opened up quickly with a loud "KA-CHING"


"WHAT? WHOS DA- Where am I?" exclaimed the cashier, almost falling out of his chair. Kismet seized her opportunity:


"I'd like to make a purchase please," Kismet said, pushed the memory box forward, "This will be all, thank you. How many bits?" she asked, reaching for her saddlebag. 


"WHAT? You wanna buy that old piece of junk?? Why, that's been sittin' in the back o' my shelves for at least 50 years! Take it! It's yours! What would a young whippersnapper like yourself wanna trouble yourself with that old Pandora's Box, anywho?"


Kismet ears pricked up. "Did you say, 'Pandora's Box?" Kismet asked slowly.




Kismet scoffed at this stallion's tone, but held her tongue. "I just... didn't know there were any left is all. I.. thought they had all been taken away long ago. Ummm... Thank you sir, I will just be on my way," She said, grabbing hold of the box and rushing out of the store.


"HEY ARE YOU GONNA PAY FUR THA- snnnooooooooozzzzzzzz........" 




((OOC: MMMMystery.....  :umad: ))

Edited by Love*Potion
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Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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The couple. Had finally arrived. Lehigh Chapel was filled with photographers and news reporters who wanted the latest scoop on every detail of the glorious wedding of Sterling Crimson. Sterling tried his best to push the reporters away and did so successfully. He immediately closed the chapel halls just as soon as the reporters began to clamour for pictures of the couple. Sterling then saw many of his friends waiting excitedly to see him and his bride! Sterling could also see the organ well decorated and the orchestra stands and chairs all set up for him. This wedding he knew would be a great day as she shouted joyfully,



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