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Sparkshower began to ponder over what the iunicorn had said " but I wont knuouw you" she muttere and suddnly it came to her " Time travel of course that must be it.". She began yto ponder ovte3 what this might mean. She turned to fthe unicorn " what reason might you have to time travel? "

Cosmo stared at her dumbfounded, "Time travel? ...I've never attempted time spells... Might be worth checking out... As for how I would use it..." Cosmo began chuckling, "I'd probably jump back in time and mess with my friends... or get back at ponies for pissing me off... I think we'll be getting along pretty well in the future... Or wanting to kill each other... Time will tell."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Aurora shrugged and got the book anyway,reading aout the Elements of Chaos,learning much about what anypony knew about them,he blinked,looking at the book almost horrified "...death..."he says quietly before he slams the book closed and slides it back in place "...umm...uhh...I..."he stutters and shakes his body,his eyes glowing orange before he teleports away,he was at his house,he walked to his armory,his changeling following him with joy,he walked in and looked around at all the ammo and guns he had,he picked up a big rifle,a Bawulf .50 cal. AR and he loads it up,putting on his military gear and such,he gulped softly as he got more ammo in his chest pockets and saddle bags,he gulped softly,hugging his Changeling tightly.

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RSparkshower wasnt buying it " there must be something else, you dont seem like a guy who would ruin a girls first tim xfor no reason, " she sighed I g3us time will tell." She di4nt Follow auro4a she figured he needed some space. She picked up the book he had been reading. Her eyes widened at he words

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Aurora blinked and slowly marched out,he looked...awesome,he was geared up all over his body,he had heavy armor and he could move normally,any other pony and they would have been weighed down,he teleported back to Cosmo's place and he blinked "We need to preapre..."he says and looks at the book.

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Sparkshower nodded and teleported to her own armory. She pulled on her armor. She gathered up her best weapons, when she was done she teleported back to Cosmo's place. "what do we need to prepare for?" she asked "I mean did you see him, misery again?" she wondered if there was something really wrong or if it was just him reacting to the book.

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Aurora blinked and put on his gas mask,his voice muffled,this making him sound and look scary "Misery will come,I know he will."he says and teleports back to her house,he looks at the blood message on her wall and gasps,falling on his flank and staring up at the wall.

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Sparkshower teleported after Aurora, She saw the message and snarled " He's going down, first he attacks the carnival, then he nearly kills you, and now he's written on my wall in blood!" she was so scared it wasn't even funny but she wouldn't show it. "This must be why The unicorn traveled in time, if we had been here he would have tried to kill us."

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Aurora blinked and nodded,he growled and slammed his hoof on the ground "Time so bring Misery a little Death."he says and loads his .50 cal as he stands on his rear hooves. Misery was already at the palace,he stood infront of some guards,a wicked smie on his face.

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Sparkshower used a tracking spell to find misery she then teleported there. Her magic was at full blast she paralyzed him. "You think you you know misery well then Ill show you your weaknss" She immediately cast a spell in wich all Misery could see was happiness."

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Misery growled and shook his head,her magic dissapearing "HOW DARE YOU PONY!!!"he yelled,turning and swinging his hoof,it sending a blast of powerful magic into Spark,she was nocked WAY back. Aurora showed up and shot at Misery,the bullets hitting their mark,but they just bounced off,Misery laughed,choking Aurora with his power.

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Sparkshower growled and knocked misery aside. And in that moment she let go of her misery it was completely forgotten, banished for the time

a smile spread on her face and her hair began to curl, soon it was a completely different hairstyle . And her magic was back.


(ooc heres a ref to the new hairdo so yeah)


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((OOC: I like that ref,its cute.)) 

Aurora blinked and coughed,he shook his head,he would have been killed if it werent for his gear and Spark,he growled. Misery laughed and headbutted spark hard,sending his jagged,broken horn into her side,it didnt pierce skin,but it sure hurt.

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(That is awesome)

Cosmo began to meditate when the others left, and eventually felt magic strong enough to wake him up. Looking out his window, Cosmo saw the fight and jumped out his window with Altair and the amulet of his religion, The Church of Night. "Lady guide my blade..." he prayed as he telekinetically draged the harness on his body to imitate flight. Within moments he stood between Misery and the gate, startling all the who weren't used to fighting beside him. "Only the most reckless fools fight 3 powerful fighters at once. I suggest you surrender." Cosmo thought to himself, "By the night let this guy be a fool..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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The stab hurt Sparkshower she threw misery to the side. Suddenly her eyes turned blue and her horn twas glowing a blue ljight. She blasted the majic towards misery, he became encased in blue crys5al. Sparkshower returned to normal. She held her hoof to her head " owwwww"

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Cosmo had trained with rune magic enough to cast a simple numbing spell on Sparkshower, "This won't heal you, but it should kill a lot of the pain." Looking at Misery's prison, he couldn't sense the unicorn clearly, "The injuries to his horn and Sparkshower's considerable power are making him hard to detect... He could be trapped tighter than Discord or burst out any second... Still... this girl has power." Though she may not have seen it, Cosmo looked her over, with calm approval on his face.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sparkshower smiled "Thanks, she said." she looked at misery "I have no clue what the buck that was but it took a considerable amount of my energy. " she walked over to Aurora "you allright? " she asked while helping him up please for the love of Luna don't be injured

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Cosmo saw that Aurora's armor absorbed most of the blow so he turned his focus to Misery, specifically his prison, "Wow... This girl's a gifted unicorn. She could even be Luna's apprentice... and if she's a good leader, she'd definitely make a better heir to the role of princess than I would."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Aurora stood nd shook his body,his armor jingling and such as he coughed,rubbing his throat,his voice was horase an he didnt look to well,then Spark and Cosmo saw blood drip from inside his armor,at that instant,Aurora felt aganizing pain in his chest,he fell to the ground and writhed in silent pain,unable to speak. From inside his prison,Misery was laughing,his horn still glowing along with his eyes,then,two o his amulets lit up,the prison exploding,shattering into a million peices.

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Sparkshower bounded to aurora working the most powerful healing spell she knew. Please for the love of Luna work. It was hurting her to do the spell but she HAD to heal him. She wasn't going to et him die, not now not ever. She didn't even notice misery had broken free.

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Aurora was on the ground,gripping his chest tight as a horrible,terrifying ripping sound could be heard,Aurora took off his useless armor and looked down at the horrible tear in his chest. Misery growled in pleasure "mhmhm...thats right...feel it...feel Misery..."he growls as he glares at Aurora.

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Sparkshower couldn't take it anymore, she focused all her energy on a healing spell, praying like hell it would work, "yopu can't die goddamit." she screamed blasting the last of her energy into the spell. everything slowed down and her ear began to ring. then everything went black.

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Aurora was healed and Misery had created enough distraction to break into the castle,he was faced with many guards,but he killed or wounded the all. Aurora coughed hard and crawled over to Spark and held her close to him,softly crying into her "Spark...Spark...please...wake up...Spark...please!he cried and softly shook her.

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Sparkshower groaned and turned over "what happened?" she asked she was to weak to stand.. or move for that matter. Her head hurt even more now. "I don't think I'll be able to perform magic again tonight" she said. She rubbed her head again, "oww" she smiled up at aurora and meekly lifted her hoof to wipe the tears off his face.

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Aurora kissed her hoof and hugged her tight "..Misery happened...he got into the castle..."he says quietly,scared... Msery slowly walked through the halls,his sights set on the two Princess sisters "oh my my...I see you two have grown quite a bit since our last...encounter...especially you Luna,how is that poor old life of yours hmm? I hope its as misserable as it was before."he says,the last part,he said through his teeth.

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Sparkshower tried to sit up "We have to stop him, we can't let him get to the princesses."

Meanwhile Luna stepped towards misery "I have let go of all that has plagued me, misery no longer rules my life, and you can't change that." Luna blasted her magic at him sending him out of the castle and hopefully out of equestria

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