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open The Forgotten Secret (Doctor Who RP)

Justin ZW

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(OoC: Sorry, guys. I'm the server administrator for Zelda Wiki, and I've been trying to fix some issues with it over the past few days. It's consuming a lot of my time.)

@@repsol rave, @

The Doctor came to the entrance of the building with his companions. "Alright, remember the plan. Swordpoint, Crimson, you two go to look at the machinery. Make notes of every little detail, and we'll meet up when Repsol and I find Fire. Good?" He used his sonic screwdriver to unlock the door and they stepped inside. He pointed in the direction of the machinery room and nodded to Swordpoint and Crimson, then waved to Repsol and walked off in the other direction.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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((OOC: it's allright. i havn't exactly been able to post either ))

@@Justin ZW

Repsol looked at Swordpoint and Crimson once before following the Doctor. He had once again no idea where they where going. The Doctor led them though hallway after hallway, seeming to know where to go, so he just kept his mouth shut and made sure to follow directly in his footsteps.

this was way harder then it seemed to be. Repsol may have a special talent in speed and running, but that doesn't really help with the new body situation.

Repsol tripped over one of his shoelaces and fel down with a pretty sickening thud. 

"Ow! Bucking legs!"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, @

Swordpoint walked as carefully as he could toward the machinery room. "Crimson... what knowledge do you possess of machinery?" He looked uncertain as he cracked the door open. The room inside was completely empty, so Swordpoint breathed a sigh of relief and stepped inside. He didn't notice the security camera focusing on him from high above.



The Doctor helped Repsol up quickly. "Just a bit of advice; don't say that in public. You'll get funny looks." He held up a strange device which had a picture of a pony on it and began pointing it all around. As it passed by Repsol, it began to beep loudly.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@repsol rave, @

Swordpoint walked as carefully as he could toward the machinery room. "Crimson... what knowledge do you possess of machinery?" He looked uncertain as he cracked the door open. The room inside was completely empty, so Swordpoint breathed a sigh of relief and stepped inside. He didn't notice the security camera focusing on him from high above.



The Doctor helped Repsol up quickly. "Just a bit of advice; don't say that in public. You'll get funny looks." He held up a strange device which had a picture of a pony on it and began pointing it all around. As it passed by Repsol, it began to beep loudly.

Crimson thought for a moment as he stalked quitely behind swordpoint, "uhh...not much...but I know a few things I suppose...but why does it matter anyway? Where here to destroy the generator, not fix it..." crimson suddenly stopped cold in his tracks, frozen to the spot in shock, cursing as he noticed a small camera watching him and swordpoint. Crimson did the first thing that came to mind, he picked up a stone and quickly threw it as hard as he could at the camera lense, shattering it. Crimson then grabbed swordpoint by the shoulder, "swordpoint! We were spotted by a camera! We must hide quickly before they find us!" Whispered crimson urgently.

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Swordpoint shook his head as he ran. "I do not think he wishes for us to destroy the generator... He merely asked us to inspect the machinery." Swordpoint ran up a flight of metal stairs and into a small room overlooking the machinery room. Inside was a console filled with levers, knobs, and buttons. Swordpoint could only stare in wonder. "What are these...?" 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Swordpoint shook his head as he ran. "I do not think he wishes for us to destroy the generator... He merely asked us to inspect the machinery." Swordpoint ran up a flight of metal stairs and into a small room overlooking the machinery room. Inside was a console filled with levers, knobs, and buttons. Swordpoint could only stare in wonder. "What are these...?"


Crimson sighed in relief as they locked themselves behind a door for safety, but upon turning around, his eyes widened in shock as he saw swordpoint eyeing the many buttons, levers and knobs on the panel, quickly grabbing him by the shoulder, "trust me brother, if there's one thing I've learned from strange machinery, its to never touch the shiny buttons...or shiny anything for that matter..." said crimson carefully.

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Swordpoint glanced out at the strange machines. They appeared to be dormant, and yet he could still hear a quiet buzzing, almost as if energy was flowing. "This is interesting... these machines seem to have no purpose. They do not create anything that I can see."


@@repsol rave

The Doctor entered an elevator with Repsol. He glanced at the buttons on the wall, examining them carefully. "Ah... I thought so," he said aloud. "Look, there's a basement floor. It's key locked, but I've got this." He held up his sonic screwdriver to the lock, and the elevator sprang to life. A voice called out "Basement floor" as it began to descend. "My locator picked up a signal from underground. She's got to be down here; I'm sure of it."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Fire Had enough of waiting on the bed, no one had come in and she was bored and quite frankly, she was pissed off still. So she was going to do a little something while she waited for things to happen.

Fire got of the bad and went around the room looking for thing to destroy. The night stand by the bed looked good to start with and so she did, pushing it till it tipped over. Then kicking in the back of it and the sides then taking out the drawers and kicked through them too. All she had after that was just a pile of wood where the nightstand was.

She next went for the dresser. She had the clothes that she was wearing now and she really didn't care what happened to it.Fire went through it and threw out all of the clothes onto the floor, then picked up a lot of shirts and other things and teared them to shreds. She then picked up one of the heavier, bigger pieces of wood from what used to be the nightstand and bashed the dresser. Dents and bit and pieces of it going everywhere.

Once the dresser was done she went next for the Television, going at it with her makeshift bat from the night stand.Though when she had hit it it oozed some kind of liquid and Fire had no idea what to do with it, she didn't want to hit it again in case the liquid splattered on her and she had no idea what that could do.

... An idea suddenly came to her, she didn't have to touch it but she sure could use it. Send a little message.

She grabbed a smaller piece of wood from the floor and collected some of the liquid on the end. She jumped on the bed and started to write on the wall behind the headboard, she somehow knew how to write with her new hands but she didn't care how she was able to though.

the liquid dried quite quickly on the wall and she was proud at her work.


Dont mess with a war mare 


Fire left a little symbol of fire right in the corner of her message, something for the Master to remember. She sat back down on the bed and she looked at the work she did, very proud and smug by the destruction around the room. 

Edited by rascal61
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@@Justin ZW,

Repsol looked st the Doctor in amazement as he got the elevator to move without even touching a button. the voice kinda startled Repsol when it calloud out their destination, but he quickly meneged to regain his composture. As the doors of the elevator opened again he quickly followed the Doctor again. "Hey Doc. that skrewdriver thingy of your seems mighty handy. i don't suppose you have a few spares laying around?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, @

"Afraid not," the Doctor said briskly. "I have to find another one if I lose mine... which has happened before." He followed his locator down the hall until it began to beep wildly at an elegant door. "This is it. She must be inside. Get ready, Repsol." He used his screwdriver to open the lock. "I know, I know, the lock's on the outside... but I just like looking cool." He opened the door to find Fire Sharp sitting on a bed with a smug look on her face. The room was trashed. "Hello, darling. Sorry I'm late."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,

Fire sharp smiled when the Doctor walked in, happy that the right man walked through. Though he was certainly late, for whatever time he planned to rescue her.

"Apology accepted Doctor, now can we leave. Whatever was thing that thing."

Fire pointed to television on the wall.

"It's starting to smell awfully bad. Though I'm sure the master won't like with what I've done to the room. I'm not a decorator."

Fire sharp pulled a joke, she was really happy that she was going to be free of the room. And she had practiced running and jumping so she wouldn't get caught again.

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@,@@Justin ZW,


Repsol came into the room behind the Doctor. He looked around the destruction with wide eyes. Pretty much everything was destroyed. If Fire did this... then repsol would make sure to never in living tartarus mess with Fire ever.  "So... What exactly happened in here?"

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,

"You don't mess with a war mare, repsol."

Fire repeated what was on the wall and pointed to it. All the while smiling.

"The Master is going to learn that the hard way after he see's this." 

Fire got of the bed and headed towards the door, she couldn't wait any longer to get out of the room

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@,@@Justin ZW,


"Yeah, talking about the master. Shouldn't we like.. Be running away or something?" Repsol raised an eyebrow at the Doctor. 

"I mean, That guy has like a army of those things.. What where they called? Daluk, or Dalok or something?" Anyway, my point is, we should be houling flank out of here right now!


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,@,

The Doctor only smirked. "Oh, no. I don't think we have much to worry about from him. In fact..." He cocked an eyebrow at his friends. "Why don't we pay him a little visit?" He had that look in his eye... the look saying that he knew far more than he was letting on. But of course, he would never tell. He liked to keep things to himself until it was absolutely necessary.



Swordpoint sighed. "Well... what are we to do now? I cannot deduce anything regarding these machines. I cannot even infer their function."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,

"Hey Doctor, while I was prisoner to the Master I found out something. Though you probably would've already thought about this. The Daleks? They're not real. They're just robots or men in suits.  And I would love to pay him a visit. I'm sure his call with whatever mercenaries he's with would have ended by now."

Fire smirked at the Doctor, she was having so much fun with this.

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The Doctor paused. "He said what, now?" He thought to himself for a moment before it clicked. Everything was out of place. The Master's sudden appearance, the fake Daleks, the strange technology... everything was finally making sense. "Why couldn't I have seen this before?" He wheeled around, facing Fire. "Did he tell you his plans? Mention anything about his intentions here?" There was a fire in the Doctor's eyes. He was onto something.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,

"Um... He said something about the machinery being used to boost the signal to call his mercenaries. And he also said  that he was rebuilding the timelord empire. He even offered me to be apart of it too, he must be mad."

Fire Sharp was trying really hard to remember what herself and the master had been talking about.

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The Doctor's smirk widened. That's it. There's no doubt in my mind, anymore. "Let's find Swordpoint and Crimson before we go meet 'The Master,'" he said wryly. He led them back to the elevator and used his sonic screwdriver to take them to the first floor again. How did I not see this sooner? It should've been more than obvious! Maybe I really am getting old... 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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crimson merely in response shrugged, "sorry brother, but im just as stumped as you are...I have absolutely no idea what to do next...if were not here to destroy the damn machines, then what ARE we here for? what's the use of just coming here to look at the thing that's causing so much trouble?" asked crimson in a slightly annoyed tone.

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@@Justin ZW,

Fire walked into the elevator with repsol and the doctor, but she was thinking about what had happened between the master and herself. And she felt like she needed to ask.

"Doctor? What's with the master and yourself? You guys know each other and all that but you're  both that of the same species. Shouldn't you guys be besties and be doing timelordy stuff?"

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The Doctor shrugged. "You'd think so. But you see, my people have a custom. At the age of eight years old, we're taken to stare into the time vortex. The raw essence of time itself." He looked up, recalling some old memory. "Some are inspired to do great things. Others go completely mad. And the rest run away. The Master went mad when he saw it. Me, on the other hand? Well, I ran."


There was a ding as the elevator stopped, and the robotic voice called out again. "First floor." The doors slid open, and the Doctor stepped out and took out his locator again, which he pointed around in various directions.



Swordpoint eyed the control panel curiously. He came to the conclusion that he would have to start the machines to truly discover their intent. He stepped forward quickly and pressed a green button. At once, the machines sprang to life, making a loud whirring sound. Swordpoint and Crimson suddenly found their world turning upside down, and they both fell to the ceiling with a crash. Swordpoint shook his head, trying to fight off the disorientation. When he opened his eyes, his jaw dropped. He was sitting on the ceiling of the room. 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Fire Sharp watched the docter use his Screwdriver another quetion came up in her head.


You'd think so. But you see, my people have a custom. At the age of eight years old, we're taken to stare into the time vortex. The raw essence of time itself." He looked up, recalling some old memory. "Some are inspired to do great things. Others go completely mad. And the rest run away. The Master went mad when he saw it. Me, on the other hand? Well, I ran."

"But What happened between you two? I've had fights with someone who's mad, in fact she's the mare of time, but I hope to one day see her better and we be friends. Shouldn't we be helping the master with his madness? So he gets better?"

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Repsol was listening to the conversation between the Doctor and fire curiously. He didn't understand a lot of what was being said, but the things that made sense to him made enough clear that being a part of this conversation wasn't really needed.

Instead he just opted to listen, and try to learn a little more about the Doctor and Fire in the process. in the end, everypony, or was it body now? Anyway, in the end he just met all these individuals. So a little more backstory and knowledge couldn't hurt.

Repsol walked closely behind the Doctor as they exited the elevator.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@, @, @@repsol rave

The Doctor reflected on the Master. The real Master. His childhood friend. He wished nothing more than to see him healed of his madness, but it was too late now. "... I tried. I really did. But there's no hope anymore." He walked down the hall in the direction of the signal he had picked up from his locator. He opened the door to find the machines running. He could see Swordpoint and Crimson inside the control room... on the ceiling. He cocked an eyebrow and produced his screwdriver, which he then used to scan the machines. "Basic gravity field generation... and that's about it. That's all these machines do. Which just furthers my theory..."


Swordpoint noticed the Doctor, Fire, and Repsol entering the room. He waved to them wildly. "I do not suppose that you could help us?!"

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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