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private Welcome to Echo Falls


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Link to OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69869-welcome-to-echo-falls/#entry1744573

"Quiet please! Okay...So, I will check that everypony had arrived and than we will already be on our way to the beautiful Angel Valley. This pony here, will be our bus driver in this adventure! I DO NOT want any trouble on the way! Understand? Great, than let's chack the names. Don't forget that you have to show me your permissions because without that I could allow you to come. As soon as I checked your name you can get on the bus."

So this is it. The day when the little group finally goes on that field trip in Angel Valley. Well yes, it isn't a big group but that's because it wasn't mandatory to come. Well, Miss Blossom offered everypony the chance but not so many students take the advantage of going on a field trip. Field trip means that you have to learns thing while you are there, maybe thats why just a few pony came.

"It's pritty cold outside"-Violet stood in the line and waited for her turn to show the permissions and to get on that bus as soon as possible. Her parents wasn't sure that It's a great idea to let her to go, but they never prohibited her from the fun and the sense that she could learn while she is there finally changed their opinion. "Oh come on...I will freeze out here..." Violet looked around again in hope to see some familiar faces but she know that she was the only one who came from her class. "Violet, can I have your permission, please?"-asked Miss Blossom. "Um, yes!... It's here somewhere"-Violet put down her backpack and started to search for the permission that she find soon. It was a bit creased but Miss Blossom accepted it. "Okay Violet, you can get on the bus!"-said Miss Blossom and gave her a smile. Violet packed everything back to her backpack and as soon as she get on the bus she find herself a chair next to the window where she could see the others who were still waiting for their tuen to get on.

Edited by R4RITY P0N-3


                                                        Signature made by Aphrodite

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((Are only the 6 ponies on the bus? Or is the whole class going and we're the only ones that survive?))


Pyxel stood infront of the buss, waiting for his turn.

"Cold, cold, cold..."

He nearly went on the bus without the permission, but Miss Blossom stopped her.

"Pyxel? Your permission?"

"Oh. Right." Said pyxel and pulled out the piece of paper.

"That should be it."

"Yes, it is. You can get on the bus! Also, did you have to bring your guitar with you?"

She looked at Pyxel's guitar, that was strapped on his back.

"Yep! Is there a problem with that?"

"Well... actually-"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Pyxel ran into the bus and sat in the back.

"Phew... close one! Better not touch this for a while... might lose it."

So instead of playing the guitar as he planned, he got out his earphones and started listening music.

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Light sat in line silently, instead of a cheerful pass showing and a little conversasion,light simply flung up his pass and miss bloom nodded,he then went to his favorite seat,the back corner , then he checked his supplies “Mountain dew, notebook, knife,mp3" then he sat there lisining to some classicial music


(Ooc:whenever he thinks i will use the quote marks)

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This was going to be the trip of a lifetime. A welcome escape from the usual rowdiness and inferiority that was Manehattan High. Chemm Blonde, an aspiring doctor, was now going to get her well deserved rest on a field trip to Angel Walley, a place that was supposed to be given to ponies who needed rest. She had heard much about Angel Walley. The lush green trees, the diverse insect and animal wildlife that was prevalent, and the waterfall! Who could forget the huge waterfall that gushed its water and provided a well-needed shower for its visitors?! Chemm could imagine it all... this would be the perfect field trip!


"Finally! Now for my beauty rest! I can't wait to get this field trip started! I've made sure everything is perfect! I've even got a list of all the things I'll do in Angel Walley! This will be fun!" spoke a happy Chemm to herself as she prepared to board on the yellow school bus to Angel Walley. All she had to do now was to wait for Miss Blossom to accept her permission slips before getting for an adventure of her lifetime... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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it was the day for Eddie to make a small delivery of 2 small kegs/bottles of moonshine, easy bits make the dilevery get paid and head home, Eddie made all kinds of moonshine depending on the customers order.

Eddie started packing the 2 kegs into his saddle bags, because that was all he could carry "these drunks never get enough of this, atleast today i dont have to rob nopony" Eddie went out of the house discreetly and in the morning, since there is practicly nopony wandering the street in the morning


Eddie unfolded his wings and rose above ground and started flying torwards hoofington, he avoived the main roads and avoided rising too high since he was afraid patrols might be wandering about.

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"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late..." mutters Code as he bolts towards the school. His bag, full of Nos, snack, and his mp3, is trailing behind him being jostled up and down.Turning the corner, the bus was now in view and he saw another student just getting on. 'Good. I made it in time.' Running up to the bus, Code dropped his permission slip out of his mouth, which he was in too much of a rush to pack away, into Miss Blossom's hoof, got onto the bus and sat down to catch his breath.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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It was now Chemm Blonde's turn. She performed a final checklist of all the things that were placed every so neatly inside her yellow backpack. Her personal Yellow MP3 player. Check. Suntan lotion. Check. Extra candy bars and sandwiches for lunch. Check. Notepad for musing. Check. Her pink journal labelled "Private" along with lock and key. Check. Everything was set for the young perfectionist. Ms. Blossom happily nodded at Chemm as she walked with glee up the school bus' stairs.


After walking in the slightly dilapidated bus, Chemm found an empty bus seat near the bus' front end. She hated the back end. The back end would always leave passengers scrambling in their seats whenever a bump arose; after all, the back was subdued to the most bumping. Most of the other ponies didn't look her type as she scouted around for potentially new friends. With nothing else to do, Chemm looked out the window to the high school. It would be last time she would see it for today. Even if it was just one day, a day visit to Angel Walley was already enough to leave her spirits soaring as she imagined being soaked under the waterfall and exploring the woodland ecosystem once again...

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Sweet Symphony was the next to get on. She showed her permission slip and hopped on the bus.  She sat around the middle and starred out the window, hoping nothing would happen. She had a bit of a bad feeling about this, but she had mostly dismissed it as another delusion of some sort.

Luckily, at the moment, Sweet's head was free of voices and everything looked normal. No hallucinations. 


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((Are only the 6 ponies on the bus? Or is the whole class going and we're the only ones that survive?))


((Nope, there are other ponies too on the bus but from many classes and yes, we will be the lucky ones who survives.)) 


As the last pony got on the bus, Violet heared a hiss and the door of the bus closed. "Next stop, Angel Valley!"-said Miss Blossom and sat down in the front. Violet saw that the teacher discussed something with the bus driver but she didn't hear it. She made a finel check that she packed everything. The bus rolled off in the little gate and the students were already on their way. Violet's mother packed medicine for her because she sometimes feels sick if she needs to travel a lot. She took it than laid back in her seat. She put on her headphone and started listening music. The plan was that she will sleep till they on the way, so the chance that she will feel sick will be very small. She chose her favourite album than turned towards the window and watched as the bus left the town boundary.


                                                        Signature made by Aphrodite

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((OOC: please stick to one tense. You keep switching and it gets confusing for others to read your posts.))


Sweet Symphony gulped as she heard the door hiss shut. The voices still hadn't come but she had started seeing flashes of scarlet red. She closed her eyes and started singing quietly to herself, trying to calm her nerves.

Edited by Mint Drop
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The doors were finally closing. Chemm could hear the doors hiss and tightly shut, excitedly squeeing to herself. She was finally going to Angel Walley. Strangely enough, she knew very few of these classmates. Where were they all from? How was it that she never knew most of them? She was one of the more popular ponies in the school and yet she never met any of these students! Maybe it was a good thing she didn't know them all. After all, she wasn't a socialite.


Chemm sat down excitedly and began to write on her diary. She took out her golden key and turned the lock, unlocking the diary's seal. She excitedly began to write,


"Dear Diary,

I've finally been able to write back to you today after all the excitement I had just packing my things for this field trip! I'm finally on the school bus heading to the famed Angel Walley! I know some of my friends tell me that it's just a field trip, but we're going outdoors! We still have to be prepared! Who knows what will happen in the outdoors?! After all, wildlife is extremely unpredictable! I can't think of much else to do on this ride except listen to my music though. It'll be a long one. I heard it would be at least 3 hours before we arrived in Angel Walley. My hooves are going to get cramped by then, but does it matter? I'll be prancing about all day! Oh I can't wait to write back once we arrive!


~Chemm Blonde


After completing her most recent diary entry, she made sure to lock the diary tight with her key. She then placed the diary back inside her yellow saddlebag, took out her MP3 player, and began to listen to some classical music... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Wonderful. Now the voices were back. They were quiet, but with the way they were talking, that was still scary. Sweet Symphony started singing one of her favorite songs, slightly louder than before.


What are now, oranges yellows and reds on the trees

Will soon, be slowly falling to the ground below

As they are, blown away on the cool, crisp breeze,

they're simply just awaiting, the new fallen snow



All the colors change too fast

Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall

All these moments are in our past

but the sun stays strong through it all


Winter soon arrives, only to seem like it will never end

But as months pass on, Spring will soon be here.

And as the flowers blossom, we know Summer's round the bend




The summer months seem to go by so fast,

And the leaves start to change colours again,

It's a reminder, that summer's in the past

Life seems like the seasons, always changing again and again...




The changing of the seasons is like the changing ocean tides,

Never ending, the circle continues as the years go by

The past is certain, the present is now, snd the future has its divides:

but we can' change it, no matter how hard we try...


((Believe it or not, this is a song my friends and I made and one of them made me sing it with her for a drama project))

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@Mint Drop


It was about an hour into the bus ride. Everything was very peaceful. The bus already left the bustling city of Manehattan, the concrete buildings transitioning ever so suddenly into wooden trees and bushes of all kinds. The grey pavement had become a winding dirt road, and Chemm felt comfort in smelling the fresh air as she opened her school bus window.


Everything was just the way Chemm wanted it, other than the occasional bump on the road. She was listening to some "Carousel", one of her favourite musicals. She was just getting to the best part of the musical at the first time they sing "You'll Never Walk Alone", but she was briskly interrupted by abnormally loud singing. She had to stop her MP3 player to see who exactly was singing so loudly. She wanted to enjoy the best part of this musical, and now she couldn't! She looked directly behind her and saw a mint coloured pony. She was a complete stranger to Chemm, but that didn't stop her from giving her a glare.


"Hey! Could you not sing so loudly? Other ponies are trying to enjoy their own music too!" spoke a firm Chemm, hoping that her peace wouldn't be interrupted again as she returned to her resting position to listen to some more "Carousel".


(OOC: Cool! Lyrics are pretty nice too!) 

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@@Sterling Crimson

The voices in Sweet's head had gotten progressively louder, and she had unconsciously raised her voice to drown them out. She was surprised when a pony not far behind her snapped at her. She turned around to look at the glaring pony.

"Sorry," she replied with a bit of bite in her tone. "I was trying to-"

she cut herself off. She didn't want some stranger to know that she heard voices in her head.

"-I-I was uh... I didn't realize I was singing so loud."

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As Eddie headed straight to hoofington, he didnt know exactly where to head but he knew he need to head south and slighly west, he planned to ask for directions when he sees the sea in the horizon, as he flew he saw a school bus heading up the dirt road "strange, why would a school bus be leaving Manehattan....AAH! who cares i just hope they dont see me" Eddie focused on flying south-west, as he already got use to carrying 2 kegs "i should buy a caravan or something, that way i can deliver more moonshine and whatever else they need from me...i just wonder how did Joe move those weapons? i dont recall him having a caravan" Eddie gave a sad sigh "if only he be alive he would know what to do" Eddie shook his head and kept flying

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Chemm was relieved that the minty coloured mare had decided to not to sing so loudly. It let her continue listening to her favourite musicals as the ride continued. Chemm was now able to concentrate on the fresh breeze that flew from the outside into the window's opening on her side. She even placed her hoof through the window just to feel it every once in a while. Still, it felt like an eternity. The ride had been going on for quite a while and there really wasn't much to do other than to sleep with the music. And that she did, continuing to muse about the fun times she would have and remember for a long time at Angel Walley...

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Tuning out all other sounds, Code sat in his seat listening to his dubstep cranked all the way up. Other than the occasional look, he would only stare out the window and contemplate what his plans were for the day. 'Hmmm... I think it's safe to open this now.' He thought as he opened his bag and shotgunned down a Nos. 'Man, I should really stop pulling all-nighters.' He sighed with relief and threw the empty can into his bag. He looked up and saw a mare giving what seemed to be a deathglare to someone. Code gave a small grin and a slight chuckle to this and continued to stare out the window.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Light was so...well, light weight that he slithered underneath code's seat,His mane and body blended into the floor, and switched her headphones with chemm's, then slithered back into his seat, then he took a sip of one of his 6 mountain dew he packed up.

Edited by Noble
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Pyxel looked at the two arguing ponies and chuckled. He DID miss a good part of his song but the laugh was worth it. He could just rewind.

*This is soooo boring... welp, still better than sitting in maths class.*

He looked around the bus that mostly contained ponies he didn't know.

The clock showed that they had been driving around an hour and half.

Pyxel was out of songs to listen to, so he took a second to see what he had packed with him.

He noticed his blue gamepony there, but he rarely ever touched that thing. Instead he started munching on an apple.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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It was becoming a very boring bus ride in a jiffy. It had only been an hour and a half and she already went through the songs from "Carousel". She wanted to go through the other songs on her MP3 player, but at the same time, she knew she had to save some of them for the return ride home so she didn't have to rehear some of the same songs in a single day. With nothing else to do, she decided to take out her diary again. She cherished her diary, and what better way to waste time than to write to your diary?


"Dear Diary,

                   Jeez some ponies here have such durable ears. Worse yet, some of them don't even know how to sing! I just wish this bus ride would end soon. This is getting really boring. I want to enjoy nature now! I didn't expect the bus ride to be THIS long. Plus, the ride's getting bumpier and bumpier. Not even sitting at the front end of the bus helps! This makes me wish this road had some smooth pavement... I love nature and dirt roads, but for driving, it's a huge nightmare! If only there was something exciting around the corner... Maybe then I would be able to wake up from this boredom...


~Chemm Blonde 

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"Ow!" Said Code as his head hit the roof of the bus as it hit a huge bump on the road. "You'd think paradise would have decent roads." As he settled back into his seat, he noticed something fell out his bag. "Oh look, my laser light. I've been lookin' for this for ages." Code whispered as he picked it up and start to shine it on the back of Chemm's head.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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"Ouch!.."-Violet bumped her head into the window and woke up. Her plan to sleep through the way was half succesful. They were pretty much far away from the school for now but they weren't there yet. It's seemed that they reached some kind of valley. Violet wasn't sure about that how long is the remaining way. Maybe they are almost and she woke up in the right time or maybe not but thy couldn't be so far. She took off the headphone and packed it in her backpack what she held next to herself on the another seat than looked around to see how the othres have the travelling. She turned back but after a few seconds she heared a crack than she lashed to the window as the bus made a sudden corner. "Everypony sat down!"-shouted Miss Blossom. 

The bus made anothe sudden turn."Don't worry...Everything will be okay!"-shouted again their teacher. Violet was so scared. What could have happened? What will happen? She looked out the window. The bus was so close to the border of the road. Violet screamed as the bus started to tilt. The next thing that she saw that she is getting closer to the gound. The bus fall over and started to roll down on the side of the height. Violet hit the window again than nothing...she fainted.


                                                        Signature made by Aphrodite

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The same exact moment that the bus crashed he raised his head up very very slowly, also his face was guarded by his dark yellow princess Celestia styled backpack that was on his head.






(((Char limit char limit Char limit char limit char limit i hate thee so very very much))))

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Chemm had just finished writing from her diary. She placed it once again back into the bag. She could feel the bus bumping and turning as the ride progressed. It worsened and worsened, leaving Chemm frightened. Ms. Blossom tried her best to calm the students, but Chemm was becoming more and more visibly worried.


Her worst fears were then realized. The school bus began to lurch far to her right, and Chemm began to scream in horror as the bus began to tilt in her direction. However, Chemm could barely hear herself scream as all the other students around her screamed in unision. The bus lurched more and more before it tilted over and fell to its side. Chemm's body was thrown off to the sides, unable to stabilize her position. Her saddlebag whacked her on the head right after her body hit hard at the school bus's wall. What had become a dream became a nightmare as Chemm fell unconscious at the front of a bus that was about to become engulfed with flames...

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