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open Sword Art Online: Pony style!


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"Sure no problem seems like fun" Lighting said as he accepted the invite. Then dash one of the boars away from the group. It tumbled on the ground and Lighting kicked it away as it turned back into polygons before he dashed toward the next boar "coming for ya." He said getting exited


"Hey dont star without us" Equinox said as he charged at one of the boars and jumped up and plunged his blade into the boar then side stepped another one and used slant on the other one. "Skills are so overpowered its funny really but as soo as we fight the boss of this area its gonna be hard to fight" Equinox said as he remember when he fought the boss on the 16th floor and had troubles 

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"Sorry if I am to fast." Lighting said not realizing he was rude " I thought if get separated their group it would be easier." He said as he destroyed the other boar "look I saved the others for you unless you want some help with that." He said with a smile on his face.

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Equinox threw his katan at a boar that was about to hit him and retrieved his blade. "Yeah well cockiness will get you killed" Equinox said as he saw his quest was completed. "Sweet im done here I can finish this quest and get that short sword so I can start dual wielding sooner" Equinox said

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Truffletop followed his instructions and got a pop-up in her menu. "Yup, there it is." She tapped the tip of her hoof against the circle and she noticed a green diamond hovering over Malik's head. Taking a look around, she also noticed that there was an extra health bar added to the top left of her visual HUD. "Wow, this is pretty cool. A lot of useful information floating around now... So, what would you like to do first?"

"Well I was about to head into town to turn in a quest. When you are in a party you get shared experience and rewards from completing a quest, even if only one member has done it."

*Malik explained.*

"You wanna come with? Its got a nice reward for the first floor."

*Malik pulled up the quest screen.*

"A set of six health potions too. Nice reward and would be pretty useful in the coming jobs."

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"These are the weakest enemies in the game right I think it's ok to be a bit cocky around here besides I just having fun around here I mean its a game that's what your suppose to do right. Also is there an item that can make a player immune to unicorn magic I don't to get In a fight with another player but don't want them to magic me down and stab me to death either no offense." He asked equinox.

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"I dunno." Burning said. She didn't remember because she was killing them so quickly. "Can we go somewhere else now?" Burning said. 


Casey killed another boar. "Cool." Casey replied as she finished the boar off. She was ready to be a warrior. She understood what Lighting was saying.

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"Well I was about to head into town to turn in a quest. When you are in a party you get shared experience and rewards from completing a quest, even if only one member has done it."

*Malik explained.*

"You wanna come with? Its got a nice reward for the first floor."

*Malik pulled up the quest screen.*

"A set of six health potions too. Nice reward and would be pretty useful in the coming jobs."

"Wait a minute..." Truffletop said, pondering on what Malik had just told her.  "This whole time this game had quests?  No one told me that earlier!  Dang, I probably missed something else in town.  Well, I guess if I'll still get the rewards that'll help.  Are there any other quests in town?"

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"First off I believe our magic is nerfed so we can only use it to hold weapons" Equinox said as he went back to the gate and opened the quest info. "Short sword and six healing stones...awesome" Equinox said as he knew once he turned two quest in on for killing the boars and one for collecting the stuff they drop he would gain enough exp to be lvl 4 if he fight a bit more after turning in the collecting quest.

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"We might as well..." Blazing said. He didn't know where to go, but he was getting bored of killing these boars anyway. "Where do we go next though?" He asked. Maybe we should stop back at the town for awhile, see if there's anything interesting there... He thought.

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"Let's go to the town!" Burning said happily. She tested out her flying and flew to the town. She was very excited today. \



Casey listened to Equinox and Lighting talk. She had finished her quest as well. Casey got a long sword and 5 healing stones. "interesting..." she thought.

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"Wait a minute..." Truffletop said, pondering on what Malik had just told her. "This whole time this game had quests? No one told me that earlier! Dang, I probably missed something else in town. Well, I guess if I'll still get the rewards that'll help. Are there any other quests in town?"

"The town of begginings has about six single quests and one short questline. Alternatively, you could go dungeon crawling, fighting through dungeons gives more experience and better loot than quests, but they are also a lot more difficult."

*Malik explained.*

"Dungeon crawling is usually better done at a higher level. Easiest dungeon is probably best done at level eight. Then there are the major dungeons."

*Malik looked at the tower far off in the distance.*

"Once even a single player completes the major dungeon, all players are able to advance to the next floor freely. But the major dungeons are incredibly difficult, and each one boasts a powerful boss, each with unique abilities."

*Malik shrugged.*

"The game just came out, I assume it might be a week or two before someone beats the first major dungeon."

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Blazing followed, not saying anything. He was still a bit lost in thought, so he couldn't really say anything. Hm... Maybe I should get some better armor... And a better weapon... Nah, I'll do that later I guess. He thought, he didn't know why he was thinking about that, but it was what was on his mind.

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"The town of begginings has about six single quests and one short questline. Alternatively, you could go dungeon crawling, fighting through dungeons gives more experience and better loot than quests, but they are also a lot more difficult."

*Malik explained.*

"Dungeon crawling is usually better done at a higher level. Easiest dungeon is probably best done at level eight. Then there are the major dungeons."

*Malik looked at the tower far off in the distance.*

"Once even a single player completes the major dungeon, all players are able to advance to the next floor freely. But the major dungeons are incredibly difficult, and each one boasts a powerful boss, each with unique abilities."

*Malik shrugged.*

"The game just came out, I assume it might be a week or two before someone beats the first major dungeon."

Truffletop pondered the thought of a dungeon for a moment.  "Hm... Well, I want to get to that dungeon as soon as possible then.  After all, more risk and more reward.  Those are odds that I like."  She started walking towards the down.  "Come on, we gotta get to town right?  Don't be a slowpoke, pokey!"  She giggled awkwardly a bit to herself as she walked.

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"Hey you guys you want to go to the dungeon and try to com...on second thought never mind I need to go...see you guys later" Equinox said as he brought up his menu and sees no logout button. "Hey uh...I cant log out..." Equinox said looking at Casey and Lighting. "Can you guys log out?" Equinox asked

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Casey checked her log out button. There wasn't a log out button. "What the heck?!" Casey said. She was freaked out. 


Burning landed in the town. She waited for Blazing. "I wonder if there's anything cool around here...." Burning thought. She really wanted to upgrade her armor and weapons. Also, she had to log out soon.

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"let me check" Lighting said as he brought up his menu "My is gone too.  This is not good I got a cheese pizza coming to my house in about 10 minutes"  he started breathing irregularly fast and panic "what is goning on are all MMO's like this this during launch first one i've played."

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Truffletop pondered the thought of a dungeon for a moment. "Hm... Well, I want to get to that dungeon as soon as possible then. After all, more risk and more reward. Those are odds that I like." She started walking towards the down. "Come on, we gotta get to town right? Don't be a slowpoke, pokey!" She giggled awkwardly a bit to herself as she walked.

*Malik smiled.*

"Well then I guess we had better get to power leveling then. If you go into a dungeon at too low of a level, shop gets wrecked."

*Malik explained as he walked with Truffletop towards the town.*

"Now then, if we want to get to the first dungeon quickly, we should start with that brief questline. Its low level, but we can get up a level or two doing it and that will let us start fighting higher level enemies so we can gain more experience thus getting us to even higher levels."

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*Malik smiled.*

"Well then I guess we had better get to power leveling then. If you go into a dungeon at too low of a level, shop gets wrecked."

*Malik explained as he walked with Truffletop towards the town.*

"Now then, if we want to get to the first dungeon quickly, we should start with that brief questline. Its low level, but we can get up a level or two doing it and that will let us start fighting higher level enemies so we can gain more experience thus getting us to even higher levels."

Truffletop grinned, happy at the thought of it.  "Sounds awesome!"  She paused for a moment to think while talking.  "Say, you seem to know a lot about this game.  You mentioned a beta test earlier.  Were you part of that by chance?"  She looked eagerly at Malik, curiously.

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Blazing caught up to Burning and asked, "I forgot to ask, how long are you going to be online?" He had a tendency to be up all night most of the time, but he didn't know if he should keep playing once Burning got offline. Meh, if she logs off I have no reason to play... And besides, I don't want to get too far ahead of her. He thought.

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This is not good I got a cheese pizza coming to my house in about 10 minutes"
(OMG good reference)


Lets head to town square I just got a message that theres is an announcement maybe this will be explained" Equinox said as he looked at Casey and Lighting. "Lets go" Equinox said as he headed back to town. "Better be a reason for this"

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"I have to log off soon" Burning said. She checked the log off button. "There's no log out button!" Burning yelled. She was scared. "Check yours" Burning told Blazing.



Casey thought of something. "Why don't we contact the gm?" Casey asked. She contacted the GM and nothing happened. She followed Equinox.


(I have to go to sleep soon.)

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Blazing checked where to log out, there was nothing there. "I can't log out either!" He said to himself. I guess I really had nothing better to do... But really? There's no way out? He thought. "Maybe it's just a glitch... We should see if anypony else is having the same problem." He suggested.

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Truffletop grinned, happy at the thought of it.  "Sounds awesome!"  She paused for a moment to think while talking.  "Say, you seem to know a lot about this game.  You mentioned a beta test earlier.  Were you part of that by chance?"  She looked eagerly at Malik, curiously.

"I was one of the beta testers, yeah."

*Malik replied.*

"My personal level I got to forty-four, and the beta testers as a group got to level sixteen. Out of the ten thousand people who managed to get into the the game so far, about a thousand of us were beta testers, we know more about the game so far than anyone else."

*Malik said, with only a hint of boasting in his voice.*

"But to be honest, they have probably changed a lot about the game since the beta test. Wouldn't want us to have too much of an advantage. We did get the game for free on release day though, so there is a plus."

*Malik overheard someone complaining about not being able to log off. He quickly checked his menu and scrolled to the options, to find that his log off option was missing as well.*

"Well, thats not good. Check your menu, it looks like the log off option is missing from the list."

*He said to Truffletop.*

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Everyone got teleported to the town. A pony in a cloak popped up. "Greetings. I am Kayaba Akihiko. I am the GM of SAO. I purposely put no log out button. I wanted to control a world I made. If someone takes of your nerve gear helmet it destroys your brain. There is no way to get out of SAO except for one way. You must clear the 100th floor to get out. There is no way to revive a player either. Once your dead in here the nerve gear helmet destroys your brain. Good luck to all the players of SAO" he said. With that, he disappeared.


Burning was really mad. "That stupid pony!" she yelled. She was ticked off.


Casey was scared. "Will I ever see my family again?" she thought.


(This is my last post for the night.)

Edited by Drawingpandapony
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"Well here is the town center, Looks like a lot of players here are having the same problem as us."  Lighting looked around a saw everyone was talking to each other in a great panic wondering what was going on with the game. " What do you two think is going on I'm ready to listen to conspiracy theroies at this point

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