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planning Ghost in the Pony Shell Stand Alone Complex


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Ghost in the Pony Shell Stand alone Complex

Well I am doing this crossover RP with MLP. It take place 300 years into the future as The Main Six, Princess Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Candanice, CMC, Derpy and Big Mac Became Cyborgs As Celesita and Luna still Princess of the land. Also Humans came form another world to make peace with the Ponies. Now there world is Sential and there city called Central City.

Now a New Evil Name V is the son of Triek and he want to con tune his dad work. So he hire some Meranicerys that do his dirty work. Also convince any pony that he telling the truth and turn them evil.


So Celesita made a Element of Harmory Section 11 with Fireblaze another Cyborg Peagues to help them.

So you can join the EOH Section 11 or to Help V to Rule the world.

The Weapons will be stunner base and they can stun.

Cyborg Unicorns can use there horns 100 Percent and also can stun anyone.

Cyborg Peagues Wings give them a 50 percent boost speed make them go even faster.

Cyborg Earth Ponies Power increase 60 Percent to kick down Steel Doors, Walls and Cars.

Humans are in this Rp since they came form another world and want to make peace with the ponies. V See this and want to threaten that.

You can send links for your Ponies

For Ponies

Cyborg Body parts:

Cyborg Earth/ Peagues/ Unicorn: What power they possessed.


Side: EOH Section 11/V



Cyborg or Not:

If Cyborg: What powers and skills they have.

Side: EOH Section 11/V



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I find this somewhat disturbing, but I'll give it a shot.



Cyborg parts: N/A


Power, control over his aura

Weapons: Dual blades



Cyborg parts: N/A


Power: control over plants

Weapons: magic


I don't really want my OC's to turn into robots, unless it's necessary.

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Really, This is bad but w/e


Ya know what ill give it a shot.


ill link my char later.


Bionic's: Class B Augmented Spinal system

              Class A Augmented Muscular system Type A strength (Industrial) 

              Class C Cybernetic eye, Gamma, Infared detection Zoom x2

              Oxygen filter Lung's



Cybernetic's: Brain loop

                      Cyber brain Conversion 25%

                      Left arm Breaching Lazer 


Weapon: Composite Steel knife With spring knee


Transport: Modified Garbage truck 

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