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private Entropy (RP)


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Frostbite smiled - more to herself than anything, at the mare's attempts to disguise her awkwardness and as she told her name. Feather. Cute. "You can call me Frostbite, if you so wish"

Picking up a trot, she made her way towards where Feather had gestured, before quickly realising she had no idea where she was actually going. "Would you mind leading the way? It's my first time here, i'd be lying if I said I could pretend to know where I was going." she giggled in a borderline flirtatious manner as she stood to one side. "So, what brings a mare like you to this place?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Chemm continued to weep at her living room couch... it was already nearly 9:30 am.., She didn't care to go to work... she was too sorrowful to do so. She didn't want to let the others know about her feelings for Erlen. They would probably scoff and laugh because of her naivety. Everything just seemed to have fallen apart so quickly... it was harder for Chemm to handle at this point. All she wanted to do now was to forget about everything. Even her medical career. She couldn't even find love in a nerd. That's how pathetic she was... All she could do was weep in a crouched position as time seemed to pass without definition... without meaning... it felt like time stopped, but it still pressed onward...


All of a sudden, a ring on her doorbell. Who could it possibly be? Chemm was still in her tears. By the time the doorbell rang, her mane was ruffled and she was by no means prepared to see any visitors. But she couldn't just ignore the visitor at her door... Or could she? She continued to stay where she was by her living room couch...


The white coated mare knew this was the right address. Her name was Blue Cross. She already worked at Manehattan's Hospital for a decade and was chosen to be Chemm's guide through Manehattan Hospital for the first year or two. She continued to ring the doorbell, concerned about Chemm. Where was she? When Chemm didn't arrive at 9:00 am, even her manager was concerned. Chemm wasn't normally this late for work. They knew something had happened, but they didn't know what... She could remember the conversation she had before she left the hospital in search for Chemm. Her manager had a genuine look of concern on her face; it was the first time she was ever late for work, and the manager knew how studious and punctual Chemm was for work; in fact, over the past few days she arrived early for work, eager to help with the administrative and research processes at Manehattan Hospital.


It was understandable that when Blue Cross knocked on the door and rang the doorbell that Blue shouted with a very concerned look on her face,


"Chemm! Where are you? Open up! You're late for work, and we're getting worried!"


Chemm continued to sob at the living room couch. She could hear one her coworkers call out for her as she knocked on the brown door and rang on her doorbell... She didn't want to reject them... but at the same time, she couldn't let them know what she was going through... but did she have a choice? She was already late for work... She got up with a shake, worried about what her coworker would think of her... She trotted ever so slowly towards the brown door that welcomed her to her house... Chemm's tears were still flowing from her eyes. She felt weak... disabled... broken... she had no choice at this point. She had to open the door because either way, they would get in...


Chemm opened the door cautiously... she didn't want to see who it was... however, she did. And her fears were realized. It really was one of her coworkers... Chemm continued to sniff away as she looked sadly to her coworker. Her coworker responded with a gasp, shocked particularly at how ruffled Chemm's mane looked.


"Chemm! What happened to you?! Dear, you look terrible!"


"I... I don't want to talk about it. It's embarrassing and I feel terrible for making the biggest mistake in my life!" Chemm replied with frustration and a sniff. Blue Cross could see how terrible she looked. Blue approached Chemm and gave her a warm smile. She then replied soothingly,


"Chemm... Don't worry. I won't laugh. I promise." Chemm's sniffles stopped slightly, but they were still there. She replied with a quiet voice,


"You... you won't?"


"No... No I won't Chemm. I've gone through much embarrassment and trouble in my life too Chemm. I won't laugh or think any worse of you." Blue Cross with a shake of her head and a warm smile. After hearing this, Chemm quietly motioned her into her house...



Chemm and Erlen were working together in an advanced biochemistry lab on the halfway point through their medical careers. Chemm had just broken up with her previous coltfriend, Rocky, after a huge confrontation that occurred the day before... Chemm was looking visibly frustrated and regretful, and Erlen noticed it as they continued to work through the Bradford assays and the chemical reactions. The young Erlen asked Chemm with concern,


"Chemm... what's up? You've been looking really down today, and you haven't been trying to criticize me as much so we can work more efficiently..."


"I... I don't really want to talk about it Erlen." replied Chemm as she sighed in defeat... She really didn't want anypony to know what had happened last night in fear of rumours, but at the same time... she was developing trust towards Erlen. He was a really nice stallion, even when he was... Sterling's friend. She harboured a deep rivalry against him because he was taking all the attention away from her in medical school. No matter how hard she worked, Sterling always got the praise... Still, she could trust Erlen. She asked Erlen with a shy look,


"Erlen... I... I changed my mind... you... you won't tell anypony what I'm about to tell you?" Erlen could see the concerned look on her face. He wasn't one to just tell a secret about anypony, especially not Chemm!


"No... of course I wouldn't tell a soul Chemm!" An awkward silence descended among them. Erlen was about to ask whether Chemm would end up telling or not, but before he could do so, Chemm replied in defeat,


"Well... well Erlen... I... had a breakup. You remember how frustrated I was about Rocky in the past? Well it's off."


"Oh... oh I see... if you didn't like him very much Chemm, then it probably wasn't meant to be is all. Maybe you'll find a stallion who will fit you better. I never thought you fit well with Rocky, with all the frustration you were showing towards him. You just have to wait and see I guess." replied Erlen with a warm smile. Even if Chemm was insistent and impatient at times, she still had a good heart, and he didn't want to break it by spreading a secret like that. He knew how awful it felt to be rejected by mares of all kinds, and he knew that when word got out about such failures, that misery would compound as a result.


"... Thanks Erlen. Those were really comforting words." replied Chemm with a light chuckle as she gave Erlen a weak smile. It still hurt, but she felt better knowing that Erlen understood... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Feather chuckled a little at the mare's mistake as she took the lead, trotting towards the general direction of the shop in the certainty that she would remember exactly where it was once they reached the main foyer.


"Nice to meet you, Frostbite." Feather commented, giving the mare another nod and a smile. "Actually, I won a free train ride around Equestria. Yourself?" 

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Blue Cross and Chemm were sitting beside each other on the brown couch where Chemm cried her tears away. The couch was becoming soaked because of her tears, but Blue Cross didn't mind. She just wanted to comfort Chemm. Chemm's tears were still flowing as Blue Cross gave Chemm a loving look. She noticed the picture of Chemm and Erlen that was left on the floor. It looked like it was about to be scrunched, only to be left on the brown carpet floor... Blue Cross took the picture cautiously and then gave it back to Chemm. She then spoke cautiously but calmly,


"Chemm... who... who is this on your picture? He... he looks like somepony wonderful..." Chemm gave a sniff... She wanted to be angry, but she couldn't... the picture of the dance... it was simply too special for her to destroy...


"That's... *sniff* that's Erlen. Erlen Meyer. He... he was my best friend... Although... I... I don't know what to make of him now..." Chemm replied with more tears...


"Chemm... is he why you're crying? Do... do you love him?" Blue replied with extreme caution. It was a hunch she wanted to take. Chemm's overflowing of tears after seeing Erlen... led her to that. Chemm could only continue to sniff... She didn't want to admit it... she felt a sense of frustration growing in her, and she wanted to let it out... She couldn't take it anymore.


"Yes! Yes! I love him! I don't even know why I love him! He's ugly! He's nerdy! Everypony kept on making fun of him! I could have easily joined in on the act so I could advance myself socially, but I didn't! I stood up for him! I was ridiculed by my friends, and many of them deserted me! I regret everything!" Chemm continued to raise her voice, leaving Blue Cross even more worried. She had to calm Chemm down in some way... 


"Chemm... what did Erlen do? Why do you regret everything?" Blue Note replied in desperation to calm Chemm... Chemm continued to moan in frustration until she heard those words... she stopped for a moment. It was no user. Her frustration wouldn't do anything, but her heart was still broken... She was back in her tears again, deeply sorrowful about Erlen...


"It's... It's more of what he didn't do... *sniff* Erlen would often tell me that I was a trustworthy mare and that I was different from all the other mares. When we danced that night, everything felt so perfect... I was comforted by his hooves holding mine... and how fluently we danced under the night sky to "The Blue Danenube..." It was so perfect... We were smiling at each other... and everything felt so perfect... It was that moment that I could say I loved him...


But over the past week, I wanted to hang out him. I followed Erlen's friends' advice in asking him to hang out with me, but every time I asked him out, he would just say he was busy. And then, when I tried to meet him today, he just left a note... he said he was gone on a trip... without me... I don't care about the trip itself. I cared about the fact he never told me he was preparing for a trip he won! Why wouldn't he want to talk about such an accomplishment?" Chemm replied as she descended back into sorrow. She wasn't crying as much this time, but her sorrow was still ever present. Blue Cross then wrapped her hoof around Chemm and hugged her like a mother to her daughter. She then spoke soothingly,


"Chemm... let me tell you something... Not all the time will a stallion want to say something about himself... They will have things they feel will compromise a mare's opinion of him. I can imagine many things a stallion would be ashamed of, but the most glaring of them is their desire... their want for a mare who loves them fully. They can be blinded by other mares... especially if they're pretty... I can imagine some names right now Chemm."


"Blue Cross... are... are you saying... that Erlen loves another?" Chemm asked with confusion.


"No Chemm... He is not. I think that deep down, he may love you. He danced with you. He enjoyed being with you. He trusted you. At the same time, he feels a stronger sense of desire that has blinded him. I don't know what it is, but I can think of some examples. It is at this time he needs you most. He will see that his desires will become unrealistic, maybe in a very hard way.  It is then where you must come in dear. I don't know when that will be, but you must be prepared." A moment of silence descended. Chemm didn't really understand, but at the same time, she felt that it was the truth. Seeing that Chemm was confused, Blue Cross continued,


"Chemm... what I'm trying to say is that Erlen's probably in a conflict. He has a dark secret that he doesn't want to share. It's hurting him inside because he cares for you. He doesn't want you to feel that he's abandoning you, but at the same time, his secrecy has hurt you anyway. He doesn't know this because he's on a trip though. Who knows? Maybe Erlen will realize this during the trip... Only time will tell Chemm. Either way, it's up to you to care for him when he needs it most. He cared for you, but now it's your turn... Do you understand?" Chemm was beginning to understand now. After all, Erlen was only being secretive the week before the trip. Something must have developed, but she didn't know what... it hurt her to have to wait, but it was all she could do right now... Chemm gave one last sniffle as her tears finally went away...


"Yes... I understand now Blue... thanks." She then gave Blue Cross a warm hug at the brown, comfy couch with a warm smile. Blue Cross then spoke with a beam, motioning for her to come back to Manehattan Hospital for work.


"You're very welcome Chemm. If you need anything, you can talk to me anytime. Our manager was really worried about you Chemm. You weren't normally this late for work, and I knew something was up. Well, if you're willing, you can come to work and you'll just end work an hour later is all." Chemm smiled warmly at her encouraging motions. She got up, quickly prepared for work, and walked off with Blue Cross... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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(OoC: I'm a great dirty liar, there was no post. Hopefully all of you shall forgive me as I get this showboat on the road...but I will be away again on the weekend. Oh yes, yes, I am a busy girl indeed, and I am sorry for that. :c)

(Sorry for the short post, too.)



There was a chugging noise, and Catchkey turned his head to see the train arriving, gleaming beautifully in the dim lights of the station. Trimmed with precious metals, the light brown body near sparkled, and Catch couldn't help but feel his eyes light up. He had always loved engines before he had decided to go into lock-keeping after discovering his talent, and this train was very well made.


Loveless wasn't nearly as enamored as he as she eyed it with distaste, shielding her face from the fumes. The train was admittedly pretty and screamed wealth, wealth that she would one day far surpass. This idea brought a smile to her face - she wouldn't need a stinky train to go where she pleased. Being Princess did have its benefits, after all.


A smartly dressed handsome attendant stepped off the stairs that had lowered themselves to the platform, and a red carpet rolled off as he ushered them inside as more attendants received their luggage and disappeared. The smart one turned and smiled, beckoning them silently towards their destination.


The inside of the train was even more beautiful than the out, sparkling clean and filled with baubles and trinkets of all sizes. They stepped through several doors and arrived in a lovely sitting room, where their attendant beckoned them on to handsomely furbished chairs.


"Welcome to the Fair Entropy," he said in an accented voice, and it was clear he came from Saddle Arabia. "I am now handing out your room keys and numbers. You will find your luggage there. Please save further questions until the dinner this evening. The sleeping car is outlined on your map."  With no further ado he disappeared.


Loveless stood up, smiled briefly at the others, and headed for her room. Catchkey did the same, still hiding under his hood. The rooms were all nicely done up and luggage rested neatly in the corner.


Loveless instantly began to redo her makeup and choosing her clothing for dinner, but Catch, a few rooms away, flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling and wondered - what the hell am I doing?


Restless, he rose and went and set off to explore, hoping he wouldn't bump into anyone. 


EDIT: I wrote Saudi Arabia. Fail.

Edited by PDS.avi


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While Erlen was still looking around the train station for other ponies. He had just noticed another stallion and a mare arrive. One looked like the arrogant sort, while the other looked a lot more down to Earth type. When he heard one of the attendants welcome him with a heavy Arabian accent, Erlen instantly began to trot into the Entropy train... Erlen was now one step closer to fulfilling his dream of seeing the beautiful and dashing Fair Entropy.


He thanked the Arabian attendant and instantly took a good look around the first passenger train car. Everything looked amazing... The entire room was brightened by the golden colours and the regal feel it emanated to Erlen. How was it even possible to build one of these passenger cars, let alone the entire train? Erlen continued to walk around in search for the cabin where all of his belongings lay. Apparently, Erlen was to be in Room 10B. It was probably one of the last cabins on the entire train... but no matter. Erlen knew that every cabin was just as special as the others. He trotted happily towards the last cabin and found the wooden door that had the number "10B" at the door's upper region. Erlen excitedly used his room key and then briskly opened the door...


Erlen saw the room. It was everything he expected. Everything looked so comfy... the fluffy bed and pillows, the quaint lamp that stood to the left of the bed, and all of his belongings safely stored to the far left where there lay an open closet. Erlen took a quick look around before deciding to lay himself on the comfy bed to take a quick nap before continuing his exploration of the elegant Entropy train.

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Frostbite had fallen silent as she walked behind Feather, she had heard her ask the question, but for the moment she couldn't think to answer. She was...admiring the view so to speak. That, and she'd probably need to pay attention to the surroundings so she knew where she was going later. 


She was about to reply, when there was a loud mechanical chugging that caught her attention. Turning her head to see the train pulling up at her station, she smiled to herself and turned back to Feather. "Well then...it looks like we'll be travelling together, no? I mean...unless there are other free train rides I don't know about..." 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Completely unaware of Frost Bite's gaze, Feather had continued trotting while she waited for an answer, until she heard the sound of the train pulling into the station behind her. She turned, and her muzzle dropped at the sight of the grand, ornate locomotive.


Bit of an eyesore really... murmured a voice in her head, but Feather quashed it; no need to be negative.


Feather turned, heading towards the train, when Frost Bite's words registered in her mind. She turned to the mare with a grin. "Oh, you're going on the Entropy too?"


At least I know somepony a little now.

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Ember was outside, soaring over Ponyville happily. As she flew, she periodically glanced towards the ground, as if looking for something. Seeing nothing, she pulled a loop-da-loop, and flew upside down over Fluttershy's Cottage. As she righted herself, she saw a faint glint on the ground, coming from a patch of tall grass. She immediately dived towards it, landing with a soft, graceful thud.
She sifted through the grass, eventually finding a small silver ladel. Happily, she put it into her side satchel, and flew back towards Her home, where she found Pinkie waiting. As she flew down for a landing, Ember saw Pinkie's face light up. "Didya find it??!" PInkie exclaimed, to which Ember pulled out the ladel from her satchel. "Oh, thank you, Ember, Mrs. Cake would've really had my hide if I didn't bring that back to her! How much do I owe you??"
Ember laughed a bit. "Oh, Pinkie, you don't owe me anything," She replied, her voice flowing sweetly like honey. "You're like family to me!"
"Really? You sure? Thanks Ember!! Ooooh! Speaking of honey, I think I just thought of a new cupcake recipe!!! Bye Ember!!" Pinkie zoomed off into the distance, towards Sugarcube Corner.
Ember let out a small laugh, turning towards her home. With Pinkie being the last client of the day, she decided to check her mail, then take a nice relaxing snooze. She opened her mailbox, and pulled out the letters inside. As she walked into her home, she shifted through the letters. Most were concerning lost items, but as she leafed through them, a rather unusual one embroidered in gold fell to the floor. Ember stopped in surprise, and picked up the fallen envelope, setting the rest on the table beside her.
She slowly opened the golden envelope, and read the message inside. "Wait, this can't be?? I actually won?!? Wow, I never thought I would!" Ember pulled out the single ticket that was in the envelope, and began to read it over.
"Ticket for the Entropy, huh?" She began to read the details:"Time of departure..."


Ember's eyes glanced at her clock on the wall. "Hey, would ya look at that! I'm late!" She said, a bit carefree, and turned back to reading the ticket.


Suddenly her eyes widened, and she nearly dropped the key to her trip. "Oh what the Hay, I'm late!!!" She quickly sat up, stuffing the letter into her side satchel, and she began to frantically pack everything she'd need for the trip.


"Yes, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, Gah! where is my brush??" Ember was throwing things left and right, trying to hurry and get packed. "Ah, there it is, get in there!"


After a frantic minute and a half, Ember grabbed her suitcase, slung it onto her back via her specially made strap, and the luggage opened, spilling everything out onto the floor.


"Oh for crying out loud!!!" She stuffed everything back into her now off suitcase, this time securely zipping it up, and slung it back onto her back. She galloped out of her door, locking it behind her. Immediately she took off, heading towards the Cake Residence. She burst through the door, estatically.


"Pinkie!!" Ember nearly screamed.


"Yeah?!"  "I'm going on a train ride for a month, here's the key to the apartment, tell everyone I said bye, but I'm running late, and I'm sorry I didn't have time for a proper one."


"Okie dokie lokie!!"


"Thanks Pinkie!" Ember turned and raced out of the door, taking flight nearly immediately, flying as fast as she could towards Canterlot, and more specifically, the Canterlot Train Station.


(((Some time later...)))


After what seemed like eternity, Ember flew into Canterlot, not slowing down as she raced straight into the Train Station, frantically looking for the right station. Nearly immediately, she found the train, and flew up to it, relieved it hadn't left yet. She took a minute to catch her breath, then tried to find exactly where she was supposed to be.


She looked around a bit, and her eyesight fell across a group of ponies, one of whom was holding the same Envelope Ember had recieved. She calmed herself, then walked over, hoping she wouldn't be the latest one to the party.




(((OKay, posts up, I gotta go to work though. laters)))

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Erlen woke up from his slumber. It was a comforting one to say the least. However, through that nap, he had a tinge of guilt inside him. He was wondering why he didn't tell Chemm where he was going for his holiday and why he had opted to avoid her for that whole week he was packing... She was a lovely mare to say the least, and definitely the friendliest one he ever met. Still, she wasn't as pretty as Fair Entropy... and he definitely couldn't tell her about his fetish! No! It would ruin him! Erlen nodded at himself for realizing that his secret was happily kept. It was just going to be a month long holiday, and maybe by then, he would get that long desired kiss... and maybe... just maybe... all the other mares would see him as attractive. He could imagine it now... All the mares wooing at his smarts, his shiny braces, and most of all, his sharp and dashing eyes... Oh that would be the finishing touch! 


It was enough to keep Erlen's spirits up. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he told Chemm about his fetish towards Fair Entropy and why he was on the trip. Even if it was spontaneously won, if he told just a little bit to Chemm, her assertive side would probably flow in and force Erlen to spill everything. That was the last thing he wanted! His conscience was clear. Besides, Chemm probably didn't like him that way like all the other mares! They all said he was too ugly, and Chemm even followed in on the act at one point in his medical school career. Who was to say that she wouldn't do it again when he told all to her?


With that, Erlen quickly shook his mind off Chemm and walked out of his cabin door after a refreshing nap. He took a good look around the train car and approaching the dining car where dinner would soon be served. He could only imagine the delicious food he would be eating once dinner started. And maybe Fair Entropy would come! If so, he had to be on his best behaviour! Aware of this, Erlen carefully trotted towards the dining car while maintaining his internal excitement...

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"Indeed I am, and might I say what a lovely coincidence this is. I think right now, the only thing that could make this train more appealing is if it had a free restaurant car" Frostbite giggled, making a hasty march for the open train car as she pulled a slip of paper from her saddlebag and began examining the information. Upon reaching the car, she stood to one side and glanced back at Feather and gestured for her to enter first. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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 Feather grinned. "In that case it'd be just as well we never made it to the food cart - wouldn't want to waste money." She went pick up her suitcase, only to discover an attendant had already loaded it onto the train. Feather shook her head, smiling then followed Frostbite to the car. "Thanks," she murmured to the other mare, who was standing to one side, then entered the car.


Inside, the train was just as plush as Feather had imagined. Really, Feather wanted to find her room before she did any exploring, but she felt it would be more polite to ask what Frostbite was planning on doing - after all, she might still be planning on getting something to eat.


"So," Feather turned back to the mare. "Do you still want to look for that food cart?"

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Frostbite was staring at her card as she absentmindedly followed Feather onto the train, barely catching her question, she raised an eyebrow blankly, still looking down as she replied "Um...n-no, I...I should be good for now. I don't think I need you for that just yet."

She folded the card away and placed it in her saddlebag again "4B...4B...guess i'm room sharing then." she chuckled to herself, before suddenly remembering the other mare was still around. "Oh? Sorry, did you say something? I...i'm terribly sorry, I think I need to lie down for a while..." she looked Feather up and down as she took a step past her, turning her head to look back as she winked "...how 'bout you come meet me in my room later? Room 4B, i'll make it up to you." She giggled again before trotting off with a spring in her step, following the numbers on the doors. 


She didn't have long to travel though, before she realised it she was almost at room 5. Opening the door to room 4, she jumped inside, closing it behind her and immediately hit the temperature controls to as low as they could go. With an unsatisfied frown, she dumped her bags from her back and sat down on the bed, staring out the carriage window into the station as her stomach rumbled lightly.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"Um, alright." Feather blinked, trying to hide her relief, though Frostbite's sudden absentmindedness did make Feather worry if there was something wrong with the mare. 


She's probably just taken aback by the train - blinded by all the shiny...


Feather shook her head at the mean voice as she watched Frostbite walk away. The mare's invitation to her room made her blink - there was a long pause before she could think of something to say.


"Oh...uh, sure." Feather nodded slightly.


Was she...flirting? Feather couldn't help but wonder.


More likely she's just one of those overly friendly mares who giggles too much...


"Yeah," Feather muttered quietly to herself in agreement. "Most likely."


Getting her room key from a nearby attendant, Feather headed off to her own room. It was as fancy as the rest of the train, and Feather was pleased to see her bag was already there. As she flopped down on the ridiculously comfy bed she decided that, in fact, she could get used to this.

Edited by Ano170

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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As Ember continued to walk towards the group, she noticed some of the ponies breaking off and walking onto the train. 'Is it that time already?' She thought. 'I didn't even have enough time to mingle with anypony!'


Ember altered her path a bit, so that her destination was the entrance to the car, and quickened her pace a bit. She pulled out her envelope, which she had put into her side satchel before she left, pulled out the ticket, and glanced to it as she walked. "Room 10A..." She muttered, more to herself than anypony around her. "Does that mean I'll be sharing with somepony else?"


As she pondered the other aspects of the ticket, she reached the train, walking on board. She didn't look up until she heard a voice talking to her: "Shall I take your luggage, Madam?"  The voice originated from one of the staff on the train. "Oh, no thank you," Ember began, "I'll be fine. I appreciate your concern to help, though!" She then turned and walked down the hall, looking for room 10A.


Soon, she found it, opening the door to where she would be staying for majority of the trip. "Wow, it's a tad bit nicer than my house!" She said, a bit loudly, talking to herself. As her eyes scanned the room, they soon fell upon a bed. The sight of something so comfortable immediately brought the exertion from Ember's panicked rush into her body. 'I suppose a little nap wouldn't hurt?' She thought, setting her bags down next to the bed as she climbed in, hoping for a nice snooze.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Chemm was feeling better after Blue Cross comforted her feelings towards Erlen. She loved him. It was no secret anymore at Manehattan Hospital. As the two mares arrived at Manehattan Hospital, the hospital manager, a brown, black-maned stallion with a black mustache waited at the door to greet them. He gave a warm smile to them both as the manager spoke warmly but with a sense of urgency,


"Oh Chemm! You're here! Thank goodness! You've got surgical work to do! You worried me when you got really late for work! I hope you're alright Chemm!" Chemm appreciated her manager's concerns, but she was still feeling slightly hurt about Erlen. What secret could he be possibly hiding from her? Would it be horrifying to hear? It still bothered her, but she was definitely feeling better after Blue Cross came over, so she replied with a simple nod. The manager, relieved that she was alright now, quickly motioned Chemm to what would become one of the last surgical practices she would do before the inevitable...

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Catchkey had lost interest in his searching, having not found anything - the doors past a room or two down were now locked, presumably to force the ponies to remain in their rooms to prepare for the evening. As he sat down on the bed, he noticed that there was a door in the wall that he had clearly overlooked. A cool draft wafted from underneath, and Catch was intrigued as he fiddled with the knob. It was locked, but of course that was no problem for a stallion of his profession.


Opening his saddlebag he withdrew his lockpicking tools. Gauging the size and weight of the lock he carefully selected and inserted it into the lock, gently twisting. It was no difficulty, and he was almost disappointed as the door swung open to reveal a mare.


He swiftly recoiled and drew his hood back up, but she had likely already seen his face. Though Catchkey was handsome among his own kind, batwings weren’t looked at in the same way by ponykind. 


“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that there was an adjoining room,” he muttered, his voice a little urgent. He began to shut the door, his embarrassment masked by his feeling that he had done something terribly wrong, somehow.




Meanwhile, Loveless realized that she lacked a hoof polisher and she cursed, tossing her mane angrily. Though they would be covered by her slippers, she loved how shiny and neat they got when she did so. Exasperated by her stupidity (how could she have remembered something as insignificant as her miniature tangles brush? Not, of course, that she would dream of leaving that behind, she needed all twenty nine of her man brushes, not to mention the twenty three tail ones and eighteen coat).




Angry at herself, she slipped out of her room and headed to the next one over, 8B, but it was empty. She instead knocked on 9A, calling out "yoohoo, darling, would you kindly open the door?"


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  • 2 months later...

((( Revival attempt numero uno? )))


Ember slowly came to from her all-too-short slumber, yawning and stretching her wings. She eagerly jumped off of the bed, landing gracefully onto the rug beside it... which then slipped across the floor, causing Ember to lose her balance and fall face-first into her luggage.


"Oof." She exclaimed, rubbing her snout to relieve a bit of the pain. "At least I'm awake now. That nap really helped me out." She stood up, replacing the rug to it's original position, and turned towards the door. 'I think I'll explore the rest of the train!' Ember thought, stepping outside and walking down the hall. Shortly, however, she came across a rather lovely unicorn. Upon seeing this remarkably alluring pony, Ember began to blush, slightly.





"Um... Hi." Ember spoke, hesitantly. "You won the contest too?"

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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