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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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Nuclear continued to have a grin on her face as she walked along the sidewalk. Baltimare didn't seem much different than Manehattan but she wasn't going to let her thoughts of home ruin the experience. "Ah. Night time in a city." she said aloud, smiling,

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"No you would be wrong. I'm actually from the Everfree Forest. I used to live there. I only speak this way because I lived with Regal for so long now. I guess spending a lot of my time in Canterlot didn't help either" she said to him.


"Yeah who doesn't love the night? Sorry but I wanted to know where his accent was from. Well best be on my way soon. It was nice meeting you again" She turned and began walking away from the two stallions.

"You two take care now, Thugs like to be out at this hour too"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Wait!" Scribe had blurted out before he could control his own mouth. "I mean, uh, take care of yourself Icy. If your from the Everfree I'm sure you'll be fine but... uh..."


'Good job Scribe. Now you look like a rude idiot.' He thought.


"I'm going to go... this way now." He motioned down the nearest street, backing towards it nervously. "Uh... take care!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Dust noted how nervous Scribe was. He didn't know what the real reason it was but assumed it was from Icy's last comment. "Don't worry bud. There's ain't no thugs in Baltimare. Ah think. Take care yerself."  Dust turned and began walking towards his house. He was now feeling tired, and after finding his house it didn't take him long to fall asleep.

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She smiled when she heard Scribe yelled wait. She turned to face him

"I'm kidding, besides I can take care of myself. I did live in the Everfree Forest after all" she turned back around and headed towards her house. As she walked away a thought came to her. -He must think I am like a flower. That's something Regal would think too. Well now I've found two idiots now, Regal and Scribe- For some reason that thought seemed a little funny to her.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Nuclear's gait slowed some as she yawned, her body finally feeling tired from the trip and the excitement wearing her out. She looked around, her yellow eyes showing some exhaustion. "Darn it...should've found a place to stay rather than walking about..." she muttered, mentally berating herself.

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'Stupid, stupid, stupid...'


Scribe wandered the streets aimlessly, searching for the hotel Orion had directed him towards. He knew he was in the right general area but everything seemed so different at night - it was like discovering the town again.


'Thats the third time you've passed that bench...'


Why had he shouted after her? It wasn't as if he needed protecting and she could clearly look after herself...


'Because you're an idiot Scribe! You don't just act before you think, you don't think at all!'

Never quite forgotten.

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"Hey Scribes." Orion called out from behind him. He was just walking down the street from the hotel. He had a feeling that Scribes would not know his way around the city all that fluently, especially at night time. Even though Orion didn't know much about Baltimare as well, he spent a lot of his weekends exploring the night as well, searching for stores to buy supplies for his business. He couldn't seem to fall asleep this night though.


"Sorry if I spooked you. Seems that sleep is not easy for me tonight. You were also gone for a while, so I thought I come look for you, just so you wouldn't get lost." Orion said as he then pulled out what he called his 'flashlight.'


"I even brought my flash light. It's basically a small portable lamp. Helps me see in the dark!"


"Now why don't we head on back. We only got three hours left till sunrise.."

Edited by Dsanders17
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Nuclear perked her ears up hearing voices nearby and whipped around, one of the pockets on her bags jiggling with bits. "Others!" she thought, picking up her pace as she followed the noises. "Perhaps they know a place I can stay!" she said to herself, turning a few corners. "Hello?!" the dark gray unicorn called out, a smile appearing on her face.

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"Hey!" Scribe sighed in relieve. "Thanks a lot I... Baltimare's a lot different in the dark."


He was actually really interested in the flashlight: most of the inventions he had seen in the day meant nothing to him. This, however, this was something useful.


"I was out that long? Guess I was lost for longer than I thought - must have been going in circles for the best part of an hour. If I ever see that tree shaped like a duck again..."


He managed to stop himself getting carried away.


"I owe you twice now I suppose. Which way Is... wait, whats that?"

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @,


Orion gave Scribes a soft and reassuring smile. "Hey, what are roommates...friends for?" Orion thought to himself on his comment when he had actually came across an interesting realization.


He's...my friend. I have finally made a friend in this city! I didn't think that would be possible for me!


His thoughts were then immediately interrupted by the sound of another person, who seemed to be yelling out to them for help. He turned to look at the origin of the noise. It was a mare, a bright mare, quite literally! And the one thing that caught Orion's attention the most, was her unique cutie mark that appeared to glow a bit. It was a strange symbol that he had never seen before...


"Um hello there! You need any help?"

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@, @,

Nuclear screeched to a halt right in front of the two ponies, smiling widely despite her heavy breathing from running. "Hello!" she greeted, her face lighting up. "Hiya there!" She tilted her head, taking a look at the duo.

"Finally found someone else in this city! But I shouldn't be surprised that I haven't found anyone else..." Her dialogue didn't seem to be directed at anyone in specific.

She scratched her chin. "And it is dark, explaining that... Oh!" Nuclear shook her head, remembering what she was supposed to be doing and grinned. "Do know anyplace I could stay for a few nights?" asked Nuclear, scratching her head, slightly embarrassed at her inability to plan a place to stay before leaving Manehattan.

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"Oh, hey there!" Scribe looked over at Orion and raised his brow - She clearly wasn't hostile at least.




"Reckon the hotel will have anypony at reception at this time?" He said, not wanting to say something to drop a second unexpected guest on his new friend. "I don't think both of us will fit on your sofa somehow."

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @,

"By the way, my name's Nuclear Neurotic! Hehehehe!" she giggled, smiling more..

"I don't wanna burden ya guys or anything!" replied Nuclear, tilting her head again. "I'll just go blow a hole in a abandoned building or something and stay there for tonight." From how she spoke, it didn't seem like to her it would be a problem if she had to.

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Orion tilted his head a little at the mare. She seemed a bit...odd, but he really wanted to help regardless. If Orion had a weakness, it was without a doubt, kindness.


"Well there is a hotel just down the street. Me and Scribes currently live there right now. If you want I can find you a room to stay at."


He then turned to Scribes and whispered carefully in his ear.


"As long as she doesn't blow anything up...I think we're good. Just keep and eye on her..."

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Scribe nodded slightly- that was something he could do. And he hadn't been particularly thrilled about leaving a mare out on the street: even one who seemed ever so slightly unstable.




He smiled to himself a little.




"So, going to show us the way Orion? I'm still pretty lost out here."

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @,

"I didn't think you'd actually help me! I was perfectly fine with going and making a spot for myself, hahaha! Thanks so much!" Nuclear jumped with glee and grinned. "Then lead the way, my friend!" declared Nuclear with a overly dramatic voice, waving her hoof in a random direction.

Edited by Nuclear Neur☢tic
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"Yeah I guess I'll be leading you both back home apparently. Come along now." Orion laughed a bit. He had only been here in Balitmare for just a month. One month, and he knew more about the city than his friend right here.


Orion then gave the seemingly overly-excited mare a bemused look. 


"So your name is Nuclear?" Orion asked before then making a comment.


"It's funny. You really remind me of this one pink pony I met a while back. So energetic and giggly..."

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Scribe shot Orion a questioning glance. "Is he talking about Pinkie? because I've never heard her threaten to blow up a building before..."


Trotting along the two unusual companions, he found that he recognized his surroundings now - at last. 


"Great, thanks Orion. I guess I ought to turn in for a few hours when we get back: never did find anywhere that sold good coffee."


((And on that note, I shall do the same IRL, night folks.))

Never quite forgotten.

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"Yup! Nuclear Neurotic is my name!" She pointed to her cutiemark, a strange symbol to those who didn't know what it symbolized, smiling with much pride. "Kinda renamed myself after I got this."



She looked around before turning her attention to Scribe. "Night night then!" 

Edited by Nuclear Neur☢tic
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Orion waved at Scribes as he went off. "Have a good night's rest. I'll see you in the morning!"


He turned his attention back to Nuclear, still puzzled by the unique name and her cutie mark.


"Well that's interesting, I don't think I'm familiar with....the symbol. I think I might of seen it back when I was studying chemistry though. It's definitely rare, that's for sure."


Orion then gave a smile as he pointed his 'flashlight' in the direction to his hotel.


"Well it's time we head back. I have to see if there's any open rooms in the hotel that are not reserved."

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'Oooh rare~' thought Nuclear, a smiling appearing on her face.


She took a few steps forward and glanced back at Orion. "I won't bother you anymore if you can find a room for me."


Her face seemed to have a look of embarrassment on it for a few seconds. 'In hindsight, I was kinda loud and demanding...' she thought. 

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Orion continued to walk with the mare down the last block from the hotel. As they finally arrived at the hotel, Orion made to check with the manager to see if there was any unreserved rooms open.


"Excuse me Manager. I have a friend with me who is need of a room to stay here. Are there any rooms opened or unreserved that maybe she can use?" Orion asked, hoping for a good answer.


"Well let me just check the reservations we have here. Hmm, it seems like your in luck!" At this response, Orion let out a sigh of relief. 


"We have an open spot, just two doors down from where your room is at Mr. Skies."


Orion gave a smile at the manager as he then received the key to the unreserved room. As they made their way up to the door, Orion handed the key to Nuclear.


"Alright well you got a room to stay now! Hope you enjoy your time in this here's city. Good night!"

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"Oh, thank Trottenheimer that there was a room available!" remarked Nuclear, actually looking quite tired.


She nodded her thanks to Orion, giving him a pat on the back. "And thanks to you for helping this lost little mare, hehehe!"


Nuclear opened her the door to her room. "Night night!" she told the helpful stallion. closing the door behind her.

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