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@@repsol rave, @,


"Balloon had knowledge on all the materials we have at the moment" Hearth shrugged "I'm not sure if he has what you're talking about though. I'd go ask him"


The group finally made it back to base.


Hearth started making her way back to the medical hut "I'll see you guys later"


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@@GingerJoy, Selune was a little bit suprised by the quick reaction of her comrades, but she does not complain. Afterall punctuality is a good thing always. Aproaching the new unicorn she offers her hoof "Hello Snowdrop... i am Selune Darkeye. A pleasure to meet you."

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Snowdrop high-fives Selune's extended hoof "Awesome name! I can tell we're both going to get along"


Otis pulls out a datapad and taps the screen "Okey dokey, I'm going to map the area as we go. Making future exploration easier" He looks over at Snowdrop "When you're ready, lead the way"


"I'm sensing something over here" Snowdrop's horn lit up, the group followed her lead.


"I never saw you around on the ship before crash landing" Otis said "What did you work as, Selune?"

Edited by GingerJoy


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@@GingerJoy, "You mean before me coming here or while i was on the ship? For the former i was sort of an archeologist, as for the latter i was spending most of my time in the navigation room. I wasn't in contact with many of the ship's crew. Perhaps this is a time for me to get to know each of you better."

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"An arche-what?" Snowdrop asked confused


"She digs up ruins" Otis answered "Anyways, there's not much interesting about me. I'm just a pilot nearing retirement-"


Snowdrop rudely interrupted "I'm a bartender!" She said proudly "I served drinks in style back on the 'Unity'. Margaritas, cocktails, you name it!"

She did a small pose as explained her job "Are you a party pony, Selune?"


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@@GingerJoy, Selune giggled a little bit. "Well... i've never had the chance to go to many parties but... they seem nice enough. To be honest if you called me to one i wouldn't say no. I am the kind of pony that prefers to be with friends, wherever that is i just tend to have more fun with other ponies than by myself."

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"Rock on!" Snowdrop gave Selune a friendly nudge "If I can persuade Balloon, we could throw some massive party! There will be music, alcohol, tacos..."


Otis shook his head disapprovingly "Is that all you can think about?" He said "There are more important things to do around here than 'partying'"


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@@GingerJoy"There will be time for everything i guess. For now i prefer to focus on the matter at hoof. I wouldn't mind taking my time to know each and every one of you better. Things like that go a long way to making good friendships, and you need friends to make a party afterall!"

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"It takes two to tango" Snowdrop quoted, she felt smart by doing that


Otis just remained silent, he's too old to start arguing about the lack of wisdom the young ones have.


Suddenly, Snowdrop's horn shined brightly

"Oh boy, we've got something! Right in the ground there!" She pointed to the spot in front of her


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@@repsol rave,

"Well then, I guess that we go talk to Balloon again and tell him that the water's safe.Then ask him if we could check out the crash site."

Fire looked ahead as Dr. Hearth walked back up to the medical hut with the machinery on her back. She couldn't wait till they got to see each other again and for Repsol to fix the water tester properly fo that it could work in future for other ponies.

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@, @@repsol rave,


((OCC:Just to clarify, the crash site for the PeaceKeepers is about a mile away from their current community, other crash sites [from different parts of the ship] are nearly a hundred mile between each other and it's not expected that either faction knows of the other's presence yet))


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@@GingerJoy, Selune waits for a moment until the exact spot has been found. "Alright stop... STOP!"  she says a little louder clearly worried. She takes a deep breath and explains "Magical Crystals are volatile when tampered with magic. We'll dig em out with our hooves and use only telekinesis to move them. Otherwise they might start doing crazy stuff with our magic. We don't want this to get out of control."

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"Sounds good to me" Otis carefully dug at the dirt till he caught glimpse of one "How many of these will we need?"


Snowdrop used her telekinis to pick up a crystal, it nearly hit Otis as it hovered out of the ground.

"Can't we just take all of them?"


"Watch it!" Otis dodged the crystal "I'd rather not have an excess of dangerous crystals, we just take what we need, then go"


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@@GingerJoy, Selune thought for a moment. She closed her eyes and pictured the exterior of the camp and its' size. "One per 10 meters of the Perimeter of the map and a quarter that amount for replacements just in case something happens. If they deplete we could always come here again." 

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"Let's see that'll be..." Otis pulls out a datapad, he uses it like a calculator and shows the answer to everypony


"Old pony, how the heck did you work that out so fast?" Snowdrop said, giving an unapproving look


Otis laughed at Snowdrop's annoyance "I used to be farmer, learns how to judge the length of your land comes natural to me"


((OOC: I doubt I can give the real answer because that means I need to work out the actual length of the base :P))


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@@GingerJoy, "Good, good... now that we got everything we want it would be better to get back to our camp. I don't want to be prey for animals in case they deide we are "Un-Welcome" in their territory." She says looking around carefully. There is a faint glow in her eyes as she does that and her pupils diallate often for a second or so.

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"Sounds like a plan"


Just as the group was about to set off, they hear a rustle in the bushes.


"What the-" Snowdrop said surprised before Otis put a hoof to her mouth

He carefully scanned the bush with his datapad. Surprisingly, he got a life signal from a pony. He signaled to Selune that she should try talking to the bush whilst he got up behind it.


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@@GingerJoy, Selune aproached the bush slowly careful not to make rush movements. She saw that there was indeed someone there and by the looks of it the creature was probably scared. "I am not gonna hurt you." she says with a calmly reassuring voice. "There is no reason to be afraid."

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Suddenly a pony burst out the bushes.


"Oh my goodness, I thought you guys were cannibals" He said, the pony was brown with a black mane, he had a large backpack on his back with lot's of equipment hanging off of it.


"I'm glad you-" Before he could finish his sentence, Otis came from behind and hit the pony on the head with a shovel, knocking him out


"Did he just say he was a cannibal?" Otis panted


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@@GingerJoy,  "Hey! Don't rush so much! Sweet Celestia... he must be hurt! He thought we were cannibals. Wait... that means we got cannibals around here... we need to get him back quick and report this immediately!" she proceeds to look around to make sure nothing else is lurking around.

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"Oh dang" Otis looked at the unconscious body "I got scared when he mentioned cannibal..."

In unison with Selune he realized the problem too.



"Nice job there old pony" Snowdrop snarked


"Quiet you" Otis said "Okay, it's probably not safe to stick around here... or leave him there. Let's get him back to the community and inform Balloon"


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@@GingerJoy, Selune shrugged. "Well... no point in worrying about it now. Lets get back to the camp... Help me carry him."  She gets from the one side and stops for a moment.  "Maybe we can carry him with Telekenisis if we focus togother... what do you think?" She continues to look around suspiciously for more ponies. "If there was one... maybe there are more."

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Otis glanced at the environment "I don't think they'd be happy if we told them we knocked out their friend"


"You mean you knocked out their friend"


"Hush. Either way, we can take a look later. We should hurry this guy back to the community before he wakes up"


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