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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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"So where did you get the ideas to make theses things? I mean half the things I see here I don't have a single clue what it could be"

Icy mind didn't see to be her own. She must be sick or something, she didn't feel ill though.

"Uh one last thing. I think I might be ill. It seems my mind is a little cloudy"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Nuclear giggled, sipping her coffee again. "If it's something you like, why not talk about it?!" exclaimed the quirky mare.

"Sure, I weird ponies out with my knowledge of nuclear weapons and energy. But it's what I like and if they don't like it then they can just not listen!" She grinned.

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@Nuclear Neurotic


"I guess your right! Still, not much to talk about when it comes to coffee." He smirked again - he couldn't help it, there was something strangely addictive about her crazy grin.


'Anypony who looks over here will think we're insane.' He thought as he finished the bitter drink. 'The best part is that they'd probably be right.'


"So what are you doing here then? Vacation? I'd have thought there were more impressive... and less densely populated... places to blow up?"




Never quite forgotten.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Orion gave simple but warmhearted smile. "Oh it's a long story. But to sum it up the best I can, I've always had this desire for adventure and exploration since I was just a little colt. I've always wanted to do things, discover things that no other pony would have ever thought of. I've done so much studying in mechanics and physics that I could of come close in match with Twilight's IQ, and I've always used that knowledge to achieve what most ponies would say is impossible." 


Orion close his eyes for a moment, reminiscing on his early days. "Probably one of the greatest achievements of mine, the one that started it all....was how I discovered how to fly. An Earth pony that can fly....can you believe it? Most of my colleagues didn't, in fact one of them mocked me for it. Her name was Rainbow Dash...oh how I hated her." Orion sighed in frustration.   


"But you know what...I did it. I flew. I finally invented a pair of mechanical wings that were powered by perhaps the most powerful steam engine ever to exist. And I eventually raced that arrogant rainbow maned jerk. Almost beat her too...but we ended in a tie."


Orion stood rather boldly as he finished telling his story. "And that's how I discover my passion!"


"And your feeling ill? Um, I probably have some good medicine stored in this here's cabinet." Orion said nonchalantly as he looked.

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Nuclear finished her coffee and donut, pondering Scribe's questions. "I didn't have a specific destination. I just took the last train that they had available." Nuclear tossed her empty cup in the trash. "It's not that far from home which nice but I don't plan on going home for a while."

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((Somehow I managed to edit this post instead of posting a new one...? how the buck did I manage to do that? Big filler edit goes here i guess, and then I can move the actual post to the right place! Wow, two hundred letters is a lot when it's all useless filler, dont you think?))

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Nuclear frowned for a split second before perking up immediately, a smile reappearing on her face. "Well, home is nice but I just wanted to leave Manehattan for a while and go someplace else."


She patted Scribe's shoulder after hearing his tale of mystery destination. "At least you're having a good time, yes?"

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@Nuclear Neurotic,


"Seems nice so far, and I've found a friend who can put up with my rambling, I'm kind of glad I ended up here after all." He said, looking out of the window - sudden realisation hitting him.


"I just thought, I'm not holding you up or anything, am I?!" He asked.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Sort of reminds me of home. Cause it's a city and all..." she remarked.


'His ramblings aren't that bad. Kinda reminds me of myself and when I tend to ramble about my interests...hehe...'


Nuclear looked at Scribe and laughed, shaking her head. "Nope! Not doing anything except hanging out with you."

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"So you can fly?" Icy said with her eyes wild open. Just hearing about the wings made Icy get over her illness.

"I would love to fly. I mean I wish I could have been born a pegasus" She blushed a little since she never told anypony that other then two other ponies. She was impressed with this stallion. "I mean, could I try out these wings of yours?"  


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,

Orion was amazed at the mare's sudden interest in his flying invention, he felt very happy to know that somepony seemed to really appreciate perhaps the most important highlight of his life. He gave a heartfelt smile, whilst still surprise at the mare's response. He was a little concerned about her request to try out his wings though.


"You...want to see my wings?" Orion asked, with quite some concern. "Um, I really appreciate your interest, I do, but I'm not sure...these wings mean everything to me. They made me, me! They're the greatest and most powerful invention I have ever conjured."


Orion then decided to think on it for a bit, before finally making up his mind.


"You know what? I'll let you try em out! I warn you though, you have to be super careful..."

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"Well aren't you being modest" Icy said. Still she was happy that Orion was going to let her use his wings. He dream of flying was going to finally happen. The closest she got to fly was on a chariot flown by pegasus when Regal was still apart of Canterlot.

"So where is it and how does it work?" She was working hard to contain her happiness. "Sorry If I am being pushy, I'm just so happy to be so close to have my dream come true"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Orion found it rather amusing, seeing the mare's interest and anxiousness in seeing his wings. He really hoped that nothing would go wrong, and that she would handle it with the best possible care.




"Well aren't you being modest"


"I'll admit....when it comes to my precious wings, I can be just as boastful and cocky as Miss Dash herself!" Orion humorously confessed.


"It's in one of my special rooms, for my most greatest inventions. I tend to keep the room's location a secret, just so...nopony would dare try and steal them." Orion explained. He then quickly galloped over to his room before the mare even got to notice where he was heading. After a minute of scavenging, he exited his room and trotted over the mare, now with his wings and engine all strapped to his back.


"First, I'd say we go to the roof. Their would be more than enough room to teach you how to work this thing." Orion said as he then lead the way to the upstairs. 

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 Icy followed behind Orion. she was a little worried on how the wings were going to work, but Orion wouldn't let her use them if they weren't safe.

"Thank you so much!" The thoughts of flying filled her head of old dreams of flying. "I don't understand how more ponies don't visit your store more" She smiled at Orion and bowed.

"Is it difficult to fly?" Icy followed Orion to the roof.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@Nuclear Neurotic,


"Oh! Great!" Scribe said, a little surprised - he was expecting the quirky mare to have taken the first chance that appeared to escape. Not that he was complaining that she hadn't.


"I don't really know much about what there is to do around here, might just have to explore a little, see what there is."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Orion took a good look at the morning sky, the rising sun shining brightly over Baltimare. It was a beautiful morning, especially since it was also cloudy. The light reflecting off the clouds made it appear golden, and from a far away distance Orion could see Cloudsdale in the horizon. 


I could just fly to Ponyville from here...it all looks so close. Orion thought as he was awestruck by the great view. He then turn his attention back to Icy. 


"You welcome. I don't usually give my customers this kind of opportunity, but who knows...maybe if I did, they would definitely visit my store more often most likely." Orion responded as he then used his teeth to pull on the string which then caused the hidden wings to immediately unfold and protrude from his back harness, with a wingspan of 14 feet. He was glad Icy wasn't close to him when he did that.


"So you see, that's pretty much how you get the wings set. And if you look down on my front right hoof, there's a metal bracelet with another string connecting it to in between the wings." Orion began to explain. To get the wings to expand wide and flap upwards, you have to lift up the bracelet and pull on the strings hard, like this. Orion said as he demonstrated. He pulled hard with his hoof and the wings widened a bit more as the engine on his back began to turn on. "That's also how you get the engine started."


He then lowered his front right hoof with the string, and the wings began to move downwards. "And that's how you get them to move downwards. All the wing motions are controlled with just this one bracelet. How do I put it....you have to "gallop" while up in the sky to get the wings to flap continuously. You have to continually push and pull on that string. The faster you 'gallop on the air', the faster the wings will go, and the more powerful the engine will get. So you got to be careful on that. The engine is extremely powerful. I almost copied a sonic rainboom with these one time." Orion finished explaining.


He then walked to the very end of his roof. "I better give you a full demonstration first." Orion said as he then jumped off the roof.

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Nuclear shrugged, a content expression on her face. "Let's just walk around. The day is still young!" she remarked, standing up, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Who knows? Maybe there is something interesting happening somewhere!" She grinned at Scribe.

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@Nuclear Neurotic


'Theres that grin again...' Scribe smiled to himself as he hopped onto his hooves. 


"Sure hope so, could use some excitement around here. As long as it isn't anything too dangerous." He smirked - of course nothing in this small town was going to prove dangerous. "I was looking to relax around here after all... never seem to manage to find anywhere to relax oddly enough, weird stuff always seems to happen. No doubt we'll stumble onto something else strange if we wander around a while."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"What's wrong with a little danger?" inquired Nuclear as they exited the shop. "It makes things exciting! I'm actually welcoming something to happen to liven things up!"

She trotted alongside Scribe, glancing around the street, looking for something to do.

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@Nuclear Neurotic


"Heh, wrong with it? I just get tired of it from time to time!" Scribe laughed "No doubt something will appear that wants to do us some kind of harm if we walk around for long enough." He shrugged before jokingly adding "... Given my track record, I give it about an hour."

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Icy nearly screamed, but she did let out a out a small gasp when she saw Orion jump off the building. She had expected to see at least do a running start or start flapping, but jumping? 

She ran towards where Orion had jumped. Pulling the water around her she made a slide of ice down to the ground. She looked down hoping that Orion was safe. -I'll kill that pony if he lives- She thought to herself.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm

Just moments before hitting the ground, Orion skyrocketed upward, barely missing Icy who seemed to be looking down from the roof. He began flying high and rapidly. His loud steam engine was going off vigorously. He began rapidly flying around the store in circles, with his wings flapping hard and oddly, as naturally as any pegasus would.


He then slowed down after three laps around his shop and steadily hovered over the roof and look down towards the mare. "Now how's that for a show!" Orion yelled enthusiastically.

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Dust woke up. Again. He had fallen back asleep as he was eating. Blast it. Ah should git more sleep more often. He sat up and continued to eat. Once he was done, he walked outside. A pleasent sigh escaped his mouth as he breathd in the moring air. He looked around. Ah should find somethind ta do. Maybe head ta Orion's store. Nah that would seem too pushy. Guess I'll just walk around til ah bump inta somepony.

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"You should have told me what you where going to do! You scared me!" She yelled at him, but she smiled to see the idiot safe.

Seeing how this pony created things to make dreams come true. To Icy, to watch this pony fly through the skies made her think that her own dreams were actually possible. 

"So are you going to land and give me a turn?"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


As hesitant Orion was in letting another pony use his wings, his inevitable tendency to be kind took complete control. This mare told him about her dreams of flying, how she's had them since she was just a little filly. That reminded Orion so much of himself when he was just as young.


He then gently landed back on the roof and smiled at the mare. "It's time for you to live your dreams." Orion said before pulling another string with his mouth, which caused the wings and engine to unlatch from his back. He then carefully latched on the wings and engine onto the back of the mare.


"Hopefully, you remember everything I taught and shown you. Just remember...if it weren't for this invention of mine, I would never have the wonderful life I have now."  

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