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private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!


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Sterling sat down nervously as he heard Corona washing her hair and crying loudly. Sterling still couldn't believe it. Who could have done such a thing to her? All Sterling could realize was that this pony must have known that Corona's mane was one of her few sources of pride because of her grey body. Sterling continued to shake his head with torment as he continued to her Corona cry. He just had to comfort her... he had to help her...

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@@Snowy Storm,
"I got more to tell her than just what happened outside. It's gonna be a big surprise to everyone in school. And thanks. It helps to know the 2nd fastest flyer in the universe." She decided to open to the door and look in. No one. She closed the door, and back away. "Where the hell could she be?" And Bass Cannon took off flying around the school.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@@Sterling Crimson


The water stopped and Corona stepped out of the bathroom whiping the tears away. She stepped down a few stairs hearing her mother try to stop her. Her curiosity was answered as to why when she saw Sterling sitting on the sofa in their living room. Corona just froze, her orange and blue mane had large streaks of grey in them. She panicked and flew past her mother and into her room slamming the door behind her. Star Shine walked up knocking gently on the door. "Corona please come out, I let him come in cause he was worried about you." "NO TELL HIM TO GO AWAY, AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I'M UGLY ALL I HAD WAS MY MANE AND NOW IT'S RUINED TOO!" Corona cried through the door, Star Shine walked down stairs fighting back some tears before sitting down across from Sterling. "I'm sorry but I don't know what she'll say or do right now she's pretty upset."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling saw Corona walk out of her room and flew away with fear. Sterling was devastated. How could anypony have done this? Now Corona didn't want anypony to see her, not even him! Sterling had to do something, even if Corona looked extremely frightful. He would never live it down if he didn't do anything about it. Sterling responded to Corona's mother with a nervous, but intending look,


"Ma'am... I'd like to have a go at comforting Corona. Even though she doesn't look willing, I think that's what she really needs right now..." Sterling then got up and slowly walked up the stairs as Corona's sobs gradually grew louder. When Sterling arrived at the door to Corona's room, he knocked and spoke with fright, worried about Corona's response,


"Corona... You're... you're not ugly... I can tell your audition went really well... I overheard ponies who were amazed with your flying abilities. Please let me speak to you. I think you're special Corona. I don't care about your body. I want to be your friend because of who you are on the inside. You comforted me Corona, and I want to do the same to you."

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona just sobbed inside her room, she didn't want anything to do with anypony right now. "NO GO AWAY! I DON'T DESERVE TO BE SEEN ANYMORE!" Star Shine ushered Sterling down the stairs and back to the couch in the living room. "Just give her some time to calm down and then try to talk to her ok. I should probably explain her colors to you so that you understand. Not many ponies know that Corona's coat color wasn't her choice, and why she only has the colors in her mane from me and her father. Would you like to hear it Sterling?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling didn't want to leave, but he had to. He couldn't stand seeing her cry like this. With the way Corona was crying though, he had to leave. When he walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, Sterling's attention remained on Corona's body. When Corona's mother spoke however, Sterling's attention piqued. There was an underlying story behind we grey body? It wasn't her choice? Sterling wasn't surprised at that! After all, from genetics class, he knew undesirable traits could arise from mutations, but he never knew grey colour was one of them. Sterling responded with intrigue and fright,


"There's... there's a story behind her grey colour? What happened?!"

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@@Sterling Crimson


Star Shine hovered over to a bookshelf and pulled out an old photo album before taking a seat on the couch next to Sterling. She opened it up and started flipping through some of the pages most of which were that of her and her husband. Then the pictures turned into those of Star Shine when she was expecting Corona and mostly with her hoof in the way, obviously not wanting to be photographed by her husband at the time. The last batch of pictures was of Star Shine at the hospital with what had to have been Corona. The little filly was a golden yellow with the blue and orange mane and tail. "As you can see Sterling Corona was a beautiful little filly, I was sure that she was going to live a happy and wonderful life. But things didn't go that well, within a few days she started loosing color on her body small patches of her yellow coat faded to the grey you see on her now. Her father and I didn't know what to do, we had the doctor run all tests that were safe for her on her." Star Shine started to tear up whiping away some of the tears before continuing her story.


"The doctors eventually figured out what was wrong. They told us that she had a extremely rare type of hypopigmentation, that instead of making her color get darker it removed the color completely. The doctors told us that there's no cure since it's written into her genetics. Thankfully though it only seemed to affect her coat and not her mane too, if she'd lost that too...I don't know what she would've done." Star Shine closed the book after she'd flipped through it, each picture after Corona was born was the speed and spots on her that turned grey. Star Shine flew back to the bookshelf and set the book back on the shelving, Corona on the other had had lightened in her crying and Star Shine motioned for Sterling to try again.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling could see Star Shine's tears growing and growing as she retold the sad story of Corona's mane. Sterling couldn't understand it. Why did somepony like her get hypopigmentation? Were there other ponies like her who received the same fate? Sterling could only wonder with sadness as Star Shine recalled her tale of woe. Sterling took a good look at Star Shine, who then motioned him to come upstairs and comfort Corona.


Sterling was still worried. He wasn't sure how Corona would react to him entering her presence as he knocked on Corona's door cautiously. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, wondering what Corona would do...

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona slowly opened the door cracking it enough just for her to peek out with one eye. She had on a black hoodie with the hood covering her head. The hood didn't completely cover her mane so it showed some of the grey in her mane now. "Oh h...hi Sterling you can come in if you want I guess." Corona lightly pushed the door open before sliding back into her bed and hiding the rest of her body under her covers. Corona sniffled a little whipping some tears away. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier but I just needed some space. It's sweet that you think I'm a good flyer but I don't know if I'm going to go back."


(posting from phone so no color text right now.)

Edited by Umbreon

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling didn't know what to do right now. Corona opened the door for him to enter, to which he did, but he wasn't sure what to say or do. He looked around Corona's room first, marveling at the things in her room. All Sterling could ponder was her passion for flying... When Corona apologized to Sterling, Sterling responded with a warm smile,


"Corona. It's ok. I would have done the same thing. I know you're a wonderful flyer. I think there was at least one stallion who was impressed with your flying. I'm not sure which one though." At this point, Sterling crept closer. He wasn't sure whether it was a good time to do this, but he wanted to comfort her. He slowly extended his hoof to Corona's body and slowly gave her a side hug.


"Corona... I... I want to know you from the inside. I've never thought about your body one bit when we first met. I want to know the real Corona, the one who wants to do everything she loves to do like flying." Sterling wasn't sure whether it would comfort Corona at this point, but at least he gave a try. And he didn't mention his knowledge on Corona's sad story...

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(Not Regal, but rather Forest Wind)

"An unbeatable team you say?" his eyebrow shot up.

"I could use some help. I did strain my wings on that descent" he flexed his wings. "Fine, but don't hold me back or I'll leave you in the dust" Forest still had another trick to show off.

"If your ready I'll tell you my next trick. I'm going high into the air, once in the air I'm going to make a large arc and fall over backwards, but as we fall I'll spread my wings open and start making large winding circles that will grow smaller and smaller the closer we get to the ground. Once we get close enough to the ground we will close our wings and make an angle plunge to the ground and we will open our wings again, so that we can make a close to the ground hover. You got all that?" Forest didn't wait long he took off to the skies once more and flew high again.


@@Snowdream,@@Sterling Crimson,

"I do love peaceful music. I like playing the flute more then anything, but the harp can have its moments" He looked at Snowdream

"I still haven't heard you sing, but I have no doubt that it... it's good" he was slowly turning red "And if you join the drama club we could have fun acting and things"

((OOC: sorry about my inactivity guys, for the past few weeks I have been on holiday in Thailand with my family, so I haven't had much time for RP, but I'm home now so I can get back into this!))


Snowdream blushed at Regal again.


"I'd love acting with you, that'd be cool." She said looking into his eyes.

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona poked her head slightly out from the hood of her hoodie a light smile on her face. "Th...thank you Sterling y...you're really sweet Sterling....I'm glad we're friends." Corona shuffled her hooves a bit, she couldn't really hide how she was feeling anymore and with Sterling always being there for her she was certain that this was right. Corona slowly slid out of her bed and turned on the light in her room. What showed next was a bunch of Wonderbolt posters on the wall, some of them signed by them including Spitfire, and even Rainbow Dash. Corona then walked into her closet and came back out with a cloth pouch with what seemed like a globe. "This is my most prized possesion, it was something that Princess Luna gave me." Corona turned out the lights, the bag seemed to glow, Corona gently pulled out a orb with a black void but with stars inside it.


Corona set it on her desk on a little stand, and she stared at it for a moment and then back to Sterling. "Sterling can you promise me something?" Corona touched the orb with her wing looking ant and then gave the most loving eyes at Sterling. "Promise me that we'll always be together."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling saw Corona smiling onward at him. He was glad that she was feeling better now. Sterling then could see the Wonderbolts Poster... He knew it all along. Corona loved to fly, and her room showed it once she turned on the light. Corona then showed Sterling an orb with many stars on it. He was wowed by the sight, marveling at its beauty and essence. Sterling could only stare at it like a statue before Corona asked him...


"Yes Corona... we'll always be together... I really like you Corona. I think you're very special." Sterling replied warmly after Corona asked. It was a complete no-brainer, and this whole experience made that belief all the stronger...

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 Seeing Snowdream blush made Regal turn red a little.
"Yeah I would like to see you act" He looked back at her to only see her staring at him. For a moment he looked back at her. Her light blue eyes seemed to lock him in some sort of trance. He quickly looked away turning redder then before.
"Hey Snowdream" he said somewhat looking at her. "Would you like to hang out after school?"
Forest sighed and watched Bass Fly away. Forest took wing. He had two new pegasus to deal with, He would need to show them who is the greater flier of the three. He was top dog, no pony would take that title from him. his friends saw him and joined him in the air.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona blushed deeply when she heard Sterling's answer. Corona left the globe sitting on the desk as it lit up on it's own, it was literally a galaxy of its own. Corona walked over to Sterling and removed her hood, the streaks of grey in her mane with some parts completely covered with grey paint. She leaned in closely to Sterling and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, pulling back slowly, her cheeks crimson red as she hid her face behind her wings. "I like you too Sterling you're very special to me and I don't want to loose you."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Snowy Storm,
Bass Cannon had already done a lap around the school twice by the time Forest was already in the air. "I can't find her anywhere. She must not be at school yet... Which is odd, she always is... Guess I'll have to wait till later." Bass Cannon instantly takes off and flies out the school.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sterling blushed and swooned when he was kissed by Corona. He had never been kissed by a mare before. Most mares shook him off whenever he got near one. He could sense that he was special to her, and the moment had become pure bliss for him. Sterling smiled back at Corona as he continued to embrace Corona in his hug.


"Say no more Corona... Say no more..." Sterling whispered. He felt wonderful having comforted a mare, and the fact it was Corona made this moment all the better...

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona felt her heart flutter when Sterling hugged her this time. Corona just wanted nothing more than to be around him and be there for him when he would need her. For now she was more than content with going back to school, she couldn't just sit back and roll over with this. "Thank you Sterling...for everything. We should probably get back to school I'll need to make sure I explain myself to coach Lightening." Corona stood up and tossed her hoodie into her closet, coming out with a star hair clip and her mane in a tail. "Come on Sterling I'll fly us back to the school. I'm not going to run anymore from stuff like this, I'm just going to keep going."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling's heart was raised even more after Corona smiled at him. Sterling looked at the clock and noticed that school was underway! He jumped at the clock, but quickly composed himself knowing that Corona was there. Sterling's feelings soared once more when Corona offered to let Sterling ride on her back to Hoofstomp High. Sterling gladly replied,


"Oh Corona! I'll certainly get on! Let's get back to school so you can show them all what an amazing flyer you are!" before jumping on Corona, eagerly anticipating the ride ahead... 

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona felt her knees shake a little when Sterling hopped on her back and her heart skipped a beat. Corona opened her window and took off into the sky. Corona was having the time of her life, she had the confidence to go back and face the school but most of all she was having such strong feelings for Sterling right now that she didn't care about anything else. "What do you think Sterling are you having fun? This is everything to me without it I don't know what I'd do."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Seeing Snowdream blush made Regal turn red a little.

"Yeah I would like to see you act" He looked back at her to only see her staring at him. For a moment he looked back at her. Her light blue eyes seemed to lock him in some sort of trance. He quickly looked away turning redder then before.

"Hey Snowdream" he said somewhat looking at her. "Would you like to hang out after school?"



Forest sighed and watched Bass Fly away. Forest took wing. He had two new pegasus to deal with, He would need to show them who is the greater flier of the three. He was top dog, no pony would take that title from him. his friends saw him and joined him in the air.

Snowdreams eyes lit up as Regal asked if she wanted to hangout after school.


"I'd love to!" She said enthusiastically, noticing the deep blush on his cheeks.


He looks a little nervous she thought.


"I was going to ask you the same question yesterday, but I wasn't sure if you would want to hang out with me... So I didn't..." She revealed with a nervous giggle and a shy smile

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Corona had just taken to the skies. Sterling was wowed at the view. He was even more stunned at how Corona could carry him across the skies with such ease. When Sterling looked down however, he quickly closed his eyes, fearing for his life... Heights was not something he enjoyed dearly, and the thought of falling left him very scared as he held even tighter onto Corona's body.

"C-C-Corona!! How... how can you not be afraid of heights?! This is exciting and terrifying at the same time!!" Sterling shouted in fear as he was increasingly overwhelmed by the winds that blew past his face as the duo flew across the skies towards Hoofstomp High...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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"Really?" Said Regal a little surprised. "You know I wanted to ask you yesterday, but for some reason I couldn't say it" 
Hearing her giggle and seeing her smile made Regal smile as well. He had no idea why, but seeing her smile made his heart make a small leap.

"Milady I would never say no to you" he said as he ran a hoof throw his mane. he checked the clock on the wall.
"Well we still have time before school is over. Should we go looking for Sterling and Corona?"



Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Really?" Said Regal a little surprised. "You know I wanted to ask you yesterday, but for some reason I couldn't say it"

Hearing her giggle and seeing her smile made Regal smile as well. He had no idea why, but seeing her smile made his heart make a small leap.

"Milady I would never say no to you" he said as he ran a hoof throw his mane. he checked the clock on the wall.

"Well we still have time before school is over. Should we go looking for Sterling and Corona?"


"You'd never say no to me huh?" Snowdream said with a devilish grin.


I could have fun with this she thought to herself.

"Well in that case..." She said, trying to think of something she could say, "uhh! I give up, my brain obviously thinks that I shouldn't take advantage of your gentlecoltliness" she said in defeat.


Actually come to think of it, we are really different. Regal seems so posh and polite and, well... regal. But then there's me, I'm immature, loud and compared to him, completely uncouth! I hope that our differences don't create some kind of barrier between us... she thought with a troubled look on her face. Maybe I should start being more like him... She had been concentrating on her thoughts so much that she completely missed what Regal said next.

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona giggled hearing Sterling's question, and she decided to tease him just a little. Corona started to slow down once they were closer to the school. Landing softly on the grass outside "Flying doesn't scare me at all Sterling, it just has to be the fact that you're not a pegasus like me. We live to fly it's a freedom that not many ponies know about, being able to go anywhere you want just by flapping your wings is something grand." Corona smiled, she headed inside and started trotting through the halls. Some of the other ponies looked and laughed while some gasped and even worried about her. Corona wouldn't let it bother her this time because she had Sterling now, and nopony could change that.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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