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I heard the others murmuring and i sheepishly rub my shoulder *whats wrong with me today...face it Pel, you're love struck.* I say to myself in my head. *i think she's weirded out now* "uhm, never mind...it doesn't madder..." I turn to walk away.

(OOC: this is kinda like how I was when I had my first crush...oh hell I'd never want to re-live that time *facehoof*)

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"It'll be tonight, or maybe tomorrow depending on the principle's decision. I already bought a bunch of party things, for well, just in case I had an idea like this also, I do have a lot of drinks and would appreciate all of your guy's help!."


Starry was so happy that she could do things like this. She wondered when prom will happen, that will probably towards the end of the school year. She had a lot of pretty clothing items for parties and things like that. Starry was too obsessed about the party to notice what was going on, she did that a lot. She wasn't used to being around ponies often.

Edited by Starry Night

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"Oh, I can enjoy the thought of getting lost with enjoyable enough company, but if this is Mirkwood we're travelling through, perhaps it would be safest to follow our wise wizard's advice and just keep on the path? Wouldn't want spiders and wood-ponies assailing us from all sides," Light Eye referenced one of her favorite books. "Not to mention that feathered frenzied we might end up in if we cause too many problems. No, there are better places for that kind of horseplay." She trotted off down the path, hips swaying with every step.

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Steeleye cocked an eyebrow as she walked ahead of him, noting her posture. 'She is quit the little imp isn't she?' he thought to himself, moving a little faster to get level with her pace. "Maybe you'll think twice about saying things like that here after we're done. We're not in Equestia any more fraulein." As if he had known it was coming, the area they were walking through began to change. Vines seemed to crawl up the book case and leaves began to cover the floor, drifting softly down from an autumn canopy far above their heads. The books changed as well. This section appeared to be focused on biology, identifying different species of animals, plants, and so forth. What looked like a squirrel rustled in a nest it had made out of town sheets of paper as they walked by. When it stuck its head out, it was revealed to be a detailed origami representation of a squirrel. It was even painted so that it looked like it had fur. "It always gives me a nice feeling of curiosity and happiness to see how magic and books put together can shape the environment around them. Well, there are the necromatic and hex sections of the Library, but those are sealed off so that only teachers can get inside. I snuck in one time for a... let say it was a 'risque' spell tome. I won't bother with making the excuse 'it was for a friend'. In truth a certain mare I knew was having... trouble, with her favorite stallion. As I understand it, the book solved her problem. Of course, I didn't hear from them for... two weeks I think, after I gave it to her."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"Indeed. There were strict spells in place to limit the effect of the books on the environment, but even then you still got the occasional light rain in the weather section. My personal favorite was the seasons section where it would snow from time to time," Light Eye said, voice trailing off into memory. "Ah, that story brings back memories. Trying to sneak into the deep library as a filly. I can honestly say that I'm glad I never succeeded, otherwise I might not have survived. There's a reason librarians are required to be spellcasters of the highest degree. You here stories, and that gives them a grain of truth regardless of exaggeration. And the stories about the more frightening parts of the library are probably the truest of all." 

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Psych Ward let out a sigh.  "I'm gonna go put my books in my dorm.  I'll come back to see if you're still here maybe."  She looked at her hooves.  There were too many ponies around her and it was too soon to take another dose of medicine.  She looked back up, trying to calm down a bit. 

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"A book tried to eat me when I was passing through the necromatic section," he said with a sigh. "Left scars all over my right flank. Who knows, maybe you see them at some point." Winking at her, he sped up a little as they neared their location. His attire was that of a scouts. Finely woven silk mess covered him from his flanks to his neck, colored a dull tan. Sown into the mesh were what appeared to be metallic scales. As such, the covered his muscles while still giving an admittedly pleasing overview of what he looked like. He did have something that looked like a folded steel band around his neck, much like a collar. Four like it were around the the top of his legs. Their use was revealed soon enough. From what sounded far away, which could just has easily be very close in the Library, came a painful sounding screech.


"Scheibe!" Steeleye said as a book case in front of them was smashed to pieces, something driving through it. Whatever it was, it was very large, though the details were obscured by a snow of falling pages. Steeleye's horn flared, and the bands around his neck and legs activated. Much like a foal's puzzlebox, they unfolded with a clatter of shifting metal up his neck and down his legs. The one's on his legs formed full length greaves, while the one on his neck shifted into the shape of an old style medieval knight's helm of the long and pointy variety. The monster that had destroyed the bookcase was just becoming visible through the pages, truly frightening in appearance. It was much like a gorilla in posture, but its hind legs were like that of a kangaroo. The head, or heads rather, that sat upon its shoulder were simply giant mouths full of teeth.


While the other Library denizens seen earlier were made of paper, this creature was very much flesh and bone. Almost without pause, it charged down the row of bookcases straight at Steeleye and Light Eye. Steeleye darted to the side, grabbed Light Eye, and teleported. The were dumped back into reality a few dozen meters behind the beast, which crashed through more bookcases in an effort to turn around. "Gottfluch! How did it get out of the necromatic section? I don't think I can ohmysweetCelestiawhatthebuck!" This last jumble of words was a reaction to his horn. By some manner of magic, it had become extremely overcharged with energy, which now blasted right into the creature's throat as it rounded for another charge. In a bit of an anti-climactic ending, the creature snapped out of existence with a boom of displaced air. A small black spell book flopped onto the ground where it had previously stood, sizzling the ground that it touched.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Psych Ward,


Blaze felt the sudden urge to go put his book back in his dorm. "Actually Psych I was planning on doing the same. Mind if I join you on the way back?" He picked up his bits and put them back in the pouch, which he then put back in his cloth. He grabbed his bookk and put that iin the cloth as well.

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"Sure," Psych Ward smiled.  It instantly felt less awkward when she wasn't the only pony leaving the library suddenly.  "I think I'm gonna need some help finding the dorms from here anyways."  She looked up gratefully at Blaze. She waited for him to pack up his stuff before walking towards the doors.

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Light Eye stood observing the wreckage that just occured.


"What in Celestia's name just happened? Holy crap that was strange and confusing and oh my Faust that was fantastic!" Light Eye rushed up to Steeleye and threw her arms around him affectionately. "Herr, I must say you are one of the most amazing ponies I have met. Then again, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You were a soldier you said? You must have been one of the absolute best." Light suddenly realized she had been hugging him perhaps a bit too long. "Ahem..." she released him. "My apologies, Herr Steeleye. But that was truly fantastic, I must say."


((I hope I'm using that correctly.))

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@@Psych Ward,


Blaze followed her as she walked out. He got an odd feeling in his stomach after she smiled at him. "I think I know where they are. Or at least where our building is. Are you gonna go to that party that Star's planning? Sounds like it might be fun." Blaze continued walking, glancing at the signs every now and then to make sure he was right about where the dorms were.

Edited by Ampharos
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Psych Ward nodded.  She felt a bit uneasy when he mentioned the party.  "I don't know," she said.  "Maybe.  I just don't do crowds too much...."  She saw a couple signs pointing to the first year dorms and smiled, glad they were still going the right way.  "I didn't want to hurt her feelings though."

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@@Psych Ward,


Blaze smiled. She seemed so nice... "Yea I understand. To be incredibly honest I didn't think Star would be one for parties. Guess you can't judge a book by it's cover. Although some covers can be quite intriguing..." Blaze said the sentence while his eyes slowly drifted towards Psych. He finally saw the dorms and his gaze went back to the signs. "Ah here it is!"


Attention all students. It is nearly time for lights out. Please make your way back to the dorms as soon as possible.


Blaze recoiled at the sound. "I guess we're not going back to the library..." 

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Psych Ward smiled.  "Glad he didn't flip out on her like other ponies had.  She had made the mistake of downright saying no once and had ended up with some torn sweaters.  She always made it seem like there was a chance she would go at least now.  "I'm getting a bit tired anyways," she said.  "I don't think I'm up for going back.  Classes start tomorrow."



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I look at Star and at the door, *i just realized I hadn't unpacked yet.* "I should head to my dorm too, I just remembered I have unpacked yet. I'm also peobably going to head for the store soon."

I walk out the door and for dorm #1. I open the door with my key and walk in.

I open my suit case to find a flight school class photo, it said on the back 'pelate Overcasts flight school class photo', I wasn't in it, but I had one for some reason, probably to remind me I failed. I frown at the thing and throw the framed picture out the window, which was significantly open. It shattered to pieces. I find a poster of Zoe Trent from Littlest Pet Shop (I can't be a brony and this is the closest show, pretty creative if me huh?) I smile and put it up above my desk. I place my special graphite pencils and thick paper on my desk. I archive old drawings in my desk drawers and start to put clothes and books away. I start to think if Star after five minutes of organizing *some day I will ask her...and I will hope and pray she says 'yes') I smile affectionately and I lay on my bed to look at the ceiling. I dose off for about 10 minutes and I flash back into reality "oh yea!" I spring up from my bed and leave my dorm so I can quickly go to the nearest grocery store to get stuff for the party. But then I hear the announcement and turn around "never mind..." I go back into my dorm room and shut the door again. "Tomorrow I'll go"

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Starry headed towards her dorm alone, which wasn't really safe for her because she was as tired as Celestia when she had to raise the sun and moon. Starry bumped into a few things then finally reached her dorm. Wonder who her roommate is. She smiled and sat on her bed, it was really soft.

Edited by Starry Night

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@@Psych Ward,


Blaze nods, then realizes that they were in front of room 2. "Yea. Well I guess I'll see ya round then. G'night." He proceeded to trot over to room 7. Once inside, he walked over to the newly cleared out bed. Blaze remembered how his incident had gotten the kid kicked out. He took off his cloth that surprisingly held all of his belongings and put it on a night table. He then flopped onto his bed and waited for his roommate.

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Psych Ward waved goodbye and carefully made her way into her room, not wanting to drop her books.  She sorted them onto the top shelf, the shelf she kept all the books that didn't belong to her.  She pulled her sweater off and curled up under the fluffy blankets.  She didn't fall asleep, instead curling up with a book.


(Off to bed now.)

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((Canon nazi embound! (No pun intended) Ponies dun have arms! :angry: ))

Steeleye was silent for a moment, eyeing the book to make sure it didn't do anything else. Light Eye hugging him, while certainly a pleasant experience that made him wish he wasn't wearing armor, did confuse him for just a moment before he remembered that he was at the University and not surrounded my his squad. "Well fraulein," he said with a slight tone of affection in his voice. "In a way it may sound overly cocky, but it is more or less what I am trained to do. My squad and I handle magical incidents and monsters of most kinds. No need to apologize, please, feel free to caress me as you like." It seemed he wasn't easily phased, or rather that he calmed down quickly. "Though in this case, I must actually insist on something that will be a bit embaressing." Before she had a chance to protest, she was lifted off the ground and hauled onto his back. He set off at a trot in away from the monster book. "I ask that you remain as you are. While I certainly do not mean to offend you, should it look like I consider you weak or so forth, but we have to get out of here -now-." He seemed a little bit apprehensive. Soon the book and disaster had faded into he distance. Only, a strange sound like a gobbling turkey started to come from that way, causing Steeleye to speed up. The metal encasing his head folded back into its collar form, but the greaves remained deployed.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Starry awaited her roommate but she was half asleep now. She couldn't wait to start the party and sent a letter to the principle about the party (nopony plays as the principle so I think he would say that it's alright) She received a letter back saying that it was fine, but she needed to get some sleep for tomorrow. Starry giggled excitedly then passed out from exhaustion, holding the letter at her chest.

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((Bluh bluh. Huge bitch. :P))


Light Eye nodded as she was dragged along, moving quickly to keep with him as they ran. "That's probably a good idea," she said, glancing back at the book in the distance. "By the sound of it, it's about bed time anyway. We'd better head back to the dorms, our respective dorms, before you get any funny ideas mister, and head to bed. However, I would most definitely like to hear about these days of being a magic commando Herr Steeleye. We shall hang out tomorrow and you shall tell me all about them. You don't get a say in the matter of course, being that I am the better looking one."

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"Oh, fraulein, you dash a poor stallion's dreams!" He said, lifting a leg and pretending to reel back as they walked. "I will definitely be most willing to tell you all the stories you wish to hear. Perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me some about yourself? Oh. Here is a list of the classes I happen to be taking." He quickly pulled out a piece of paper and a quill, jotting them down for her. As they did so, he led them around the desk of the Librarian, who was apparently off dealing with the escaped magic tome. Steeleye still hurried regardless. "You are definitely the more shapely of us two, Frau Light Eye. I shall see you in the morning, or perhaps I might have dreams about you. Who knows? The mind of a stallion is always... ready, as I would say it." After they reached the dorms, he took her hoof in his own and kissed it softly before vanishing into his own room.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"Good night you fantastic flatterer you. I know for certain that you shall feature most prominently in my dreams, and perhaps in a little bit more in nights to come," she said seductively. "But as for now, I must retire. The day has been long and tiring, but I shall look forward to your company on the morrow!"


She carefully entered her own room, cautious not to awake her slumbering room room mate. She shrugged off her purse and placed it on her bedside table, then slipped into her bed and quietly fell into a deep, calm sleep.

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Ellipsis goes into Dorm #4 and lays in bed "what a day" she Says to herself while closing her eyes to sleep. She soon falls asleep, and she still didn't unpack *ugh I'm a dummy, I'll do it tomorrow...*

She shorty falls asleep (she might wake up when Ceil comes in)


Pelate Overcast:

I was exhausted I let out a long sigh (in going to bed after this post) I close my eyes and slumber

I knew it was a little early, but it was a long and crazy day!

(I am ahead of you people because I'm going to bed after this)

Pelates dreams:

I wake up in the (dream) morning and I was in the sky...flying? I look at my wing it's normal, I smile "oh my Celestia How us this possible?" It felt so real i didn't know I was dreaming! I fly fast and I go higher but then I find my self falling "WHAT THE!!!" I fall closer and closer to the ground and then I flinch back into reality and I'm on the floor..." What the hell?" I say under my breath. I get back into bed. (This after every pony is asleep, I'm ahead of time, I'm in a rush to go to sleep)

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Whirl Wake heard the announcement and trotted over to the check out desk, taking with him a book he picked up about hallucinogens. After that, he walked back to dorm 7 to find Blaze laying in the other bed. "Wait... What?" He said, confused. "Were's Inks?" He threw the book on his bed and waited for an answer.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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