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private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!


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As Bass Cannon finally finished one of her new songs, she played it a couple times to make sure it was 100% done, and it was. She started wondering if the music teacher would count a Synthesizer as an instrument. She just decided he would so she was now planning on bringing it to school tomorrow, along with a couple Subwoofers. And she also thought about having a live concert for the school... She might as well try and have one, but she didn't think the principal would allow it, but she'll give it a shot.

Edited by DJ Alicorn

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Regal was placing his things where he thought they should.

"This place is so silent" He took a short walk around his new home. He kinda missed his old home, but at the same time this was  better to him.

"I should do something" He gathered his bags and headed out. He planning to walk around the town, Just to get to know it better.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona got home and quickly started getting fixed up. She found a redish orange sun dress that she wore for fun and quickly got washed up. Corona put her mane up into a tail and tied her favorite red ribbon to the end of her tail. Saying bye to her parents she quickly flew out the door leaving her parents quite confused as to what had just happened and where she was going. Corona made it to the park fairly quickly taking a seat under a tree. I hope Sterling gets here soon. I can't wait to spend some time with him. Corona was smiling ear to ear, she then realized something. I.....I.....I couldn't be falling in love with him already could I....I mean we only met today and already I'm so excited to hang out with him.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling wasn't sure where he had to go to meet Corona. The school day was done and he was excited about being able to hang out with Corona after school! He waited at the school doors outside for a few minutes before opting to walk towards the park. She probably was there... at least, that's what he remembered her saying... He just hoped he was right. 


When he arrived at the nearby park, he could see a mare sitting lonely between two trees that protected her in the shade. Sterling took a closer look at the mare and then realized... it was Corona! The first thought on Sterling's mind was how dashing she looked... her orange dress complimented her mane very well, and it provided so much colour that multiplied her already amazing glamour... Sterling inwardly felt dreamy as he walked towards the beautifully dressed mare. He then called out to her with a shout,


"Corona!! Is that you?!"

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona turned her head quickly cracking her neck and gritting her teeth in the process. Ow...ow....ow Corona felt the pain vanish quickly and her heart start beating faster when she saw Sterling. "H...hi Sterling....I'm glad you were able to make it, and so quickly too. I only just got here myself." Corona smiled, but started to panic when she processed her sentence. "I mean....um....not that you're not fast or.....um.....ooohhh." Corona blushed deeply and hid her face behind her wings.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling took a notice of how shy Corona was getting. He couldn't quite understand it. He didn't do anything too awkward by shouting at her... or did he? Inwardly, he was wondering why she was so nervous around him. Still, he shook it off, remembering what his parents said: that if a mare was getting nervous, it meant that she either liked you very much or just needed some comforting first. Sterling figured it was both at this stage, but he still leaned towards the latter. Because of that, Sterling replied with a smile as he sat beside Corona under the large maple leaf trees,


"Corona... Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you invited me here. You look very pretty by the way." Sterling blushed slightly when he complimented her. Did he really say that? Hopefully it wouldn't make things any more awkward than it already was...


Hiding among the thick, green bushes sat Diamond Glitter and her salmon bodied apprentice... With her binoculars, Pinky Cream sighed as she focused on the crimson stallion. She then turned to Diamond Glitter and asked with an inquisitive look,


"So Diamond... Why exactly are we hiding here? If this is to let me see that handsome stallion, then thanks very much! He looks so cute..."


"UGH! Pinky! We're supposed to be seeing where they're off to today! We have to make sure we find the perfect opportunity to ruin Corona's little "meeting" with him! Now focus!" replied an annoyed Diamond with a sharp whisper as they continued to observe Sterling and Corona closely and safely in the bushes...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona mover her wing away from her face. "Th...thank you Sterling. I didn't say it before but you're quite the handsome stallion." Corona smiled, fighting off a lump in her throat. She was happy just sitting under the tree with Sterling but she knew that they had to do something together. It was then that Corona got a good idea, "Sterling how bout we walk through the park? I know of a small ice cream shop just outside the park we can go to once we walk through the park?" Corona smiled standing up, she extended a hoof to Sterling.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As Bass Cannon finished her thoughts, she decided to start making yet another song. Perhaps a new album. So she got her gear ready and started mixing. As she was creating her new mix, she thought about who would all be at the concert if it were actually going to happen. But she didn't think too hard about it as she was making her song.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sterling giggled in response to Corona's feelings about him. He had never imagined himself to be a handsome stallion by any means. When she invited Sterling to a walk around the park, everything seemed perfect for him. He responded warmly and excitedly as he extended his hoof to hold onto Corona's,


"I'd love to Corona. After all, I need to see more of Baltimare! I just moved in a few days ago and I still have to get a good feel for it."


Diamond Glitter and Pinky Cream were still among the bushes when Sterling extended his hoof to begin his walk with Corona. Diamond Glitter then motioned to her salmon coloured friend to follow them around without being seen. She didn't have a plan in mind yet, but she knew it would come soon enough... 

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(OOC:Sorry I have been busy in college. I should have most of the evening to myself now)

Regal walked around the town until he noticed a small diner. -I wonder what they serve here- He looked around unsure if to enter.

Taking a deep breathe he walked over to the entrance of the diner and entered.


"Hello" he said as he entered. 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Snowy Storm, @, @@Snowdream, @, @@Ampharos

(OOC: Sorry to all of you for making you wait so long for me to get back as I've told Sterling I've recently been moving into a new apartment and getting settled in with my girlfriend. This RP is by no means dead yet.)


@@Sterling Crimson


Corona smiled as she stood up and started walking with Sterling down the path that was in the park. "Yeah we just moved here a few days ago too. I remembered seeing the Ice Cream shop while I was in town with mom getting some groceries." Corona was happy to be spending time with Sterling her heart beat faster when she was around him. She couldn't deny it any longer, Corona was falling in love with Sterling. Corona only wondered if Sterling felt the same about her.

Edited by Umbreon

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling listened to Corona intently. He didn't want to seem uninterested in Corona; in many ways, he was very interested in her. He was shocked when Corona said that she had just moved in to Baltimare. She was just like him in that sense! Sterling certainly wanted to know her more now!


"Wait Corona, you just moved in too?!" Sterling exclaimed in reply. "Well where did you come from?! And why did you guys move?!" Sterling asked with surprise in his eyes.

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@@Sterling Crimson


"Oh well we came here from Cloudsdale. My dad is a journalist and it has him moving from time to time, but this time he says that this was a permanent move so we don't plan on leaving. It's a good thing too cause I was always getting picked on for my grey coat at my old school...and I thought it would be different here." Corona lowered her head a bit at the thought of the bullies she'd encountered in just her first day of class. Corona and Sterling made it to the entrance of the park and she giggled when she saw a group of fillies and colts playing together. "Why did you move here Sterling? I've never met another stallion as kind as you."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As the walk progressed, Sterling was more and more engaged in the conversation. Everything about Corona was just so interesting. The fact that her father too was a journalist raised Sterling's ears and eyes. He couldn't believe the similarities between him and her. It could have been pure coincidence, but at the same time, it could have been something more... he wasn't sure, but what he was sure about was that he liked Corona. What further drove those feelings was the fact Corona said he was the kindest stallion she ever met... that left him flustered, 


"Wow... your dad's a journalist too? So is my dad! He works with the sports section and used to report for the Manehattan Manekees before moving to Baltimare to report for the Baltimare Orioles instead. And thank you for the compliment. You're a very nice mare yourself." 

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@@Sterling Crimson


"My dad covers a lot of the major events around town. He was part of a small newspaper group back in Cloudsdale but the company went under. He was picked up by a new company for here." Corona gave a look of uneasiness when she heard Sterling mention that his father did sports. "Well I'll just warn you my dad grew up in Bitsburg so he's a big Pirates fan. I just hope our dads never talk about sports or I think we'd have to break up an argument." Corona chuckled. She was so engrosed by the conversation that she was having with Sterling. She had never had this much fun with somepony from school, sure she did have friends back in Cloudsdale but they never hung out with her that much. Sterling on the other hoof made her feel like they could hang out all the time.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling was wondering why her father would argue with Front Page. Front Page was an ardent Manehattan fan, and the Bitsburg Pirates weren't that big of a rival to the Manekees. He replied with a chuckle to Corona,


"Don't worry too much about sports arguments Corona. Bitsburg and Manehattan aren't big rivals, and they isn't much of a rivalry between them and Baltimare. After all, they're in different divisions and they don't play each other often. Still, we do have to be careful with these sorts of things. Who knows what sports can do to cause arguments?"


Sterling then noticed Corona's mention of her father losing her job. Front too lost his job in Manehattan because of a scandal... he didn't want to mention it to Corona, worried that it would make her think less of him... He was enjoying every moment with Corona, and he didn't want to ruin it with anything that would give him a bad name. 

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It seemed that no one was here, so Regal walked back outside to the street.  
"I should have really asked Snow if she wanted to hangout" He said sadly, it seemed no pony was around. -Maybe I should go to the park, I could use some fresh air-
Still having nothing to really keep him on track he wondered a bit, taking in the city. He was happy just watching the city and the ponies in it do there own thing.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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As Bass Cannon finished yet another song, she decided to take a break and get something to eat. She went over to the kitchen and hunted for some food but nothing good was really there, so she went out to get some food. As she walked down the street, she noticed quite a few ponies walking and running, and wondered where they were all going or what they were doing...

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona felt like there was more to the story but decided that it would be best not to question. Instead she just enjoyed the walk that they were having together, the hustle and bustle of the ponies doing their own things was staggering. Corona couldn't keep track of everything that was going on around her. Corona continued to walk with Sterling talking about their new school and a few light subjects, "Oh what are you going to be looking into for you're after school stuff? I'm thinking of going into the flight program and maybe one day I'll win our school a big trophy." Corona blushed in embarrassment at what she'd just caught herself saying, hiding herself behind a wing again.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling noticed Corona's wave of embarrassment as she hid herself under her wing. He could tell she loved to fly, and that she really wanted to great things. He giggled at Corona's cuteness. She looked so cute when she did that. He replied with a warm smile,


"Don't worry about that Corona. Just do your very best in what you do. I bet you'll be great! As for me, I want to be involved with the school's orchestra and the football club. No, not eggball with the egg-shaped ball. The game that's played all over the world! I love playing football, and my dad taught me some new tricks he learned from pro football players like Manedon Donovan and Bendit Buckham when interviewing them. I also play a lot of piano, so I hope to play as a pianist with the orchestra every now and then!"



Diamond Glitter and Pink Heart were still following around. Pink was getting tired, and she noticed Sterling taking a liking to Corona. She was getting desperate, but Diamond Glitter motioned her to be silent. As they overheard the conversation from a nearby bush, Diamond Glitter whispered with annoyance,


"Pink! If you had kept talking, we would have missed this! You see, Corona's trying out for flight club. You know what would be interesting? To get Sterling to see her audition, and to sabotage her tryout. Sterling will leave her in a flash, and once you start chatting with him, he'll fall for you. You like the sound of that?" Pink Heart giggled at the thought. All she cared about was getting to be with Sterling.


"That sounds good Diamond! Let's keep listening." replied Pink Heart with a careful whisper as they continued to listen...

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona's eyes widened when she heard Sterling talking about being a pianist, scratching the back of her head with her wing. "Heh well that kinda beats me. I'm hoping to become one of the wonderbolts...I'm a big fan of theirs and with Rainbow Dash in their group now, I really wanna be a part of it." It was then that they came upon the ice cream shop and headed into the small line. "What's your favorite flavor ice cream Sterling? I'm a classic lover so I really love vanilla." Corona squeed a bit at the thought of a vanilla ice cream cone.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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The two ponies had arrived at the ice cream shop. Sterling was excited. Being able to eat ice cream with a mare. A special mare at that. He was really beginning to like the looks of Corona. Even though she had a grey body, Sterling loved her shyness and her allurement. When asked about which ice cream he wanted to buy, Sterling responded with a gleeful smile,


"Personally Corona, I'm quite adventurous. I think outside the box. I like a taste that's reflective, yet exotic. Personally, I like to go for the vanilla flavour as well." Sterling then giggled at what he said. It was a terrible joke, but he liked to pull it off every now and then. He then bought some vanilla ice cream on a cup and started to eat happily with his plastic spoon.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona got a vanilla ice cream cone using her wing to hold it before they took a seat at one of the tables. Holding the cone in her hoof Corona to a bite out if the ice cream giggling as she felt the cold treat slide down her throat. "I'm really glad you agreed to spend this time with me Sterling this is the most fun that I've had in a while." Corona gave Sterling the most sincere smile ever, every word came from her heart. Corona took another bite and looked back at Sterling unaware that she had some ice cream on her nose.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As Sterling continued to eat his ice cream, he noticed how happy he was being with Corona. When he heard how she felt about Sterling, he gasped inwardly. A mare who truly felt comfort with him was not something you saw every day. He then replied with a smile,


"Corona. I'm really enjoying our time together too. You're the first mare who's even done anything like this to me. I'm so glad to have a pretty mare like you by my side." Sterling then noticed a light blotch of vanilla ice cream on her face. Sterling giggled as he moved his hoof towards her face to remove the ice cream...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona blushed a deep red when Sterling said that she was pretty, not many ponys ever said that about her. "Th...thank you Sterling that's very sweet of you to say so." Corona suddenly felt Sterling wipe the ice cream off of her nose and it practically made her melt like the cone in her hoof. Corona couldn't believe that this was happening, that she was falling for a kind and handsome stallion so quickly. It was then that she realized what time it was, and quickly finished off her ice cream cone. "I'm sorry Sterling but I need to go. We've got a guest coming over tonight and I'm going to be helping mom fix dinner." Corona put her hoof on Sterling's and gave a gentle smile. "I really enjoyed our time out together. I'd really like to go out again soon....um....that is if you're interested?" Corona blushed lightly.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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