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open Friendship is Monstrous [Adventure] ~REBOOT~


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Hey, everypony! Epic Rainbow here! I've decided to reboot the Friendship is Monstrous roleplay! So, if anypony wants to join they have to sign up on this thread and wait for me to accept them! If I brohoof your post, you are accepted and you may start roleplaying. Any questions? Good! Oh, also, the basic story for the RP is that a bunch of monster ponies who are not accepted by society somehow meet each other in the Everfree Forest. They then start on a huge adventure to find where they belong. They then decide to create an entire civilization of monster ponies in the Everfree Forest. 


OOC~ http://mlpforums.com/topic/71187-friendship-is-monstrous-adventure-reboot-ooc/



1. Keep it PG-13.

2. All MLP Forums rules apply.

3. No extreme violence.

4. You MUST be accepted by me before you can roleplay.

5. The most important rule:

           HAVE FUN!!





Type of Monster~





1. Epic Rainbow (vampony)

2. Mythos Gray (vampony)

3. Lost Soul (ghost)

4. Starlight Mist (ghost)

5 Renegade (zombpony)

Edited by Epic Rainbow <3


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Um...if it's not too much hassle...could we get a little more detail on the RP? Please?


Also, you've posted this in the wrong forum. This is for Roleplays that have a OOC thread and are past the planning stage, and thus are in progress. There's a separate piece of board space for Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion.

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I'm interested but I must ask what the basic idea for this roleplay is, will the characters all be monsters of some sort? If this is explained in another thread please link me so I can study up and understand how the roleplay will work.


These are the characters I have available:

Mythos Gray



Golden Dawn


Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Um...if it's not too much hassle...could we get a little more detail on the RP? Please?


Also, you've posted this in the wrong forum. This is for Roleplays that have a OOC thread and are past the planning stage, and thus are in progress. There's a separate piece of board space for Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion.

Actually this is the RP thread. You just have to sign up on this thread before you can roleplay on this thread. Also, I edited the first post to give more background to the plot. Also, I did add a sign-up form to the first post that everypony must use to sign up with. So....yeah...


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Actually this is the RP thread. You just have to sign up on this thread before you can roleplay on this thread. Also, I edited the first post to give more background to the plot. Also, I did add a sign-up form to the first post that everypony must use to sign up with. So....yeah...


But the sign up doesn't go on this thread. This is the roleplay thread. You have to put the sign up on the other thread. The sign up and OOC discussion thread. So that whole post was kinda wrong... I'm pretty sure you did it right for the original RP, but I guess I could be wrong.

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But the sign up doesn't go on this thread. This is the roleplay thread. You have to put the sign up on the other thread. The sign up and OOC discussion thread. So that whole post was kinda wrong... I'm pretty sure you did it right for the original RP, but I guess I could be wrong.

No I'm having everypony sign up on the roleplay thread and then roleplay on the same thread once they are accepted by me. So, there! Please don't criticize me on my on thread. It's just incredibly rude and uncalled for. So, please, just stop it. You wouldn't like it if somepony did it to you, so don't do it to anypony else!


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No I'm having everypony sign up on the roleplay thread and then roleplay on the same thread once they are accepted by me. So, there! Please don't criticize me on my on thread. It's just incredibly rude and uncalled for. So, please, just stop it. You wouldn't like it if somepony did it to you, so don't do it to anypony else!

 I'm honestly not trying to be rude. But it's kind of in the rules. An OOC thread is required, not optional. I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I just didn't want a mod yelling at you for not making an OOC thread. And if someone had told me that I'm pretty sure I would've gone and read the rules before responding.

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 I'm honestly not trying to be rude. But it's kind of in the rules. An OOC thread is required, not optional. I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I just didn't want a mod yelling at you for not making an OOC thread. And if someone had told me that I'm pretty sure I would've gone and read the rules before responding.

I appoligize. I didn't know you're required to make an OOC thread for sign-ups and that you can't just have ponies sign up on the roleplay thread. Oh well, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's not like I'm saying completely inappropriate crap. And it's also not like I'm doing an inappropriate roleplay thread! So, it's really not that big of a deal.


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It has nothing to do with it being inappropriate. Just copy and paste the first post of this thread onto a new thread in the RPplanning & OOC Chat section.

Like I said, it has nothing to do with saying innapropriate things, inappropriate or not, it's required to have a sign up/OOC thread in the RP Planning & OOC Chat section. It gets too confusing if the sign-ups and roleplaying are in the same thread.

I'm not trying to be rude, it's just the rules, and facts.

Edited by Mint Drop
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Name~ Mythos Gray

Species~ Unicorn

Type of Monster~ Vampire

Appearance~ An attractive unicorn with a well groomed grey coat as well as a styled white mane and tail. His cutie mark is an open book with the head of a green fire breathing dragon. He can often be seen wearing a well-tailored vest.

Other ~ As a vampire he is effectively immortal and has already lived for a little over 300 years. He is extremely agile and deceptively stronger and tougher than he looks though he holds most of his strength back.


Also, despite what being a vampire would benefit him in a fight he very much dislikes conflict and wishes to avoid harming others. He has become a skilled illusionist and at the creation of glamours.


He can teleport short distances and, with a fair amount of strain, others as well. Lastly Mythos is very knowledgeable of Equestian history and of other countries.


Weaknesses: In sunlight he loses his natural increased physical abilities making him actually weaker than many unicorns and he tires easily in such conditions. Lastly direct sunlight is distracting and makes it more difficult for him to use his spells.


He must always ask permission before entering the home of another and is physically unable to pass through a doorway without such a permission unless forced.


Must drink the blood of a, preferably willing and female, pony every three days before he begins to lose himself to his thirst which make Mythos dangerous to those around him.


Rage trigger under certain circumstances (harm to fillies, mares, and foals) though thankfully rare in a place such as Equestria.



Once I do some editing this is where

his personality and history will go.



Honestly I would recommend following the rules, as I don't want to see you get in trouble.


If you're willing I'd be more than happy to help you set this up. I've put together a roleplay myself on here and I have experience. With my help we can get this going and be very exciting for others.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Name~Lost Soul

Species~ Pegasus

Type of Monster~ a type of ghost- she can't pass through walls but not many ponies can see her unless they're weak or dying, or near someone who is dying, and she is drawn to those who are dying.

Appearance~ post-14040-0-59095000-1376591475.png

Other~ I adopted her on deviantArt. She is afraid to get close to anyone because she was cursed so that she can't be killed by old age or sickness, so she's seen hundreds of ponies die, including her friends. She can die by other methods though, but not many ponies try to kill her as most don't see her. 

The wings are missing from the picture- I'll add later.



Name~ Starlight Mist

Species~ Unicorn

Type of Monster~ Different type of ghost- can be visible when she wants to be but it takes magic for her to be fully solid. 

Appearance~ in progress



I'll have both pages up sometime.

Edited by Mint Drop
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I've done a bit of updating, giving you my character's strengths and weaknesses as I feel when it comes to monsters such is very important as well to give a basic idea what my character can do.


Once I can get to a computer I will get to my character's personality and history

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Will IT have to reapply? And are wecontinuing from the previous thread? Anyways, here's Renegade again:

Name: Renegade

Species: Unicorn

Type: Zompony

Appearance: A rotting shell of a unicorn, Renegade is a dull green zombie with pale yellow eyes, half his torso missing, with little to no hair.

Other: Became a zombie after contacting a stain of flu from the everfree.

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Renegade, if you're using the same character, you don't have to reapply. Also, we are starting the roleplay again. That's just how reboots work. Also, are you ever going to upload an avatar? I'd like to see what Renegade actually looks like. Or could you make a character thing in the thing where you put profiles to your roleplaying OC's.


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Hmmmmm....I may be able to upload what Renegade looks like. Also I'm planning a Star wars rp. Renegade will be Darth Vader. Would you care to join? You can be Leia! But who'll play Luke, Han, Grand Moff Tarkin, etc.? Also, RenegadexEpic Rainbow forever. anyways, let's get ready to ROLEPLAY!

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Alright, everypony! Let's get to roleplaying!


Epic Rainbow was walking through Ponyville to the market to get some fruit. Everypony panicked and cleared her path, running and galloping out of her way. Nopony liked her because they were terrified she would try to suck their blood. Epic is a vampony. Although, she doesn't even drink blood. She doesn't like the thought of sucking somepony dry. She usually just ate normal pony food and the occasional rat or teenaged dragon. Once in a while she would drink the blood of a full-grown dragon. Epic was really fast to begin with, but vampony super speed and strength made her MUCH faster. She's fast enough to do a triple Sonic Rainboom  by herself. When she got to the fruit stand, the owner immediately closed the shop and ran away when he saw her coming. "Oh, great," she mumbled. "I just wanted some bucking fruit! It's the same thing every day. I'm eventually gonna starve if you ponies don't let me buy some food!"


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Meanwhile, a lone zompony was sitting in the Everfree Forest, sadly drawing stuff in the dirt. Why couldn't he be accepted by society? What, exactly made him so scary? He was just like any other unicorn, unless you counted the rotting flesh, near baldness, etc., etc., etc... Why, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST ACCEPT HIM FOR WHO HE WAS?


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Mythos Gray had been visiting Ponyville, in search of a new story and to get away from the big city of Canterlot where there was actually a number who knew of his nature of a monster.


Admittingly he did live up to his nature playing the part of a charming cold skinned predator thus couldn't blame the ponies of Canterlot. He at least kept things under control, never drinking too much and was respectful to ponies even if he didn't think they always deserved such.


Much too his surprised Mythos found a mare that had the look of one of his own kind, and he could see the ponies of Ponyville could recognize this as well as ponies locked up everything tight to bar the mare's way.


"Well what do you expect," the stallion says after walking next to her and hearing the mare's words, a calm smile on his face before continuing what the words, "you don't really hide the fact that you are of the kin and thus scary to ponies... no matter how lovely you are or your intentions being harmless."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Epic looked up to see a stallion talking to her. She smiled shyly. "How could you tell I'm a vampony," she asked. "I'm way too brightly colored. I mean, I'm a bright, neon purple pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. Also, my cutie mark is a bright rainbow heart! It's pretty much impossible to tell I'm a vampony if you've never seen me before! Wait...how come you're not terrified of me? Oh, excuse me. I'm Epic Rainbow. You can call me Epic."


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(Hey, Epic, I started my Star Wars RP. Check it out. It's at the bottom of the page.)

Renegade could hear someone talking. As he wandered outside of the forest, he could see a familiar town. He wandered into the town to see a mare and a stallion. Golly, was the mare beautiful! Renegade hid in the shadows to watch.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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"It is a pleasure to meet such a colorful and beautiful mare as you Miss Rainbow," the grey unicorn said, his white mane and tail perfectly combed. Smiling he took the mare's hoof in his and kissed it softly, "I am Mythos Gray and on how I knew... well lets just say most of those of kin hold themselves in such a way, give off a presence, that most ponies can sense. That and though colorful there is still a lightness to your coat."


There was something about the stallion, a confidence that was impossible to miss. Though friendly and well mannered there was an edge that hinted of the monster he was. His violet eyes looked into hers as if studying her, considering her before he softly give a wink saying, "you and I are both blood drinkers, and I can smell that your blood is different from everypony else."

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Lost Soul walked the streets of Ponyville. Not may ponies noticed her but when they did, they ran away. She knew why. the way she looked was so odd - so creepy - to other ponies. With her blackened eyes and the dried, scarlet tears on her face, she hardly looked "normal". 

She followed a small road and saw some ponies running from the market. they ran right past her.

That's odd, she thought. Usually the only times I see somepony running away from something is if they see me... 

She followed the road until it opened up. She saw two ponies talking and felt a slight tug in their direction. 

Odd, she thought as she followed it. It's not quite like the pull I feel when somepony's dying... it's kind of like... they're already dea, or something...

She came to a stop a few steps away, doubting that they could see her.


((Go ahead and see her.))

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(Hey, ES, do you have any OCs that could fill the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in my star wars rp?)

Renegade didn't know why, but there was something boiling up inside him caused by that stallion's words. What was it? Not thinking, he tackled the stallion angrily. He was angry.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Darkshift woke up on a bench in the middle of a village and began to wonder where he was.Plotting several memories from the previous night he spent chasing prey,but he couldn't work it out.He heard his stomach growl and began to crave some meat.Deciding to head towards the town centre in hopes of finding a pet shop or a butchers or something.After strolling down the path he noticed something peculiar about the attitude of the population.His sense of smell was keen and he picked up on a rather strange smell which he followed.

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Lost Soul gaped as she saw a new pony tackle the stallion.

"What in the-"

She tripped over her hooves trying to back up out of the way and backpedaled into a nearby fruit stand.

"Agh!" she cried out. She ended up with splinters in her wings and hooves.


So much for not getting seen...

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