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The Dark vs. The Light

Strong Hooves

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Princess Celestia? Is this pony insane? Winter thought as she helped the pony out of the crater. She walked off to her house with the pony, avoiding all the eyes looking at her and the colt.


"Here we are!" She exclaimed when they got to her house. She pulled out a key from her saddlebag and walked in, closing the door behind them. She walked him up the stairs into her bedroom, and laid him set him down on the bed. "You need some rest," She said, staring down at the pony.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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"Uhh... thank you... this is... very kind of you..." said Static as he lay down, "But all this isnt really necessary, do you by chance know any pegasi that can bring a storm cloud over to me? This may sound crazy... but that would really speed up my healing process"


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And they did it right there on her bed.


Winter left the room, went downstairs, opened the door, and exited the house. She looked around for Rainbow Dash.Maybe she'll be checking out the crater... Winter thought as she started walking towards the place where she had saved the poor colt.

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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"Yeah!" said Rainbow Dash, flying circles all around Applejack as they walked away from the crater towards Sugarcube Corner. "Man, if I could just find out how to do that neat trick!" She placed a hoof on her chest and closed her eyes. "I. Would be. AWESOME. There's no way the Wonderbolts wouldn't let me in."

Applejack sighed. "He won't be doing much teaching, that pony, the state he's in. Forget it Dash, let's just make sure we arrive at Pinkie's party in time."

"Ah!" Rainbow Dash's eyes shot open. "The party!" She shot into the air at an incredible speed, heading for Sugarcube corner.

"Wha-Hey, wait a minute! Not all of us have wings, Dash!" yelled Applejack. "Dagnabbit..." She ran after her flying friend.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Rainbow Dash skidded to a halt in mid-air. "What? What is it? Can't you see I'm trying to not be later than I already am?" she asked crossly.

Applejack caught up and overtook her. "Well, looks like your wings sure didn't save ya this time," she laughed, running into the Cakes' shop.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Oh, sorry!" Winter called out, "I just need to help out this other injured pony. He says he needs a... storm cloud. I am no pegasus, so I can't help him," Winter blushed, feeling embarrassed for making Rainbow late...

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Winter led Rainbow Dash to her house, and pointed to a window on the second floor. "In there," she said, "I can open the window while you get the storm cloud..."


(Going to bed. Bye.)

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(Me too)


Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'm not an errand girl! But fine...he owes me one for making me miss the party."

Within ten seconds Rainbow Dash had stuffed a storm cloud into the window. "There, now I'm outta here," she announced, before taking off again.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Static saw as the speedy mare came and left, leaving the cloud... inside the room. "Well I didnt need it inside" he muttered, then pushed the cloud back out the window and stepped onto it, already feeling the lightning with it ready to be unleashed...


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(OOC: Sorry for not staying in the loop--my hours on the board make it hard to constantly stick with this, but I'll do my best!)


Having passed Rainbow Dash, the lightning bolt was the next thing to catch Sunny's attention. He turned back quickly to see that it wasn't near his house or the school where his children were, and went to investigate, upon which he was again buzzed by Rainbow Dash.


< tag Rainbow Dash >


Serves me right for calling her out like that...we'll need to have a proper race one of these days. Why was she leaving Twilight's library in such a hurry? It's not like she's at a lack of things to read up in her cloud home! He descended, landing near the entrance to the Library and knocked on the slightly open door, which caused it to open up the rest of the way. "Twilight? Anypony home? There was a strange lightning bolt, and I just wanted to make sure everything was all right."


< tag Twilight >



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rose heard a loud sound outside that was close to an explosion, causing worry to skyrocket in Rose's mind. Running outside of her store, she trotted towards the direction the noise was heared.


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Static knew he needed to recharge, as he was sapped of energy from his little drop in into the town. Static dug his hooves into the storm cloud, and immedieately the lightning began to course all around him, traveling all around his body and shooting off into the air as well, his cutiemark glowed again as this happened, and the wounds that were on his body faded, looking as if he had never even been hurt at all. He absorbed all of the lightning, leaving the storm cloud a pearly white, he opened his wings and took off for where he previously crashed in the town square, hoping somepony was still there that knew the princess enough to hopefully get him an audience with her, I need to hurry, every second passed is a second wasted...


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(Nopony is rping Twilight? Great, looks like I have to do another of the Mane Six http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png)


Twilight looked up from the mound of books she was buried in? "Huh? Oh! Hello there! Yes, can I help you?" she asked distractedly.


Applejack slowly walked out of the Cakes' shop, embarrassed, as Rainbow Dash, clocking full speed, bowled into her. "Hey! Watch it, Dash."

"Am I late?" asked Rainbow Dash worriedly.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Actually, somepony-" she looked embarrassed-"got the dates mixed up. It's next Friday...I'm awfully sorry."

"Whaat?" groaned Dash, facehoofing. "Are you kidding me? Well, what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day then? I gave up my spot in the Flash 500 Grand Prix just so Pinkie wouldn't have to yell at me...."

"We could go see how Twilight's doin," said Applejack thoughtfully. "That pony is so caught up in her studies, she wouldn't notice if the barn roof caved in."


(Yeah...without a plot to go on, I'm stuck doing random stuff :)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Static came to the twon square and saw two mares, one with a cowpony hat and the other with a rainbow colored mane and tail, quickly flying to them, he called out, "Excuse me!! Do any of you two know anypony that can get me an audience with Princess Celestia? Its very important!".


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"No," said Rainbow Dash a bit crossly, still remembering the errand she had been asked to do for this pony with not even a word of thanks afterword. "We don't have the Princess's ear. Come on, Applejack, let's hurry..."

Applejack shrugged and gave the pony a sheepish smile of apology before being dragged off by Dash towards the library.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Colt over heard the pony asking for the princess, he walked up to him and said "hey, while I don't personally know the princess, I can take you to canterlot, it will be much easier to get an audience with her there"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Static looked at Colt, "Alright thanks, just... Hold on a sec" he then took off toward RD, flying and hovering in front of her with an angry look on his face, "An attitude like that won't get you too far you know. If you can't get to the princess, the. All you had to say was 'no sorry', not snapping the way you did". As static said this, sparks of electricity crackled in the top of his mane, he was clearly annoyed by her attitude.


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Rainbow Dash folded her arms. "Yeah? I've already helped you out once with the storm cloud. It made me late, and I didn't even get a simple thank-you. Be glad I didn't outright ignore you this time." (I'm displaying RD's jerk personality atm, lemme know if I'm overdoing it too much)

"Aw shucks, don't fight, you guys. Come on Dash, let's just get moving," sighed Applejack. She tipped her cowpony hat to Static. "Sorry sir, but she's a bit easy to provoke."



Twilight Sparkle slammed the book shut. "Great, I'm done! How many more?" She looked to her left, and to her surprise it was empty. Then she looked to her right. "Oh..." Her tail drooped as she saw the pillar of books towering over her.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Sunrise looked into the library, not sure if Twilight had noticed him or not. What he did notice, however, was the large stack of books that was in danger of teetering and falling down on her. "Careful! Hang on, I'll help you, Twilight!"



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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