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open Friendship is Monstrous [Adventure] ~REBOOT~


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Mythos noticed the red teared mare coming towards him and Epic, not notice another rush near and tackled him, surprising him greatly and he fell flat on the road before pushing the stallion away and getting up with impressive quickness. Thus distracted by the stallion he put aside everypony else around him as focused his gaze on the one that had attacked him before asking with a slight tilt his head, "and why may I ask did you do that, there was no..."


He stop to see the one from before cry out in pain and turn to see the the mare had fallen into the fruit cart causing the grey vampire to hurry over to see if she was okay, "how badly are you hurt?"


(I believe Golden Dawn could play such as part, if given a chance to make a few changes and consider how he'd fit in the Star Wars universe even if it is still with ponies and I would need to ask how such a roleplay would work. Also Stardream would make an interesting Jedi Master.)

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Renegade simply sighed. Once again, he'd gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. "Why, why, why, WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY?" he shouted, not noticing the other ponies around him. Just then, he noticed the neon purple mare. "Hello." he said sheepishly. "Be afraid. Be very afraid." he said in a monotone voice. He was kinda shy around this mare, but he didn't wanna show it. Once again, he sighed. "..."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Lost Soul slowly got up and brushed herself off, averting her eyes from the stallion. She wasn't used to getting attention.

"I-I'm okay," she murmured. "Just a few splinters in my wings and my back is a bit sore. I was just surprised."

She continued to timidly avert her eyes, until she realized something that made her eyes widen and lock on to his.

"Why haven't you run away yet? Most ponies run away if they see me."

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"Well why should I," stallion asks good naturedly helping the mare to her hooves before adding, "I am dangerous enough that I have no reason to run away from you."


Looking over at those around him Mythos says, "seems we've gathered quite the crowd" A look of annoyance passes over his face as he considered the stallion who had tackled him, who it would seem has strike up conversation.


((Hey, how about we set it up so that everyone take turns on posting so no so that no one gets left behind. Already we have left a lot for Epic Rainbow to go through.

Also anyone care to give what they think of my roleplaying and what they think of Mythos Gray's interaction with others.))

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Epic sprang into flight and hovered in mid-air out of shock. "What the," she stammered. "What is going on?! I can't believe all of this is happening just because I needed some kumquat! Who are you ponies? Are you...monsters too? I didn't know there were so many more of us!" She looked at the crowd of monster ponies. She then realized something with a jolt. It was getting dark out. "Okay, everypony," she started. "We should head to the Everfree Forest. It's getting dark, and we're all monsters. Everypony will expect us to attack. We'll find some shelter in the ancient castle ruins in the forest. Come on!" Epic flew towards the Everfree Forest while everypony followed.


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Renegade followed the purple mare. "Sorry for that little skirmish," he apologized as he ran to catch up with her. "D'oh! How stupid of me! I'm Renegade. Who'te you?" he asked curiously. He was quite eager to know this mare. He saw she was quite beautiful, and a bit sweet. No matter what, he couldn't get her outta his head. And he also had a warm...feeling inside?


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Mythos nodded at the pegasus vampony's words saying with a grin, "Ah yes, the last thing we want is a mob with pitchforks and torches." He offered a smile to Lost Soul, giving the same to the others.


He also frowned as he noticed the attention the one calling himself Renegade was giving Epic. He considers the zompony's expression, as if recognizing what it meant. He smiles a moment later, as if what made him frown was no big deal.

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(Aw, hell, I think I'll restart my PONY.MOV roleplay. If anyponywansa join, tell me.)

Renegade stared at Mythos uneasily. He wasn't sure if they would get along or not. "Meh." Renegafe muttered.. But something was on his mind: Where was this castle, and what would happen there?


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Epic turned her head to look at Renegade. "I'm Epic Rainbow," she said. "But you can call me Epic." She smiled sweetly at him.


(Are Mythos and Renegade gonna like fight over Epic? Cuz that would be interesting for the story. I have it all figured out! Mythos would win, but Epic will realize that he's not right for her and go to Renegade. Yeah, Renegade and Epic are dating in like every RP lol)


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(ES and I were discussing that via PM, actually. We thought it was pretty good.)

Renegade blushed. The warm feeling inside him grew. Without thinking, he hugged Epic Rainbow tightly. It felt pretty good.

He stared at Epic Rainbow for a few minutes before hugging her again.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Darkshift remained at a distance away from the group hoping he would be undetected,he was curious as too who they were and what they were doing.He noticed that there was dispute amongst the group making them even more curious to Darkshift.When they headed for the forbidden forest he followed cautiously behind.

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((Starlight Mist will show up at the castle.))


Lost Soul flew after the other ponies, even though the mare's words had stung. A monster? She had some wird brain thing that brought her to ponies who were dying, but she was no monster.




Doubt started to fog her mind as she flew. 

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Mythos saw the hug but only smiled as if making a decision before slowing so as to be able to walk next to Lost Soul and saying as he studied her, "What could to be the matter miss, you seem upset about something. I hope this gathering is not too strange for you." The stallions look was encouraging, as if he really was interested in hearing her speak with his attention on her. He did not even seem to need to worry about stray branched or roots, his hoofs moving steady and sure though his eyes were focused on the mare.

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Lost Soul broke out of her daze as she heard the stallion speak to her. She looked at him, the only slightly visible irises of her eyes shrinking slightly as she realized he could still see her and was paying attention to her again. She tried hiding behind her mane a bit, but it didn't work as she was flying fairly fast.
"Oh... Um, that's not it. Um, i-it's just something about what that mare said, I-I guess it struck a nerve."
She pointed to the purple pony flying ahead of them.

((quoting is the only way to get her attention as the mentioning doesn't work -_-))


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Mint Drop

The stallion considered before offering a guess, "was it how she said we are all monsters? If so I don't see why, one should show pride in such a difference from common ponies... though," he turned before adding considering the zompony that had hugged Epic, "some monsters are better then others."

Turning back to Lost Soul he asked, "What would you call yourself? We have a group made up of vamponies, a zompony, as well as it would seem a ghost... what are you?"

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Epic Rainbow was pulled down from the air onto the ground by Renegade's hug. She got up, brushed herself off and scolded, "Hey! What's your problem?! I'm trying to lead us to safety here! But all you're worried about is hugging everypony!" The stallion gave her a sad look and she felt bad. "Sorry," she said. "It's just that the hug startled me and you kind of caught me in a bad mood. Forgive me?"


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"I..." Lost Soul wasn't sure what to say.

"I... Um, I don't really know... I guess I could be considered a ghost... It's rare for somepony to see me unless they're dying... I recall somepony who once saw me screaming 'Ghoul!' but I think ghost would work best..."

(when you said "as well as it seems a ghost", were you talking about Starlight? because she isn't with them, she's at the castle. It's where our characters are all headed, so she's going to come across them there.))

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"Meh. Why not?" Renegade replied. Renegade looked at Epic lovingly. He then facehoofed himself Why are you looking at her like that? he thought. Was it because...? NO! Renegade then began banging his head against a tree. Wow, was he stupid! He didn't like her that way, did he?


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Epic looked at Renegade with a wierded-out expression. She flew over to the zombpony and pulled him away from the tree. "Woah," she said. "Stop that, dude. You don't wanna get a concussion...though I doubt a zombie could get a concussion. So, you don't want your head to fall off. Come on, the castle is just past that little group of shrubs and bushes." She sped up a small bit so they could get to the castle faster, but not too fast so that the rest of the group could catch up.


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Renegade latched onto Epic rainbow's back. "Braaaaains. Nah I'm kidding. By the way, whsre is this castle?" Renegade was a little uneasy, and more importantly, began to question Epic Rainbow's sanity. And besides, his memory was a bit of, so that's why he asked.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Epic Rainbow was almost dragged to the ground by Renegade jumping onto her back, but she lifted herself up. "We're at the castle," she said, landing in front of an ancient castle ruin. "Alright, everypony. Let's get inside for some shelter." She trotted into the building with confidence that they would be safe there. Once inside, she turned her head and found herself face-to-face with a transluscent pony. Epic jumped back, startled, and shouted, "Gah! What the hell?! Who are you? Are you a ghost? By the way, I'm Epic Rainbow, but you can call me Epic."


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Renegade was shocked, too. "Ditto. What in the name of Celestia is that thing?" he asked quite curiously. "IMMA POKE IT!" Renegade shouted. But when he did, he found his hof went right through the spirit. "Hmmm...it sems it can't be poked. Or any kind of physical contact for that matfer."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Epic looked at the zombie pony and said, rather flatly, "She's a ghost. She can't make any physical contact, you numb-skull. So, what's your name, Ghost?" She pushed Renegade away from the ghastly pony floating in front of them. He seemed to be very curious. It didn't matter what it was, Renegade wanted to investigate it. He was like a foal!


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Starlight Mist had had an uneventful day. She'd woken up and practiced spells in the morning, then gone to read her books on spells. She had spen most of the day in a cycle like this, as per usual.

But, for once, something unusual happened. 

She came face-to-face with another pony.

Who was accompanied by three other ponies. 

Starlight blinked, surprised, as the pony jumped back. She glared at the mare and her companion as they talked about her like she wasn't there, and the stallion poked her. They even called her an "it"!

"First off, thank you for acknowledging that I am conscious. i'm Starlight Mist, and you can call me Star if you like."

She turned and glared at the stallion.

"And i'd thank you if you wouldn't call me an 'it', please, and refrained from poking me in the future."


@, @,

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OOC~ Just for the record, I called you a she so don't blame me also i did not ignore you i was startled by you


IC~ Epic looked at Star and said, "Well, nice to meet you, Star. I'm Epic Rainbow. You can call me Epic, though. Oh, and this is Renegade, Mythos Gray, and Lost Soul."


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