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open The Forgotten Secret (Doctor Who RP)

Justin ZW

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(OoC:  i'm gonna try and make Repsol look like the actual me :P if you look at my profile you can see a pic of me if you wanna know how he/i looks)


@@Justin ZW

As Repsol woke up, the first thing he wanted to do was put a hoof in front of his eyes to block the light.

however, what he seemed to hold before his eyes was anything but a hoof.

"What the hell?" He quickly examined the rest of his body. He was a slender figure. Where his hooves should have been where now fleshy claws, but without the actual claws. He seemed to have no fur whatsoever except maybe a tiny bit on his scalp, but that wasn't nearly enough to keep him warm.

As he looked around he saw what he assumed to be the others either scattered across the floor or trying to stand up. The only one who seemed to have no problem with this was The Doctor.

"Hey Doc!" Repsol exclaimed. "What the hay am i?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave

The Doctor was checking through his various instruments when Repsol awoke. "Oh, my, Repsol, you don't look half bad! Catch!" He tossed a set of clothes to Repsol, and then continued fiddling with his instruments. "I suppose I should've explained all this. See, all of you are what we call 'humans' now. Don't worry, though, because when we return to Equestria, you'll all turn back into your original forms."


He pulled the screen over to himself and examined it. "Ah! Looks like we're on Earth, good... Wow! Florida! It's been a long time since I've been here!" He pressed a few more buttons and looked at the screen again. "Looks like we're near Tampa Bay. Year... 2015. Hope you all like sunny weather!" The Doctor briskly walked to the doors of the Tardis and opened them to find a downpour just outside. "... or not."


(OoC: That's right! Our first episode will be set in Tampa, Florida. The year is 2015. Welcome to the big city that I live near. Yeah, I don't live IN Tampa, but it was the only way to make this work.


Anyways, just waiting on Rage to post, and then we'll get moving. We've got lots to do, here!) 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson awoke with a pounding headache, feeling a bit odd for some reason, "uuuhh...my head...this is almost as bad as a hangover...almost...but anyway, why am I so cold? And why does my head hurt so mu- gah!! What the hell?! Why am I furless?! And hoofless?! And where's my horn?! Wait..." crimson quickly checked his head to see if his hat was still on his head, sighing in relief as it was planted firmly on his head. "Uuhh...swordpoint? Doc? Everyone? Why the hell do we look like...uh...furless freaks?" Asked crimson.

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"Ah, the pirate boy is awake!" the Doctor replied. "Well, you see, the rest of the universe doesn't exactly look like... ponies. What you are is called a 'human.' I suppose that your planet has some sort of magic that makes you look like ponies. That's why I became one."


Swordpoint had finally managed to stand... shakily. "So you mean to tell me that our very land gives us our shape?"


The Doctor appeared to think for a moment. "Mmm... Yep, sounds about right. Oh, and take these, Crimson. You should, uh... try to cover yourself up." He tossed Crimson his own set of clothes. "Oh, and we'll have to find proper names for you. People are going to think you're daft if you introduce yourselves as 'Swordpoint,' 'Crimson,' 'Fire,' and 'Repsol.' Yes, we'll definitely have to pick names to call you..." He thought for a only a moment before strutting to Swordpoint. "We'll call you David. Yeah, that should work. David... Smith."


Swordpoint became indignant. "Doctor, my name is who I am. You shall not try to deprive me of this."


The Doctor shrugged. "Suit yourself." He darted to the Tardis control panel. "Oh, that's not good. That's not good at all..."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW

Fire looked at the doctor as he worried over the control panel. She knew that she hadn't spoken to much over the past... experience but she was slightly overwhelmed. And the clothes she was wearing kind of smelled. Though she did take into consideration about what the doctor said. She did always believe that there was some other sort of life form out there but she never thought that the magic of the planet made the ponies that lived there to be ponies. She had always thought evolution played a part in it but magic would've always been there in the evolutionary process. Not be the reason why they were all ponies.

Fire also took into consideration about what the Doctor said about names. He was right in saying that in these forms Fire Sharp have have sounded pretty stupid. She would need a new name and she had just the one.

"Can my new name be Ravek, it means my love and the hunter in a language I used to know."

Fire had always had a small fixation with the name ever since her father would read the books of ancient languages to her as bedtime story when she was young. 

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@, @, @@repsol rave

"Yeah, sure, fine," the Doctor said absentmindedly.


Swordpoint made his way to the Doctor again. "Is there a problem, Doctor?"


"I'm afraid so," the Doctor confirmed. "Looks like the power cells are drained. Actually... it looks like they're dead. Completely! Kaput! Empty!"


Swordpoint scratched his head. "I... do not understand."


The Doctor looked away. "Right. Simple folk. Okay, so the power cells are what make the machine move. They aren't working anymore, so the Tardis isn't going anywhere. Got it now?"


"I... suppose?"


"Great! We'll have to keep an eye out for something to use as a replacement. Anyway, shall we be off? Are you all ready to see the human world?" He eyed his companions eagerly, a large smile on his face.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW

"I guess. this all seems very weird tough, i'm just barely able to stand up! how am i supposed to fit in with an entire planet filled with these things?" Repsol looked down at his feet in worry.

"And what about that thing you said with the names? if Repsol Rave isn't going to work out here then what is supposed to work?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Do you lot ever stop asking questions? You'll get used to it. And if you like, tell people that your name is Repsol. Doubt they'll care much, anyway. Can we be off?"


Swordpoint was unsure of this new body, but he'd come too far to step back, now. He carefully walked to the doors. "I am ready, Doctor."


"Ah, at least someone is!" the Doctor said loudly. "Aren't you anxious to see this?! Isn't that why you came?! I mean, come on, if you're just going to ask me questions then why not just stay in here while Swordpoint and I go out for a spot of tea?"


(OoC: Not trying to rush. I'm trying to keep the Doctor's personality as close to his in-show personality. And if you've ever seen the tenth Doctor, you'll understand anyway :P)

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson clumsily managed to put his clothes on, a pair of jeans, a red short sleeved tee-shirt and a black leather jacket, which crimson found quite to his liking, but unlike with dressing himself, crimson had trouble standing up, but after about ten minutes, he successfully stood up on two feat, and began to stumble around shakily as if he were a newborn calf, causing him to growl in frustration, "damn! How does this civilization even manage to move around from place to place without falling on their faces!? *sigh* whatever, but I may have to find a replacement sword, helios seems almost like a dagger to me in this strange body, do you know of any forges we could stop by at on our way out?" Asked crimson with distast as he looked at his sword, which looked like a knife to him now.


((Just so you know, the reason crimson's hat could fit him is because...well its really special to his character and story so I couldn't resist...is that ok?))

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The Doctor gave Crimson a dark look. "No, and I'll thank you to leave your weapons behind. There are other ways to resolve things without violence." He turned his gaze to the others. "That goes for all of you. I don't advocate killing unless there is absolutely no other way. And I do mean absolutely." He opened the door to the Tardis and looked back. "If you choose not to follow my little rule, then I'll take you back to Equestria. Traveling in time is dangerous enough without us going around and killing things."


(OoC: Yeah, the hat is fine. And if you use unnecessary force or kill when it is not the only way out, the Doctor will take your character back to Equestria. Again, this is all part of that "trying to keep him in character" stuff. The Doctor really doesn't like violence.)

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,


((OoC: they still talk with ponystuffs, right?))


After struggeling for a few minutes, Repsol finally got into his clothes. It wasn't really anything too special, a plain black slimfit t-shirt, beige trousers and dark red shoes. The shoes where very difficult to tie with his newfound fingers, so he just decided to tuck the laces in with his foot.

"I think i can handle those restrictions, Doc."  Repsol said when he took a few wobbly steps. Walking seemed pretty difficult at first, but after training for a while it seemed all the more natural.

"Just don't start gallopping and i'll be fine."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Crimson sighed but did as the doctor requested and left helios in the corner of the room, before looking at the doctor, "fine, I'll follow your rule and not kill unless abolutely nececarry, but just for the record, I don't need my sword to fight anyway, I could just use my fighting skills or my pow-" crimson stopped in mid sentance as he realized he no longer had a deep fiery burning heat in his heart, indicating he had lost his powers, "oh come on! No sword, AND no powers?! Damn...whatever...as long as we don't fight anyone especially powerful...we shouldn't have a problem..." said crimson.

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@@Justin ZW,

Fire was able to get dressed without anypony, well anybody now, looking at her. She heard what the doctor said about violence and she totally agreed. She was never one for killing anybody, even though she fought in a couple of wars. Though what Crimson said did perk her interest, she noticed that she no longer had her horn when she'd put on her shirt and her jacket back on. She couldn't feel any magic like she usually would and that scared her a little bit, but maybe her skills which got her, her cutie mark still applied.

"Doctor what about our cutie marks? Do we still have the talent and skills that we had when we had them?"

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@,@, @@repsol rave
(OoC: Repsol: Well, the pony characters won't know any better. They don't just magically learn the human lingo.)
The Doctor smiled at Fire. "Well I'd imagine so. Your cutie marks are based on your innate talent, which is why mine involved time, I suppose. You're still you, just... a different looking you."
 Swordpoint glanced out the door of the Tardis and was stunned. The buildings he saw were massive, far larger than those he'd seen in Manehattan or Fillydelphia. "It... it is incredible..."
The Doctor turned around and looked outside. "Ah, yes... The bustling city." He stepped out into the rain and headed for a nearby bus stop.
Swordpoint gave his fellow adventurers a smirk and followed the Doctor. The Doctor had sat down at the bench underneath the covered bus stop, where he was reading the paper idly. He would occasionally show a sign of interest in what he read, but he quickly closed the paper and tossed it aside. "Well, I suppose we should wait for the rain to stop. Shouldn't be long."
Swordpoint was about to protest when the rain abruptly ended. It didn't slow down; it went from completely pouring to sunny within three seconds. Swordpoint stared at the Doctor. "What sort of magic is this?! Are there weather patrols here?"
The Doctor glanced into the sky. "... something like that. But let's wait for the others before we start making plans and chatting it up out here."

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson stumbled out of the T.A.R.D.I.S awkwardly, his legs wobbling a bit as he walked, "damn! this is harder than fighting a hydra with my bare hooves! And what happened to the rain? It seems a little odd that it stops so abruptly...wait a sec...hay doc, does this world have an ocean? Because I smell a vast amount of salt water in the air...I like it, it reminds me of home...but whatever, do you think we'll have time to check it out?" Asked crimson as he stepped up behind the doctor and swordpoint.

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@@Justin ZW,


As Repsol stumbled out of the TARDIS after Crimson, he looked up to the now spotless sky.

"Well, that's something different" he mumbled as he made his way to the Doctor.

Walking seemed to be going pretty well for him. After all, in the pony world his natural talent was speed, so it wouldn't make much sense if he couldn't keep up to his talents in this world.

"Allright Doc, what's the plan?" He asked as he casually leaned against the bus stop.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@, @@repsol rave, @

The Doctor stood up suddenly. "This is wrong. Weather control shouldn't exist for another century, at least." He wore a disturbed expression. "Here, take a look." He tossed the newspaper to his companions, and Swordpoint caught it deftly. It read:



All According to Schedule!


There will be a downpour today, according to our weekly weather schedule. The Poseidon factory is working correctly, so be sure to thank any employees of the factory that you might see! It is...


"You see? A factory controlling the weather," the Doctor said with a serious face. "That sort of technology shouldn't exist yet. I need to find out how they got that sort of machinery."


Swordpoint held up his hand. "But... I do not understand. In Equestria, we had the pegasi who controlled the weather. Surely this place has something similar?"


"Oh, they have something similar, alright. But it's not the way it should be."


No one noticed the little girl watching them. She smiled and turned away, holding out her arm. "He's here. It's definitely him, the Doctor."


A voice echoed from her watch. "Excellent. If the Doctor is here, then we should be able to make use of him. His interference in Earth affairs will end quite soon."


The girl smirked as she glanced back at the Doctor. "I think he's taken the bait. The weather control facility was a perfect idea. It's so obvious to him that the technology isn't from this time."


The voice in the watch called out again. "Yes. All that remains is for him to investigate. Return to base, Angela. And you can probably ditch the disguise, too."


Angela smirked again. "Yes, sir." As she walked into a back alley, she pressed a button on her watch. She suddenly changed into an adult woman in a flash of light. "This is perfect. The Doctor in Tampa! Who would have thought?!"

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Fire had gotten out of the T.A.R.D.I.S, she only watched and listened to what the others had to say. She was just collecting information from what the doctor said and she knew that it would've been stupid to think that everyplace did what they did back home. Especially after what the Doctor said about how the magic had made them ponies and their current forms were what everyone else had, but it was still feeling weird and the fact that pegasi didn't control the weather. 

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@@Justin ZW,


Repsol looked around him some more, admiring the view of this strange world. After a few seconds of this, his gaze dropped on the Doctor again.

"So, the weather shouldn't be controlable here. That's pretty weird, kinda like the everfree."

Repsol said while still leaning against the bus stop.

"But how is it possible that they got it anyhow?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,@

The Doctor looked at Repsol and put on a pair of glasses. "I'm not sure. That's what we'll have to find out. Come along, then." He walked off down the street, heading toward downtown Tampa.


Swordpoint followed him, unsure of what to do. "Where are we going, Doctor?" 


The Doctor held his serious expression. "We're going to the weather facility. They apparently hold tours of it, so we're going to find out just how they managed to build it." He pointed at a large building that looked far different from the others. "That's it. That sort of technology shouldn't be around for at least another century. Shall we?"

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW


Repsol followed Swordpoint and the Doctor. As they made their way through the city, Repsol couldn't help but admire the diffrent buildings, inhabitands, vehicles and well, basically everything. He got a especially warm welcome from the vehicles when he didn't look where he was walking and was nearly run over by what the Doctor called a 'car'.

After walking through the city some more he raised his voice.

"So Doc, what's exactly the plan here? What if they don't do tours now?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave

"Ah, but they certainly hold tours today," the Doctor replied enthusiastically. "We'll have to see what's inside there. I'm certain that we'll be able to find some answers quickly." He continued walking until he had reached the entrance. He turned around and gave his companions a wry smile. "Is everyone ready? I think it's high time we found out what's going on here." 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimon nodded with an eager smile on his face, "ready! Finally we might actually get to see some excitement! Let's do this!" Said crimson.


((Just so you know bro, I think the story sounds awsome! But I've been busy and not many people have posted, so its kinda going slow, I hope it speeds up soon...))

Edited by ragestar
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((I've been trying to post at least once or twice a day, but sadly i can't allways do this))

@@Justin ZW,


Repsol looked up to the weather factory. It was a very... out of place building, so to speak. It's architecture was nowhere near te buildings surrounding it. 

He looked back at the Doctor but noticed that he was allready making his way inside. "Hey! Wait for me!"

He galloped(ran?) as fast as he could on his new legs after them.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Fire kept up with the others, though they were quite fast. She hadn't quite exactly mastered the art of walking yet and she was slightly stumbling along but she was able to keep up.

As she looked from her concentration on her feet she had a look at what she thought the weather building and was... different than what was around it. She headed towards it with the 3 males and she could see the other one running after them.

It was kind of hard to tell the difference between which one was which but she was able to recognize the doctor, he didn't look to far of the pony version of himself so it made him easier to identify.

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